
3707 wiersze
115 KiB

2018-12-21 13:56:11 +00:00
2020-08-10 14:27:13 +00:00
process.on('uncaughtException', function(err) {
2023-04-27 18:45:28 +00:00
//showErrorDialog(err, attempts = 2) // make two attempts to show an uncaughtException in a dialog
if (DEBUG) {
} else {
2020-08-10 14:27:13 +00:00
2023-04-27 18:45:28 +00:00
function showErrorDialog(err, attempts) {
console.error('Attempting to show an error dialog.')
if (!attempts) return;
try {
let options = {
type: 'error',
buttons: ['OK'],
title: 'Error',
message: `An error occured.`,
detail: `${err.message}\r\r\rIf you feel this shouldn't be happening, please report it at:\r\r`,
let window = BrowserWindow.getFocusedWindow()
dialog.showMessageBoxSync(window, options)
} catch (e) {
console.error(`An error occurred trying show an error, ho-boy. ${e}. We'll try again ${attempts} more time(s).`)
setTimeout(() => {
showErrorDialog(err, --attempts)
}, millisecondDelay = 2000);
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
// To see console.log output run with `DEBUGCONTROL=true electron .` or set environment variable for DEBUGCONTROL=true
// debug_log debug overhead
2020-04-19 07:40:14 +00:00
DEBUG = false;
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
if (process.env.DEBUGCONTROL) {
DEBUG = true;
console.log("Console Debugging Enabled")
function debug_log() {
if (DEBUG) {
console.log.apply(this, arguments);
} // end Debug Logger
debug_log("Starting OpenBuilds CONTROL v" + require('./package').version)
2018-06-26 10:33:13 +00:00
2018-07-11 09:02:41 +00:00
var config = {};
2023-04-27 18:45:28 +00:00
config.webPorts = [3000, 3020, 3200, 3220]
config.webPortIdx = 0;
config.nextWebPort = function() {
config.webPort = config.webPorts[config.webPortIdx]
if (config.webPortIdx == config.webPorts.length) {
throw new Error(`No ports were available to start the http server.\r\rWe tried ports ${config.webPorts.join(",")}.`);
return config.webPort;
config.webPort = process.env.WEB_PORT || config.nextWebPort();
config.posDecimals = process.env.DRO_DECIMALS || 3;
2022-07-06 20:08:38 +00:00
config.grblWaitTime = 0.5;
2018-07-11 09:02:41 +00:00
config.firmwareWaitTime = 4;
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
var express = require("express");
var app = express();
var http = require("http").Server(app);
2018-07-11 09:02:41 +00:00
var https = require('https');
2023-02-16 17:05:26 +00:00
//var ioServer = require('');
const {
Server: ioServer
} = require('');
2021-02-01 21:31:46 +00:00
var io = new ioServer();
2018-07-11 09:02:41 +00:00
var fs = require('fs');
2018-07-11 12:39:24 +00:00
var path = require("path");
const join = require('path').join;
2023-02-16 17:05:26 +00:00
const {
} = require('mkdirp')
//const drivelist = require('drivelist'); // removed in 1.0.350 due to Drivelist stability issues
2018-07-11 12:39:24 +00:00
2022-12-20 18:50:36 +00:00
// FluidNC test
var fluidncConfig = "";
// FluidNC end test
2022-07-06 20:08:38 +00:00
2018-09-18 14:09:11 +00:00
app.use(express.static(path.join(__dirname, "app")));
2021-01-20 16:23:46 +00:00
2023-02-23 13:24:27 +00:00
app.use(function setCommonHeaders(req, res, next) {
res.set("Access-Control-Allow-Private-Network", "true");
app.all('/*', function(req, res, next) {
res.header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");
res.header("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "X-Requested-With");
res.header("Access-Control-Allow-Private-Network", "true");
2018-09-18 14:09:11 +00:00
2020-11-20 15:50:37 +00:00
// Interface firmware flash'/uploadCustomFirmware', (req, res) => {
// 'firmwareBin' is the name of our file input field in the HTML form
let upload = multer({
storage: storage
upload(req, res, function(err) {
// req.file contains information of uploaded file
// req.body contains information of text fields, if there were any
if (err instanceof multer.MulterError) {
return res.send(err);
} else if (err) {
return res.send(err);
// Display uploaded image for user validation
firmwareImagePath = req.file.path;
2022-11-10 21:06:34 +00:00
2020-11-20 15:50:37 +00:00
// end Interface Firmware flash
2020-03-19 14:21:06 +00:00
//Note when renewing Convert zerossl cert first `openssl.exe rsa -in domain-key.key -out domain-key.key`
// fix error: App threw an error during load
// Error: error:06000066:public key routines:OPENSSL_internal:DECODE_ERROR
2018-07-11 09:02:41 +00:00
var httpsOptions = {
2020-06-01 17:15:27 +00:00
key: fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, 'privkey1.pem')),
cert: fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, 'fullchain1.pem'))
2018-07-11 09:02:41 +00:00
const httpsserver = https.createServer(httpsOptions, app).listen(3001, function() {
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
debug_log('https: listening on:' + ip.address() + ":3001");
2018-07-11 09:02:41 +00:00
2023-04-27 18:45:28 +00:00
const httpserver = http.listen(config.webPort, '', httpServerSuccess).on('error', httpServerError);
function httpServerSuccess() {
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
debug_log('http: listening on:' + ip.address() + ":" + config.webPort);
2023-04-27 18:45:28 +00:00
if (jogWindow) {
function httpServerError(error) {
// If unable to start (port in use) - try next port in array from config.nextWebPort()
2018-07-11 09:02:41 +00:00
const grblStrings = require("./grblStrings.js");
2022-07-06 20:08:38 +00:00
// Serial
2022-11-10 21:06:34 +00:00
const {
} = require('serialport')
const {
2024-04-08 20:55:14 +00:00
} = require('@serialport/parser-readline')
2022-07-06 20:08:38 +00:00
// telnet
const net = require('net');
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
var ip = require("ip");
2022-07-06 20:08:38 +00:00
const Evilscan = require('evilscan');
var md5 = require('md5');
2018-06-19 20:25:40 +00:00
var _ = require('lodash');
2018-06-27 14:08:24 +00:00
var formidable = require('formidable')
var lastsentuploadprogress = 0;
2018-07-11 09:02:41 +00:00
// Electron app
const electron = require('electron');
const electronApp =;
2024-04-25 14:27:42 +00:00
2022-11-22 16:29:24 +00:00
const {
} = require('electron')
2019-05-21 12:09:53 +00:00
if (isElectron()) {
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
debug_log("Local User Data: " + electronApp.getPath('userData'))
2022-11-22 16:29:24 +00:00
2018-07-11 09:02:41 +00:00
const BrowserWindow = electron.BrowserWindow;
const Tray = electron.Tray;
const nativeImage = require('electron').nativeImage
const Menu = require('electron').Menu
2019-01-10 17:42:08 +00:00
var forceQuit
2018-07-16 17:24:09 +00:00
2018-07-11 09:02:41 +00:00
var appIcon = null,
jogWindow = null,
mainWindow = null
2018-08-28 16:12:42 +00:00
var autoUpdater
2018-07-11 12:39:24 +00:00
2020-11-23 19:06:28 +00:00
var updateIsDownloading = false;
if (isElectron()) {
2018-08-28 16:12:42 +00:00
autoUpdater = require("electron-updater").autoUpdater
var availversion = '0.0.0'
autoUpdater.on('checking-for-update', () => {
var string = 'Starting update... Please wait';
var output = {
'command': 'autoupdate',
'response': string
io.sockets.emit('updatedata', output);
autoUpdater.on('update-available', (ev, info) => {
updateIsDownloading = true;
var string = "Starting Download: v" + ev.version;
availversion = ev.version
var output = {
'command': 'autoupdate',
'response': string
io.sockets.emit('updatedata', output);
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
autoUpdater.on('update-not-available', (ev, info) => {
var string = 'Update not available. Installed version: ' + require('./package').version + " / Available version: " + ev.version + ".\n";
if (require('./package').version === ev.version) {
string += "You are already running the latest version!"
var output = {
'command': 'autoupdate',
'response': string
io.sockets.emit('updatedata', output);
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
autoUpdater.on('error', (ev, err) => {
if (err) {
var string = 'Error in auto-updater: \n' + err.split('SyntaxError')[0];
} else {
var string = 'Error in auto-updater';
var output = {
'command': 'autoupdate',
'response': string
io.sockets.emit('updatedata', output);
autoUpdater.on('download-progress', (ev, progressObj) => {
updateIsDownloading = true;
var string = 'Download update ... ' + ev.percent.toFixed(1) + '%';
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
var output = {
'command': 'autoupdate',
'response': string
io.sockets.emit('updatedata', output);
io.sockets.emit('updateprogress', ev.percent.toFixed(0));
2018-07-11 12:39:24 +00:00
autoUpdater.on('update-downloaded', (info) => {
var string = "New update ready";
var output = {
'command': 'autoupdate',
'response': string
io.sockets.emit('updatedata', output);
2018-08-10 19:42:30 +00:00
io.sockets.emit('updateready', availversion);
// repeat every minute
setTimeout(function() {
io.sockets.emit('updateready', availversion);
2023-04-27 18:45:28 +00:00
}, 1000 * 60 * 60 * 8) // 8hrs before alerting again if it was snoozed
updateIsDownloading = false;
2018-08-28 16:12:42 +00:00
} else {
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
debug_log("Running outside Electron: Disabled AutoUpdater")
2018-07-11 12:39:24 +00:00
if (isElectron()) {
var uploadsDir = electronApp.getPath('userData') + '/upload/';
} else {
var uploadsDir = process.env.APPDATA || (process.platform == 'darwin' ? process.env.HOME + 'Library/Preferences' : '/var/local')
2020-12-15 17:06:42 +00:00
var jobStartTime = false;
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
var jobCompletedMsg = ""; // message sent when job is done
2018-08-29 08:11:14 +00:00
var uploadedgcode = ""; // var to store uploaded gcode
2019-04-29 17:26:29 +00:00
var uploadedworkspace = ""; // var to store uploaded OpenBuildsCAM Workspace
2018-07-11 09:02:41 +00:00
2020-03-19 15:13:52 +00:00
mkdirp(uploadsDir).then(made =>
debug_log('Created Uploads Temp Directory'))
2018-07-03 20:54:15 +00:00
2020-04-20 20:58:03 +00:00
// Check USB Selective Suspend Settings
function checkPowerSettings() {
if (process.platform == 'win32') {
debug_log("Checking Power Settings")
var powerplan = "",
usbselectiveAC = false,
usbselectiveDC = false;
const {
} = require('child_process');
const cfg = exec('powercfg /GETACTIVESCHEME', function(error, stdout, stderr) {
if (error) {
debug_log('Error code: ' + error.code);
debug_log('Signal received: ' + error.signal);
// console.log('Child Process STDOUT: ' + stdout);
// console.log('Child Process STDERR: ' + stderr);
powerplan = stdout.split(":")[1].split("()")[0].trim()
cfg.on('exit', function(code) {
debug_log('powercfg /GETACTIVESCHEME exited with exit code ' + code);
if (code == 0) {
const usbsetting = exec('powercfg /q ' + powerplan, function(error, stdout, stderr) {
if (error) {
debug_log('Error code: ' + error.code);
debug_log('Signal received: ' + error.signal);
// console.log('Child Process STDOUT: ' + stdout);
// console.log('Child Process STDERR: ' + stderr);
usbselective = (stdout.slice("USB selective suspend setting") - 1)).split("\n")
usbselective.length = 7;
if (usbselective[5].indexOf("0x00000000") != -1) {
debug_log("USB Selective Suspend DISABLED on AC power ")
status.driver.powersettings.usbselectiveAC = false;
} else if (usbselective[5].indexOf("0x00000001") != -1) {
debug_log("USB Selective Suspend ENABLED on AC power ")
status.driver.powersettings.usbselectiveAC = true;
if (usbselective[6].indexOf("0x00000000") != -1) {
debug_log("USB Selective Suspend DISABLED on DC power ")
status.driver.powersettings.usbselectiveDC = false;
} else if (usbselective[6].indexOf("0x00000001") != -1) {
debug_log("USB Selective Suspend ENABLED on DC power ")
status.driver.powersettings.usbselectiveDC = true;
usbsetting.on('exit', function(code) {
debug_log('powercfg /q exited with exit code ' + code);
setTimeout(function() {
debug_log(status.driver.powersettings.usbselectiveDC, status.driver.powersettings.usbselectiveAC)
2022-07-06 20:08:38 +00:00
}, 100);
2020-04-20 20:58:03 +00:00
// end USB Selective Suspend
2022-07-06 20:08:38 +00:00
var oldportslist, oldiplist;
2019-02-11 19:29:44 +00:00
var oldpinslist;
2018-06-19 20:25:40 +00:00
const iconPath = path.join(__dirname, 'app/icon.png');
const iconNoComm = path.join(__dirname, 'app/icon-notconnected.png');
const iconPlay = path.join(__dirname, 'app/icon-play.png');
const iconStop = path.join(__dirname, 'app/icon-stop.png');
const iconPause = path.join(__dirname, 'app/icon-pause.png');
const iconAlarm = path.join(__dirname, 'app/icon-bell.png');
2018-06-19 20:25:40 +00:00
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
var iosocket;
var lastCommand = false
var gcodeQueue = [];
var queuePointer = 0;
var statusLoop;
2022-05-02 19:22:15 +00:00
var frontEndUpdateLoop
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
var queueCounter;
var listPortsLoop;
2018-08-09 16:34:51 +00:00
var GRBL_RX_BUFFER_SIZE = 127; // 128 characters
2022-04-21 12:26:03 +00:00
var GRBLHAL_RX_BUFFER_SIZE = 1023; // 128 characters
2018-08-09 16:34:51 +00:00
var sentBuffer = [];
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
var xPos = 0.00;
var yPos = 0.00;
var zPos = 0.00;
var aPos = 0.00;
var xOffset = 0.00;
var yOffset = 0.00;
var zOffset = 0.00;
var aOffset = 0.00;
2022-11-01 20:21:24 +00:00
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
var feedOverride = 100,
spindleOverride = 100;
2019-04-29 17:26:29 +00:00
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
//regex to identify MD5hash on sdupload later
var re = new RegExp("^[a-f0-9]{32}");
var status = {
2023-03-02 18:30:08 +00:00
login: false,
2018-06-26 10:33:13 +00:00
driver: {
2018-08-24 19:00:03 +00:00
version: require('./package').version,
2018-08-29 08:11:14 +00:00
ipaddress: ip.address(),
2020-04-20 20:58:03 +00:00
operatingsystem: false,
powersettings: {
usbselectiveAC: null,
usbselectiveDC: null
2018-06-26 10:33:13 +00:00
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
machine: {
2018-12-21 13:56:11 +00:00
name: '',
2022-11-01 20:21:24 +00:00
has4thAxis: false,
inputs: [],
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
overrides: {
feedOverride: 100, //
spindleOverride: 100, //
realFeed: 0, //
realSpindle: 0 //
2019-09-03 18:36:09 +00:00
tool: {
nexttool: {
number: 0,
line: ""
2021-12-01 19:34:45 +00:00
modals: {
2022-03-29 13:53:43 +00:00
//motionmode: "G0", // G0, G1, G2, G3, G38.2, G38.3, G38.4, G38.5, G80
2021-12-01 19:34:45 +00:00
coordinatesys: "G54", // G54, G55, G56, G57, G58, G59
plane: "G17", // G17, G18, G19
distancemode: "G90", // G90, G91
arcdistmode: "G91.1", // G91.1
feedratemode: "G94", // G93, G94
unitsmode: "G21", // G20, G21
radiuscomp: "G40", // G40
tlomode: "G49", // G43.1, G49
2022-03-29 13:53:43 +00:00
// programmode: "M0", // M0, M1, M2, M30
2021-12-01 19:34:45 +00:00
spindlestate: "M5", // M3, M4, M5
2022-04-21 20:04:00 +00:00
coolantstate: "M9", // M7, M8, M9
homedRecently: false
2022-03-29 13:53:43 +00:00
// tool: "0",
// spindle: "0",
// feedrate: "0"
2021-12-01 19:34:45 +00:00
2018-12-28 21:28:44 +00:00
probe: {
x: 0.00,
y: 0.00,
z: 0.00,
2020-06-22 21:04:23 +00:00
state: -1
2018-12-28 21:28:44 +00:00
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
position: {
work: {
x: 0,
y: 0,
z: 0,
a: 0,
e: 0
offset: {
x: 0,
y: 0,
z: 0,
a: 0,
e: 0
firmware: {
type: "",
2022-04-21 12:26:03 +00:00
platform: "",
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
version: "",
date: "",
buffer: [],
2019-07-23 19:04:50 +00:00
features: [],
blockBufferSize: 0,
rxBufferSize: 0,
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
comms: {
2019-09-13 18:39:59 +00:00
connectionStatus: 0, //0 = not connected, 1 = opening, 2 = connected, 3 = playing, 4 = paused, 5 = alarm, 6 = firmware upgrade
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
runStatus: "Pending", // 0 = init, 1 = idle, 2 = alarm, 3 = stop, 4 = run, etc?
