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* Datastructures for manipulating NAL units in H.264 elementary streams.
* Version: MPL 1.1
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
* 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
* WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
* for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
* License.
* The Original Code is the MPEG TS, PS and ES tools.
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Amino Communications Ltd.
* Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2008
* the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
* Contributor(s):
* Amino Communications Ltd, Swavesey, Cambridge UK
* ***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****
#ifndef _nalunit_defns
#define _nalunit_defns
#include <stdio.h>
#include "compat.h"
#include "es_defns.h"
#include "bitdata_defns.h"
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// Constants and definitions
// ------------------------------------------------------------
#define NAL_UNIT_TYPE_STR(a) \
((a)==NAL_UNSPECIFIED?"unspecified": \
(a)==NAL_NON_IDR?"non-IDR": \
(a)==NAL_PARTITION_A?"partition A": \
(a)==NAL_PARTITION_B?"partition B": \
(a)==NAL_PARTITION_C?"partition C": \
(a)==NAL_IDR?"IDR": \
(a)==NAL_SEI?"SEI": \
(a)==NAL_SEQ_PARAM_SET?"seq param set": \
(a)==NAL_PIC_PARAM_SET?"pic param set": \
(a)==NAL_ACCESS_UNIT_DELIM?"access unit delim": \
(a)==NAL_END_OF_SEQ?"end of seq": \
(a)==NAL_END_OF_STREAM?"end of stream": \
#define SLICE_P 0
#define SLICE_B 1
#define SLICE_I 2
#define SLICE_SP 3
#define SLICE_SI 4
#define ALL_SLICES_P 5
#define ALL_SLICES_B 6
#define ALL_SLICES_I 7
#define ALL_SLICES_SP 8
#define ALL_SLICES_SI 9
#define NAL_SLICE_TYPE_STR(a) \
((a)==SLICE_P?"First P": (a)==SLICE_B?"First B": (a)==SLICE_I?"First I": \
(a)==SLICE_SP?"First SP": (a)==SLICE_SI?"First SI": \
(a)==ALL_SLICES_P?"All P": (a)==ALL_SLICES_B?"All B": \
(a)==ALL_SLICES_I?"All I": (a)==ALL_SLICES_SP?"All SP": \
(a)==ALL_SLICES_SI?"All SI":"??")
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// Datastructures
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// Data for a slice NAL unit
struct nal_slice_data
uint32_t seq_param_set_pic_order_cnt_type; // from the seq param set
uint32_t first_mb_in_slice;
uint32_t slice_type;
uint32_t pic_parameter_set_id;
uint32_t frame_num;
// From here onwards, the fields are not necessarily all present
byte field_pic_flag; // frame or field? 0 if absent
byte bottom_field_flag; // 0 if absent
int bottom_field_flag_present;
uint32_t idr_pic_id;
uint32_t pic_order_cnt_lsb;
int32_t delta_pic_order_cnt_bottom;
int32_t delta_pic_order_cnt[2];
uint32_t redundant_pic_cnt;
int redundant_pic_cnt_present;
typedef struct nal_slice_data *nal_slice_data_p;
#define SIZEOF_NAL_SLICE_DATA sizeof(struct nal_slice_data)
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// Data for a sequence parameter set
struct nal_seq_param_data
byte profile_idc;
byte constraint_set0_flag;
byte constraint_set1_flag;
byte constraint_set2_flag;
byte level_idc;
uint32_t seq_parameter_set_id; // our own id (0..31)
uint32_t log2_max_frame_num;
uint32_t pic_order_cnt_type;
uint32_t log2_max_pic_order_cnt_lsb;
byte delta_pic_order_always_zero_flag;
byte frame_mbs_only_flag;
typedef struct nal_seq_param_data *nal_seq_param_data_p;
#define SIZEOF_NAL_SEQ_PARAM_DATA sizeof(struct nal_seq_param_data)
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// Data for a picture parameter set
struct nal_pic_param_data
int pic_parameter_set_id; // our own id (0..255)
int seq_parameter_set_id; // we use this
byte entropy_coding_mode_flag;
byte pic_order_present_flag; // we use this
uint32_t num_slice_groups;
uint32_t slice_group_map_type;
// lots of ignored things
byte redundant_pic_cnt_present_flag; // this is mildly interesting
typedef struct nal_pic_param_data *nal_pic_param_data_p;
#define SIZEOF_NAL_PIC_PARAM_DATA sizeof(struct nal_pic_param_data)
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// Data for a Supplemental enhancement information (SEI) nal unit
struct nal_SEI_recovery_data
int payloadType; // type of SEI unit
int payloadSize; // in byte
int recovery_frame_cnt;
byte exact_match_flag;
byte broken_link_flag;
uint32_t changing_slice_group_idc;
typedef struct nal_SEI_recovery_data *nal_SEI_recovery_data_p;
#define SIZEOF_NAL_SEI_RECOVERY_DATA sizeof(struct nal_SEI_recovery_data)
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// An individual NAL unit might hold any one of those...
