import wave from typing import List, NamedTuple, Tuple import numpy as np import numpy.typing as npt class Sound(NamedTuple): """Audio sample- and meta- data.""" data: np.ndarray rate: int width: int = 4 Correction = List[Tuple[float, float]] """List of (frequency, db) tuples.""" def write_wav(path: str, data: npt.ArrayLike, rate: int, width: int = 4): """ Write n-channel float array with values between -1 and 1 to WAV file Params: path: Filename of WAV file. data: Sound sample data array. rate: Sample rate in Hz. width: Sample width in bytes. """ if width not in [1, 2, 3, 4]: raise ValueError(f'Invalid sample width: {width}') data = np.asarray(data) ch = 1 if len(data.shape) < 2 else len(data) if width == 4: arr = np.empty_like(data, np.int32) np.rint((2 ** 31 - 1) * data, out=arr, casting='unsafe') elif width == 3: arr = np.empty_like(data, np.int32) np.rint((2 ** 31 - 2 ** 8) * data, out=arr, casting='unsafe') arr = arr.flatten(order='F').view(np.uint8) # Drop every 4th byte. arr = np.vstack([arr[1::4], arr[2::4], arr[3::4]]) elif width == 2: arr = np.empty_like(data, np.int16) np.rint((2 ** 15 - 1) * data, out=arr, casting='unsafe') else: arr = np.empty_like(data, np.int8) np.rint((2 ** 7 - 1) * data, out=arr, casting='unsafe') with, 'wb') as wav: wav.setnchannels(ch) wav.setsampwidth(width) wav.setframerate(rate) wav.writeframes(arr.tobytes(order='F')) def read_wav(path: str) -> Sound: """Read WAV file and return float32 arrays between -1 and 1.""" with, 'rb') as wav: ch, width, rate, n, _, _ = wav.getparams() frames = wav.readframes(n) if width == 4: buff = np.frombuffer(frames, np.int32) norm = 2 ** 31 - 1 elif width == 3: buff = np.frombuffer(frames, np.uint8) uints = buff[0::3].astype(np.uint32) << 8 \ | buff[1::3].astype(np.uint32) << 16 \ | buff[2::3].astype(np.uint32) << 24 buff = uints.view(np.int32) norm = 2 ** 31 - 2 ** 8 elif width == 2: buff = np.frombuffer(frames, np.int16) norm = 2 ** 15 - 1 else: buff = np.frombuffer(frames, np.int8) norm = 2 ** 7 - 1 data = buff.astype('f') data /= np.float32(norm) data = data.reshape((-1, ch)).T return Sound(data, rate, width) def write_correction(path: str, correction: Correction): """Write (frequency, db) tuples to a space-separated file.""" txt = '\n'.join(f'{freq} {db}' for freq, db in correction) with open(path, 'w') as f: f.write(txt) def read_correction(path: str) -> Correction: """Read (frequency, db) tuples from comma- or space-separated file.""" corr = [] with open(path, 'r') as f: for line in f.readlines(): try: freq, db, *_ = line.split(',' if ',' in line else None) corr.append((float(freq), float(db))) except ValueError: pass return corr