queue: 0,
blocked: false,
paused: false,
controllerBuffer: 0, // Seems like you are tracking available buffer? Maybe nice to have in frontend?
interfaces: {
2022-07-06 20:08:38 +00:00
type: "",
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
ports: "",
2022-07-06 20:08:38 +00:00
networkDevices: [],
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
activePort: "" // or activeIP in the case of wifi/telnet?
alarm: ""
2020-11-23 19:06:28 +00:00
interface: {
2023-02-16 17:05:26 +00:00
diskdrive: false,
2020-11-24 16:30:37 +00:00
firmware: {
availVersion: "",
2020-12-15 17:06:42 +00:00
installedVersion: "",
2020-12-16 08:20:46 +00:00
connected: false
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
2018-12-21 15:44:37 +00:00
2020-03-19 15:13:52 +00:00
async function findPorts() {
const ports = await SerialPort.list()
// console.log(ports)
2018-06-19 20:25:40 +00:00
oldportslist = ports;
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
status.comms.interfaces.ports = ports;
2020-03-19 15:13:52 +00:00
async function findChangedPorts() {
const ports = await SerialPort.list()
// console.log(ports)
status.comms.interfaces.ports = ports;
if (!_.isEqual(ports, oldportslist)) {
var newPorts = _.differenceWith(ports, oldportslist, _.isEqual)
if (newPorts.length > 0) {
debug_log("Plugged " + newPorts[0].path);
var removedPorts = _.differenceWith(oldportslist, ports, _.isEqual)
if (removedPorts.length > 0) {
debug_log("Unplugged " + removedPorts[0].path);
oldportslist = ports;
// throw new Error('No ports found')
2020-11-24 16:30:37 +00:00
2020-03-19 15:13:52 +00:00
2023-02-16 17:05:26 +00:00
// async function findDisks() {
// const drives = await drivelist.list();
// status.interface.diskdrives = drives;
// } // removed in 1.0.350 due to Drivelist stability issues
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
var PortCheckinterval = setInterval(function() {
2018-06-22 19:49:51 +00:00
if (status.comms.connectionStatus == 0) {
2020-03-19 15:13:52 +00:00
2018-06-22 19:49:51 +00:00
2023-02-16 17:05:26 +00:00
//findDisks(); // removed in 1.0.350 due to Drivelist stability issues
2020-11-24 16:30:37 +00:00
}, 1000);
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
2022-07-06 20:08:38 +00:00
// var telnetCheckinterval = setInterval(function() {
// if (status.comms.connectionStatus == 0) {
// scanForTelnetDevices();
// }
// }, 30000);
// scanForTelnetDevices();
2020-04-20 20:58:03 +00:00
2018-06-27 14:08:24 +00:00
app.get('/api/version', (req, res) => {
2018-06-29 19:48:34 +00:00
res.header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");
res.header("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "Origin, X-Requested-With, Content-Type, Accept");
2018-06-27 14:08:24 +00:00
data = {
2018-06-29 19:48:34 +00:00
"application": "OMD",
2018-06-27 14:08:24 +00:00
"version": require('./package').version,
"ipaddress": ip.address() + ":" + config.webPort
res.send(JSON.stringify(data), null, 2);
app.get('/activate', (req, res) => {
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
res.header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");
res.header("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "Origin, X-Requested-With, Content-Type, Accept");
res.send('Host: ' + req.hostname + ' asked to activate OpenBuilds CONTROL v' + require('./package').version);
setTimeout(function() {
2018-08-09 12:20:42 +00:00
io.sockets.emit('activate', req.hostname);
2022-07-06 20:08:38 +00:00
}, 500);
2018-07-03 20:28:02 +00:00
// Upload
2018-06-27 14:08:24 +00:00
app.get('/upload', (req, res) => {
2018-06-29 19:48:34 +00:00
res.header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");
res.header("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "Origin, X-Requested-With, Content-Type, Accept");
2018-06-27 14:08:24 +00:00
res.sendFile(__dirname + '/app/upload.html');
2018-08-29 08:11:14 +00:00
app.get('/gcode', (req, res) => {
2019-01-18 19:01:53 +00:00
if (uploadedgcode.indexOf('$') != 0) { // Ignore grblSettings jobs
res.header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");
res.header("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "Origin, X-Requested-With, Content-Type, Accept");
2019-04-29 17:26:29 +00:00
2019-01-18 19:01:53 +00:00
2019-04-29 17:26:29 +00:00
app.get('/workspace', (req, res) => {
res.header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");
res.header("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "Origin, X-Requested-With, Content-Type, Accept");
2018-08-29 08:11:14 +00:00
2021-01-05 21:23:40 +00:00
// http-post version of runJob'/runjob', (req, res) => {
// 'firmwareBin' is the name of our file input field in the HTML form
let upload = multer({
storage: storage
upload(req, res, function(err) {
// req.file contains information of uploaded file
// req.body contains information of text fields, if there were any
if (err instanceof multer.MulterError) {
return res.send(err);
} else if (err) {
return res.send(err);
fs.readFile(req.file.path, 'utf8', function(err, data) {
if (err) {
return console.log(err);
var object = {
isJob: true,
//completedMsg: "",
data: data,
res.send(`Running ` + req.file.path);
2018-06-27 14:08:24 +00:00
// File Post'/upload', function(req, res) {
2018-06-29 19:48:34 +00:00
res.header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");
res.header("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "Origin, X-Requested-With, Content-Type, Accept");
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
2018-06-27 14:08:24 +00:00
uploadprogress = 0
var form = new formidable.IncomingForm();
2021-01-20 16:23:46 +00:00
form.maxFileSize = 300 * 1024 * 1024;
2019-05-21 12:09:53 +00:00
form.parse(req, function(err, fields, files) {
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
// debug_log(files);
2019-05-21 12:09:53 +00:00
2018-06-27 14:08:24 +00:00
2018-07-11 09:02:41 +00:00
form.on('fileBegin', function(name, file) {
2023-02-23 13:24:27 +00:00
debug_log('Uploading ' + file.filepath);
2018-07-11 09:02:41 +00:00
2018-06-27 14:08:24 +00:00
form.on('progress', function(bytesReceived, bytesExpected) {
uploadprogress = parseInt(((bytesReceived * 100) / bytesExpected).toFixed(0));
if (uploadprogress != lastsentuploadprogress) {
lastsentuploadprogress = uploadprogress;
2021-01-20 16:23:46 +00:00
debug_log('Progress ' + uploadprogress + "% / " + bytesReceived + "b");
2018-06-27 14:08:24 +00:00
form.on('file', function(name, file) {
2023-02-23 13:24:27 +00:00
debug_log('Uploaded ' + file.filepath);
2022-11-10 21:06:34 +00:00
2023-02-23 13:24:27 +00:00
2018-06-27 14:08:24 +00:00
form.on('aborted', function() {
// Emitted when the request was aborted by the user. Right now this can be due to a 'timeout' or 'close' event on the socket. After this event is emitted, an error event will follow. In the future there will be a separate 'timeout' event (needs a change in the node core).
form.on('end', function() {
//Emitted when the entire request has been received, and all contained files have finished flushing to disk. This is a great place for you to send your response.
2021-01-20 16:23:46 +00:00
2018-06-27 14:08:24 +00:00
res.sendFile(__dirname + '/app/upload.html');
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
app.on('certificate-error', function(event, webContents, url, error,
certificate, callback) {
io.on("connection", function(socket) {
2023-02-03 16:47:44 +00:00
debug_log("New IO Connection ");
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
2023-02-03 16:47:44 +00:00
iosocket = socket;
2020-03-20 12:32:01 +00:00
2018-06-21 20:02:40 +00:00
if (status.machine.firmware.type == 'grbl') {
2019-02-11 19:29:44 +00:00
2023-02-03 16:47:44 +00:00
debug_log("Is Grbl");
// // handle Grbl RESET external input
// if (status.machine.inputs.length > 0) {
// for (i = 0; i < status.machine.inputs.length; i++) {
// switch (status.machine.inputs[i]) {
// case 'R':
// // debug_log('PIN: SOFTRESET');
// safetosend = true;
// break;
// }
// }
// } else {
// setTimeout(function() {
debug_log("Emit Grbl: 1");
io.sockets.emit('grbl', status.machine.firmware)
// }, 10000);
// }
// if (safetosend != undefined && safetosend == true) {
// setTimeout(function() {
// debug_log("Emit Grbl: 2");
// io.sockets.emit('grbl', status.machine.firmware)
// }, 10000);
// }
2018-06-21 20:02:40 +00:00
2022-05-02 19:22:15 +00:00
// Global Update loop
frontEndUpdateLoop = setInterval(function() {
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
io.sockets.emit("status", status);
2022-05-02 18:04:33 +00:00
}, 100);
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
2022-07-06 20:08:38 +00:00
socket.on("scannetwork", function(data) {
2022-11-01 20:21:24 +00:00
2022-07-06 20:08:38 +00:00
2022-11-22 16:29:24 +00:00
socket.on("openFile", function(data) {
dialog.showOpenDialog(jogWindow, {
properties: ['openFile']
}).then(result => {
var openFilePath = result.filePaths[0];
if (openFilePath !== "") {
debug_log("path" + openFilePath);
}).catch(err => {
2023-02-16 17:05:26 +00:00
socket.on("openInterfaceDir", function(data) {
dialog.showOpenDialog(jogWindow, {
properties: ['openDirectory'],
title: "Select the USB Flashdrive you want to use with Interface"
}).then(result => {
io.sockets.emit("interfaceDrive", result.filePaths[0]);
status.interface.diskdrive = result.filePaths[0]
}).catch(err => {
2019-01-23 19:07:58 +00:00
socket.on("openbuilds", function(data) {
const {
} = require('electron')
2023-02-28 18:40:11 +00:00
socket.on("openbuildspartstore", function(data) {
const {
} = require('electron')
2021-03-12 19:19:47 +00:00
socket.on("carveco", function(data) {
const {
} = require('electron')
socket.on("fabber", function(data) {
const {
} = require('electron')
socket.on("lightburn", function(data) {
const {
} = require('electron')
socket.on("vectric", function(data) {
const {
} = require('electron')
socket.on("opencam", function(data) {
const {
} = require('electron')
2021-03-16 19:46:51 +00:00
socket.on("opendocs", function(data) {
const {
} = require('electron')
2019-03-06 19:26:09 +00:00
socket.on("openforum", function(data) {
const {
} = require('electron')
2022-12-20 18:50:36 +00:00
socket.on("gpuinfo", function(data) {
// GPU
var gpuInfoWindow = new BrowserWindow({
// 1366 * 768 == minimum to cater for
width: 800,
height: 800,
fullscreen: false,
center: true,
resizable: true,
maximizable: true,
title: "OpenBuilds CONTROL: Chromium's GPU Report",
frame: true,
autoHideMenuBar: true,
//icon: '/app/favicon.png',
icon: nativeImage.createFromPath(
path.join(__dirname, "/app/favicon.png")
webgl: true,
experimentalFeatures: true,
experimentalCanvasFeatures: true,
offscreen: true,
backgroundColor: "#fff"
gpuInfoWindow.once('ready-to-show', () => {
socket.on("minimisetotray", function(data) {
2018-06-20 13:00:05 +00:00
socket.on("minimize", function(data) {
2020-04-17 21:07:39 +00:00
socket.on("maximize", function(data) {
2022-11-10 21:06:34 +00:00
if (jogWindow.isFullScreen()) {
2021-03-16 19:46:51 +00:00
if (jogWindow.isMaximized()) {
2021-03-19 18:24:53 +00:00
2021-03-16 19:46:51 +00:00
} else {
2020-04-17 21:07:39 +00:00
2022-11-10 21:06:34 +00:00
socket.on("fullscreen", function(data) {
if (jogWindow.isFullScreen()) {
} else {
2018-06-20 13:00:05 +00:00
socket.on("quit", function(data) {
2019-01-16 10:18:46 +00:00
if (appIcon) {
2018-06-20 13:00:05 +00:00
2018-07-11 12:39:24 +00:00
socket.on("applyUpdate", function(data) {
2018-08-10 19:42:30 +00:00
socket.on("downloadUpdate", function(data) {
if (!updateIsDownloading) {
if (typeof autoUpdater !== 'undefined') {
} else {
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
debug_log("autoUpdater not found")
2018-08-28 15:09:20 +00:00
2018-07-12 13:06:53 +00:00
2018-12-20 19:22:02 +00:00
socket.on("flashGrbl", function(data) {
var port = data.port;
2022-07-06 20:08:38 +00:00
var firmwareImagePath = data.file;
2019-03-07 14:38:40 +00:00
var board = data.board
2020-11-20 18:29:52 +00:00
var customImg = data.customImg
2022-08-23 14:19:10 +00:00
console.log(__dirname, file, data.file)
2020-11-20 18:29:52 +00:00
if (customImg) {
2022-11-10 21:06:34 +00:00
var firmwarePath = data.file
2020-11-20 18:29:52 +00:00
} else {
2022-08-23 14:19:10 +00:00
var firmwarePath = path.join(__dirname, data.file)
2020-11-20 18:29:52 +00:00
2022-11-10 21:06:34 +00:00
2018-12-20 19:22:02 +00:00
if (status.comms.connectionStatus > 0) {
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
debug_log('WARN: Closing Port ' + port);
2018-12-20 19:22:02 +00:00
} else {
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
debug_log('ERROR: Machine connection not open!');
2018-12-20 19:22:02 +00:00
function flashGrblCallback(debugString, port) {
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
debug_log(port, debugString);
2018-12-20 19:22:02 +00:00
var data = {
'port': port,
'string': debugString
io.sockets.emit("progStatus", data);
2024-04-09 07:56:30 +00:00
// setTimeout(function() {
// var avrgirl = new Avrgirl({
// board: board,
// port: port,
// debug: function(debugString) {
// var port = this.connection.options.port;
// flashGrblCallback(debugString, port)
// }
// });
// debug_log(JSON.stringify(avrgirl));
// status.comms.connectionStatus = 6;
// avrgirl.flash(firmwarePath, function(error) {
// if (error) {
// console.error(error);
// io.sockets.emit("progStatus", 'Flashing FAILED!');
// status.comms.connectionStatus = 0;
// } else {
// io.sockets.emit("progStatus", 'Programmed Succesfully');
// io.sockets.emit("progStatus", 'Please Reconnect');
// status.comms.connectionStatus = 0;
// }
// status.comms.connectionStatus = 0;
// });
// }, 1000)
2018-12-20 19:22:02 +00:00
2022-07-06 20:08:38 +00:00
socket.on("flashGrblHal", function(data) {
if (status.comms.connectionStatus > 0) {
debug_log('WARN: Closing Port ' + port);
} else {
debug_log('ERROR: Machine connection not open!');
console.log(JSON.stringify(data), null, 4);
2020-11-20 15:50:37 +00:00
socket.on("flashInterface", function(data) {
if (status.comms.connectionStatus > 0) {
debug_log('WARN: Closing Port ' + port);
} else {
debug_log('ERROR: Machine connection not open!');
2020-11-24 16:30:37 +00:00
socket.on("writeInterfaceUsbDrive", function(data) {
2022-11-01 20:21:24 +00:00
2023-02-16 17:05:26 +00:00
2022-11-01 20:21:24 +00:00
// = mountpoint dest
//data.controller = type of controller
if (data.controller == "blackbox4x" || data.controller == "genericgrbl") {
var probesrc = path.join(__dirname, './app/wizards/interface/PROBE/');
var profilesrc = path.join(__dirname, './app/wizards/interface/PROFILESGRBL/');
} else if (data.controller == "blackboxx32" || data.controller == "genericgrblhal") {
var probesrc = path.join(__dirname, './app/wizards/interface/PROBE/');
var profilesrc = path.join(__dirname, './app/wizards/interface/PROFILESHAL/');
var probedest = path.join(, "/PROBE/");
var profiledest = path.join(, "/PROFILES/");
2020-11-24 16:30:37 +00:00
var ncp = require('ncp').ncp;
ncp.limit = 16;
var output = {
'command': 'Interface USB Drive',
2022-11-01 20:21:24 +00:00
'response': "Starting to copy data to " +,
2020-12-16 08:20:46 +00:00
'type': 'info'
2020-11-24 16:30:37 +00:00
io.sockets.emit('data', output);
var errorCount = 0;
2024-04-18 13:18:21 +00:00
if (data.ssid && data.psk) {
const folderPath = path.join(, "CONFIG");
// Create the subfolder if it doesn't exist and then write the file
fs.mkdir(folderPath, {
recursive: true
}, (err) => {
if (err) {
var output = {
'command': 'Interface USB Drive',
'response': `Failed to create folder ${folderPath}! Error: ${err}`,
'type': 'error'
io.sockets.emit('data', output);
} else {
var fileContent = `${data.ssid}\n${data.psk}`;
fs.writeFile(path.join(folderPath, "wifi.cfg"), fileContent, (err) => {
if (err) {
var output = {
'command': 'Interface USB Drive',
'response': `Failed to create Wifi Configuration file in ${folderPath}! Error: ${err}`,
'type': 'error'
io.sockets.emit('data', output);
} else {
var output = {
'command': 'Interface USB Drive',
'response': `Created Wifi Configuration file in ${folderPath} successfully!`,
'type': 'success'
io.sockets.emit('data', output);
ncp(probesrc, probedest, function(err) {
if (err) {
var output = {
'command': 'Interface USB Drive',
'response': "Failed to copy PROBE macros to " + probedest + ": " + JSON.stringify(err),
'type': 'error'
io.sockets.emit('data', output);
} else {
var output = {
'command': 'Interface USB Drive',
'response': "Copied PROBE macros to " + probedest + " succesfully!",
'type': 'success'
io.sockets.emit('data', output);
2020-11-24 16:30:37 +00:00
2022-11-01 20:21:24 +00:00
ncp(profilesrc, profiledest, function(err) {
if (err) {
var output = {
'command': 'Interface USB Drive',
'response': "Failed to copy MACHINE PROFILES to " + profiledest + ": " + JSON.stringify(err),
