import argparse, configparser, glob, json, logging, os, re, shutil, subprocess, sys, time, ffmpy, pycountry, requests, tqdm from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from threading import Thread from urllib.parse import urlsplit import utils.modules.pycaption as pycaption from http.cookiejar import MozillaCookieJar from configs.config import tool from helpers.aria2 import aria2 from helpers.dfxp_to_srt import dfxp_to_srt from helpers.keyloader import keysaver from helpers.Muxer import Muxer from helpers.Parsers.Netflix import get_keys from helpers.Parsers.Netflix.get_manifest import get_manifest from helpers.ripprocess import EpisodesNumbersHandler, ripprocess from helpers.vpn import connect from pywidevine.cdm import cdm, deviceconfig from pywidevine.decrypt.wvdecryptcustom import WvDecrypt class netflix: def __init__(self, args, commands): self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) self.args = args self.tool = tool() self.config = self.tool.config("NETFLIX") self.bin = self.tool.bin() self.ripprocess = ripprocess() self.EpisodesNumbersHandler = EpisodesNumbersHandler() self.commands = commands self.keysaver = keysaver(keys_file=self.config["keys_file"]) self.logdata = {} # to save title data for debug or use later self.source_tag = "NF" self.dfxp_to_srt = dfxp_to_srt() self.aria2 = aria2() self.video_settings = self.tool.video_settings() self.checkList = list() def DumpStoredData(self, nfid): if nfid: return name = "NETFLIX-{}.json".format(nfid) nfid_json = os.path.join(self.config["jsonpath"], name) with open(nfid_json, "w", encoding="utf-8") as file_: file_.write(json.dumps(self.logdata, indent=4)) file_.flush() file_.close() def store(self, data, keyword): self.logdata.update({keyword: data}) return def get_build(self, cookies): # BUILD_REGEX = r'"BUILD_IDENTIFIER":"([a-z0-9]+)"' session = requests.Session() session.headers = { "Connection": "keep-alive", "Upgrade-Insecure-Requests": "1", "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/84.0.4147.135 Safari/537.36", "Accept": "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.9", "Sec-Fetch-Site": "none", "Sec-Fetch-Mode": "navigate", "Sec-Fetch-Dest": "document", "Accept-Language": "en,en-US;q=0.9", } r = session.get("", cookies=cookies) if not, r.text): print( "cannot get BUILD_IDENTIFIER from the cookies you saved from the browser..." ) sys.exit() return, r.text).group(1) def save(self, cookies, build): # cookie_data = {} for name, value in cookies.items(): cookie_data[name] = [value, 0] logindata = {"BUILD_IDENTIFIER": build, "cookies": cookie_data} with open(self.config["cookies_file"], "w", encoding="utf8") as f: f.write(json.dumps(logindata, indent=4)) f.close() os.remove(self.config["cookies_txt"]) def read_userdata(self): # cookies = None build = None if not os.path.isfile(self.config["cookies_file"]): try: cj = MozillaCookieJar(self.config["cookies_txt"]) cj.load() except Exception: print("invalid netscape format cookies file") sys.exit() cookies = dict() for cookie in cj: cookies[] = cookie.value build = self.get_build(cookies), build) with open(self.config["cookies_file"], "rb") as f: content ="utf-8") if "NetflixId" not in content: self.logger.warning("(Some) cookies expired, renew...") return cookies, build jso = json.loads(content) build = jso["BUILD_IDENTIFIER"] cookies = jso["cookies"] for cookie in cookies: cookie_data = cookies[cookie] value = cookie_data[0] if cookie != "flwssn": cookies[cookie] = value