329 wiersze
11 KiB

// (Heavily) adapted from
#include <FastLED.h>
#include <arduinoFFT.h>
#include <EasyButton.h>
#define SAMPLES 1024 // Must be a power of 2
#define SAMPLING_FREQ 40000 // Hz, must be 40000 or less due to ADC conversion time. Determines maximum frequency that can be analysed by the FFT Fmax=sampleF/2.
#define AMPLITUDE 1000 // Depending on your audio source level, you may need to alter this value. Can be used as a 'sensitivity' control.
#define AUDIO_IN_PIN 35 // Signal in on this pin
#define LED_PIN 5 // LED strip data
#define BTN_PIN 4 // Connect a push button to this pin to change patterns
#define LONG_PRESS_MS 200 // Number of ms to count as a long press
#define COLOR_ORDER GRB // If colours look wrong, play with this
#define CHIPSET WS2812B // LED strip type
#define MAX_MILLIAMPS 2000 // Careful with the amount of power here if running off USB port
#define BRIGHTNESS 100 // Brightness 0 - 255, but won't exceed current specified above
#define LED_VOLTS 5 // Usually 5 or 12
#define NUM_BANDS 16 // To change this, you will need to change the bunch of if statements describing the mapping from bins to bands
#define NOISE 500 // Used as a crude noise filter, values below this are ignored
const uint8_t kMatrixWidth = 16; // Matrix width
const uint8_t kMatrixHeight = 16; // Matrix height
#define NUM_LEDS (kMatrixWidth * kMatrixHeight) // Total number of LEDs
#define BAR_WIDTH (kMatrixWidth / (NUM_BANDS - 1)) // If width >= 8 light 1 LED width per bar, >= 16 light 2 LEDs width bar etc
#define TOP (kMatrixHeight - 0) // Don't allow the bars to go offscreen
// Sampling and FFT stuff
unsigned int sampling_period_us;
byte peak[] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}; // The length of these arrays must be >= NUM_BANDS
int oldBarHeights[] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
int bandValues[] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
double vReal[SAMPLES];
double vImag[SAMPLES];
unsigned long newTime;
arduinoFFT FFT = arduinoFFT(vReal, vImag, SAMPLES, SAMPLING_FREQ);
// Button stuff
int buttonPushCounter = 0;
bool autoChangePatterns = false;
EasyButton modeBtn(BTN_PIN);
// FastLED stuff
0, 0, 212, 255, //blue
255, 179, 0, 255 }; //purple
0, 141, 0, 100, //purple
127, 255, 192, 0, //yellow
255, 0, 5, 255 }; //blue
0, 0, 255, 60, //green
64, 0, 236, 255, //cyan
128, 0, 5, 255, //blue
192, 0, 236, 255, //cyan
255, 0, 255, 60 }; //green
0, 200, 200, 200, //white
64, 255, 218, 0, //yellow
128, 231, 0, 0, //red
192, 255, 218, 0, //yellow
255, 200, 200, 200 }; //white
CRGBPalette16 purplePal = purple_gp;
CRGBPalette16 outrunPal = outrun_gp;
CRGBPalette16 greenbluePal = greenblue_gp;
CRGBPalette16 heatPal = redyellow_gp;
uint8_t colorTimer = 0;
// XY code for serpentine matrix with input in top left
uint16_t XY( uint8_t x, uint8_t y) {
uint16_t i;
y = kMatrixHeight - 1 - y; // Adjust y coordinate so (0,0) is bottom left
if( y & 0x01) {
// Odd rows run backwards
uint8_t reverseX = (kMatrixWidth - 1) - x;
i = (y * kMatrixWidth) + reverseX;
} else {
// Even rows run forwards
i = (y * kMatrixWidth) + x;
return i;
void setup() {
FastLED.addLeds<CHIPSET, LED_PIN, COLOR_ORDER>(leds, NUM_LEDS).setCorrection(TypicalSMD5050);
FastLED.setMaxPowerInVoltsAndMilliamps(LED_VOLTS, MAX_MILLIAMPS);
modeBtn.onPressedFor(LONG_PRESS_MS, startAutoMode);
sampling_period_us = round(1000000 * (1.0 / SAMPLING_FREQ));
void changeMode() {
Serial.println("Button pressed");
autoChangePatterns = false;
buttonPushCounter = (buttonPushCounter + 1) % 6;
void startAutoMode() {
autoChangePatterns = true;
void loop() {
// Don't clear screen if waterfall pattern, be sure to change this is you change the patterns / order
if (buttonPushCounter != 5) FastLED.clear();;
// Reset bandValues[]
for (int i = 0; i<NUM_BANDS; i++){
bandValues[i] = 0;
// Sample the audio pin
for (int i = 0; i < SAMPLES; i++) {
newTime = micros();
vReal[i] = analogRead(AUDIO_IN_PIN); // A conversion takes about 9.7uS on an ESP32
vImag[i] = 0;
while ((micros() - newTime) < sampling_period_us) { /* chill */ }
// Compute FFT
// Analyse FFT results
for (int i = 2; i < (SAMPLES/2); i++){ // Don't use sample 0 and only first SAMPLES/2 are usable. Each array element represents a frequency bin and its value the amplitude.