'type': 'error'
2020-11-24 16:30:37 +00:00
io.sockets.emit('data', output);
} else {
var output = {
'command': 'Interface USB Drive',
'response': "Copied MACHINE PROFILES to " + profiledest + " succesfully!",
'type': 'success'
io.sockets.emit('data', output);
2020-11-20 15:50:37 +00:00
2020-12-30 19:28:28 +00:00
2020-11-24 16:30:37 +00:00
setTimeout(function() {
if (errorCount == 0) {
var output = {
'command': 'Interface USB Drive',
2022-11-01 20:21:24 +00:00
'response': "Finished copying supporting files to Drive " +,
2020-12-16 08:20:46 +00:00
'type': 'success'
2020-11-24 16:30:37 +00:00
io.sockets.emit('data', output);
var output = {
'command': 'Interface USB Drive',
2020-12-16 08:20:46 +00:00
'response': "Please Eject the drive (Safely Remove) and insert it into your Interface's USB port",
'type': 'info'
2020-11-24 16:30:37 +00:00
io.sockets.emit('data', output);
2022-07-06 20:08:38 +00:00
}, 500);
2020-11-24 16:30:37 +00:00
2018-12-20 19:22:02 +00:00
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
socket.on("connectTo", function(data) { // If a user picks a port to connect to, open a Node SerialPort Instance to it
if (status.comms.connectionStatus < 1) {
2024-04-25 20:12:14 +00:00
2022-07-06 20:08:38 +00:00
if (data.type == "usb") {
console.log("connect", "Connecting to " + data.port + " via " + data.type);
2024-04-25 20:12:14 +00:00
// Fix for autoreset getting stuck on MacOS with Silabs Chip
var allowRtsCts = false
var allowHupcl = false
if (process.platform == 'darwin') {
allowRtsCts = true
allowHupcl = true
2022-09-23 06:50:53 +00:00
port = new SerialPort({
path: data.port,
2022-07-06 20:08:38 +00:00
baudRate: parseInt(data.baud),
2024-04-25 20:12:14 +00:00
rtscts: allowRtsCts,
hupcl: allowHupcl // Don't set DTR - useful for X32 Reset
2022-07-06 20:08:38 +00:00
} else if (data.type == "telnet") {
console.log("connect", "Connecting to " + data.ip + " via " + data.type);
port = net.connect(23, data.ip);
port.isOpen = true;
2024-04-08 21:09:34 +00:00
const parser = port.pipe(new ReadlineParser({
2019-04-15 17:31:30 +00:00
delimiter: '\r\n'
2024-04-08 21:09:34 +00:00
2019-04-15 17:31:30 +00:00
2020-03-19 15:13:52 +00:00
// port.on("data", function(data) {
// console.log(data)
// })
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
port.on("error", function(err) {
2018-12-20 19:22:02 +00:00
if (err.message != "Port is not open") {
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
debug_log("Error: ", err.message);
2018-12-20 19:22:02 +00:00
var output = {
'command': '',
2020-12-16 08:20:46 +00:00
'response': "PORT ERROR: " + err.message,
'type': 'error'
2018-12-20 19:22:02 +00:00
io.sockets.emit('data', output);
2019-02-11 19:29:44 +00:00
2018-12-20 19:22:02 +00:00
if (status.comms.connectionStatus > 0) {
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
debug_log('WARN: Closing Port ' + port.path);
status.comms.connectionStatus = 0;
2018-12-20 19:22:02 +00:00
} else {
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
debug_log('ERROR: Machine connection not open!');
2018-12-20 19:22:02 +00:00
2018-12-20 19:22:02 +00:00
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
2020-03-19 15:13:52 +00:00
2022-07-06 20:08:38 +00:00
port.on("ready", function(e) {
portOpened(port, data)
port.on("open", function(e) {
portOpened(port, data)
port.on("close", function() { // open errors will be emitted as an error event
debug_log("PORT INFO: Port closed");
var output = {
'command': 'disconnect',
'response': "PORT INFO: Port closed",
'type': 'info'
io.sockets.emit('data', output);
status.comms.connectionStatus = 0;
}); // end port.onclose
function portOpened(port, data) {
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
debug_log("PORT INFO: Connected to " + port.path + " at " + port.baudRate);
2018-07-11 18:58:38 +00:00
var output = {
'command': 'connect',
'response': "PORT INFO: Port is now open: " + port.path + " - Attempting to detect Controller...",
2020-12-16 08:20:46 +00:00
'type': 'info'
2018-07-11 18:58:38 +00:00
io.sockets.emit('data', output);
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
status.comms.connectionStatus = 1;
2022-05-02 18:04:33 +00:00
addQRealtime("\n"); // this causes smoothie and grblHAL to send the welcome string
var output = {
'command': 'connect',
'response': "Attempting to detect Controller (1): (Autoreset)",
2020-12-16 08:20:46 +00:00
'type': 'info'
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
io.sockets.emit('data', output);
setTimeout(function() { //wait for controller to be ready
if (status.machine.firmware.type.length < 1) {
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
debug_log("Didnt detect firmware after AutoReset. Lets see if we have Grbl instance with a board that doesnt have AutoReset");
var output = {
'command': 'connect',
'response': "Attempting to detect Controller (2): (Ctrl+X)",
2020-12-16 08:20:46 +00:00
'type': 'info'
io.sockets.emit('data', output);
addQRealtime(String.fromCharCode(0x18)); // ctrl-x (needed for rx/tx connection)
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
debug_log("Sent: Ctrl+x");
}, config.grblWaitTime * 1000);
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
setTimeout(function() { //wait for controller to be ready
if (status.machine.firmware.type.length < 1) {
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
debug_log("No firmware yet, probably not Grbl then. lets see if we have Smoothie?");
var output = {
'command': 'connect',
'response': "Attempting to detect Controller (3): (others)",
2020-12-16 08:20:46 +00:00
'type': 'info'
io.sockets.emit('data', output);
2018-08-09 16:34:51 +00:00
addQRealtime("version\n"); // Check if it's Smoothieware?
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
debug_log("Sent: version");
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
}, config.grblWaitTime * 2000);
2022-05-02 18:04:33 +00:00
setTimeout(function() {
2024-04-25 17:06:17 +00:00
2024-04-25 17:51:09 +00:00
if (status.machine.firmware.type.length > 1) {
if (status.machine.firmware.type === "grbl") {
2022-05-02 18:04:33 +00:00
debug_log("GRBL detected");
var output = {
'command': 'connect',
'response': "Detecting Firmware: Detected Grbl Succesfully",
'type': 'info'
2024-04-25 17:06:17 +00:00
2022-05-02 18:04:33 +00:00
setTimeout(function() {
2022-12-20 18:50:36 +00:00
io.sockets.emit('grbl', status.machine.firmware)
2022-05-02 18:04:33 +00:00
//v1.0.318 - commented out as a test - too many normal alarms clear prematurely
//io.sockets.emit('errorsCleared', true);
}, 600)
// Start interval for status queries
statusLoop = setInterval(function() {
if (status.comms.connectionStatus > 0) {
}, 200);
status.machine.modals.homedRecently = false;
}, config.grblWaitTime * 3000)
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
if (config.firmwareWaitTime > 0) {
setTimeout(function() {
// Close port if we don't detect supported firmware after 2s.
if (status.machine.firmware.type.length < 1) {
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
debug_log("No supported firmware detected. Closing port " + port.path);
2020-12-16 08:20:46 +00:00
if (status.interface.connected) {
var output = {
'command': 'connect',
'response': `ERROR!: Connection established to INTERFACE, but no response from Grbl on the upstream controller. See for more details. Closing port ` + port.path,
'type': 'error'
} else {
var output = {
'command': 'connect',
'response': `ERROR!: No Response from Controller - See for troubleshooting information. Closing port ` + port.path,
2020-12-16 08:20:46 +00:00
'type': 'error'
io.sockets.emit('data', output);
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
} else {
2022-07-06 20:08:38 +00:00
if (data.type == "usb") {
var output = {
'command': 'connect',
2024-04-09 20:47:04 +00:00
'response': "Firmware Detected: " + status.machine.firmware.platform + " version " + status.machine.firmware.version + " dated " + + " on " + port.path,
2022-07-06 20:08:38 +00:00
'type': 'success'
} else if (data.type = "telnet") {
var output = {
'command': 'connect',
2024-04-09 20:47:04 +00:00
'response': "Firmware Detected: " + status.machine.firmware.platform + " version " + status.machine.firmware.version + " dated " + + " on " + data.ip,
2022-07-06 20:08:38 +00:00
'type': 'success'
io.sockets.emit('data', output);
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
}, config.firmwareWaitTime * 1000);
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
status.comms.connectionStatus = 2;
2022-07-06 20:08:38 +00:00
if (data.type == "usb") {
status.comms.interfaces.activePort = port.path;
status.comms.interfaces.type = data.type
status.comms.interfaces.activeBaud = port.baudRate;
} else if (data.type = "telnet") {
status.comms.interfaces.activePort = data.ip;
status.comms.interfaces.type = data.type
status.comms.interfaces.activeBaud = "net";
2018-07-11 18:58:38 +00:00
2022-07-06 20:08:38 +00:00
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
2019-04-15 17:31:30 +00:00
parser.on("data", function(data) {
2020-12-17 18:27:05 +00:00
2018-08-09 16:34:51 +00:00
var command = sentBuffer[0];
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
2022-12-20 18:50:36 +00:00
if (command == "$CD" && data != "ok") {
fluidncConfig = fluidncConfig += data + "\n"
2021-12-01 19:34:45 +00:00
2019-12-30 19:56:20 +00:00
if (data.indexOf("<") != 0) {
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
debug_log('data:', data)
2019-12-30 19:56:20 +00:00
2019-01-29 21:29:13 +00:00
2018-12-21 13:56:11 +00:00
// Grbl $I parser
if (data.indexOf("[VER:") === 0) { = data.split(':')[2].split(']')[0].toLowerCase()
io.sockets.emit("status", status);
2019-01-23 19:07:58 +00:00
io.sockets.emit("machinename", data.split(':')[2].split(']')[0].toLowerCase());
2023-02-03 16:47:44 +00:00 = data.split(':')[1].split(".")[2];
2018-12-21 13:56:11 +00:00
2019-07-23 19:04:50 +00:00
if (data.indexOf("[OPT:") === 0) {
var startOpt = + 4;
var grblOpt;
if (startOpt > 4) {
var grblOptLen = data.substr(startOpt).search(/]/);
grblOpts = data.substr(startOpt, grblOptLen).split(/,/);
status.machine.firmware.blockBufferSize = grblOpts[1];
status.machine.firmware.rxBufferSize = grblOpts[2];
var features = []
var i = grblOpts[0].length;
while (i--) {
2019-08-23 17:10:54 +00:00
switch (grblOpts[0].charAt(i)) {
2019-07-23 19:04:50 +00:00
case 'Q':
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
debug_log('SPINDLE_IS_SERVO Enabled')
2019-07-23 19:04:50 +00:00
case 'V': // Variable spindle enabled
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
debug_log('Variable spindle enabled')
2019-07-23 19:04:50 +00:00
case 'N': // Line numbers enabled
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
debug_log('Line numbers enabled')
2019-07-23 19:04:50 +00:00
case 'M': // Mist coolant enabled
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
debug_log('Mist coolant enabled')
2019-07-23 19:04:50 +00:00
case 'C': // CoreXY enabled
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
debug_log('CoreXY enabled')
2019-07-23 19:04:50 +00:00
case 'P': // Parking motion enabled
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
debug_log('Parking motion enabled')
2019-07-23 19:04:50 +00:00
case 'Z': // Homing force origin enabled
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
debug_log('Homing force origin enabled')
2019-07-23 19:04:50 +00:00
case 'H': // Homing single axis enabled
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
debug_log('Homing single axis enabled')
2019-07-23 19:04:50 +00:00
case 'T': // Two limit switches on axis enabled
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
debug_log('Two limit switches on axis enabled')
2019-07-23 19:04:50 +00:00
case 'A': // Allow feed rate overrides in probe cycles
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
debug_log('Allow feed rate overrides in probe cycles')
2019-07-23 19:04:50 +00:00
case '$': // Restore EEPROM $ settings disabled
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
debug_log('Restore EEPROM $ settings disabled')
2019-07-23 19:04:50 +00:00
case '#': // Restore EEPROM parameter data disabled
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
debug_log('Restore EEPROM parameter data disabled')
2019-07-23 19:04:50 +00:00
case 'I': // Build info write user string disabled
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
debug_log('Build info write user string disabled')
2019-07-23 19:04:50 +00:00
case 'E': // Force sync upon EEPROM write disabled
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
debug_log('Force sync upon EEPROM write disabled')
2019-07-23 19:04:50 +00:00
case 'W': // Force sync upon work coordinate offset change disabled
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
debug_log('Force sync upon work coordinate offset change disabled')
2019-07-23 19:04:50 +00:00
case 'L': // Homing init lock sets Grbl into an alarm state upon power up
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
debug_log('Homing init lock sets Grbl into an alarm state upon power up')
2019-07-23 19:04:50 +00:00
status.machine.firmware.features = features;
io.sockets.emit("features", features);
2018-12-28 21:28:44 +00:00
// [PRB:0.000,0.000,0.000:0]
2021-12-01 19:34:45 +00:00
//if (data.indexOf("[PRB:") === 0 && command != "$#" && command != undefined) {
2018-12-28 21:28:44 +00:00
if (data.indexOf("[PRB:") === 0) {
2020-06-22 21:04:23 +00:00
var prbLen = data.substr(5).search(/\]/);
var prbData = data.substr(5, prbLen).split(/,/);
var success = data.split(':')[2].split(']')[0];
status.machine.probe.x = prbData[0];
status.machine.probe.y = prbData[1];
status.machine.probe.z = prbData[2].split(':')[0];
status.machine.probe.state = success;
if (success > 0) {
var output = {
'command': '[ PROBE ]',
'response': "Probe Completed.",
2020-12-16 08:20:46 +00:00
'type': 'success'
2018-12-28 21:28:44 +00:00
2020-06-22 21:04:23 +00:00
io.sockets.emit('data', output);
} else {
var output = {
'command': '[ PROBE ]',
'response': "Probe move ERROR - probe did not make contact within specified distance",
2020-12-16 08:20:46 +00:00
'type': 'error'
2020-06-22 21:04:23 +00:00
io.sockets.emit('data', output);
2018-12-28 21:28:44 +00:00
2020-06-22 21:04:23 +00:00
io.sockets.emit('prbResult', status.machine.probe);
2018-12-28 21:28:44 +00:00
2018-12-21 13:56:11 +00:00
2021-12-01 19:34:45 +00:00
if (data.indexOf("[GC:") === 0) {
2020-12-15 17:06:42 +00:00
if (data.indexOf("[INTF:") === 0) {
var output = {
'command': 'connect',
'response': "Detected an OpenBuilds Interface on port " + port.path,
2020-12-16 08:20:46 +00:00
'type': 'success'
2020-12-15 17:06:42 +00:00
io.sockets.emit('data', output);
2020-12-16 08:20:46 +00:00
status.interface.connected = true;
2020-12-15 17:06:42 +00:00
if (data.split(":")[1].indexOf("ver") == 0) {
var installedVersion = parseFloat(data.split(":")[1].split("]")[0].split("-")[1])
status.interface.firmware.installedVersion = installedVersion
var output = {
'command': 'connect',
'response': "OpenBuilds Interface Firmware Version: v" + installedVersion,
2020-12-16 08:20:46 +00:00
'type': 'info'
2020-12-15 17:06:42 +00:00
io.sockets.emit('data', output);
2020-12-16 08:20:46 +00:00
if (installedVersion < status.interface.firmware.availVersion) {
2020-12-15 17:06:42 +00:00
var output = {
'command': 'connect',
'response': "OpenBuilds Interface Firmware OUTDATED: v" + installedVersion + " can be upgraded to v" + status.interface.firmware.availVersion,
2020-12-16 08:20:46 +00:00
'type': 'error'
2020-12-15 17:06:42 +00:00
io.sockets.emit('data', output);
io.sockets.emit('interfaceOutdated', status);
io.sockets.emit("status", status);
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
// Machine Identification
if (data.indexOf("Grbl") === 0 || data.indexOf("[FIRMWARE:grblHAL]") === 0) { // Check if it's Grbl
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
status.comms.blocked = false;
2022-04-21 12:26:03 +00:00
if (data.indexOf("GrblHAL") === 0) {
status.machine.firmware.type = "grbl";
status.machine.firmware.platform = "grblHAL"
status.machine.firmware.version = data.substr(8, 4); // get version
} else if (data.indexOf("[FIRMWARE:grblHAL]") === 0) {
status.machine.firmware.type = "grbl";
status.machine.firmware.platform = "grblHAL"
// Parse version from seperate [VER:...] line not here for this response
2022-12-20 18:50:36 +00:00
} else if (data.indexOf("FluidNC") != -1) { // Grbl 3.6 [FluidNC v3.6.5 (wifi) '$' for help]
status.machine.firmware.type = "grbl";
status.machine.firmware.platform = "FluidNC"
status.machine.firmware.version = data.substr(19, 5); // get version
2022-04-21 12:26:03 +00:00
} else {
status.machine.firmware.type = "grbl";
status.machine.firmware.platform = "gnea"