if cookies.get("flwssn"): del cookies["flwssn"] return cookies, build def shakti_api(self, nfid): # url = f"{}/metadata" headers = { "Accept": "*/*", "Accept-Encoding": "gzip, deflate, br", "Accept-Language": "es,ca;q=0.9,en;q=0.8", "Cache-Control": "no-cache", "Connection": "keep-alive", "Host": "", "Pragma": "no-cache", "Sec-Fetch-Mode": "cors", "Sec-Fetch-Site": "same-origin", "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/78.0.3904.87 Safari/537.36", "X-Netflix.browserName": "Chrome", "X-Netflix.browserVersion": "79", "X-Netflix.clientType": "akira", "X-Netflix.esnPrefix": "NFCDCH-02-", "X-Netflix.osFullName": "Windows 10", "X-Netflix.osName": "Windows", "X-Netflix.osVersion": "10.0", "X-Netflix.playerThroughput": "1706", "X-Netflix.uiVersion":, } params = { "movieid": nfid, "drmSystem": "widevine", "isWatchlistEnabled": "false", "isShortformEnabled": "false", "isVolatileBillboardsEnabled": "false", "languages": self.config["metada_language"], } while True: resp = requests.get( url=url, headers=headers, params=params, cookies=self.cookies ) if resp.status_code == 401: self.logger.warning("401 Unauthorized, cookies is invalid.") elif resp.text.strip() == "": self.logger.error("title is not available in your Netflix region.") exit(-1) try: t = resp.json()["video"]["type"] return resp.json() except Exception: os.remove(self.config["cookies_file"]) self.logger.warning( "Error getting metadata: Cookies expired\nplease fetch new cookies.txt" ) exit(-1) def Search(self, query): session = requests.Session() session.headers = { "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:65.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/65.0" } # select profile '''profiles = list() resp = session.get("", cookies=self.cookies) bs = BeautifulSoup(resp.text, "html.parser") profiles_ = bs.find_all("a", {"class": "profile-link"}) for profile in profiles_: profiles.append( (profile.find("span", {"class": "profile-name"}).text, profile["href"]) ) if profiles == []: self.logger.warning( "Cannot select user profile, maybe cookies is invalid or the account has no profies." ) return None # request page with the profile session.get("" + profiles[0][1], cookies=self.cookies)''' # search for title resp = session.get( "" + query, cookies=self.cookies ) if not resp.status_code == 200: self.logger.error("error searching, maybe invalid cookies.") return None # add all search itmes itmes = [] bs = BeautifulSoup(resp.text, "html.parser") titles = bs.find_all("div", {"class": "title-card-container"}) for title in titles: itmes.append( { "name": title.find( "div", {"class": "fallback-text-container"} ).text, "id": title.find("a", href=True)["href"] .split("?")[0] .split("/")[2], } ) if itmes == []: self.logger.error( f'Your search for "{query}" did not have any matches, try different keywords.' ) return None # usually first item is the right items"Founded: {} items".format(str(len(itmes))))"id: {} - name: {}".format(itmes[0]["id"], itmes[0]["name"])) isRightItem = input("if this what you looking: Enter yes or no: ").strip() if isRightItem.lower() == "y" or isRightItem.lower() == "yes": return int(itmes[0]["id"]) # first item is wrong"The available items is: ") for idx, item in enumerate(itmes, start=1): "[{}] - id: {} - name: {}".format(idx, item["id"], item["name"]) ) item_number = input("\nChoose item number: ").strip() if item_number.isdigit(): item = itmes[item_number - 1]["id"] return int(item) return None def get_nfid(self, content_id): # if content_id.isdigit(): return int(content_id) validUrl = re.compile( r'https?://(?:www\.)