
64 wiersze
1.6 KiB

import pyb
import time
from ST7735 import CYAN, RED, GREEN, YELLOW, TFTColor
#todo: Pick a ransom spot, random radius, random color
#todo: Animate the spot
class bomb(object):
"""Animate a circle on the screen."""
def __init__(self, aPos, aRadius, aColor, aSpeed):
self.pos = aPos
self.radius = aRadius
self.color = aColor
self.speed = aSpeed
self.curradius = 0.0
self.state = 0
def update( self, aDisplay, aTime ) :
self.curradius += self.speed * aTime
rad = self.curradius
color = self.color
if self.curradius > self.radius:
rad = self.radius
self.state += 1
self.color = 0
self.curradius = 1.0
aDisplay.fillcircle(self.pos, rad, color)
return self.state != 2
def randval( aVal ) :
v = pyb.rng() & 0xFFFF
return aVal * (v / 65535.0)
class bomber(object):
"""Control a bunch of bombs."""
def __init__(self, aDisplay):
self.display = aDisplay
self.numbombs = 4
self.bombs = []
self.sw = pyb.Switch()
def addbomb( self ) :
x = int(randval(self.display.size[0]))
y = int(randval(self.display.size[1]))
rad = randval(20) + 5
r = pyb.rng() & 0xFF
g = pyb.rng() & 0xFF
b = pyb.rng() & 0xFF
spd = randval(30.0) + 1.0
clr = TFTColor(r,g,b) #colorA[pyb.rng() & 0x03]
self.bombs.insert(0, bomb((x, y), rad, clr, spd))
def run( self ) :
while self.sw() == False :
if len(self.bombs) < self.numbombs:
self.bombs = [b for b in self.bombs if b.update(self.display, 0.1) ]