status.machine.firmware.version = data.substr(5, 4); // get version
if (parseFloat(status.machine.firmware.version) < 1.1) { // If version is too old
2019-02-11 19:29:44 +00:00
if (status.machine.firmware.version.length < 3) {
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
debug_log('invalid version string, stay connected')
} else {
2019-02-11 19:29:44 +00:00
if (status.comms.connectionStatus > 0) {
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
debug_log('WARN: Closing Port ' + port.path + " / v" + parseFloat(status.machine.firmware.version));
2019-02-11 19:29:44 +00:00
// stopPort();
} else {
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
debug_log('ERROR: Machine connection not open!');
2019-02-11 19:29:44 +00:00
var output = {
'command': command,
2020-12-16 08:20:46 +00:00
'response': "Detected an unsupported version: Grbl " + status.machine.firmware.version + ". This is sadly outdated. Please upgrade to Grbl 1.1 or newer to use this software. Go to",
'type': 'error'
2019-02-11 19:29:44 +00:00
io.sockets.emit('data', output);
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00 = "";
2022-05-02 18:04:33 +00:00
// debug_log("GRBL detected");
// setTimeout(function() {
2022-12-20 18:50:36 +00:00
// io.sockets.emit('grbl', status.machine.firmware)
2022-05-02 18:04:33 +00:00
// //v1.0.318 - commented out as a test - too many normal alarms clear prematurely
// //io.sockets.emit('errorsCleared', true);
// }, 600)
// // Start interval for status queries
// clearInterval(statusLoop);
// statusLoop = setInterval(function() {
// if (status.comms.connectionStatus > 0) {
// addQRealtime("?");
// }
// }, 200);
2022-05-02 19:22:15 +00:00
status.machine.modals.homedRecently = false;
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
} else if (data.indexOf("LPC176") >= 0) { // LPC1768 or LPC1769 should be Smoothieware
status.comms.blocked = false;
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
debug_log("Smoothieware detected");
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
status.machine.firmware.type = "smoothie";
status.machine.firmware.version = data.substr( + 9).split(/,/); = new Date(data.substr( date:/i) + 12).split(/,/)).toDateString();
// Start interval for status queries
2019-07-17 13:29:39 +00:00
// statusLoop = setInterval(function() {
// if (status.comms.connectionStatus > 0) {
// addQRealtime("?");
// }
// }, 200);
var output = {
'command': "FIRMWARE ERROR",
2020-12-16 08:20:46 +00:00
'response': "Detected an unsupported version: Smoothieware " + status.machine.firmware.version + ". This software no longer support Smoothieware. \nLuckilly there is an alternative firmware you can install on your controller to make it work with this software. Check out Grbl-LPC at - Grbl-LPC is a Grbl port for controllers using the NXP LPC176x chips, for example Smoothieboards",
'type': 'error'
2019-07-17 13:29:39 +00:00
io.sockets.emit('data', output);
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
} // end of machine identification
2019-07-23 19:04:50 +00:00
// Machine Feedback: Position
2018-08-09 16:34:51 +00:00
if (data.indexOf("<") === 0) {
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
// debug_log(' Got statusReport (Grbl & Smoothieware)')
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
// statusfeedback func
2021-02-01 15:59:05 +00:00
if (command == "?") {
var output = {
'command': command,
'response': data,
'type': 'info'
// debug_log(output.response)
io.sockets.emit('data', output);
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
// debug_log(data)
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
} else if (data.indexOf("ok") === 0) { // Got an OK so we are clear to send
2024-04-09 14:59:13 +00:00
io.sockets.emit('ok', command); // added per #325
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
// debug_log("OK FOUND")
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
if (status.machine.firmware.type === "grbl") {
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
// debug_log('got OK from ' + command)
2018-08-09 16:34:51 +00:00
command = sentBuffer.shift();
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
2022-12-20 18:50:36 +00:00
if (command == "$CD") {
io.sockets.emit('fluidncConfig', fluidncConfig);
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
status.comms.blocked = false;
} else if (data.indexOf('ALARM') === 0) { //} || data.indexOf('HALTED') === 0) {
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
debug_log("ALARM: " + data)
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
status.comms.connectionStatus = 5;
switch (status.machine.firmware.type) {
case 'grbl':
2018-08-09 16:34:51 +00:00
// sentBuffer.shift();
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
var alarmCode = parseInt(data.split(':')[1]);
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
debug_log('ALARM: ' + alarmCode + ' - ' + grblStrings.alarms(alarmCode));
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
status.comms.alarm = alarmCode + ' - ' + grblStrings.alarms(alarmCode)
2018-12-28 21:28:44 +00:00
if (alarmCode != 5) {
2019-04-22 14:52:10 +00:00
io.sockets.emit("toastErrorAlarm", 'ALARM: ' + alarmCode + ' - ' + grblStrings.alarms(alarmCode) + " [ " + command + " ]")
2018-12-28 21:28:44 +00:00
2018-10-25 19:25:57 +00:00
var output = {
'command': '',
2020-12-16 08:20:46 +00:00
'response': 'ALARM: ' + alarmCode + ' - ' + grblStrings.alarms(alarmCode) + " [ " + command + " ]",
'type': 'error'
2018-10-25 19:25:57 +00:00
io.sockets.emit('data', output);
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
status.comms.connectionStatus = 5;
} else if (data.indexOf('WARNING: After HALT you should HOME as position is currently unknown') != -1) { //} || data.indexOf('HALTED') === 0) {
status.comms.connectionStatus = 2;
2018-08-09 17:29:41 +00:00
} else if (data.indexOf('Emergency Stop Requested') != -1) { //} || data.indexOf('HALTED') === 0) {
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
debug_log("Emergency Stop Requested")
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
status.comms.connectionStatus = 5;
} else if (data.indexOf('wait') === 0) { // Got wait from Repetier -> ignore
// do nothing
} else if (data.indexOf('error') === 0) { // Error received -> stay blocked stops queue
switch (status.machine.firmware.type) {
case 'grbl':
2018-08-09 16:34:51 +00:00
// sentBuffer.shift();
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
var errorCode = parseInt(data.split(':')[1]);
2020-12-17 18:27:05 +00:00
var lastAlarm = "";
if (errorCode == 9 && status.comms.connectionStatus == 5 && status.comms.alarm.length > 0) {
lastAlarm = "<hr>This error may just be a symptom of an earlier event:<br> ALARM: " + status.comms.alarm
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
debug_log('error: ' + errorCode + ' - ' + grblStrings.errors(errorCode) + " [ " + command + " ]");
2018-07-11 18:58:38 +00:00
var output = {
'command': '',
2020-12-17 18:27:05 +00:00
'response': 'error: ' + errorCode + ' - ' + grblStrings.errors(errorCode) + " [ " + command + " ]" + lastAlarm,
2020-12-16 08:20:46 +00:00
'type': 'error'
2018-07-11 18:58:38 +00:00
io.sockets.emit('data', output);
2020-12-17 18:27:05 +00:00
io.sockets.emit("toastError", 'error: ' + errorCode + ' - ' + grblStrings.errors(errorCode) + " [ " + command + " ]" + lastAlarm)
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
2018-10-22 14:54:53 +00:00
status.comms.connectionStatus = 5;
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
} else if (data === ' ') {
// nothing
} else {
// do nothing with +data
2018-08-09 16:34:51 +00:00
2018-09-27 15:00:49 +00:00
if (data.indexOf("[MSG:Reset to continue]") === 0) {
switch (status.machine.firmware.type) {
case 'grbl':
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
debug_log("[MSG:Reset to continue] -> Sending Reset")
2018-09-27 15:00:49 +00:00
addQRealtime(String.fromCharCode(0x18)); // ctrl-x
2019-12-30 19:56:20 +00:00
2018-08-09 16:34:51 +00:00
if (command) {
command = command.replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r)/gm, "");
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
// debug_log("CMD: " + command + " / DATA RECV: " + data.replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r)/gm, ""));
2018-08-09 16:34:51 +00:00
2019-01-21 12:46:21 +00:00
if (command != "?" && command != "M105" && data.length > 0 && data.indexOf('<') == -1) {
2018-08-09 16:34:51 +00:00
var string = "";
if (status.comms.sduploading) {
string += "SD: "
string += data //+ " [ " + command + " ]"
var output = {
'command': command,
2020-12-16 08:20:46 +00:00
'response': string,
'type': 'info'
2018-08-09 16:34:51 +00:00
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
// debug_log(output.response)
2018-08-09 16:34:51 +00:00
io.sockets.emit('data', output);
2018-09-27 15:00:49 +00:00
} else {
if (data.indexOf("<") != 0) {
var output = {
2018-09-28 15:37:03 +00:00
'command': "",
2020-12-16 08:20:46 +00:00
'response': data,
'type': 'info'
2018-09-27 15:00:49 +00:00
io.sockets.emit('data', output);
2018-08-09 16:34:51 +00:00
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
}); // end of parser.on(data)
socket.on('saveToSd', function(datapack) {
2019-10-16 13:57:56 +00:00
socket.on('setqueuePointer', function(data) {
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
debug_log('Setting queuePointer to ' + data)
2019-10-16 13:57:56 +00:00
queuePointer = data
2020-02-06 18:02:06 +00:00
socket.on('runJob', function(object) {
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
// debug_log(data)
2021-01-05 21:23:40 +00:00
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
socket.on('forceQueue', function(data) {
2022-12-07 18:04:33 +00:00
socket.on('serialInject', function(data) {
// Inject a live command into Serial stream in real-time (dev tool) even while a job is running, etc (straight Port.write from machineSend)
machineSend(data, true);
socket.on("dump", function(data) {
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
socket.on('runCommand', function(data) {
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
debug_log('Run Command (' + data.replace('\n', '|') + ')');
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
if (status.comms.connectionStatus > 0) {
if (data) {
data = data.split('\n');
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
var line = data[i].split(';'); // Remove everything after ; = comment
var tosend = line[0].trim();
if (tosend.length > 0) {
2018-08-09 16:34:51 +00:00
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
2020-06-23 17:55:56 +00:00
status.comms.runStatus = 'Running'
// debug_log('sending ' + JSON.stringify(gcodeQueue))
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
} else {
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
debug_log('ERROR: Machine connection not open!');
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
socket.on('jog', function(data) {
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
debug_log('Jog ' + data);
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
if (status.comms.connectionStatus > 0) {
data = data.split(',');
var dir = data[0];
var dist = parseFloat(data[1]);
var feed;
if (data.length > 2) {
feed = parseInt(data[2]);
if (feed) {
feed = 'F' + feed;
if (dir && dist && feed) {
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
debug_log('Adding jog commands to queue. Firmw=' + status.machine.firmware.type + ', blocked=' + status.comms.blocked + ', paused=' + status.comms.paused + ', Q=' + gcodeQueue.length);
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
switch (status.machine.firmware.type) {
case 'grbl':
2019-01-29 21:29:13 +00:00
addQToEnd('$J=G91G21' + dir + dist + feed);
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
debug_log('ERROR: Unknown firmware!');
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
} else {
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
debug_log('ERROR: Invalid params!');
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
} else {
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
debug_log('ERROR: Machine connection not open!');
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
2018-08-24 19:00:03 +00:00
socket.on('jogXY', function(data) {
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
debug_log('Jog XY' + data);
2018-08-24 19:00:03 +00:00
if (status.comms.connectionStatus > 0) {
// var data = {
// x: xincrement,
// y: yincrement,
// feed: feed
// }
var xincrement = parseFloat(data.x);
var yincrement = parseFloat(data.y);
var feed = parseFloat(data.feed)
if (feed) {
feed = 'F' + feed;
if (xincrement && yincrement && feed) {
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
debug_log('Adding jog commands to queue. blocked=' + status.comms.blocked + ', paused=' + status.comms.paused + ', Q=' + gcodeQueue.length);
2018-08-24 19:00:03 +00:00
switch (status.machine.firmware.type) {
case 'grbl':
2019-01-29 21:29:13 +00:00
addQToEnd('$J=G91G21X' + xincrement + " Y" + yincrement + " " + feed);
2018-08-24 19:00:03 +00:00
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
debug_log('ERROR: Unknown firmware!');
2018-08-24 19:00:03 +00:00
} else {
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
debug_log('ERROR: Invalid params!');
2018-08-24 19:00:03 +00:00
} else {
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
debug_log('ERROR: Machine connection not open!');
2018-08-24 19:00:03 +00:00
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
socket.on('jogTo', function(data) { // data = {x:xVal, y:yVal, z:zVal, mode:0(absulute)|1(relative), feed:fVal}
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
debug_log('JogTo ' + JSON.stringify(data));
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
if (status.comms.connectionStatus > 0) {
if (data.x !== undefined || data.y !== undefined || data.z !== undefined) {
var xVal = (data.x !== undefined ? 'X' + parseFloat(data.x) : '');
var yVal = (data.y !== undefined ? 'Y' + parseFloat(data.y) : '');
var zVal = (data.z !== undefined ? 'Z' + parseFloat(data.z) : '');
var mode = ((data.mode == 0) ? 0 : 1);
var feed = (data.feed !== undefined ? 'F' + parseInt(data.feed) : '');
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
debug_log('Adding jog commands to queue. blocked=' + status.comms.blocked + ', paused=' + status.comms.paused + ', Q=' + gcodeQueue.length);
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
switch (status.machine.firmware.type) {
case 'grbl':
2019-01-29 21:29:13 +00:00
addQToEnd('$J=G91G21' + mode + xVal + yVal + zVal + feed);
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
debug_log('ERROR: Unknown firmware!');
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
} else {
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
debug_log('error Invalid params!');
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
} else {
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
debug_log('ERROR: Machine connection not open!');
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
socket.on('setZero', function(data) {
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
debug_log('setZero(' + data + ')');
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
if (status.comms.connectionStatus > 0) {
switch (data) {
case 'x':
2018-08-09 16:34:51 +00:00
addQToEnd('G10 L20 P0 X0');
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
case 'y':
2018-08-09 16:34:51 +00:00
addQToEnd('G10 L20 P0 Y0');
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
case 'z':
2018-08-09 16:34:51 +00:00
addQToEnd('G10 L20 P0 Z0');
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
case 'a':
2018-08-09 16:34:51 +00:00
addQToEnd('G10 L20 P0 A0');
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
case 'all':
2018-08-09 16:34:51 +00:00
addQToEnd('G10 L20 P0 X0 Y0 Z0');
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
case 'xyza':
2018-08-09 16:34:51 +00:00
addQToEnd('G10 L20 P0 X0 Y0 Z0 A0');
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
} else {
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
debug_log('ERROR: Machine connection not open!');
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
socket.on('gotoZero', function(data) {
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
debug_log('gotoZero(' + data + ')');
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
if (status.comms.connectionStatus > 0) {
switch (data) {
case 'x':
2018-08-09 16:34:51 +00:00
addQToEnd('G0 X0');
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
case 'y':
2018-08-09 16:34:51 +00:00
addQToEnd('G0 Y0');
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
case 'z':
2018-08-09 16:34:51 +00:00
addQToEnd('G0 Z0');
