Add tft display

Guy Carver 2021-05-14 07:54:00 -04:00
rodzic 1fe8610a13
commit 2953427762
1 zmienionych plików z 131 dodań i 32 usunięć

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@ -1,17 +1,9 @@
from machine import UART, Pin, PWM
from time import sleep
import math
_FRAMESIZE = const(22) # See frame data below
_FRAMESTART = const(0xFA) # Each frame starts with this tag
_FRAMEINDEX = const(0xA0) # Indexes are 0xA0 + 0-90
_FRAMESPERROT = const(90)
_ANGLESPERROT = const(_FRAMESPERROT * _ANGLESPERFRAME) # We get 90 frames with 4 angles per frame
_FRAMESPERREAD = const(90) # Up this to read more data per attempt
_INVALID = const(1 << 15) # Bit set in destance word of angle data indicating invalid data
_MOTORSPEED = const(30)
#todo: Look into setting max distance instead of -1 for bad values
#angle data.
# distance = 14 bits - Distance or error code (invalid flag set)
@ -36,8 +28,23 @@ _MOTORSPEED = const(30)
# XV11LIDAR_ERROR5 = 0x35
# XV11LIDAR_ERROR6 = 0x50
#Constants for lidar driver
_FRAMESIZE = const(22) # See frame data below
_FRAMESTART = const(0xFA) # Each frame starts with this tag
_FRAMEINDEX = const(0xA0) # Indexes are 0xA0 + 0-90
_FRAMESPERROT = const(90)
_ANGLESPERROT = const(_FRAMESPERROT * _ANGLESPERFRAME) # We get 90 frames with 4 angles per frame
_FRAMESPERREAD = const(90) # Up this to read more data per attempt
_INVALID = const(1 << 15) # Bit set in destance word of angle data indicating invalid data
_MOTORSPEED = const(32)
_MAXDISTANCE = const(16383)
# def printit( aBuffer ):
# ''' Print bytearray data as hex. '''
# for v in aBuffer:
# print(hex(v), end=',')
@ -51,7 +58,7 @@ class lidar(object):
def __init__( self ):
super(lidar, self).__init__()
self._uart = UART(1, tx = 2, rx = 15, baudrate = 115200, buffer_size = 8192)
self._uart = UART(1, tx = 13, rx = 15, baudrate = 115200, buffer_size = 8192)
self._motor = PWM(Pin(17), freq = 100)
self._speed = _MOTORSPEED
@ -61,14 +68,7 @@ class lidar(object):
self._inbuffer = bytearray(_BUFFERSIZE)
self._angles = [0] * _ANGLESPERROT # Storage for angles
self._insync = False
def rpm( self ): return self._rpm
def insync( self ): return self._insync
self._good = 0
def sync( self ):
@ -108,9 +108,10 @@ class lidar(object):
toread -= cnt
#Process the buffer data
g = self.process()
self._good = self.process()
#If we got enough good values then we are synced
if g > 100:
# This is half the number of angles read
if self._good > _FRAMESPERREAD * 2:
print('sync good')
self._insync = True
@ -186,12 +187,7 @@ class lidar(object):
''' Update lidar data '''
if self._insync:
self._fillbuffer() # Read new data
good = self.process() # Process the data
a = self._angles[0]
b = self._angles[90]
c = self._angles[180]
d = self._angles[270]
print('rpm:', self.rpm, a, b, c, d, good, ' ', end='\r')
self._good = self.process() # Process the data
insync = self.sync()
@ -199,14 +195,117 @@ class lidar(object):
self._speed = _MOTORSPEED if self._rpm < 245 else _MOTORSPEED - 1
def output( self ):
''' '''
a = self._angles[0]
b = self._angles[90]
c = self._angles[180]
d = self._angles[270]
print('rpm:', self._rpm, a, b, c, d, self._good, ' ', end='\r')
def run( ):
# Constants for lidardisplay
_CX = const(120)
_CY = const(67)
class lidardisplay(object):
''' Display lidar data on TFT '''
def __init__( self, aLidar, aDisplay ):
''' Setup display for give aLidar using tft aDisplay. '''
super(lidardisplay, self).__init__()
self._lidar = aLidar
self._tft = aDisplay
self._clear = 0xFFFFFF - self._tft.BLACK
self._draw = 0xFFFFFF - self._tft.YELLOW
self._tft.pixel(_CX, _CY, 0xFFFFFF - self._tft.DARKGREY)
self._angles = [-1] * len(aLidar._angles)
self._angle = 0
self._rpm = 0
def update( self ):
''' Update give number of angles per call. Clears old displayed line
and draws a new line if distance has changed. '''
a0 = self._angle
plotted = 0
#todo: Could count only changed angles
#Loop for number of angles we wish to update this frame
for i in range(360):
d = min(self._lidar._angles[a0] // _DADJ, _MAXDISPLAYDISTANCE)
od = self._angles[a0]
a1 = (a0 + 1) % 360
#if line has changed since last update
if d != od:
plotted += 1
a0r = math.radians(a0)
a1r = math.radians(a1)
x0 = math.sin(a0r)
y0 = math.cos(a0r)
x1 = math.sin(a1r)
y1 = math.cos(a1r)
#Only clear if we drew something before.
if od >= 0:
oldx0 = int(x0 * od) + _CX
oldx1 = int(x1 * od) + _CX
oldy0 = int(y0 * od) + _CY
oldy1 = int(y1 * od) + _CY
# print('erase:', oldx0, oldy0, oldx1, oldy1)
if (abs(oldx0 - oldx1) + abs(oldy0 - oldy1)) < 2:
self._tft.pixel(oldx0, oldy0, self._clear)
self._tft.line(oldx0, oldy0, oldx1, oldy1, self._clear)
self._angles[a0] = d
#Only draw new line if distance is not negative.
if d >= 0:
x0 = int(x0 * d) + _CX
x1 = int(x1 * d) + _CX
y0 = int(y0 * d) + _CY
y1 = int(y1 * d) + _CY
# print('plot:', x0, y0, x1, y1)
if (abs(x0 - x1) + abs(y0 - y1)) < 2:
self._tft.pixel(x0, y0, self._draw)
self._tft.line(x0, y0, x1, y1, self._draw)
if plotted >= _DISPLAYPERFRAME:
a0 = a1
self._angle = a0
if self._rpm != self._lidar._rpm:
self._rpm = self._lidar._rpm
rpm = '{}'.format(self._rpm)
self._tft.rect(0, 0, 35, 15, self._clear, self._clear)
self._tft.text(0, 0, rpm, self._draw)
#todo: Perhaps run display update in a loop in a background thread
def run( aTFT ):
l = lidar()
d = lidardisplay(l, aTFT)
while True:
if l.insync:
#todo: Output to display
if l._insync:
# l.output()