Replaced pyexiv2 with exifread, code cleanup

Former-commit-id: ac2ae59aa3
Piero Toffanin 2018-09-13 16:56:49 -04:00
rodzic c7d29cf795
commit 700cf80ff2
6 zmienionych plików z 51 dodań i 139 usunięć

Wyświetl plik

@ -15,8 +15,8 @@ RUN apt-get update -y
RUN apt-get install --no-install-recommends -y git cmake python-pip build-essential software-properties-common python-software-properties libgdal-dev gdal-bin libgeotiff-dev \
libgtk2.0-dev libavcodec-dev libavformat-dev libswscale-dev python-dev python-numpy libtbb2 libtbb-dev libjpeg-dev libpng-dev libtiff-dev libjasper-dev libflann-dev \
libproj-dev libxext-dev liblapack-dev libeigen3-dev libvtk6-dev python-networkx libgoogle-glog-dev libsuitesparse-dev libboost-filesystem-dev libboost-iostreams-dev \
libboost-regex-dev libboost-python-dev libboost-date-time-dev libboost-thread-dev python-pyproj python-empy python-nose python-pyside python-pyexiv2 python-scipy \
libexiv2-dev liblas-bin python-matplotlib libatlas-base-dev swig2.0 python-wheel libboost-log-dev libjsoncpp-dev python-gdal
libboost-regex-dev libboost-python-dev libboost-date-time-dev libboost-thread-dev python-pyproj python-empy python-nose python-pyside python-scipy \
liblas-bin python-matplotlib libatlas-base-dev swig2.0 python-wheel libboost-log-dev libjsoncpp-dev python-gdal
RUN apt-get remove libdc1394-22-dev
RUN pip install --upgrade pip
@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ RUN apt-get clean && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* /tmp/* /var/tmp/*
# Clean Superbuild
RUN rm -rf /code/SuperBuild/download /code/SuperBuild/src/opencv /code/SuperBuild/src/pcl /code/SuperBuild/src/pdal /code/SuperBuild/src/opengv /code/SuperBuild/src/mvstexturing /code/SuperBuild/src/ceres /code/SuperBuild/build/opencv
RUN rm -rf /code/SuperBuild/download /code/SuperBuild/src/opencv /code/SuperBuild/src/pcl /code/SuperBuild/src/pdal /code/SuperBuild/src/opengv /code/SuperBuild/src/mvstexturing /code/SuperBuild/src/ceres /code/SuperBuild/build/opencv /code/SuperBuild/src/exiv2lib
# Entry point
ENTRYPOINT ["python", "/code/", "code"]

Wyświetl plik

@ -87,9 +87,7 @@ install() {
echo "Installing OpenDroneMap Dependencies"
apt-get install -y -qq python-pyexiv2 \
python-scipy \
libexiv2-dev \
apt-get install -y -qq python-scipy \
echo "Installing lidar2dems Dependencies"

Wyświetl plik

@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ RUN apt-get update -y
RUN apt-get install --no-install-recommends -y git cmake python-pip build-essential software-properties-common python-software-properties libgdal-dev gdal-bin libgeotiff-dev \
libgtk2.0-dev libavcodec-dev libavformat-dev libswscale-dev python-dev python-numpy libtbb2 libtbb-dev libjpeg-dev libpng-dev libtiff-dev libjasper-dev libflann-dev \
libproj-dev libxext-dev liblapack-dev libeigen3-dev libvtk6-dev python-networkx libgoogle-glog-dev libsuitesparse-dev libboost-filesystem-dev libboost-iostreams-dev \
libboost-regex-dev libboost-python-dev libboost-date-time-dev libboost-thread-dev python-pyproj python-empy python-nose python-pyside python-pyexiv2 python-scipy \
libexiv2-dev liblas-bin python-matplotlib libatlas-base-dev swig2.0 python-wheel libboost-log-dev libjsoncpp-dev python-gdal
libboost-regex-dev libboost-python-dev libboost-date-time-dev libboost-thread-dev python-pyproj python-empy python-nose python-pyside python-scipy \
liblas-bin python-matplotlib libatlas-base-dev swig2.0 python-wheel libboost-log-dev libjsoncpp-dev python-gdal
RUN apt-get remove libdc1394-22-dev
RUN pip install --upgrade pip
@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ RUN apt-get clean && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* /tmp/* /var/tmp/*
# Clean Superbuild
RUN rm -rf /code/SuperBuild/download /code/SuperBuild/src/opencv /code/SuperBuild/src/pcl /code/SuperBuild/src/pdal /code/SuperBuild/src/opengv /code/SuperBuild/src/mvstexturing /code/SuperBuild/src/ceres /code/SuperBuild/build/opencv
RUN rm -rf /code/SuperBuild/download /code/SuperBuild/src/opencv /code/SuperBuild/src/pcl /code/SuperBuild/src/pdal /code/SuperBuild/src/opengv /code/SuperBuild/src/mvstexturing /code/SuperBuild/src/ceres /code/SuperBuild/build/opencv /code/SuperBuild/src/exiv2lib
# Entry point
ENTRYPOINT ["python", "/code/", "code"]