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
case 'a':
2018-08-09 16:34:51 +00:00
addQToEnd('G0 A0');
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
case 'all':
2018-08-09 16:34:51 +00:00
addQToEnd('G0 X0 Y0 Z0');
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
case 'xyza':
2018-08-09 16:34:51 +00:00
addQToEnd('G0 X0 Y0 Z0 A0');
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
} else {
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
debug_log('ERROR: Machine connection not open!');
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
socket.on('setPosition', function(data) {
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
debug_log('setPosition(' + JSON.stringify(data) + ')');
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
if (status.comms.connectionStatus > 0) {
if (data.x !== undefined || data.y !== undefined || data.z !== undefined) {
var xVal = (data.x !== undefined ? 'X' + parseFloat(data.x) + ' ' : '');
var yVal = (data.y !== undefined ? 'Y' + parseFloat(data.y) + ' ' : '');
var zVal = (data.z !== undefined ? 'Z' + parseFloat(data.z) + ' ' : '');
var aVal = (data.a !== undefined ? 'A' + parseFloat(data.a) + ' ' : '');
2018-08-09 16:34:51 +00:00
addQToEnd('G10 L20 P0 ' + xVal + yVal + zVal + aVal);
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
} else {
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
debug_log('ERROR: Machine connection not open!');
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
socket.on('probe', function(data) {
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
debug_log('probe(' + JSON.stringify(data) + ')');
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
if (status.comms.connectionStatus > 0) {
switch (status.machine.firmware.type) {
case 'grbl':
2018-08-09 16:34:51 +00:00
addQToEnd('G38.2 ' + data.direction + '-5 F1');
addQToEnd('G92 ' + data.direction + ' ' + data.probeOffset);
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
//not supported
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
debug_log('Command not supported by firmware!');
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
} else {
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
debug_log('ERROR: Machine connection not open!');
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
socket.on('feedOverride', function(data) {
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
if (status.comms.connectionStatus > 0) {
switch (status.machine.firmware.type) {
case 'grbl':
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
debug_log("current FRO = " + status.machine.overrides.feedOverride)
debug_log("requested FRO = " + data)
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
var curfro = parseInt(status.machine.overrides.feedOverride)
var reqfro = parseInt(data)
var delta;
if (reqfro == 100) {
2019-04-12 13:32:56 +00:00
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
} else if (curfro < reqfro) {
// FRO Increase
delta = reqfro - curfro
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
debug_log("delta = " + delta)
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
var tens = Math.floor(delta / 10)
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
debug_log("need to send " + tens + " x10s increase")
2019-04-12 13:32:56 +00:00
// for (i = 0; i < tens; i++) {
// addQRealtime(String.fromCharCode(0x91));
// }
for (let i = 1; i < tens + 1; i++) {
setTimeout(function timer() {
}, i * 50);
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
var ones = delta - (10 * tens);
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
debug_log("need to send " + ones + " x1s increase")
2019-04-12 13:32:56 +00:00
// for (i = 0; i < ones; i++) {
// addQRealtime(String.fromCharCode(0x93));
// }
for (let i = 1; i < ones + 1; i++) {
setTimeout(function timer() {
}, i * 50);
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
} else if (curfro > reqfro) {
// FRO Decrease
delta = curfro - reqfro
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
debug_log("delta = " + delta)
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
var tens = Math.floor(delta / 10)
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
debug_log("need to send " + tens + " x10s decrease")
2019-04-12 13:32:56 +00:00
// for (i = 0; i < tens; i++) {
// addQRealtime(String.fromCharCode(0x92));
// }
for (let i = 1; i < tens + 1; i++) {
setTimeout(function timer() {
}, i * 50);
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
2019-04-12 13:32:56 +00:00
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
var ones = delta - (10 * tens);
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
debug_log("need to send " + ones + " x1s decrease")
2019-04-12 13:32:56 +00:00
// for (i = 0; i < tens; i++) {
// addQRealtime(String.fromCharCode(0x94));
// }
for (let i = 1; i < ones + 1; i++) {
setTimeout(function timer() {
}, i * 50);
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
2019-04-12 13:32:56 +00:00
2020-04-17 21:07:39 +00:00
status.machine.overrides.feedOverride = parseInt(reqfro); // Set now, but will be overriden from feedback from Grbl itself in next queryloop
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
} else {
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
debug_log('ERROR: Machine connection not open!');
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
socket.on('spindleOverride', function(data) {
if (status.comms.connectionStatus > 0) {
switch (status.machine.firmware.type) {
case 'grbl':
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
debug_log("current SRO = " + status.machine.overrides.spindleOverride)
debug_log("requested SRO = " + data)
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
var cursro = parseInt(status.machine.overrides.spindleOverride)
var reqsro = parseInt(data)
var delta;
if (reqsro == 100) {
2018-08-09 16:34:51 +00:00
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
} else if (cursro < reqsro) {
// FRO Increase
delta = reqsro - cursro
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
debug_log("delta = " + delta)
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
var tens = Math.floor(delta / 10)
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
debug_log("need to send " + tens + " x10s increase")
2019-04-12 13:32:56 +00:00
// for (i = 0; i < tens; i++) {
// addQRealtime(String.fromCharCode(154));
// }
for (let i = 1; i < tens + 1; i++) {
setTimeout(function timer() {
}, i * 50);
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
var ones = delta - (10 * tens);
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
debug_log("need to send " + ones + " x1s increase")
2019-04-12 13:32:56 +00:00
// for (i = 0; i < ones; i++) {
// addQRealtime(String.fromCharCode(156));
// }
for (let i = 1; i < ones + 1; i++) {
setTimeout(function timer() {
}, i * 50);
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
} else if (cursro > reqsro) {
// FRO Decrease
delta = cursro - reqsro
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
debug_log("delta = " + delta)
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
var tens = Math.floor(delta / 10)
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
debug_log("need to send " + tens + " x10s decrease")
2019-04-12 13:32:56 +00:00
// for (i = 0; i < tens; i++) {
// addQRealtime(String.fromCharCode(155));
// }
for (let i = 1; i < tens + 1; i++) {
setTimeout(function timer() {
}, i * 50);
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
var ones = delta - (10 * tens);
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
debug_log("need to send " + ones + " x1s decrease")
2019-04-12 13:32:56 +00:00
// for (i = 0; i < tens; i++) {
// addQRealtime(String.fromCharCode(157));
// }
for (let i = 1; i < ones + 1; i++) {
setTimeout(function timer() {
}, i * 50);
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
2019-04-12 13:32:56 +00:00
2020-04-17 21:07:39 +00:00
status.machine.overrides.spindleOverride = parseInt(reqsro); // Set now, but will be overriden from feedback from Grbl itself in next queryloop
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
} else {
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
debug_log('ERROR: Machine connection not open!');
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
socket.on('laserTest', function(data) { // Laser Test Fire
socket.on('pause', function() {
2019-01-21 12:46:21 +00:00
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
socket.on('resume', function() {
2019-01-21 12:46:21 +00:00
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
2019-04-18 14:23:51 +00:00
socket.on('stop', function(data) {
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
socket.on('clearAlarm', function(data) { // Clear Alarm
if (status.comms.connectionStatus > 0) {
data = parseInt(data);
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
debug_log('Clearing Queue: Method ' + data);
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
switch (data) {
case 1:
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
debug_log('Clearing Lockout');
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
switch (status.machine.firmware.type) {
case 'grbl':
2018-08-09 16:34:51 +00:00
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
debug_log('Sent: $X');
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
debug_log('Resuming Queue Lockout');
2024-05-07 17:55:51 +00:00
var output = {
'command': '[clear alarm]',
'response': "Operator clicked Clear Alarm: Cleared Lockout",
'type': 'info'
io.sockets.emit('data', output);
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
case 2:
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
debug_log('Emptying Queue');
2018-09-27 15:00:49 +00:00
status.comms.queue = 0
queuePointer = 0;
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
gcodeQueue.length = 0; // Dump the queue
2018-08-09 16:34:51 +00:00
sentBuffer.length = 0; // Dump bufferSizes
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
queuePointer = 0;
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
debug_log('Clearing Lockout');
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
switch (status.machine.firmware.type) {
case 'grbl':
2022-04-21 12:26:03 +00:00
2024-04-17 13:22:42 +00:00
if (jogWindow) {
2018-09-27 15:00:49 +00:00
addQRealtime(String.fromCharCode(0x18)); // ctrl-x
2022-04-21 12:26:03 +00:00
setTimeout(function() {
debug_log('Sent: $X');
}, 500);
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
status.comms.blocked = false;
status.comms.paused = false;
2024-05-07 17:55:51 +00:00
var output = {
'command': '[clear alarm]',
'response': "Operator clicked Clear Alarm: Cleared Lockout and Emptied Queue",
'type': 'info'
io.sockets.emit('data', output);
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
status.comms.runStatus = 'Stopped'
status.comms.connectionStatus = 2;
2020-12-17 18:27:05 +00:00
status.comms.alarm = "";
2020-11-16 17:58:36 +00:00
io.sockets.emit('errorsCleared', true);
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
} else {
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
debug_log('ERROR: Machine connection not open!');
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
socket.on('resetMachine', function() {
if (status.comms.connectionStatus > 0) {
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
debug_log('Reset Machine');
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
switch (status.machine.firmware.type) {
case 'grbl':
2018-08-09 16:34:51 +00:00
addQRealtime(String.fromCharCode(0x18)); // ctrl-x
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
debug_log('Sent: Code(0x18)');
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
} else {
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
debug_log('ERROR: Machine connection not open!');
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
socket.on('closePort', function(data) { // Close machine port and dump queue
if (status.comms.connectionStatus > 0) {
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
debug_log('WARN: Closing Port ' + port.path);
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
} else {
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
debug_log('ERROR: Machine connection not open!');
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
2022-11-01 20:21:24 +00:00
2022-07-06 20:08:38 +00:00
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
2021-04-16 13:41:00 +00:00
function readFile(filePath) {
if (filePath) {
if (filePath.length > 1) {
var filename = path.parse(filePath)
filename = + filename.ext
debug_log('readfile: ' + filePath)
fs.readFile(filePath, 'utf8',
function(err, data) {
if (err) {
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
var output = {
'command': '',
'response': "ERROR: File Upload Failed"
uploadedgcode = "";
2018-08-29 08:11:14 +00:00
if (data) {
2021-04-16 13:41:00 +00:00
if (filePath.endsWith('.obc')) { // OpenBuildsCAM Workspace
2019-04-29 17:26:29 +00:00
uploadedworkspace = data;
const {
} = require('electron')
} else { // GCODE
2020-03-30 15:26:11 +00:00
var payload = {
gcode: data,
2021-04-16 13:41:00 +00:00
filename: filename
2020-03-30 15:26:11 +00:00
io.sockets.emit('gcodeupload', payload);
2019-04-29 17:26:29 +00:00
uploadedgcode = data;
return data
2018-08-29 08:11:14 +00:00
2020-06-23 17:55:56 +00:00
function machineSend(gcode, realtime) {
debug_log("SENDING: " + gcode)
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
if (port.isOpen) {
2020-06-23 17:55:56 +00:00
if (realtime) {
// realtime commands doesnt count toward the queue, does not generate OK
} else {
if (gcode.match(/T([\d.]+)/i)) {
var tool = parseFloat(RegExp.$1);
status.machine.tool.nexttool.number = tool
status.machine.tool.nexttool.line = gcode
var queueLeft = parseInt((gcodeQueue.length - queuePointer))
var queueTotal = parseInt(gcodeQueue.length)
// debug_log("Q: " + queueLeft)
var data = []
io.sockets.emit("queueCount", data);
// debug_log(gcode)
2022-12-07 18:04:33 +00:00
debug_log("SENT: " + gcode)
2019-09-03 18:36:09 +00:00
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
} else {
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
debug_log("PORT NOT OPEN")
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
2021-01-05 21:23:40 +00:00
function runJob(object) {
// object = {
// isJob: true,
// completedMsg: "",
// data: "",
// }
jobStartTime = false;
var data =
2021-12-02 14:40:12 +00:00
2021-01-05 21:23:40 +00:00
if (object.isJob) {
if (data.length < 20000) {
uploadedgcode = data;
jobStartTime = new Date().getTime();
if (object.completedMsg) {
jobCompletedMsg = object.completedMsg
// debug_log('Run Job (' + data.length + ')');
if (status.comms.connectionStatus > 0) {
if (data) {
data = data.split('\n');
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
var line = data[i].replace("%", "").split(';'); // Remove everything after ; = comment
var tosend = line[0].trim();
if (tosend.length > 0) {
if (i > 0) {
// Start interval for qCount messages to socket clients
queueCounter = setInterval(function() {
status.comms.queue = gcodeQueue.length - queuePointer
2024-04-17 13:22:42 +00:00
if (jogWindow) {
jogWindow.setProgressBar(queuePointer / gcodeQueue.length)
2021-01-05 21:23:40 +00:00
}, 500);
send1Q(); // send first line
status.comms.connectionStatus = 3;
} else {
debug_log('ERROR: Machine connection not open!');
function stopPort() {
2022-07-06 20:08:38 +00:00
2024-04-17 13:22:42 +00:00
if (jogWindow) {
status.comms.interfaces.activePort = false;
status.comms.interfaces.activeBaud = false;
status.comms.connectionStatus = 0;
status.machine.firmware.type = "";
status.machine.firmware.version = ""; // get version = "";
status.machine.firmware.buffer = "";
gcodeQueue.length = 0;
2018-08-09 16:34:51 +00:00
sentBuffer.length = 0; // dump bufferSizes
2022-07-06 20:08:38 +00:00
// port.drain(port.close());
if (status.comms.interfaces.type == "usb") {
} else if (status.comms.interfaces.type == "telnet") {
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
function parseFeedback(data) {
2022-12-07 18:04:33 +00:00
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
var state = data.substring(1,,|\|)/));
status.comms.runStatus = state
if (state == "Alarm") {
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
// debug_log("ALARM: " + data)
status.comms.connectionStatus = 5;
switch (status.machine.firmware.type) {
case 'grbl':
2020-12-17 18:27:05 +00:00
//var alarmCode = parseInt(data.split(':')[1]);
debug_log('ALARM: ' + data);
//status.comms.alarm = alarmCode + ' - ' + grblStrings.alarms(alarmCode)
status.comms.connectionStatus = 5;
2020-12-28 15:54:09 +00:00
} else if (state == "Hold:0") {
2022-12-07 18:04:33 +00:00
if (status.machine.firmware.type == "grbl") {
// Extract work offset (for Grbl > 1.1 only!)
