[T4BRFA99H00M0107] -- 0 degrees [T4BRFA99H00M0100] -- 45 degrees [T4BRFA99H00M0101] -- 90 degrees [T4BRFA99H00M0102] -- 135 degrees [T4BRFA99H00M0103] -- 180 degrees [T4BRFA99H00M0104] -- 225 degrees [T4BRFA99H00M0105] -- 270 degrees [T4BRFA99H00M0106] -- 315 degrees These are the bidirectional answers [T4BRFA99H00M0200] -- 45 [T4BRFA99H00M0201] -- 90 [T4BRFA99H00M0202] -- 135 [T4BRFA99H00M0203] -- 180 Bidirectional N/S [T4BRFA99H00M0204] -- 225 [T4BRFA99H00M0205] -- 270 [T4BRFA99H00M0206] -- 315 [T4BRFA99H00M0207] -- 0 All commands need CR added The 98 should be replaced by whatever the rig returns -- in this case it was 99. Startup: [LINK] returns [LINKOK] LEFT:[R98T4AH01] [R99T4AH01] counter RIGHT:[R98T4AH02] UNI:[R98T4AH03] [R99T4AH03] BI: [R98T4AH04] [R99T4AH04] FLIP: [R98T4AH05] [R99T4AH05] Direct switching Seems the "98" model does not recognized the direct commands [R99T4AM10] 0 [R99T4AM11] 45 [R99T4AM12] 90 [R99T4AM13] 135 [R99T4AM14] 180 [R99T4AM15] 225 [R99T4AM16] 270 [R99T4AM17] 315 Misc Commands [GETVER] response with string