?netflix\.com/(\w+)?/?(?:title|watch|browse?jbv=)/?(?P\d+)' ) nfID = validUrl.match(content_id) if nfID: return int('id')) else: nfID ='[0-9]{8}$', content_id) if nfID: return int(nfID[0]) else: self.logger.error('Detection of NF ID from the given url: Failed.') sys.exit() def CleanSubtitleVTT(self, file_content): file_content = re.sub(r"{.*?}", "", file_content) file_content = re.sub( r"(.*\bposition:50.00%.*\bline:10.00%)\s*(.*)", r"\1\n{\\an8}\2", file_content, ) file_content = re.sub(r"‏", "\u202B", file_content) file_content = re.sub(r"‎", "\u202A", file_content) file_content = re.sub(r"&", "&", file_content) file_content = re.sub(r"([\d]+)\.([\d]+)", r"\1,\2", file_content) file_content = re.sub(r"WEBVTT\n\n", "", file_content) file_content = re.sub(r"NOTE.*\n", "", file_content) file_content = re.sub(r"\n\s+\n", "", file_content) file_content = re.sub(r" position:.+%", "", file_content) file_content = re.sub(r"", "", file_content) return file_content def downloadFile2(self, url, file_name): with open(file_name, "wb") as f: # 避免ssl错误卡死,关闭requests模块ssl证书验证:verify=False # 关闭后,控制台持续输出警告,建议开启证书验证,取消注释下行代码可以屏蔽 # requests.packages.urllib3.disable_warnings() response = requests.get(url, stream=True, verify=False) # response.encoding = 'UTF-8' f.write(response.content) return def downloadFile(self, url, file_name, silent=False):"\n" + file_name) if self.args.noaria2c: self.ripprocess.tqdm_downloader(url, file_name) return options = self.aria2.aria2Options( allow_overwrite=True, quiet=silent, file_allocation=None, auto_file_renaming=False, async_dns="skip", retry_wait=5, uri_selector="inorder", console_log_level="warn", download_result="hide", extra_commands=[] if self.args.no_download_proxy else self.commands["aria2c_extra_commands"], ) self.aria2.aria2DownloadUrl( url=url, output=file_name, options=options, debug=False, moded=False ) return def GetKeys(self, IDNet, profilename): video_keys = [] available_profiles = [ "High KEYS", "HEVC KEYS", "HDR-10 KEYS", "Main KEYS" ] if not profilename in available_profiles: self.logger.error("Error: Unknown profile: {}".format(profilename)) sys.exit(1) try: video_keys = get_keys.GettingKEYS_Netflixv2(IDNet, profilename) if not video_keys == []: video_keys = list(set(video_keys)) video_keys = [profilename] + video_keys"Done!") else: self.logger.error("Error!") except Exception as e: self.logger.error("Error!: {}".format(e)) return video_keys def GetAudioCocedName(self, audioList): codecs = { "ddplus-atmos-dash": "DDP5.1.Atmos", "ddplus-5.1hq-dash": "DDP5.1", "ddplus-5.1-dash": "DDP5.1", "dd-5.1-dash": "DD5.1", "ddplus-2.0-dash": "DDP2.0", "heaac-5.1hq-dash": "AAC5.1", "heaac-5.1-dash": "AAC5.1", "heaac-2-dash": "AAC2.0", "heaac-2hq-dash": "AAC2.0", "playready-oggvorbis-2-dash": "OGG2.0", } profiles = [x["Profile"] for x in audioList] if not profiles == []: for profile in profiles: try: return codecs[profile] except KeyError: pass return "DDP5.1" def RemuxVideo(self, outputVideoTemp, outputVideo, Name):"\nRemuxing video...") #ff = ffmpy.FFmpeg( # executable=self.bin["ffmpeg"], # inputs={outputVideoTemp: None}, # outputs={outputVideo: "-c copy"}, # global_options="-y -hide_banner -loglevel warning", #) #time.sleep(50.0 / 1000.0) #os.remove(outputVideoTemp) #解密视频文件直接重命名,移除ffmpeg混流过程 os.rename(outputVideoTemp, outputVideo)"Done!") return True def