var startWCO = + 4;
var wco;
if (startWCO > 4) {
wco = data.replace(">", "").substr(startWCO).split(/,|\|/, 4);
if (Array.isArray(wco)) {
xOffset = parseFloat(wco[0]).toFixed(config.posDecimals);
yOffset = parseFloat(wco[1]).toFixed(config.posDecimals);
zOffset = parseFloat(wco[2]).toFixed(config.posDecimals);
2022-11-01 20:21:24 +00:00
if (status.machine.has4thAxis) {
aOffset = parseFloat(wco[3]).toFixed(config.posDecimals);
2020-04-17 21:07:39 +00:00
status.machine.position.offset.x = parseFloat(xOffset);
status.machine.position.offset.y = parseFloat(yOffset);
status.machine.position.offset.z = parseFloat(zOffset);
status.machine.position.offset.a = parseFloat(aOffset);
} else {
2020-04-17 21:07:39 +00:00
status.machine.position.offset.x = parseFloat(xOffset);
status.machine.position.offset.y = parseFloat(yOffset);
status.machine.position.offset.z = parseFloat(zOffset);
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
// Extract wPos (for Grbl > 1.1 only!)
var startWPos = + 5;
var wPos;
if (startWPos > 5) {
var wPosLen = data.substr(startWPos).search(/>|\|/);
wPos = data.substr(startWPos, wPosLen).split(/,/);
var startMPos = + 5;
var mPos;
if (startMPos > 5) {
var mPosLen = data.substr(startMPos).search(/>|\|/);
mPos = data.substr(startMPos, mPosLen).split(/,/);
// If we got a WPOS
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
if (Array.isArray(wPos)) {
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
// debug_log('wpos')
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
if (xPos !== parseFloat(wPos[0]).toFixed(config.posDecimals)) {
xPos = parseFloat(wPos[0]).toFixed(config.posDecimals);
if (yPos !== parseFloat(wPos[1]).toFixed(config.posDecimals)) {
yPos = parseFloat(wPos[1]).toFixed(config.posDecimals);
if (zPos !== parseFloat(wPos[2]).toFixed(config.posDecimals)) {
zPos = parseFloat(wPos[2]).toFixed(config.posDecimals);
if (wPos.length > 3) {
if (aPos !== parseFloat(wPos[3]).toFixed(config.posDecimals)) {
aPos = parseFloat(wPos[3]).toFixed(config.posDecimals);
2022-11-01 20:21:24 +00:00
status.machine.has4thAxis = true;
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
2022-11-01 20:21:24 +00:00
if (status.machine.has4thAxis) {
2020-04-17 21:07:39 +00:00 = parseFloat(xPos); = parseFloat(yPos); = parseFloat(zPos); = parseFloat(aPos);
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
} else {
2020-04-17 21:07:39 +00:00 = parseFloat(xPos); = parseFloat(yPos); = parseFloat(zPos);
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
// end is WPOS
} else if (Array.isArray(mPos)) {
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
// debug_log('mpos', mPos)
if (xPos !== parseFloat(mPos[0]).toFixed(config.posDecimals)) {
xPos = parseFloat(mPos[0]).toFixed(config.posDecimals);
if (yPos !== parseFloat(mPos[1]).toFixed(config.posDecimals)) {
yPos = parseFloat(mPos[1]).toFixed(config.posDecimals);
if (zPos !== parseFloat(mPos[2]).toFixed(config.posDecimals)) {
zPos = parseFloat(mPos[2]).toFixed(config.posDecimals);
if (mPos.length > 3) {
if (aPos !== parseFloat(mPos[3]).toFixed(config.posDecimals)) {
aPos = parseFloat(mPos[3]).toFixed(config.posDecimals);
2022-11-01 20:21:24 +00:00
status.machine.has4thAxis = true;
2022-11-01 20:21:24 +00:00
if (status.machine.has4thAxis) {
2020-04-17 21:07:39 +00:00 = parseFloat(parseFloat(xPos - status.machine.position.offset.x).toFixed(config.posDecimals)); = parseFloat(parseFloat(yPos - status.machine.position.offset.y).toFixed(config.posDecimals)); = parseFloat(parseFloat(zPos - status.machine.position.offset.z).toFixed(config.posDecimals)); = parseFloat(parseFloat(aPos - status.machine.position.offset.a).toFixed(config.posDecimals));
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
} else {
2020-04-17 21:07:39 +00:00 = parseFloat(parseFloat(xPos - status.machine.position.offset.x).toFixed(config.posDecimals)); = parseFloat(parseFloat(yPos - status.machine.position.offset.y).toFixed(config.posDecimals)); = parseFloat(parseFloat(zPos - status.machine.position.offset.z).toFixed(config.posDecimals));
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
// end if MPOS
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
// Extract override values (for Grbl > v1.1 only!)
var startOv = + 3;
if (startOv > 3) {
var ov = data.replace(">", "").substr(startOv).split(/,|\|/, 3);
if (Array.isArray(ov)) {
if (ov[0]) {
2020-04-17 21:07:39 +00:00
status.machine.overrides.feedOverride = parseInt(ov[0]);
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
if (ov[1]) {
2020-04-17 21:07:39 +00:00
status.machine.overrides.rapidOverride = parseInt(ov[1]);
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
if (ov[2]) {
2020-04-17 21:07:39 +00:00
status.machine.overrides.spindleOverride = parseInt(ov[2]);
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
// Extract realtime Feed and Spindle (for Grbl > v1.1 only!)
2021-02-11 18:30:00 +00:00
var startFS =\|FS:/i) + 4;
if (startFS > 4) {
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
var fs = data.replace(">", "").substr(startFS).split(/,|\|/);
if (Array.isArray(fs)) {
if (fs[0]) {
2020-04-17 21:07:39 +00:00
status.machine.overrides.realFeed = parseInt(fs[0]);
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
if (fs[1]) {
2020-04-17 21:07:39 +00:00
status.machine.overrides.realSpindle = parseInt(fs[1]);
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
2021-02-01 15:59:05 +00:00
// extras realtime feed (if variable spindle is disabled)
2021-02-11 18:30:00 +00:00
var startF =\|F:/i) + 3;
if (startF > 3) {
2021-02-01 15:59:05 +00:00
var f = data.replace(">", "").substr(startF).split(/,|\|/);
2021-02-11 18:30:00 +00:00
console.log(JSON.stringify(f, null, 4))
2021-02-01 15:59:05 +00:00
if (Array.isArray(f)) {
2021-02-02 19:27:49 +00:00
if (f[0]) {
status.machine.overrides.realFeed = parseInt(f[0]);
2021-02-01 15:59:05 +00:00
// Extract Pin Data
var startPin = + 3;
if (startPin > 3) {
var pinsdata = data.replace(">", "").replace("\r", "").substr(startPin).split(/,|\|/, 1);
var pins = pinsdata[0].split('')
status.machine.inputs = pins;
2019-02-11 19:29:44 +00:00
if (!_.isEqual(pins, oldpinslist)) {
2021-05-11 14:16:04 +00:00
if (pins.includes('H') && !pins.includes('D')) {
2019-02-11 19:29:44 +00:00
// pause
var output = {
'command': '[external from hardware]',
2020-12-16 08:20:46 +00:00
'response': "OpenBuilds CONTROL received a FEEDHOLD notification from Grbl: This could be due to someone pressing the HOLD button (if connected)",
'type': 'info'
2019-02-11 19:29:44 +00:00
io.sockets.emit('data', output);
} // end if HOLD
2019-01-21 12:46:21 +00:00
2021-02-11 18:30:00 +00:00
if (pins.includes('D')) {
// pause
2019-02-11 19:29:44 +00:00
if (pins.includes('R')) {
// abort
2019-04-18 14:23:51 +00:00
2019-02-11 19:29:44 +00:00
var output = {
'command': '[external from hardware]',
2020-12-16 08:20:46 +00:00
'response': "OpenBuilds CONTROL received a RESET/ABORT notification from Grbl: This could be due to someone pressing the RESET/ABORT button (if connected)",
'type': 'info'
2019-02-11 19:29:44 +00:00
io.sockets.emit('data', output);
} // end if ABORT
if (pins.includes('S')) {
// abort
var output = {
'command': '[external from hardware]',
2020-12-16 08:20:46 +00:00
'response': "OpenBuilds CONTROL received a CYCLESTART/RESUME notification from Grbl: This could be due to someone pressing the CYCLESTART/RESUME button (if connected)",
'type': 'info'
2019-02-11 19:29:44 +00:00
io.sockets.emit('data', output);
} // end if RESUME/START
} else {
status.machine.inputs = [];
2019-02-11 19:29:44 +00:00
oldpinslist = pins;
// Extract Buffer Data
var startBuf = + 3;
if (startBuf > 3) {
var buffer = data.replace(">", "").replace("\r", "").substr(startBuf).split(/,|\|/, 2);
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
// debug_log("BUF: " + JSON.stringify(buffer, null, 2));
status.machine.firmware.buffer = buffer;
} else {
status.machine.firmware.buffer = [];
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
// end statusreport
2021-12-01 19:34:45 +00:00
function gotModals(data) {
// as per
// The shown g-code are the current modal states of Grbl's g-code parser.
// This may not correlate to what is executing since there are usually
// several motions queued in the planner buffer.
// [GC:G0 G54 G17 G21 G90 G94 M5 M9 T0 F0.0 S0]
// defaults
data = data.split(/:|\[|\]/)[2].split(" ")
for (i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
2022-03-29 13:53:43 +00:00
// if (data[i] == "G0") {
// status.machine.modals.motionmode = "G0";
// }
// if (data[i] == "G1") {
// status.machine.modals.motionmode = "G1";
// }
// if (data[i] == "G2") {
// status.machine.modals.motionmode = "G2";
// }
// if (data[i] == "G3") {
// status.machine.modals.motionmode = "G3";
// }
// if (data[i] == "G38.2") {
// status.machine.modals.motionmode = "G38.2";
// }
// if (data[i] == "G38.3") {
// status.machine.modals.motionmode = "G38.3";
// }
// if (data[i] == "G38.4") {
// status.machine.modals.motionmode = "G38.4";
// }
// if (data[i] == "G38.5") {
// status.machine.modals.motionmode = "G38.5";
// }
// if (data[i] == "G80") {
// status.machine.modals.motionmode = "G80";
// }
2021-12-01 19:34:45 +00:00
// status.machine.modals.coordinatesys = "G54"; // G54, G55, G56, G57, G58, G59
if (data[i] == "G54") {
status.machine.modals.coordinatesys = "G54";
if (data[i] == "G55") {
status.machine.modals.coordinatesys = "G55";
if (data[i] == "G56") {
status.machine.modals.coordinatesys = "G56";
if (data[i] == "G57") {
status.machine.modals.coordinatesys = "G57";
if (data[i] == "G58") {
status.machine.modals.coordinatesys = "G58";
if (data[i] == "G59") {
status.machine.modals.coordinatesys = "G59";
// status.machine.modals.plane = "G17"; // G17, G18, G19
if (data[i] == "G17") {
status.machine.modals.plane = "G17";
if (data[i] == "G18") {
status.machine.modals.plane = "G18";
if (data[i] == "G19") {
status.machine.modals.plane = "G19";
// status.machine.modals.distancemode = "G90"; // G90, G91
if (data[i] == "G90") {
status.machine.modals.distancemode = "G90";
if (data[i] == "G91") {
status.machine.modals.distancemode = "G91";
// status.machine.modals.arcdistmode = "G91.1"; // G91.1
if (data[i] == "G91.1") {
status.machine.modals.arcdistmode = "G91.1";
// status.machine.modals.feedratemode = "G94"; // G93, G94
if (data[i] == "G93") {
status.machine.modals.feedratemode = "G93";
if (data[i] == "G94") {
status.machine.modals.feedratemode = "G94";
// status.machine.modals.unitsmode = "G21"; // G20, G21
if (data[i] == "G20") {
status.machine.modals.unitsmode = "G20";
if (data[i] == "G21") {
status.machine.modals.unitsmode = "G21";
// status.machine.modals.radiuscomp = "G40"; // G40
if (data[i] == "G40") {
status.machine.modals.radiuscomp = "G40";
// status.machine.modals.tlomode = "G49"; // G43.1, G49
if (data[i] == "G49") {
status.machine.modals.tlomode = "G49";
if (data[i] == "G43.1") {
status.machine.modals.tlomode = "G43.1";
// status.machine.modals.programmode = "M0"; // M0, M1, M2, M30
2022-03-29 13:53:43 +00:00
// if (data[i] == "M0") {
// status.machine.modals.programmode = "M0";
// }
// if (data[i] == "M1") {
// status.machine.modals.programmode = "M1";
// }
// if (data[i] == "M2") {
// status.machine.modals.programmode = "M2";
// }
// if (data[i] == "M30") {
// status.machine.modals.programmode = "M30";
// }
2021-12-01 19:34:45 +00:00
// status.machine.modals.spindlestate = "M5"; // M3, M4, M5
if (data[i] == "M3") {
status.machine.modals.spindlestate = "M3";
if (data[i] == "M4") {
status.machine.modals.spindlestate = "M4";
if (data[i] == "M5") {
status.machine.modals.spindlestate = "M5";
// status.machine.modals.coolantstate = "M9"; // M7, M8, M9
if (data[i] == "M7") {
status.machine.modals.coolantstate = "M7";
if (data[i] == "M8") {
status.machine.modals.coolantstate = "M8";
if (data[i] == "M9") {
status.machine.modals.coolantstate = "M9";
2022-03-29 13:53:43 +00:00
// // status.machine.modals.tool = "0",
// if (data[i].indexOf("T") === 0) {
// status.machine.modals.tool = parseFloat(data[i].substr(1))
// }
// // status.machine.modals.spindle = "0"
// if (data[i].indexOf("S") === 0) {
// status.machine.modals.spindle = parseFloat(data[i].substr(1))
// }
// // status.machine.modals.feedrate = "0"
// if (data[i].indexOf("F") === 0) {
// status.machine.modals.feedrate = parseFloat(data[i].substr(1))
// }
2021-12-01 19:34:45 +00:00
} // end gotModals
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
function laserTest(data) {
if (status.comms.connectionStatus > 0) {
data = data.split(',');
var power = parseFloat(data[0]);
var duration = parseInt(data[1]);
var maxS = parseFloat(data[2]);
if (power > 0) {
if (!laserTestOn) {
// laserTest is off
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
// debug_log('laserTest: ' + 'Power ' + power + ', Duration ' + duration + ', maxS ' + maxS);
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
if (duration >= 0) {
switch (status.machine.firmware.type) {
case 'grbl':
2018-08-09 16:34:51 +00:00
addQToEnd('M3S' + parseInt(power * maxS / 100));
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
laserTestOn = true;
io.sockets.emit('laserTest', power);
if (duration > 0) {
2018-08-09 16:34:51 +00:00
addQToEnd('G4 P' + duration / 1000);
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
laserTestOn = false;
} else {
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
// debug_log('laserTest: ' + 'Power off');
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
switch (status.machine.firmware.type) {
case 'grbl':
2018-08-09 16:34:51 +00:00
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
laserTestOn = false;
io.sockets.emit('laserTest', 0);
} else {
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
debug_log('ERROR: Machine connection not open!');
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
2018-08-09 16:34:51 +00:00
// queue
function BufferSpace(firmware) {
var total = 0;
var len = sentBuffer.length;
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
total += sentBuffer[i].length;
if (firmware == "grbl") {
if (status.machine.firmware.rxBufferSize > 0) {
return (status.machine.firmware.rxBufferSize - 1) - total;
2022-04-21 12:26:03 +00:00
} else {
if (status.machine.firmware.platform == "grblHAL") {
return GRBLHAL_RX_BUFFER_SIZE - total;
} else {
return GRBL_RX_BUFFER_SIZE - total;
2022-04-21 12:26:03 +00:00
2018-08-09 16:34:51 +00:00
function send1Q() {
2019-10-16 13:57:56 +00:00
// console.time('send1Q');
2018-08-09 16:34:51 +00:00
var gcode;
var gcodeLen = 0;
var spaceLeft = 0;
if (status.comms.connectionStatus > 0) {
switch (status.machine.firmware.type) {
case 'grbl':
if ((gcodeQueue.length - queuePointer) > 0 && !status.comms.blocked && !status.comms.paused) {
spaceLeft = BufferSpace('grbl');
2021-12-02 14:40:12 +00:00
// Do we have enough space in the buffer?