union nal_innards
struct nal_slice_data slice;
struct nal_seq_param_data seq;
struct nal_pic_param_data pic;
struct nal_SEI_recovery_data sei_recovery;
typedef union nal_innards *nal_innards_p;
#define SIZEOF_NAL_INNARDS sizeof(union nal_innards)
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// "Dictionaries" for finding a specific picture parameter set or
// sequence parameter set
// Picture parameter set ids are in the range 0..255
// Sequence parameter set ids are in the range 0..31
struct param_dict
int last_id; // The id of the last parameter set we wanted
int last_index; // and its index in the arrays
int *ids; // The ids for...
union nal_innards *params; // ...the data
ES_offset *posns; // Where each was read from...
uint32_t *data_lens; // ...and its size
int size, length; // of the arrays and their content
typedef struct param_dict *param_dict_p;
#define SIZEOF_PARAM_DICT sizeof(struct param_dict)
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// A single NAL unit
struct nal_unit
struct ES_unit unit; // The actual data
// For most purposes, it's simplest to think about the NAL unit's data as
// being the data *after* the start code prefix. Indeed, that is the way
// that it is presented in the standard. Thus we provide aliases here, which
// do so
// (NB: since these point "into" the .unit structure, they will only be
// meaningful after we've finished reading in a NAL unit's data - before
// then they're undefined)
byte *data; // The current NAL unit's data, excluding 00 00 01
int data_len; // And its length/size
// And for some processing, we need to work with the data after
// it has had its emulation 3 bytes removed
byte *rbsp; // The data with 00 00 03 bytes "fixed"
int rbsp_len;
bitdata_p bit_data; // And a view of that as bits
// Information obtained by inspection of the NAL units content
int nal_ref_idc;
enum NAL_UNIT_TYPE nal_unit_type;
int starts_picture_decided;
int starts_picture;
char *start_reason; // If it starts a picture, why
int decoded; // Have we "read" the innards of the NAL unit?
union nal_innards u; // Admittedly an unimaginative name, but short
typedef struct nal_unit *nal_unit_p;
#define SIZEOF_NAL_UNIT sizeof(struct nal_unit)
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// An expandable list of NAL units
struct nal_unit_list
nal_unit_p *array; // The current array of nal units */
int length; // How many there are
int size; // How big the array is
typedef struct nal_unit_list *nal_unit_list_p;
#define SIZEOF_NAL_UNIT_LIST sizeof(struct nal_unit_list)
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// A context for reading NAL units from an Elementary Stream
struct nal_unit_context
ES_p es;
int count;
// Sequence and picture parameter set "dictionaries"
param_dict_p seq_param_dict;
param_dict_p pic_param_dict;
// Show details of each NAL units content as it is read?
int show_nal_details;
typedef struct nal_unit_context *nal_unit_context_p;
#define SIZEOF_NAL_UNIT_CONTEXT sizeof(struct nal_unit_context)
#endif // _nalunit_defns
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