DecryptVideo_withtxtkeys(self, inputVideo, outputVideoTemp, outputVideo, kid, Name): with open(self.config["keys_file"] + "NETFLIX.keys", "r") as keys_file_netflix: keys_video = keys_file_netflix.readlines() keys_video = [x.strip() for x in keys_video if ":" in x] if not keys_video == []: for key in keys_video: if key[0:32] == kid:"\nDecrypting video...")"Using KEY: " + key) [ self.bin["mp4decrypt"], "--show-progress", "--key", key, inputVideo, outputVideoTemp, ] ) self.RemuxVideo(outputVideoTemp, outputVideo, Name) return True self.logger.warning("\nKEY for " + inputVideo + " is not in txt.") return False def DecryptVideo(self, inputVideo, outputVideoTemp, outputVideo, IDNet, Name, Profile, silent=False): KID = self.keysaver.generate_kid(inputVideo) KEYS = self.keysaver.get_key_by_kid(KID) if KEYS == []:"\nKEY for {} not saved before.".format(inputVideo))"\nGetting Video KEYS...") if self.args.video_high: KEYS = self.GetKeys(IDNet, "High KEYS") else: if self.args.hevc: KEYS = self.GetKeys(IDNet, "HEVC KEYS") else: if self.args.hdr: KEYS = self.GetKeys(IDNet, "HDR-10 KEYS") else: if "playready-h264hpl" in Profile: KEYS = self.GetKeys(IDNet, "High KEYS") else: KEYS = self.GetKeys(IDNet, "Main KEYS") # ~ if KEYS == []: return False KEYS = self.keysaver.dump_keys( keys=[key for key in KEYS if ":" in key], pssh=None, name=Name ) only1key = [x for x in KEYS if x["KID"] == KID] if not only1key == []: KEYS = only1key # 未解密视频传递ripprocess模块解密 self.ripprocess.mp4_decrypt( encrypted=inputVideo, decrypted=outputVideoTemp, keys=KEYS, moded_decrypter=True, no_kid=False, silent=silent, ) #不理解这个模块的判断逻辑,操作是把解密的视频,传入ffmpeg重新封装 #if not "NETFLIX".lower() in list( # map(lambda x: x.lower(), self.video_settings["skip_video_demux"]) #): # self.ripprocess.DemuxVideo( # outputVideoTemp=outputVideoTemp, # outputVideo=outputVideo, # ffmpeg=True, # mp4box=False, # ) #else: # os.rename(outputVideoTemp, outputVideo) #移除判断,解密后视频文件直接重命名 os.rename(outputVideoTemp, outputVideo) return True def SubtitleThreader(self, subtitlesList, name): for z in subtitlesList: if str(dict(z)["isForced"]) == "YES": langAbbrev = "forced-" + str(dict(z)["langAbbrev"]) elif str(dict(z)["isForced"]) == "SDH": langAbbrev = "sdh-" + str(dict(z)["langAbbrev"]) else: langAbbrev = str(dict(z)["langAbbrev"]) ext = "dfxp" if str(dict(z)["Profile"]) == "dfxp-ls-sdh" else "vtt" inputSubtitleDFXP = f"{name} {langAbbrev}.{ext}" inputSubtitleSrt = f"{name} {langAbbrev}.srt" if os.path.isfile(inputSubtitleDFXP) or os.path.isfile(inputSubtitleSrt): pass else: self.downloadFile2(str(dict(z)["Url"]), inputSubtitleDFXP) dfxp = glob.glob(name + "*.dfxp") vtt = glob.glob(name + "*.vtt") if not dfxp == []: for f in dfxp: self.dfxp_to_srt.convert(f, f.replace(".dfxp", ".srt")) os.remove(f) if not vtt == []: for f in vtt: with open(f, "r+", encoding="utf-8") as x: old = with open(f.replace(".vtt", ".srt"), "w+", encoding="utf-8") as x: x.write(self.CleanSubtitleVTT(old)) os.remove(f) def downloadItem(self, item): TitleName = item["TitleName"] FolderName = item["FolderName"] try: CurrentHeigh = str(item["video"]["Height"]) CurrentWidth = str(item["video"]["Width"]) except Exception: CurrentHeigh = "None" CurrentWidth = "None" if not self.args.nosubs: SubsThread = Thread( target=self.SubtitleThreader, args=(item["subtitle"] + item["forced"], TitleName,), ) SubsThread.start()"\nSubtitle Thread download started.") if not self.args.novideo:"\nDownloading video...") if self.args.hevc: inputVideo = f"{TitleName} [{CurrentHeigh}p] [HEVC].mp4" outputVideoTemp = ( f"{TitleName} [{CurrentHeigh}p] [HEVC]_DecryptTemp.mp4" ) inputVideo_demuxed = f"{TitleName} [{CurrentHeigh}p] [HEVC]_Demuxed.mp4" elif self.args.hdr: inputVideo = f"{TitleName} [{CurrentHeigh}p] [HDR].mp4" outputVideoTemp = f"{TitleName} [{CurrentHeigh}p] [HDR]_DecryptTemp.mp4" inputVideo_demuxed = f"{TitleName} [{CurrentHeigh}p] [HDR]_Demuxed.mp4" else: if "playready-h264hpl" in str( item["video"]["Profile"] ) or "playready-h264shpl" in str(item["video"]["Profile"]): inputVideo = f"{TitleName} [{CurrentHeigh}p] [HIGH].mp4" outputVideoTemp = ( f"{TitleName} [{CurrentHeigh}p] [HIGH]_DecryptTemp.mp4" ) inputVideo_demuxed = ( f"{TitleName} [{CurrentHeigh}p] [HIGH]_Demuxed.mp4" ) else: inputVideo = f"{TitleName} [{CurrentHeigh}p].mp4" outputVideoTemp = f"{TitleName} [{CurrentHeigh}p]_DecryptTemp.mp4" inputVideo_demuxed = f"{TitleName} [{CurrentHeigh}p]_Demuxed.mp4" if ( os.path.isfile(inputVideo) and not os.path.isfile(inputVideo + ".aria2") or os.path.isfile(inputVideo_demuxed) ): "\n" + inputVideo + "\nFile has already been successfully downloaded previously." ) else: self.downloadFile(item["video"]["Url"], inputVideo) ################################################################################# if not self.args.noaudio:"\nDownloading audio...") for audio in item["audio"]: langAbbrev = dict(audio)["Language"] inputAudio = f"{TitleName} {langAbbrev}-audio.mp4" inputAudio2 = f"{TitleName} {langAbbrev}.ac3" inputAudio3 = f"{TitleName} {langAbbrev}.eac3" inputAudio4 = f"{TitleName} {langAbbrev}.m4a" inputAudio5 = f"{TitleName} {langAbbrev}.oga" if ( os.path.isfile(inputAudio) and not os.path.isfile(inputAudio + ".aria2") or os.path.isfile(inputAudio2) or os.path.isfile(inputAudio3) or os.path.isfile(inputAudio4) or os.path.isfile(inputAudio5) ): "\n" + inputAudio + "\nFile has already been successfully downloaded previously." ) else: self.downloadFile(str(dict(audio)["Url"]), inputAudio) ################################################################################# IDNet = item["NetflixID"] self.CorrectDecryptVideo = False if not self.args.novideo: if not os.path.isfile(inputVideo_demuxed): self.CorrectDecryptVideo = self.DecryptVideo( inputVideo=inputVideo, outputVideoTemp=outputVideoTemp, outputVideo=inputVideo_demuxed, IDNet=IDNet, Name=TitleName, Profile=str(item["video"]["Profile"]), ) else: self.CorrectDecryptVideo = True if not self.args.noaudio: for audio in item["audio"]: langAbbrev = dict(audio)["Language"] inputAudio = f"{TitleName} {langAbbrev}-audio.mp4" inputAudio2 = f"{TitleName} {langAbbrev}.ac3" inputAudio3 = f"{TitleName} {langAbbrev}.eac3" inputAudio4 = f"{TitleName} {langAbbrev}.m4a" inputAudio5 = f"{TitleName} {langAbbrev}.oga" if ( os.path.isfile(inputAudio2) or os.path.isfile(inputAudio3) or os.path.isfile(inputAudio4) or os.path.isfile(inputAudio5) ): pass else: self.ripprocess.DemuxAudio(inputAudio, "-audio.mp4") ################################################################################# if not self.args.nosubs: SubsThread.join() muxedFile = None if ( not self.args.novideo and not self.args.noaudio and self.CorrectDecryptVideo is True ): mkvmuxer = Muxer( CurrentName=TitleName, SeasonFolder=FolderName, CurrentHeigh=CurrentHeigh, CurrentWidth=CurrentWidth, mkvmerge=self.bin["mkvmerge"], Source=self.source_tag, group=self.commands["group"], ) muxedFile = mkvmuxer.startMux() if not self.args.keep: self.ripprocess.do_clean( TitleName, exclude=self.args.clean_exclude, added=self.args.clean_add ), "item_info") self.DumpStoredData(item["NetflixID"])"Done!") return def getItem(self, NetflixID, TitleName, FolderName): self.FilesInFolder = [] if FolderName: GlobFiles = glob.glob(f"{FolderName}/*.