2018-08-09 16:34:51 +00:00
if (gcodeQueue[queuePointer].length < spaceLeft) {
gcode = gcodeQueue[queuePointer];
2020-06-23 17:55:56 +00:00
machineSend(gcode + '\n', false);
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
// debug_log('Sent: ' + gcode + ' Q: ' + (gcodeQueue.length - queuePointer) + ' Bspace: ' + (spaceLeft - gcode.length - 1));
2018-08-09 16:34:51 +00:00
} else {
status.comms.blocked = true;
if (queuePointer >= gcodeQueue.length) {
2021-03-30 19:42:35 +00:00
if (gcodeQueue.length > 1) {
var data = {
completed: true,
failed: false,
jobCompletedMsg: jobCompletedMsg,
jobStartTime: jobStartTime,
jobEndTime: new Date().getTime()
io.sockets.emit('jobComplete', data);
} else {
var data = {
completed: true,
failed: true,
jobCompletedMsg: jobCompletedMsg,
jobStartTime: jobStartTime,
jobEndTime: new Date().getTime()
io.sockets.emit('jobComplete', data);
2019-09-13 18:39:59 +00:00
status.comms.connectionStatus = 2; // finished
2018-08-09 16:34:51 +00:00
2024-04-17 13:22:42 +00:00
if (jogWindow) {
2018-08-09 16:34:51 +00:00
gcodeQueue.length = 0; // Dump the Queye
queuePointer = 0;
status.comms.connectionStatus = 2; // finished
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
jobCompletedMsg = ""
2020-12-15 17:06:42 +00:00
jobStartTime = false;
2018-08-09 16:34:51 +00:00
2018-09-27 15:00:49 +00:00
} else {
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
debug_log('Not Connected')
2018-08-09 16:34:51 +00:00
2019-10-16 13:57:56 +00:00
// console.timeEnd('send1Q');
2018-08-09 16:34:51 +00:00
2022-03-29 13:53:43 +00:00
var modalCommands = ['G54', 'G55', 'G56', 'G57', 'G58', 'G59', 'G17', 'G18', 'G19', 'G90', 'G91', 'G91.1', 'G93', 'G94', 'G20', 'G21', 'G40', 'G43.1', 'G49', 'M0', 'M1', 'M2', 'M30', 'M3', 'M4', 'M5', 'M7', 'M8', 'M9']
2024-04-15 13:26:33 +00:00
var modalCommandsRegExp = new RegExp(modalCommands.join("|"));
2022-03-29 13:53:43 +00:00
2018-08-09 16:34:51 +00:00
function addQToEnd(gcode) {
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
// debug_log('added ' + gcode)
2018-08-09 16:34:51 +00:00
2022-03-29 13:53:43 +00:00
// if (gcode.indexOf("G54") != -1 || gcode.indexOf("G55") != -1 || gcode.indexOf("G56") != -1 || gcode.indexOf("G57") != -1 || gcode.indexOf("G58") != -1 || gcode.indexOf("G59") != -1) {
// gcodeQueue.push("$G");
// }
2022-04-21 12:26:03 +00:00
var testGcode = gcode.toUpperCase()
2022-04-21 20:04:00 +00:00
if (testGcode.indexOf("$H") != -1) {
status.machine.modals.homedRecently = true;
2022-12-20 18:50:36 +00:00
if (testGcode == "$CD") {
fluidncConfig = ""; // empty string
2024-04-15 13:26:33 +00:00
if (!gcode.startsWith("$J=") && modalCommandsRegExp.test(testGcode)) {
2022-03-29 13:53:43 +00:00
if (gcode.match(/T([\d.]+)/i)) {
2021-12-02 14:40:12 +00:00
2022-12-20 18:50:36 +00:00
2018-08-09 16:34:51 +00:00
function addQToStart(gcode) {
function addQRealtime(gcode) {
// realtime command skip the send1Q as it doesnt respond with an ok
2020-06-23 17:55:56 +00:00
machineSend(gcode, true);
2018-08-09 16:34:51 +00:00
function showJogWindow() {
if (jogWindow === null) {
2018-08-09 16:34:51 +00:00
// Electron
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
function isElectron() {
if (typeof window !== 'undefined' && window.process && window.process.type === 'renderer') {
return true;
if (typeof process !== 'undefined' && process.versions && !!process.versions.electron) {
return true;
return false;
if (isElectron()) {
2019-04-15 17:31:30 +00:00
const gotTheLock = electronApp.requestSingleInstanceLock()
2019-05-06 14:31:13 +00:00
var lauchGUI = true;
2019-04-15 17:31:30 +00:00
if (!gotTheLock) {
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
debug_log("Already running! Check the System Tray")
2019-04-15 17:31:30 +00:00
} else {
electronApp.on('second-instance', (event, commandLine, workingDirectory) => {
//Someone tried to run a second instance, we should focus our window.
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
// debug_log('SingleInstance')
2020-03-30 15:26:11 +00:00
function checkFileType(fileName) {
var fileNameLC = fileName.toLowerCase();
if (fileNameLC.endsWith('.obc') || fileName.endsWith('.gcode') || fileName.endsWith('.gc') || fileName.endsWith('.tap') || fileName.endsWith('.nc') || fileName.endsWith('.cnc')) {
return fileName;
2019-05-06 14:31:13 +00:00
lauchGUI = true;
2020-03-30 15:26:11 +00:00
var openFilePath = commandLine.find(checkFileType);
2019-04-15 17:31:30 +00:00
if (openFilePath !== "") {
2019-05-02 18:51:30 +00:00
if (openFilePath !== undefined) {
2019-05-02 17:17:41 +00:00
if (openFilePath.endsWith('.obc')) {
2019-05-06 14:31:13 +00:00
lauchGUI = false;
2019-04-30 12:13:27 +00:00
} else {
2019-05-06 14:31:13 +00:00
lauchGUI = true;
2019-04-30 12:13:27 +00:00
2019-04-29 17:26:29 +00:00
2019-05-06 14:31:13 +00:00
if (lauchGUI) {
2019-05-06 14:31:13 +00:00
2019-04-15 17:31:30 +00:00
// Create myWindow, load the rest of the app, etc...
2023-03-02 18:30:08 +00:00
electronApp.on('ready', () => {
2023-02-23 19:25:32 +00:00
if (process.platform == 'win32') {
2023-02-28 18:40:11 +00:00
// Don't show window - sit in Tray
2023-02-23 19:25:32 +00:00
} else {
showJogWindow() // Macos and Linux - launch GUI
2018-06-19 20:25:40 +00:00
if (electronApp) {
// Module to create native browser window.
function createApp() {
2019-05-21 12:09:53 +00:00
if (process.platform == 'darwin') {
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
debug_log("Creating MacOS Menu");
2019-06-06 19:11:48 +00:00
status.driver.operatingsystem = 'macos';
2019-05-21 12:09:53 +00:00
2018-08-29 08:11:14 +00:00
if (process.platform == 'win32' && process.argv.length >= 2) {
var openFilePath = process.argv[1];
if (openFilePath !== "") {
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
debug_log("path" + openFilePath);
2018-08-29 08:11:14 +00:00
2019-07-23 19:04:50 +00:00
status.driver.operatingsystem = 'windows';
2018-08-29 08:11:14 +00:00
if (process.platform == 'darwin' || uploadedgcode.length > 1) {
2018-08-29 08:11:14 +00:00
2019-05-21 12:09:53 +00:00
function createMenu() {
var template = [{
label: "Application",
submenu: [{
label: "Quit",
accelerator: "Command+Q",
click: function() {
if (appIcon) {
}, {
label: "Edit",
submenu: [{
label: "Cut",
accelerator: "CmdOrCtrl+X",
selector: "cut:"
label: "Copy",
accelerator: "CmdOrCtrl+C",
selector: "copy:"
label: "Paste",
accelerator: "CmdOrCtrl+V",
selector: "paste:"
label: "Select All",
accelerator: "CmdOrCtrl+A",
selector: "selectAll:"
2021-03-19 16:02:04 +00:00
}, {
label: "View",
submenu: [{
label: "Reload",
accelerator: "F5",
click: (item, focusedWindow) => {
if (focusedWindow) {
// on reload, start fresh and close any old
// open secondary windows
if ( === 1) {
BrowserWindow.getAllWindows().forEach(win => {
if ( > 1) win.close();
label: "Toggle Dev Tools",
accelerator: "F12",
click: () => {
2019-05-21 12:09:53 +00:00
function createTrayIcon() {
if (process.platform !== 'darwin') {
appIcon = new Tray(
const contextMenu = Menu.buildFromTemplate([{
label: 'Open User Interface (GUI)',
click() {
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
// debug_log("Clicked Systray")
}, {
label: 'Quit OpenBuilds CONTROL (Disables all integration until started again)',
click() {
2019-01-16 10:18:46 +00:00
if (appIcon) {
2019-01-16 10:18:46 +00:00
if (appIcon) {
appIcon.on('click', function() {
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
// debug_log("Clicked Systray")
2019-01-16 10:18:46 +00:00
2019-01-16 10:56:25 +00:00
2018-08-16 12:50:11 +00:00
2019-01-16 10:18:46 +00:00
if (appIcon) {
appIcon.on('balloon-click', function() {
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
// debug_log("Clicked Systray")
2019-01-16 10:18:46 +00:00
2018-06-19 20:25:40 +00:00
// Call this again for Linux because we modified the context menu
2019-01-16 10:18:46 +00:00
if (appIcon) {
2019-01-16 10:18:46 +00:00
if (appIcon) {
icon: nativeImage.createFromPath(iconPath),
title: "OpenBuilds CONTROL Started",
2021-12-27 14:59:14 +00:00
// content: "OpenBuilds CONTROL has started successfully: Active on " + ip.address() + ":" + config.webPort
content: "OpenBuilds CONTROL has started successfully"
2019-01-16 10:18:46 +00:00
} else {
const dockMenu = Menu.buildFromTemplate([{
label: 'Quit OpenBuilds CONTROL (Disables all integration until started again)',
click() {
// appIcon.destroy();
2018-06-19 20:25:40 +00:00
2018-06-19 20:25:40 +00:00
function createJogWindow() {
// Create the browser window.
jogWindow = new BrowserWindow({
// 1366 * 768 == minimum to cater for
2022-11-01 20:21:24 +00:00
width: 1000,
2018-09-06 21:08:06 +00:00
height: 850,
fullscreen: false,
center: true,
resizable: true,
2021-03-16 19:46:51 +00:00
maximizable: true,
title: "OpenBuilds CONTROL ",
frame: false,
autoHideMenuBar: true,
2020-08-10 14:27:13 +00:00
//icon: '/app/favicon.png',
icon: nativeImage.createFromPath(
path.join(__dirname, "/app/favicon.png")
webgl: true,
experimentalFeatures: true,
experimentalCanvasFeatures: true,
offscreen: true,
2023-02-22 19:54:49 +00:00
backgroundColor: "#fff",
webPreferences: {
nodeIntegration: true,
contextIsolation: false
2018-06-19 20:25:40 +00:00
jogWindow.setOverlayIcon(nativeImage.createFromPath(iconPath), 'Icon');
var ipaddr = ip.address();
// jogWindow.loadURL(`//` + ipaddr + `:3000/`)
2023-04-27 18:45:28 +00:00
2020-08-10 16:34:10 +00:00
jogWindow.on('close', function(event) {
2019-01-10 17:42:08 +00:00
if (!forceQuit) {
return false;
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
// Emitted when the window is closed.
jogWindow.on('closed', function() {
// Dereference the window object, usually you would store windows
// in an array if your app supports multi windows, this is the time
// when you should delete the corresponding element.
jogWindow = null;
jogWindow.once('ready-to-show', () => {
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
// This method will be called when Electron has finished
// initialization and is ready to create browser windows.
// Some APIs can only be used after this event occurs.
electronApp.on('ready', createApp);
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
2019-01-10 17:42:08 +00:00
electronApp.on('before-quit', function() {
forceQuit = true;
electronApp.on('will-quit', function(event) {
// On OS X it is common for applications and their menu bar
// to stay active until the user quits explicitly with Cmd + Q
// We don't take that route, we close it completely
if (appIcon) {
2019-01-10 17:42:08 +00:00
// Quit when all windows are closed.
electronApp.on('window-all-closed', function() {
// On OS X it is common for applications and their menu bar
// to stay active until the user quits explicitly with Cmd + Q
2019-01-16 10:18:46 +00:00
if (appIcon) {
2018-06-19 08:07:03 +00:00
electronApp.on('activate', function() {
// On OS X it's common to re-create a window in the app when the
// dock icon is clicked and there are no other windows open.
if (mainWindow === null) {
2018-06-19 20:25:40 +00:00
// Autostart on Login
2023-03-02 18:30:08 +00:00
if (process.platform == 'win32') {
openAtLogin: true,
args: []
2021-05-13 13:50:55 +00:00
} else { // if its not running under Electron, lets get Chrome up.
2019-06-06 18:05:30 +00:00
var isPi = require('detect-rpi');
if (isPi()) {
2020-09-01 13:20:57 +00:00
DEBUG = true;
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
debug_log('Running on Raspberry Pi!');
2019-06-06 19:11:48 +00:00
status.driver.operatingsystem = 'rpi'
2019-06-06 18:05:30 +00:00
} else {
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
debug_log("Running under NodeJS...");
2019-06-06 18:05:30 +00:00
2018-06-29 13:01:16 +00:00
2018-08-29 08:11:14 +00:00
2020-10-12 15:07:38 +00:00
function stop(data) {
//data = { stop: false, jog: false, abort: true}
2019-01-21 12:46:21 +00:00
if (status.comms.connectionStatus > 0) {
status.comms.paused = true;
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
2019-01-21 12:46:21 +00:00
switch (status.machine.firmware.type) {
case 'grbl':
2020-10-12 15:07:38 +00:00
if (data.jog) {
2019-04-29 17:26:29 +00:00
addQRealtime(String.fromCharCode(0x85)); // canceljog
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
debug_log('Sent: 0x85 Jog Cancel');
2020-06-23 17:55:56 +00:00
debug_log(queuePointer, gcodeQueue)
2020-10-12 15:07:38 +00:00
2020-10-21 18:48:18 +00:00
if (!data.abort && !data.jog) { // pause motion first.