if (vReal[i] > NOISE) { // Add a crude noise filter
/*8 bands, 12kHz top band
if (i<=3 ) bandValues[0] += (int)vReal[i];
if (i>3 && i<=6 ) bandValues[1] += (int)vReal[i];
if (i>6 && i<=13 ) bandValues[2] += (int)vReal[i];
if (i>13 && i<=27 ) bandValues[3] += (int)vReal[i];
if (i>27 && i<=55 ) bandValues[4] += (int)vReal[i];
if (i>55 && i<=112) bandValues[5] += (int)vReal[i];
if (i>112 && i<=229) bandValues[6] += (int)vReal[i];
if (i>229 ) bandValues[7] += (int)vReal[i];*/
//16 bands, 12kHz top band
if (i<=2 ) bandValues[0] += (int)vReal[i];
if (i>2 && i<=3 ) bandValues[1] += (int)vReal[i];
if (i>3 && i<=5 ) bandValues[2] += (int)vReal[i];
if (i>5 && i<=7 ) bandValues[3] += (int)vReal[i];
if (i>7 && i<=9 ) bandValues[4] += (int)vReal[i];
if (i>9 && i<=13 ) bandValues[5] += (int)vReal[i];
if (i>13 && i<=18 ) bandValues[6] += (int)vReal[i];
if (i>18 && i<=25 ) bandValues[7] += (int)vReal[i];
if (i>25 && i<=36 ) bandValues[8] += (int)vReal[i];
if (i>36 && i<=50 ) bandValues[9] += (int)vReal[i];
if (i>50 && i<=69 ) bandValues[10] += (int)vReal[i];
if (i>69 && i<=97 ) bandValues[11] += (int)vReal[i];
if (i>97 && i<=135) bandValues[12] += (int)vReal[i];
if (i>135 && i<=189) bandValues[13] += (int)vReal[i];
if (i>189 && i<=264) bandValues[14] += (int)vReal[i];
if (i>264 ) bandValues[15] += (int)vReal[i];
// Process the FFT data into bar heights
for (byte band = 0; band < NUM_BANDS; band++) {
// Scale the bars for the display
int barHeight = bandValues[band] / AMPLITUDE;
if (barHeight > TOP) barHeight = TOP;
// Small amount of averaging between frames
barHeight = ((oldBarHeights[band] * 1) + barHeight) / 2;
// Move peak up
if (barHeight > peak[band]) {
peak[band] = min(TOP, barHeight);
// Draw bars
switch (buttonPushCounter) {
case 0:
rainbowBars(band, barHeight);
case 1:
// No bars on this one
case 2:
purpleBars(band, barHeight);
case 3:
centerBars(band, barHeight);
case 4:
changingBars(band, barHeight);
case 5:
// Draw peaks
switch (buttonPushCounter) {
case 0:
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
// No peaks
case 4:
// No peaks
case 5:
// No peaks
// Save oldBarHeights for averaging later
oldBarHeights[band] = barHeight;
// Decay peak
for (byte band = 0; band < NUM_BANDS; band++)
if (peak[band] > 0) peak[band] -= 1;
// Used in some of the patterns
if (autoChangePatterns) buttonPushCounter = (buttonPushCounter + 1) % 6;
void rainbowBars(int band, int barHeight) {
int xStart = BAR_WIDTH * band;
for (int x = xStart; x < xStart + BAR_WIDTH; x++) {
for (int y = 0; y < barHeight; y++) {
leds[XY(x,y)] = CHSV((x / BAR_WIDTH) * (255 / NUM_BANDS), 255, 255);
void purpleBars(int band, int barHeight) {
int xStart = BAR_WIDTH * band;
for (int x = xStart; x < xStart + BAR_WIDTH; x++) {
for (int y = 0; y < barHeight; y++) {
leds[XY(x,y)] = ColorFromPalette(purplePal, y * (255 / barHeight));
void changingBars(int band, int barHeight) {
int xStart = BAR_WIDTH * band;
for (int x = xStart; x < xStart + BAR_WIDTH; x++) {
for (int y = 0; y < barHeight; y++) {
leds[XY(x,y)] = CHSV(y * (255 / kMatrixHeight) + colorTimer, 255, 255);
void centerBars(int band, int barHeight) {
int xStart = BAR_WIDTH * band;
for (int x = xStart; x < xStart + BAR_WIDTH; x++) {
if (barHeight % 2 == 0) barHeight--;
int yStart = ((kMatrixHeight - barHeight) / 2 );
for (int y = yStart; y <= (yStart + barHeight); y++) {
int colorIndex = constrain((y - yStart) * (255 / barHeight), 0, 255);
leds[XY(x,y)] = ColorFromPalette(heatPal, colorIndex);
void whitePeak(int band) {
int xStart = BAR_WIDTH * band;
int peakHeight = peak[band];
for (int x = xStart; x < xStart + BAR_WIDTH; x++) {
leds[XY(x,peakHeight)] = CRGB::White;
void outrunPeak(int band) {
int xStart = BAR_WIDTH * band;
int peakHeight = peak[band];
for (int x = xStart; x < xStart + BAR_WIDTH; x++) {
//leds[XY(x,peakHeight)] = CHSV(peakHeight * (255 / kMatrixHeight), 255, 255);
leds[XY(x,peakHeight)] = ColorFromPalette(outrunPal, peakHeight * (255 / kMatrixHeight));
void waterfall(int band) {
int xStart = BAR_WIDTH * band;
double highestBandValue = 60000; // Set this to calibrate your waterfall
// Draw bottom line
for (int x = xStart; x < xStart + BAR_WIDTH; x++) {
leds[XY(x,0)] = CHSV(constrain(map(bandValues[band],0,highestBandValue,160,0),0,160), 255, 255);
// Move screen up starting at 2nd row from top
if (band == NUM_BANDS - 1){
for (int y = kMatrixHeight - 2; y >= 0; y--) {
for (int x = 0; x < kMatrixWidth; x++) {
leds[XY(x,y+1)] = leds[XY(x,y)];