*", recursive=True) if not GlobFiles == []: for files in GlobFiles: self.FilesInFolder.append(os.path.basename(files)) if self.args.license: KEYS = []"\nGetting KEYS...") if self.args.hevc: KEYS += self.GetKeys(NetflixID, "HEVC KEYS") elif self.args.hdr: KEYS += self.GetKeys(NetflixID, "HDR-10 KEYS") else: for profile in ["Main KEYS", "High KEYS"]: KEYS += self.GetKeys(NetflixID, profile)"\n" + TitleName + "\n")"\n".join(KEYS)) KEYS = [x for x in KEYS if ":" in x] if not KEYS == []: KEYS = self.keysaver.dump_keys(keys=KEYS, pssh=None, name=TitleName) return VideoList, AudioList, SubtitleList, ForcedList, checkerinfo = get_manifest( self.args, NetflixID ).LoadManifest() if self.args.check: itemdata = [ { 'title':'S\d+E\d+', TitleName)[0] if self.netflixType == 'show' else TitleName, 'checkinfo': checkerinfo, 'videolist': VideoList } ] self.checkList.extend(itemdata) return if not self.args.novideo: "VIDEO - Bitrate: {}kbps | Profile: {} | Size: {} | Fps: {} | Vmaf: {} | Drm: {} | Resolution: {}x{}".format( str(dict(VideoList[-1])["Bitrate"]), str(dict(VideoList[-1])["Profile"]), str(dict(VideoList[-1])["Size"]), str(dict(VideoList[-1])["FrameRate"]), str(dict(VideoList[-1])["vmaf"]), dict(VideoList[-1])["Drm"], str(dict(VideoList[-1])["Width"]), str(dict(VideoList[-1])["Height"]), ) ) if not self.args.noaudio:"\n") for Audio in AudioList: "AUDIO - Bitrate: {}kbps | Profile: {} | Size: {} | Original: {} | Drm: {} | Channels: {}ch | Language: {}".format( str(dict(Audio)["Bitrate"]), str(dict(Audio)["Profile"]), str(dict(Audio)["Size"]), str(dict(Audio)["Original"]), dict(Audio)["Drm"], str(dict(Audio)["channels"]), str(dict(Audio)["Language"]), ) ) if not self.args.nosubs:"\n") for Subtitle in SubtitleList + ForcedList: "SUBTITLE - Profile: {} | Type: {} | isForced: {} | Language: {}".format( str(dict(Subtitle)["Profile"]), str(dict(Subtitle)["rawTrackType"]), str(dict(Subtitle)["isForced"]), str(dict(Subtitle)["Language"]), ) )"\n{TitleName}\n") downloaddict = { "NetflixID": NetflixID, "TitleName": TitleName, "FolderName": FolderName, "video": VideoList[-1] if not VideoList == [] else VideoList, "audio": AudioList, "subtitle": SubtitleList, "forced": ForcedList, } self.logger.debug("downloaddict: {}".format(downloaddict)) if not self.args.prompt: choice = "y" else: choice = input("\nDoes this look right? Answer yes to download. (y/n): ") if choice.lower() == "y" or choice.lower() == "yes": self.downloadItem(downloaddict) elif choice.lower() == "n" or choice.lower() == "no":"Quitting...") return def main_netflix(self): self.cookies, = self.read_userdata() self.nfID = None if self.args.content: self.nfID = self.get_nfid(self.args.content) if not self.nfID: self.logger.error( "Cannot detect netflix id: {}".format(self.args.content) ) exit(-1) elif"\nSearching NetFlix For: {}".format( SearchItem = self.Search(str( if not SearchItem: self.logger.error("Search Failed: {}".format( exit(-1) self.nfID = int(SearchItem) else: self.nfID = self.get_nfid( input("Netflix viewable ID / watch URL: ").strip() )"Getting Metadata...") data = self.shakti_api(str(self.nfID)) self.logger.debug("Metadata: {}".format(data)) if data["video"]["type"] == "movie": self.netflixType = "movie" else: if data["video"]["type"] == "show": self.netflixType = "show" else: if data["video"]["type"] == "supplemental": self.netflixType = "supplemental" else:["video"]["type"] + " is a unrecognized type!") sys.exit(0) ###################################### if self.args.output: dl_location = self.args.output if not os.path.exists(dl_location): os.makedirs(dl_location) else: try: temp_download = "{}/{}".format( tool().paths()["DL_FOLDER"], "downloads/netflix" ) if not os.path.exists(temp_download): os.makedirs(temp_download) dl_location = temp_download except Exception: temp_download = "downloads/netflix" if not os.path.exists(temp_download): os.makedirs(temp_download) dl_location = temp_download os.chdir(dl_location) ###################################### self.items = [] isAEpisode = False if self.netflixType == "movie" or self.netflixType == "supplemental": mainTitle = "{} {}".format( self.ripprocess.RemoveCharcters(data["video"]["title"]), self.ripprocess.RemoveCharcters(str(data["video"]["year"])), ) else: mainTitle = self.ripprocess.RemoveCharcters(data["video"]["title"]) try: if ( str(data["video"]["currentEpisode"]) == str(self.nfID) and self.netflixType == "show" ): isAEpisode = True except Exception: pass if self.netflixType == "movie" or self.netflixType == "supplemental": self.getItem( self.nfID, self.args.titlecustom[0] if self.args.titlecustom else mainTitle, None, ) elif self.netflixType == "show": if isAEpisode:"\nID or URL belongs to episode...") for season in data["video"]["seasons"]: for episode in season["episodes"]: if int(episode["id"]) == int(self.nfID): self.items.append( { "TitleName": "{} S{}E{} {}".format( self.args.titlecustom[0] if self.args.titlecustom else mainTitle, str(season["seq"]).zfill(2), str(episode["seq"]).zfill(2), self.ripprocess.RemoveCharcters( episode["title"] ), ), "FolderName": "{} S{}".format( self.args.titlecustom[0] if self.args.titlecustom else mainTitle, str(season["seq"]).zfill(2), ), "NetflixID": episode["episodeId"], } ) else: seasonMatchNumber = ( str(self.args.season).lstrip("0") if self.args.season else str(input("ENTER Season Number: ").strip()).lstrip("0") ) AllowedEpisodesNumbers = ( self.EpisodesNumbersHandler.sortNumbers( str(self.args.episodeStart).lstrip("0") ) if self.args.episodeStart else self.EpisodesNumbersHandler.sortNumbers("~") ) for season in data["video"]["seasons"]: if int(season["seq"]) == int(seasonMatchNumber): for episode in season["episodes"]: if int(episode["seq"]) in AllowedEpisodesNumbers: self.items.append( { "TitleName": "{} S{}E{} {}".format( self.args.titlecustom[0] if self.args.titlecustom else mainTitle, str(season["seq"]).zfill(2), str(episode["seq"]).zfill(2), self.ripprocess.RemoveCharcters( episode["title"] ), ), "FolderName": "{} S{}".format( self.args.titlecustom[0] if self.args.titlecustom else mainTitle, str(season["seq"]).zfill(2), ), "NetflixID": episode["episodeId"], } )"\nTotal items will be downloaded: {}".format(len(self.items))) for idx, epsiode in enumerate(self.items, start=1): "downloading: {} of {}".format( str(idx).zfill(2), str(len(self.items)).zfill(2) ) ) self.getItem( epsiode["NetflixID"], self.ripprocess.RemoveCharcters(epsiode["TitleName"]), epsiode["FolderName"], ) if self.args.check:'\nCheck Result') for item in self.checkList: if "MAIN is Better" in item['checkinfo']:['title'] + ' : MAIN') else: L3 = str(dict(item['videolist'][-1])["L3"])['title'] + ' : HIGH ' + L3)