2019-04-29 17:26:29 +00:00
addQRealtime('!'); // hold
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
debug_log('Sent: !');
2019-04-29 17:26:29 +00:00
2020-10-12 15:07:38 +00:00
2019-01-21 12:46:21 +00:00
if (status.machine.firmware.version === '1.1d') {
addQRealtime(String.fromCharCode(0x9E)); // Stop Spindle/Laser
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
debug_log('Sent: Code(0x9E)');
2019-01-21 12:46:21 +00:00
2020-10-12 15:07:38 +00:00
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
debug_log('Cleaning Queue');
2020-10-12 15:07:38 +00:00
if (!data.jog) {
setTimeout(function() {
addQRealtime(String.fromCharCode(0x18)); // ctrl-x
debug_log('Sent: Code(0x18)');
}, 200);
2019-04-18 14:23:51 +00:00
2019-01-21 12:46:21 +00:00
status.comms.connectionStatus = 2;
2024-04-17 13:22:42 +00:00
if (jogWindow) {
2019-01-21 12:46:21 +00:00
status.comms.queue = 0
queuePointer = 0;
gcodeQueue.length = 0; // Dump the queue
sentBuffer.length = 0; // Dump the queue
// sentBuffer.length = 0; // Dump bufferSizes
laserTestOn = false;
status.comms.blocked = false;
status.comms.paused = false;
status.comms.runStatus = 'Stopped';
2020-04-17 21:07:39 +00:00
status.comms.alarm = "";
2019-01-21 12:46:21 +00:00
} else {
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
debug_log('ERROR: Machine connection not open!');
2019-01-21 12:46:21 +00:00
function pause() {
2020-06-23 17:55:56 +00:00
if (status.comms.connectionStatus == 3) {
2019-01-21 12:46:21 +00:00
status.comms.paused = true;
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
2019-01-21 12:46:21 +00:00
switch (status.machine.firmware.type) {
case 'grbl':
addQRealtime('!'); // Send hold command
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
debug_log('Sent: !');
2019-01-21 12:46:21 +00:00
if (status.machine.firmware.version === '1.1d') {
addQRealtime(String.fromCharCode(0x9E)); // Stop Spindle/Laser
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
debug_log('Sent: Code(0x9E)');
2019-01-21 12:46:21 +00:00
status.comms.runStatus = 'Paused';
status.comms.connectionStatus = 4;
} else {
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
debug_log('ERROR: Machine connection not open!');
2019-01-21 12:46:21 +00:00
function unpause() {
if (status.comms.connectionStatus > 0) {
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
2019-01-21 12:46:21 +00:00
switch (status.machine.firmware.type) {
case 'grbl':
addQRealtime('~'); // Send resume command
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
debug_log('Sent: ~');
2019-01-21 12:46:21 +00:00
status.comms.paused = false;
status.comms.blocked = false;
setTimeout(function() {
send1Q(); // restart queue
}, 200);
status.comms.runStatus = 'Resuming';
status.comms.connectionStatus = 3;
} else {
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
debug_log('ERROR: Machine connection not open!');
2019-01-21 12:46:21 +00:00
2018-08-29 08:11:14 +00:00
2019-04-29 17:26:29 +00:00
function isJson(item) {
item = typeof item !== "string" ?
JSON.stringify(item) :
try {
item = JSON.parse(item);
} catch (e) {
return false;
if (typeof item === "object" && item !== null) {
return true;
return false;
2019-06-06 19:19:49 +00:00
function startChrome() {
2019-06-06 19:11:48 +00:00
if (status.driver.operatingsystem == 'rpi') {
2019-06-06 19:21:36 +00:00
const {
} = require('child_process');
2023-04-27 18:45:28 +00:00
const chrome = spawn('chromium-browser', [`-app=${config.webPort}`]);
2019-06-06 19:25:14 +00:00
chrome.on('close', (code) => {
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
debug_log(`Chromium process exited with code ${code}`);
2020-09-01 13:20:57 +00:00
2019-06-06 19:25:14 +00:00
2019-06-06 19:16:43 +00:00
} else {
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
debug_log('Not a Raspberry Pi. Please use Electron Instead');
2019-06-06 19:11:48 +00:00
2020-11-20 15:50:37 +00:00
// Interface Programming
2020-11-23 19:06:28 +00:00
// grab latest firmware.bin for Interface on startup
2021-02-01 16:36:07 +00:00
var file = fs.createWriteStream(path.join(uploadsDir, "firmware.bin"));
2020-11-23 19:06:28 +00:00
https.get("", function(response) {
file.on('finish', function() {
file.close(function() {
const options = {
hostname: '',
port: 443,
path: '/OpenBuilds/firmware/main/interface/version.txt',
method: 'GET'
const req = https.request(options, res => {
console.log(`statusCode: ${res.statusCode}`)
res.on('data', d => {
status.interface.firmware.availVersion = parseFloat(d.toString())
2020-11-24 16:30:37 +00:00
var output = {
'command': 'interface firmware update tool',
2020-12-16 08:20:46 +00:00
'response': "Downloaded firmware.bin v" + status.interface.firmware.availVersion,
'type': 'info'
2020-11-24 16:30:37 +00:00
io.sockets.emit('data', output);
2024-04-23 18:57:55 +00:00
2020-11-24 16:30:37 +00:00
2020-11-23 19:06:28 +00:00
req.on('error', error => {
2020-11-24 16:30:37 +00:00
var output = {
'command': 'interface firmware update tool',
2020-12-16 08:20:46 +00:00
'response': "Unable to download latest firmware.bin",
'type': 'error'
2020-11-24 16:30:37 +00:00
io.sockets.emit('data', output);
2020-11-23 19:06:28 +00:00
2020-11-24 16:30:37 +00:00
2020-11-23 19:06:28 +00:00
2021-02-01 16:36:07 +00:00
var firmwareImagePath = path.join(uploadsDir, './firmware.bin');
2020-11-20 15:50:37 +00:00
var spawn = require('child_process').spawn;
const multer = require('multer');
const storage = multer.diskStorage({
destination: function(req, file, cb) {
cb(null, uploadsDir);
// By default, multer removes file extensions so let's add them back
filename: function(req, file, cb) {
cb(null, file.fieldname + '-' + new Date().toJSON().replace(new RegExp(':', 'g'), '.') + path.extname(file.originalname));
function flashInterface(data) {
status.comms.connectionStatus = 6;
var port = data.port;
var file = data.file;
var board = data.board
2023-03-08 19:52:55 +00:00
console.log("Flashing Interface on " + port + " with file: " + file)
2020-11-20 15:50:37 +00:00
// var data = {
// 'port': port,
// 'string': debugString
// }
// io.sockets.emit("progStatus", data);
//for (let i = 0; i < ports.length; i++) {
var data = {
'port': port,
'string': "[Starting...]"
io.sockets.emit("progStatus", data);
var esptool_opts = [
'--chip', 'esp32',
'--port', port,
'--baud', '921600',
'--before', 'default_reset',
'--after', 'hard_reset',
'--flash_mode', 'dio',
'--flash_freq', '80m',
'--flash_size', 'detect',
2023-03-08 19:24:54 +00:00
'0xe000', path.join(__dirname, "./boot_app0.bin").replace('app.asar', 'app.asar.unpacked'),
'0x1000', path.join(__dirname, "./bootloader_qio_80m.bin").replace('app.asar', 'app.asar.unpacked'),
'0x10000', path.resolve(firmwareImagePath).replace('app.asar', 'app.asar.unpacked'),
'0x8000', path.join(__dirname, "./firmware.partitions.bin").replace('app.asar', 'app.asar.unpacked')
2020-11-20 15:50:37 +00:00
2023-03-08 18:48:09 +00:00
if (process.platform == 'linux') {
2023-03-08 18:09:13 +00:00
//path.join(__dirname, "..", "lib", "resources", "vad.onnx"),
fs.chmodSync(path.join(__dirname, "./").replace('app.asar', 'app.asar.unpacked'), 0o755);
var child = spawn(path.join(__dirname, "./").replace('app.asar', 'app.asar.unpacked'), esptool_opts);
2021-02-26 14:28:44 +00:00
} else if (process.platform == 'win32') {
2023-03-08 18:09:13 +00:00
var child = spawn(path.join(__dirname, "./esptool.exe").replace('app.asar', 'app.asar.unpacked'), esptool_opts);
2023-03-08 18:48:09 +00:00
} else if (process.platform == 'darwin') {
2023-03-08 19:52:55 +00:00
fs.chmodSync(path.join(__dirname, "./").replace('app.asar', 'app.asar.unpacked'), 0o755);
var child = spawn(path.join(__dirname, "./").replace('app.asar', 'app.asar.unpacked'), esptool_opts);
2021-02-26 14:28:44 +00:00
2020-11-20 15:50:37 +00:00
child.stdout.on('data', function(data) {
var debugString = data.toString();
var data = {
'port': port,
'string': debugString
io.sockets.emit("progStatus", data);
status.comms.connectionStatus = 6;
child.stderr.on('data', function(data) {
var debugString = data.toString();
var data = {
'port': port,
'string': debugString
io.sockets.emit("progStatus", data);
status.comms.connectionStatus = 6;
child.on('close', (code) => {
var data = {
'port': port,
2021-02-02 19:27:49 +00:00
'string': `[exit:` + code + `]`,
2020-11-20 15:50:37 +00:00
'code': code
io.sockets.emit("progStatus", data);
status.comms.connectionStatus = 0;
// end Interface Programming
2022-07-06 20:08:38 +00:00
function flashGrblHal(data) {
status.comms.connectionStatus = 6;
var port = data.port;
var file = data.file;
var customImg = data.customImg
2022-11-01 20:21:24 +00:00
var erase = data.erase
2022-07-06 20:08:38 +00:00
if (customImg == true) {
var firmwarePath = firmwareImagePath
} else {
var firmwarePath = path.join(__dirname, file)
2023-03-08 19:52:55 +00:00
console.log("Flashing BlackBoxX32 on " + port + " with file: " + path.resolve(firmwarePath).replace('app.asar', 'app.asar.unpacked'))
2022-07-06 20:08:38 +00:00
var data = {
'port': port,
'string': "[Starting...]"
io.sockets.emit("progStatus", data);
var esptool_opts = [
'--port', port,
'--baud', '460800',
'--before', 'default_reset',
'--after', 'hard_reset',
'--chip', 'esp32',
'--flash_mode', 'dio',
'--flash_size', 'detect',
'--flash_freq', '40m',
2023-03-08 19:24:54 +00:00
'0x1000', path.join(__dirname, "./grblhal-bootloader.bin").replace('app.asar', 'app.asar.unpacked'),
'0x8000', path.join(__dirname, "./grblhal-partition-table.bin").replace('app.asar', 'app.asar.unpacked'),
'0x10000', path.resolve(firmwarePath).replace('app.asar', 'app.asar.unpacked')
2022-07-06 20:08:38 +00:00
2022-11-01 20:21:24 +00:00
if (erase == true) {
2023-03-08 19:24:54 +00:00
if (process.platform == 'linux') {
fs.chmodSync(path.join(__dirname, "./").replace('app.asar', 'app.asar.unpacked'), 0o755);
var child = spawn(path.join(__dirname, "./").replace('app.asar', 'app.asar.unpacked'), esptool_opts);
2022-07-06 20:08:38 +00:00
} else if (process.platform == 'win32') {
2023-03-08 19:24:54 +00:00
var child = spawn(path.join(__dirname, "./esptool.exe").replace('app.asar', 'app.asar.unpacked'), esptool_opts);
} else if (process.platform == 'darwin') {
2024-05-07 17:55:51 +00:00
console.log("Running on MacOS")
2023-03-08 19:52:55 +00:00
fs.chmodSync(path.join(__dirname, "./").replace('app.asar', 'app.asar.unpacked'), 0o755);
var child = spawn(path.join(__dirname, "./").replace('app.asar', 'app.asar.unpacked'), esptool_opts);
2022-07-06 20:08:38 +00:00
2023-03-08 19:24:54 +00:00
2022-07-06 20:08:38 +00:00
child.stdout.on('data', function(data) {
var debugString = data.toString();
var data = {
'port': port,
'string': debugString
io.sockets.emit("progStatus", data);
status.comms.connectionStatus = 6;
child.stderr.on('data', function(data) {
var debugString = data.toString();
var data = {
'port': port,
'string': debugString
io.sockets.emit("progStatus", data);
status.comms.connectionStatus = 6;
child.on('close', (code) => {
var data = {
'port': port,
'string': `[exit:` + code + `]`,
'code': code
io.sockets.emit("progStatus", data);
status.comms.connectionStatus = 0;
// end BlackBoxX32 Programming
// LAN Scanner for BlackBox X32, Interface, SwitchBlox etc //
2022-11-01 20:21:24 +00:00
function scanForTelnetDevices(range) {
//var localNetwork = ip.address().split('.');
//var network = localNetwork[0] + '.' + localNetwork[1] + '.' + localNetwork[2];
//var range = network + ".1-" + network + ".254"
2022-07-06 20:08:38 +00:00
var networkDevices = []
oldiplist = status.comms.interfaces.networkDevices;
2022-11-01 20:21:24 +00:00
const telnetScanOptions = {
2022-07-06 20:08:38 +00:00
target: range,
port: '23',
status: 'TROU', // Timeout, Refused, Open, Unreachable
banner: true
2022-11-01 20:21:24 +00:00
var output = {
'command': 'network',
'response': "Starting network scan for: " +,
'type': 'success'
io.sockets.emit('data', output);
new Evilscan(telnetScanOptions, (err, scan) => {
2022-07-06 20:08:38 +00:00
if (err) {
2022-11-01 20:21:24 +00:00
var output = {
'command': 'network',
'response': "Network Scan error: " + err,
'type': 'success'
io.sockets.emit('data', output);
2022-07-06 20:08:38 +00:00
scan.on('result', data => {
// fired when item is matching options
if (data.status == "open") {
var type = false;
if (data.banner.indexOf("GrblHAL") != -1) {
type = "grblHAL"
} else if (data.banner.indexOf("Grbl") != -1) {
type = "grbl"
ip: data.ip,
type: type,
banner: data.banner
scan.on('error', err => {
//throw new Error(data.toString());
scan.on('done', () => {
// finished !
networkDevices.sort((a, b) => {
return a.ip.split('.')[3] - b.ip.split('.')[3];
status.comms.interfaces.networkDevices = networkDevices;
if (!_.isEqual(status.comms.interfaces.networkDevices, oldiplist)) {
var newTelnetPorts = _.differenceWith(status.comms.interfaces.networkDevices, oldiplist, _.isEqual)
if (newTelnetPorts.length > 0) {
debug_log("Detected new device: " + newTelnetPorts[0].ip);
var removedTelnetPorts = _.differenceWith(oldiplist, status.comms.interfaces.networkDevices, _.isEqual)
if (removedTelnetPorts.length > 0) {
debug_log("No longer detecting device: " + removedTelnetPorts[0].ip);
oldiplist = status.comms.interfaces.networkDevices;
2022-11-01 20:21:24 +00:00
if (status.comms.interfaces.networkDevices.length > 0) {
var output = {
'command': 'network',
'response': "Network Scan completed. Found " + status.comms.interfaces.networkDevices.length + " devices. Network addresses added to the Port selection dropdown.",
'type': 'success'
} else {
var output = {
'command': 'network',
'response': "Network Scan completed. Found " + status.comms.interfaces.networkDevices.length + " devices",
'type': 'error'
io.sockets.emit('data', output);
2022-07-06 20:08:38 +00:00
// end LAN Scanner
2020-11-20 15:50:37 +00:00
2024-04-25 14:27:42 +00:00
2020-03-06 15:59:58 +00:00
process.on('exit', () => debug_log('exit'))