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Czysty Zwykły widok Historia

2023-02-19 18:11:07 +00:00
#!/usr/bin/env python
from mastodon import Mastodon
import json
import requests
import config
# Set up access
mastodon = Mastodon( api_base_url=config.instance, access_token=config.write_access_token )
# Untappd API
untappd_api_url = '' + config.untappd_client_id + '&client_secret='+ config.untappd_client_secret
r = requests.get(untappd_api_url)
untappd_data = r.json()
# Latest checkin object
checkin = untappd_data["response"]["checkins"]["items"][0]
untappd_id = checkin["checkin_id"]
# Was this ID the last one we saw?
check_file = open("untappd_last", "r+")
last_id =
if (last_id != str(untappd_id) ) :
check_file.write( str(untappd_id) )
# Start creating the message
message = ""
if "checkin_comment" in checkin :
message += checkin["checkin_comment"]
if "beer" in checkin :
message += "\nDrinking: " + checkin["beer"]["beer_name"]
if "brewery" in checkin :
message += "\nBy: " + checkin["brewery"]["brewery_name"]
if "venue_name" in checkin :
message += "\nIn: " + checkin["venue"]["venue_name"]
# Scores etc
untappd_checkin_url = "" + str(untappd_id)
untappd_rating = checkin["rating_score"]
untappd_score = "🍺" * int(untappd_rating)
message += "\n" + untappd_score + "\n" + untappd_checkin_url + "\n" + "#untappd"
# Post to Mastodon. Use idempotency just in case something went wrong
mastodon.status_post(status = message, idempotency_key = str(untappd_id))