Wyświetl plik

@ -53,14 +53,6 @@ def benchmark(start, benchmarking_file, process):
with open(benchmarking_file, 'a') as b:
b.write('%s runtime: %s seconds\n' % (process, delta))
def run_and_return(cmdSrc, cmdDest=None):
"""Run a system command and return the output"""
process = subprocess.Popen(cmdSrc, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)
stdout, stderr = process.communicate()
return stdout.decode('ascii')
def mkdir_p(path):
"""Make a directory including parent directories.

Wyświetl plik

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import cv2
import pyexiv2
import exifread
import re
from fractions import Fraction
from opensfm.exif import sensor_string
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ import log
import io
import system
import context
import logging
class ODM_Photo:
""" ODMPhoto - a class for ODMPhotos
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ class ODM_Photo:
self.longitude = None
self.altitude = None
# parse values from metadata
self.parse_pyexiv2_values(self.path_file, force_focal, force_ccd)
self.parse_exif_values(self.path_file, force_focal, force_ccd)
# compute focal length into pixels
@ -55,39 +55,30 @@ class ODM_Photo:
self.focal_length_px = \
self.height * (self.focal_length / self.ccd_width)
def parse_pyexiv2_values(self, _path_file, _force_focal, _force_ccd):
# read image metadata
metadata = pyexiv2.ImageMetadata(_path_file)
# loop over image tags
for key in metadata:
# try/catch tag value due to weird bug in pyexiv2
# ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: ''
GPS = 'Exif.GPSInfo.GPS'
def parse_exif_values(self, _path_file, _force_focal, _force_ccd):
# Disable exifread log
with open(_path_file, 'rb') as f:
tags = exifread.process_file(f, details=False)
# parse tag names
if key == 'Exif.Image.Make':
self.camera_make = metadata[key].value
elif key == 'Exif.Image.Model':
self.camera_model = metadata[key].value
elif key == 'Exif.Photo.FocalLength':
self.focal_length = float(metadata[key].value)
elif key == GPS + 'Latitude':
self.latitude = self.dms_to_decimal(*metadata[key].value +
[metadata[GPS + 'LatitudeRef'].value])
elif key == GPS + 'Longitude':
self.longitude = self.dms_to_decimal(*metadata[key].value +
[metadata[GPS + 'LongitudeRef'].value])
elif key == GPS + 'Altitude':
self.altitude = float(metadata[key].value)
if metadata[GPS + 'AltitudeRef'] and int(metadata[GPS + 'AltitudeRef'].value) > 0:
self.altitude *= -1.
except (pyexiv2.ExifValueError, ValueError) as e:
except KeyError as e:
log.ODM_DEBUG('Tag not set')
except NotImplementedError as e:
if 'Image Make' in tags:
self.camera_make = tags['Image Make'].values.encode('utf8')
if 'Image Model' in tags:
self.camera_model = tags['Image Model'].values.encode('utf8')
if 'EXIF FocalLength' in tags:
self.focal_length = self.float_values(tags['EXIF FocalLength'])[0]
if 'GPS GPSAltitude' in tags:
self.altitude = self.float_values(tags['GPS GPSAltitude'])[0]
if 'GPS GPSAltitudeRef' in tags and self.int_values(tags['GPS GPSAltitudeRef'])[0] > 0:
self.altitude *= -1
if 'GPS GPSLatitude' in tags and 'GPS GPSLatitudeRef' in tags:
self.latitude = self.dms_to_decimal(tags['GPS GPSLatitude'], tags['GPS GPSLatitudeRef'])
if 'GPS GPSLongitude' in tags and 'GPS GPSLongitudeRef' in tags:
self.longitude = self.dms_to_decimal(tags['GPS GPSLongitude'], tags['GPS GPSLongitudeRef'])
except IndexError as e:
log.ODM_WARNING("Cannot read EXIF tags for %s: %s" % (_path_file, e.message))
if self.camera_make and self.camera_model:
self.make_model = sensor_string(self.camera_make, self.camera_model)
@ -116,14 +107,21 @@ class ODM_Photo:
log.ODM_WARNING('Could not find ccd_width in file. Use --force-ccd or edit the sensor_data.json '
'file to manually input ccd width')
def dms_to_decimal(self, degrees, minutes, seconds, sign=' '):
def dms_to_decimal(self, dms, sign):
"""Converts dms coords to decimal degrees"""
return (-1 if sign[0] in 'SWsw' else 1) * (
float(degrees) +
float(minutes) / 60 +
float(seconds) / 3600
degrees, minutes, seconds = self.float_values(dms)
return (-1 if sign.values[0] in 'SWsw' else 1) * (
degrees +
minutes / 60 +
seconds / 3600
def float_values(self, tag):
return map(lambda v: float(v.num) / float(v.den), tag.values)
def int_values(self, tag):
return map(int, tag.values)
# TODO: finish this class
class ODM_Reconstruction(object):
@ -277,81 +275,6 @@ class ODM_GeoRef(object):
# call pdal'{bin}/pdal pipeline -i {json} --readers.ply.filename={f_in}'.format(**kwargs))
def utm_to_latlon(self, _file, _photo, idx):
gcp = self.gcps[idx]
kwargs = {'proj': self.projection,
'file': _file,
'x': gcp.x + self.utm_east_offset,
'y': gcp.y + self.utm_north_offset,
'z': gcp.z}
latlon = system.run_and_return('echo {x} {y} {z} '.format(**kwargs),
'gdaltransform -s_srs \"{proj}\" '
'-t_srs \"EPSG:4326\"'.format(**kwargs)).split()
# Example: 83d18'16.285"W
# Example: 41d2'11.789"N
# Example: 0.998
if len(latlon) == 3:
lon_str, lat_str, alt_str = latlon
elif len(latlon) == 2:
lon_str, lat_str = latlon
alt_str = ''
log.ODM_ERROR('Something went wrong %s' % latlon)
lat_frac = self.coord_to_fractions(latlon[1], ['N', 'S'])
lon_frac = self.coord_to_fractions(latlon[0], ['E', 'W'])
# read image metadata
metadata = pyexiv2.ImageMetadata(_photo.path_file)
# #set values
# # GPS latitude
# key = 'Exif.GPSInfo.GPSLatitude'
# value = lat_frac[0].split(' ')
# log.ODM_DEBUG('lat_frac: %s %s %s' % (value[0], value[1], value[2]))
# metadata[key] = pyexiv2.ExifTag(key,
# [Fraction(value[0]),
# Fraction(value[1]),
# Fraction(value[2])])
# key = 'Exif.GPSInfo.GPSLatitudeRef'
# value = lat_frac[1]
# metadata[key] = pyexiv2.ExifTag(key, value)
# # GPS longitude
# key = 'Exif.GPSInfo.GPSLongitude'
# value = lon_frac[0].split(' ')
# metadata[key] = pyexiv2.ExifTag(key,
# [Fraction(value[0]),
# Fraction(value[1]),
# Fraction(value[2])])
# key = 'Exif.GPSInfo.GPSLongitudeRef'
# value = lon_frac[1]
# metadata[key] = pyexiv2.ExifTag(key, value)
# # GPS altitude
# altitude = abs(int(float(latlon[2]) * 100))
# key = 'Exif.GPSInfo.GPSAltitude'
# value = Fraction(altitude, 1)
# metadata[key] = pyexiv2.ExifTag(key, value)
# if latlon[2] >= 0:
# altref = '0'
# else:
# altref = '1'
# key = 'Exif.GPSInfo.GPSAltitudeRef'
# metadata[key] = pyexiv2.ExifTag(key, altref)
# # write values
# metadata.write()
def extract_offsets(self, _file):
if not io.file_exists(_file):

Wyświetl plik

@ -98,14 +98,13 @@ class ODMLoadDatasetCell(ecto.Cell):
# run UTM extraction binary
extract_utm = system.run_and_return('{bin}/odm_extract_utm -imagesPath {imgs}/ '
'-imageListFile {imgs_list} -outputCoordFile {coords} {verbose} '
'-logFile {log}'.format(**kwargs))
if extract_utm != '':
try:'{bin}/odm_extract_utm -imagesPath {imgs}/ '
'-imageListFile {imgs_list} -outputCoordFile {coords} {verbose} '
'-logFile {log}'.format(**kwargs))
log.ODM_WARNING('Could not generate coordinates file. '
'Ignore if there is a GCP file. Error: %s'
% extract_utm)
'Ignore if there is a GCP file')
outputs.reconstruction = types.ODM_Reconstruction(photos, coords_file=tree.odm_georeferencing_coords)