""" OpenSfM related utils """ import os, shutil, sys, json import yaml from opendm import io from opendm import log from opendm import system from opendm import context from opendm import camera from opensfm.large import metadataset from opensfm.large import tools class OSFMContext: def __init__(self, opensfm_project_path): self.opensfm_project_path = opensfm_project_path def run(self, command): # Use Python 2.x by default, otherwise OpenSfM uses Python 3.x system.run('/usr/bin/env python2 %s/bin/opensfm %s "%s"' % (context.opensfm_path, command, self.opensfm_project_path)) def is_reconstruction_done(self): tracks_file = os.path.join(self.opensfm_project_path, 'tracks.csv') reconstruction_file = os.path.join(self.opensfm_project_path, 'reconstruction.json') return io.file_exists(tracks_file) and io.file_exists(reconstruction_file) def reconstruct(self, rerun=False): tracks_file = os.path.join(self.opensfm_project_path, 'tracks.csv') reconstruction_file = os.path.join(self.opensfm_project_path, 'reconstruction.json') if not io.file_exists(tracks_file) or rerun: self.run('create_tracks') else: log.ODM_WARNING('Found a valid OpenSfM tracks file in: %s' % tracks_file) if not io.file_exists(reconstruction_file) or rerun: self.run('reconstruct') else: log.ODM_WARNING('Found a valid OpenSfM reconstruction file in: %s' % reconstruction_file) # Check that a reconstruction file has been created if not self.reconstructed(): log.ODM_ERROR("The program could not process this dataset using the current settings. " "Check that the images have enough overlap, " "that there are enough recognizable features " "and that the images are in focus. " "You could also try to increase the --min-num-features parameter." "The program will now exit.") exit(1) def setup(self, args, images_path, photos, reconstruction, append_config = [], rerun=False): """ Setup a OpenSfM project """ if rerun and io.dir_exists(self.opensfm_project_path): shutil.rmtree(self.opensfm_project_path) if not io.dir_exists(self.opensfm_project_path): system.mkdir_p(self.opensfm_project_path) list_path = io.join_paths(self.opensfm_project_path, 'image_list.txt') if not io.file_exists(list_path) or rerun: # create file list has_alt = True has_gps = False with open(list_path, 'w') as fout: for photo in photos: if not photo.altitude: has_alt = False if photo.latitude is not None and photo.longitude is not None: has_gps = True fout.write('%s\n' % io.join_paths(images_path, photo.filename)) # check for image_groups.txt (split-merge) image_groups_file = os.path.join(args.project_path, "image_groups.txt") if io.file_exists(image_groups_file): log.ODM_INFO("Copied image_groups.txt to OpenSfM directory") io.copy(image_groups_file, os.path.join(self.opensfm_project_path, "image_groups.txt")) # check for cameras if args.cameras: try: camera_overrides = camera.get_opensfm_camera_models(args.cameras) with open(os.path.join(self.opensfm_project_path, "camera_models_overrides.json"), 'w') as f: f.write(json.dumps(camera_overrides)) log.ODM_INFO("Wrote camera_models_overrides.json to OpenSfM directory") except Exception as e: log.ODM_WARNING("Cannot set camera_models_overrides.json: %s" % str(e)) use_bow = False matcher_neighbors = args.matcher_neighbors if matcher_neighbors != 0 and reconstruction.multi_camera is not None: matcher_neighbors *= len(reconstruction.multi_camera) log.ODM_INFO("Increasing matcher neighbors to %s to accomodate multi-camera setup" % matcher_neighbors) log.ODM_INFO("Multi-camera setup, using BOW matching") use_bow = True # create config file for OpenSfM config = [ "use_exif_size: no", "feature_process_size: %s" % args.resize_to, "feature_min_frames: %s" % args.min_num_features, "processes: %s" % args.max_concurrency, "matching_gps_neighbors: %s" % matcher_neighbors, "matching_gps_distance: %s" % args.matcher_distance, "depthmap_method: %s" % args.opensfm_depthmap_method, "depthmap_resolution: %s" % args.depthmap_resolution, "depthmap_min_patch_sd: %s" % args.opensfm_depthmap_min_patch_sd, "depthmap_min_consistent_views: %s" % args.opensfm_depthmap_min_consistent_views, "optimize_camera_parameters: %s" % ('no' if args.use_fixed_camera_params or args.cameras else 'yes'), "undistorted_image_format: tif", "bundle_outlier_filtering_type: AUTO", "align_orientation_prior: vertical", "triangulation_type: ROBUST", "bundle_common_position_constraints: %s" % ('no' if reconstruction.multi_camera is None else 'yes'), ] if args.camera_lens != 'auto': config.append("camera_projection_type: %s" % args.camera_lens.upper()) if not has_gps: log.ODM_INFO("No GPS information, using BOW matching") use_bow = True if use_bow: config.append("matcher_type: WORDS") if has_alt: log.ODM_INFO("Altitude data detected, enabling it for GPS alignment") config.append("use_altitude_tag: yes") gcp_path = reconstruction.gcp.gcp_path if has_alt or gcp_path: config.append("align_method: auto") else: config.append("align_method: orientation_prior") if args.use_hybrid_bundle_adjustment: log.ODM_INFO("Enabling hybrid bundle adjustment") config.append("bundle_interval: 100") # Bundle after adding 'bundle_interval' cameras config.append("bundle_new_points_ratio: 1.2") # Bundle when (new points) / (bundled points) > bundle_new_points_ratio config.append("local_bundle_radius: 1") # Max image graph distance for images to be included in local bundle adjustment else: config.append("local_bundle_radius: 0") if gcp_path: config.append("bundle_use_gcp: yes") if not args.force_gps: config.append("bundle_use_gps: no") io.copy(gcp_path, self.path("gcp_list.txt")) config = config + append_config # write config file log.ODM_INFO(config) config_filename = self.get_config_file_path() with open(config_filename, 'w') as fout: fout.write("\n".join(config)) else: log.ODM_WARNING("%s already exists, not rerunning OpenSfM setup" % list_path) def get_config_file_path(self): return io.join_paths(self.opensfm_project_path, 'config.yaml') def reconstructed(self): if not io.file_exists(self.path("reconstruction.json")): return False with open(self.path("reconstruction.json"), 'r') as f: return f.readline().strip() != "[]" def extract_metadata(self, rerun=False): metadata_dir = self.path("exif") if not io.dir_exists(metadata_dir) or rerun: self.run('extract_metadata') def is_feature_matching_done(self): features_dir = self.path("features") matches_dir = self.path("matches") return io.dir_exists(features_dir) and io.dir_exists(matches_dir) def feature_matching(self, rerun=False): features_dir = self.path("features") matches_dir = self.path("matches") if not io.dir_exists(features_dir) or rerun: self.run('detect_features') else: log.ODM_WARNING('Detect features already done: %s exists' % features_dir) if not io.dir_exists(matches_dir) or rerun: self.run('match_features') else: log.ODM_WARNING('Match features already done: %s exists' % matches_dir) def align_reconstructions(self, rerun): alignment_file = self.path('alignment_done.txt') if not io.file_exists(alignment_file) or rerun: log.ODM_INFO("Aligning submodels...") meta_data = metadataset.MetaDataSet(self.opensfm_project_path) reconstruction_shots = tools.load_reconstruction_shots(meta_data) transformations = tools.align_reconstructions(reconstruction_shots, tools.partial_reconstruction_name, True) tools.apply_transformations(transformations) self.touch(alignment_file) else: log.ODM_WARNING('Found a alignment done progress file in: %s' % alignment_file) def touch(self, file): with open(file, 'w') as fout: fout.write("Done!\n") def path(self, *paths): return os.path.join(self.opensfm_project_path, *paths) def extract_cameras(self, output, rerun=False): if not os.path.exists(output) or rerun: try: reconstruction_file = self.path("reconstruction.json") with open(output, 'w') as fout: fout.write(json.dumps(camera.get_cameras_from_opensfm(reconstruction_file), indent=4)) except Exception as e: log.ODM_WARNING("Cannot export cameras to %s. %s." % (output, str(e))) else: log.ODM_INFO("Already extracted cameras") def update_config(self, cfg_dict): cfg_file = self.get_config_file_path() log.ODM_INFO("Updating %s" % cfg_file) if os.path.exists(cfg_file): try: with open(cfg_file) as fin: cfg = yaml.safe_load(fin) for k, v in cfg_dict.items(): cfg[k] = v log.ODM_INFO("%s: %s" % (k, v)) with open(cfg_file, 'w') as fout: fout.write(yaml.dump(cfg, default_flow_style=False)) except Exception as e: log.ODM_WARNING("Cannot update configuration file %s: %s" % (cfg_file, str(e))) else: log.ODM_WARNING("Tried to update configuration, but %s does not exist." % cfg_file) def name(self): return os.path.basename(os.path.abspath(self.path(".."))) def get_submodel_argv(project_name = None, submodels_path = None, submodel_name = None): """ Gets argv for a submodel starting from the argv passed to the application startup. Additionally, if project_name, submodels_path and submodel_name are passed, the function handles the value and --project-path detection / override. When all arguments are set to None, --project-path and project name are always removed. :return the same as argv, but removing references to --split, setting/replacing --project-path and name removing --rerun-from, --rerun, --rerun-all, --sm-cluster removing --pc-las, --pc-csv, --pc-ept flags (processing these is wasteful) adding --orthophoto-cutline adding --dem-euclidean-map adding --skip-3dmodel (split-merge does not support 3D model merging) tweaking --crop if necessary (DEM merging makes assumption about the area of DEMs and their euclidean maps that require cropping. If cropping is skipped, this leads to errors.) removing --gcp (the GCP path if specified is always "gcp_list.txt") reading the contents of --cameras """ assure_always = ['--orthophoto-cutline', '--dem-euclidean-map', '--skip-3dmodel'] remove_always_2 = ['--split', '--split-overlap', '--rerun-from', '--rerun', '--gcp', '--end-with', '--sm-cluster'] remove_always_1 = ['--rerun-all', '--pc-csv', '--pc-las', '--pc-ept'] read_json_always = ['--cameras'] argv = sys.argv result = [argv[0]] i = 1 found_args = {} while i < len(argv): arg = argv[i] if i == 1 and project_name and submodel_name and arg == project_name: i += 1 continue elif i == len(argv) - 1: # Project name? if project_name and submodel_name and arg == project_name: result.append(submodel_name) found_args['project_name'] = True i += 1 continue if arg == '--project-path': if submodels_path: result.append(arg) result.append(submodels_path) found_args[arg] = True i += 2 elif arg in assure_always: result.append(arg) found_args[arg] = True i += 1 elif arg == '--crop': result.append(arg) crop_value = float(argv[i + 1]) if crop_value == 0: crop_value = 0.015625 result.append(str(crop_value)) found_args[arg] = True i += 2 elif arg in read_json_always: try: jsond = io.path_or_json_string_to_dict(argv[i + 1]) result.append(arg) result.append(json.dumps(jsond)) found_args[arg] = True except ValueError as e: log.ODM_WARNING("Cannot parse/read JSON: {}".format(str(e))) finally: i += 2 elif arg in remove_always_2: i += 2 elif arg in remove_always_1: i += 1 else: result.append(arg) i += 1 if not found_args.get('--project-path') and submodels_path: result.append('--project-path') result.append(submodels_path) for arg in assure_always: if not found_args.get(arg): result.append(arg) if not found_args.get('project_name') and submodel_name: result.append(submodel_name) return result def get_submodel_args_dict(): submodel_argv = get_submodel_argv() result = {} i = 0 while i < len(submodel_argv): arg = submodel_argv[i] next_arg = None if i == len(submodel_argv) - 1 else submodel_argv[i + 1] if next_arg and arg.startswith("--"): if next_arg.startswith("--"): result[arg[2:]] = True else: result[arg[2:]] = next_arg i += 1 elif arg.startswith("--"): result[arg[2:]] = True i += 1 return result def get_submodel_paths(submodels_path, *paths): """ :return Existing paths for all submodels """ result = [] if not os.path.exists(submodels_path): return result for f in os.listdir(submodels_path): if f.startswith('submodel'): p = os.path.join(submodels_path, f, *paths) if os.path.exists(p): result.append(p) else: log.ODM_WARNING("Missing %s from submodel %s" % (p, f)) return result def get_all_submodel_paths(submodels_path, *all_paths): """ :return Existing, multiple paths for all submodels as a nested list (all or nothing for each submodel) if a single file is missing from the submodule, no files are returned for that submodel. (i.e. get_multi_submodel_paths("path/", "odm_orthophoto.tif", "dem.tif")) --> [["path/submodel_0000/odm_orthophoto.tif", "path/submodel_0000/dem.tif"], ["path/submodel_0001/odm_orthophoto.tif", "path/submodel_0001/dem.tif"]] """ result = [] if not os.path.exists(submodels_path): return result for f in os.listdir(submodels_path): if f.startswith('submodel'): all_found = True for ap in all_paths: p = os.path.join(submodels_path, f, ap) if not os.path.exists(p): log.ODM_WARNING("Missing %s from submodel %s" % (p, f)) all_found = False if all_found: result.append([os.path.join(submodels_path, f, ap) for ap in all_paths]) return result