# Mastodon Tools Various little tools Python for interacting with Mastodon. You will need to register for a access token on your Mastodon instance. Ask your admin if you're unsure. ## On This Day This service shows all the posts you made on this day in previous years. [Read The Blog Post](https://shkspr.mobi/blog/2022/11/building-an-on-this-day-service-for-mastodon/) ## Threads This lets you visualise a conversation tree. Give it the URL of any post on your instance and it will get all the replies to it. Usage: `python3 threads.py https://your_mastodon.instance/@username@their.instance/1234` ⚠ Note! Large conversations may take a long time to retrieve from the API. ## Status Pretty Prints (in colour!) all the data behind a status. Usage: `python3 status.py https://mastodon.social/@Edent/109358520333182101`