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#Display distance reported by the HC-SR04 on the ST7735 LCD.
import ultrasonic
import pyb
from ST7735 import NAVY, CYAN, Point, TFTColor
import terminalfont
ZeroPoint = Point(0, 0)
FONT_HEIGHT = terminalfont.terminalfont["Height"]
#100-15 = blue
#15-10 = green
#10-5 = yellow
#5-0 = red
COLORS = [(0, 255, 0, 0)
(5, 255, 255, 0),
(10, 0, 255, 0),
(15, 0, 0, 255),
def getrgb( aDistance ) :
'''Get an interpolated TFTColor based on distance.
Uses the COLORS list.'''
clr = NAVY
def interp(l, v0, v1):
return (v0 * (1.0 - l) + (v1 * l))
for i in range(1, len(COLORS)) :
c = colors[i]
if c[0] >= aDistance:
rng0, r0, g0, b0 = colors[i - 1]
rng1, r1, g1, b1 = c
#interpolate between rng0 and rng1
l = (aDistance - rng0) / float(rng1 - rng0)
r = interp(l, r0, r1)
g = interp(l, g0, g1)
b = interp(l, b0, b1)
clr = TFTColor(r,g,b)
return clr
class RangePoint(object):
"""Display a point on the screen"""
def __init__(self, aSize):
self.size = aSize
self.pos = Point(-1, 0)
self.prevdistance = -1
def update( self, aDisplay, aDistance, aTime ) :
if (self.prevdistance != aDistance):
self._draw(aDisplay, 0)
clr = getrgb(aDistance)
self.pos.x = int((aDisplay.size.x / 2) - (self.size / 2))
y = min(1.0, aDistance / MAXRANGE)
self.pos.y = int(y * aDisplay.size.y)
self._draw(aDisplay, clr)
self.prevdistance = aDistance
def _draw( self, aDisplay, aColor ) :
if self.pos.x >= 0:
aDisplay.fillrect(self.pos, self.size, aColor)
class SonarDisplay(object):
"""Display HC-SR04 distance on ST7735 LCD with text and a box"""
def __init__( self, aDisplay, aTrigger, aEcho ):
self.display = aDisplay
self.triggerpin = aTrigger
self.echopin = aEcho
self.rangepoint = RangePoint(4)
self.hc = ultrasonic.Ultrasonic(self.triggerpin, self.echopin)
def printdistance( self, aDistance ) :
s = "I: " + str(aDistance)
aDisplay.fillrect(ZeroPoint, Point(aDisplay.size.x, FONT_HEIGHT), 0)
aDisplay.drawstring(ZeroPoint, s, CYAN, terminalfont.terminalfont)
def run( self ):
sw = pyb.Switch()
lasttime = pyb.millis()
while sw() == False :
distance = self.hc.distance_in_inches()
thistime = pyb.millis()
t = thistime - lasttime
self.rangepoint.update(self.display, distance, t / 1000.0)
lasttime = thistime
# sensor1_trigPin = pyb.Pin.board.X8
# sensor1_echoPin = pyb.Pin.board.X7
# sensor1 = ultrasonic.Ultrasonic(sensor1_trigPin, sensor1_echoPin)
# switch = pyb.Switch()
# # function that prints each sensor's distance
# def print_sensor_values():
# # get sensor1's distance in cm
# distance1 = sensor1.distance_in_inches()
# print("Sensor1", distance1, "inches")
# # prints values every second
# while True:
# print("Sensing")
# print_sensor_values()
# # ultrasonic.wait(10000)
# pyb.delay(100)