// mods by James Zahary Dec 28, 2021 https://github.com/jameszah/ESPxWebFlMgr // Jan 12, 2022 - adds dates/times to display // based on https://github.com/holgerlembke/ESPxWebFlMgr #include #include #include "ESPxWebFlMgr.h" #include "ESPxWebFlMgrWp.h" #include "ESPxWebFlMgrWpF.h" #include "CRC32.h" #include //jz #ifdef ESP8266 #include #include #endif #ifdef ESP32 #include #include #include //jz #include #include #endif String getContentType(const String& path) { #ifdef ESP8266 return mime::getContentType(path); #endif #ifdef ESP32 return StaticRequestHandler::getContentType(path); #endif } //***************************************************************************************************** ESPxWebFlMgr::ESPxWebFlMgr(word port) { _Port = port; } //***************************************************************************************************** ESPxWebFlMgr::~ESPxWebFlMgr() { end(); } //***************************************************************************************************** void ESPxWebFlMgr::begin() { #ifdef ESP8266 fileManager = new ESP8266WebServer(_Port); #endif #ifdef ESP32 fileManager = new WebServer(_Port); #endif #ifdef fileManagerServerStaticsInternally fileManager->on("/", HTTP_GET, std::bind(&ESPxWebFlMgr::fileManagerIndexpage, this)); fileManager->on("/fm.css", HTTP_GET, std::bind(&ESPxWebFlMgr::fileManagerCSS, this)); fileManager->on("/fm.js", HTTP_GET, std::bind(&ESPxWebFlMgr::fileManagerJS, this)); #endif fileManager->on("/bg.css", HTTP_GET, std::bind(&ESPxWebFlMgr::fileManagerGetBackGround, this)); fileManager->on("/i", HTTP_GET, std::bind(&ESPxWebFlMgr::fileManagerFileListInsert, this)); fileManager->on("/c", HTTP_GET, std::bind(&ESPxWebFlMgr::fileManagerCommandExecutor, this)); fileManager->on("/e", HTTP_GET, std::bind(&ESPxWebFlMgr::fileManagerFileEditorInsert, this)); // file receiver with attached file to form fileManager->on("/r", HTTP_POST, std::bind(&ESPxWebFlMgr::fileManagerReceiverOK, this), std::bind(&ESPxWebFlMgr::fileManagerReceiver, this)); fileManager->onNotFound(std::bind(&ESPxWebFlMgr::fileManagerNotFound, this)); fileManager->begin(); } //***************************************************************************************************** void ESPxWebFlMgr::end() { if (fileManager) { delete fileManager; fileManager = NULL; } } //***************************************************************************************************** void ESPxWebFlMgr::handleClient() { if (fileManager) { fileManager->handleClient(); } } //***************************************************************************************************** void ESPxWebFlMgr::setViewSysFiles(bool vsf) { _ViewSysFiles = vsf; } //***************************************************************************************************** bool ESPxWebFlMgr::getViewSysFiles(void) { return _ViewSysFiles; } //***************************************************************************************************** void ESPxWebFlMgr::setSysFileStartPattern(String sfsp) { _SysFileStartPattern = sfsp; } //***************************************************************************************************** String ESPxWebFlMgr::getSysFileStartPattern(void) { return _SysFileStartPattern; } //***************************************************************************************************** // privates start here //***************************************************************************************************** //***************************************************************************************************** //***************************************************************************************************** void ESPxWebFlMgr::fileManagerGetBackGround(void) { fileManager->send(200, F("text/css"), ".background {background-color: " + _backgroundColor + ";}"); } //***************************************************************************************************** void ESPxWebFlMgr::setBackGroundColor(const String backgroundColor) { _backgroundColor = backgroundColor; } //***************************************************************************************************** void ESPxWebFlMgr::fileManagerNotFound(void) { String uri = fileManager->uri(); if (uri == "/") { uri = "/fm.html"; } String contentTyp = getContentType(uri); if (ESPxWebFlMgr_FileSystem.exists(uri)) { File f = ESPxWebFlMgr_FileSystem.open(uri, "r"); if (f) { if (fileManager->streamFile(f, contentTyp) != f.size()) { // Serial.println(F("Sent less data than expected!")); // We should panic a little bit. } f.close(); } } else { fileManager->send(404, F("text/plain"), F("URI not found.")); } } //***************************************************************************************************** String ESPxWebFlMgr::dispIntDotted(size_t i) { String res = ""; while (i != 0) { int r = i % 1000; res = String(i % 1000) + res; i /= 1000; if ( (r < 100) && (i > 0) ) { res = "0" + res; if (r < 10) { res = "0" + res; } } if (i != 0) { res = "," + res; //jz dot to comma ;-) } } return res; } //***************************************************************************************************** size_t ESPxWebFlMgr::totalBytes(void) { #ifdef ESP8266 FSInfo info; ESPxWebFlMgr_FileSystem.info(info); return info.totalBytes; #endif #ifdef ESP32 return (ESPxWebFlMgr_FileSystem.totalBytes() / 1024); #endif } //***************************************************************************************************** size_t ESPxWebFlMgr::usedBytes(void) { #ifdef ESP8266 FSInfo info; ESPxWebFlMgr_FileSystem.info(info); return info.usedBytes; #endif #ifdef ESP32 return (ESPxWebFlMgr_FileSystem.usedBytes() / 1024); #endif } //***************************************************************************************************** String ESPxWebFlMgr::dispFileString(size_t fs) { if (fs < 0) { return "-0"; } if (fs == 0) { return "0 kB"; } if (fs < 1000) { return String(fs) + " kB"; } // switch from bytes to kilobytes due to 4gb+ sd cards //jz //String units[] = { "B", "kB", "MB", "GB", "TB" }; String units[] = { "kB", "MB", "GB", "TB" }; int digitGroups = (int) (log10(fs) / log10(1024)); //return String(fs / pow(1024, digitGroups)) + " " + units[digitGroups] + " (" + dispIntDotted(fs) + " kB)"; return String(fs / pow(1024, digitGroups)) + " " + units[digitGroups] ; } //***************************************************************************************************** void ESPxWebFlMgr::fileManagerIndexpage(void) { fileManager->send(200, F("text/html"), FPSTR(ESPxWebFlMgrWpindexpage)); delay(1); } //***************************************************************************************************** void ESPxWebFlMgr::fileManagerJS(void) { fileManager->send(200, F("text/javascript"), FPSTR(ESPxWebFlMgrWpjavascript)); delay(1); } //***************************************************************************************************** void ESPxWebFlMgr::fileManagerCSS(void) { fileManager->send(200, F("text/css"), FPSTR(ESPxWebFlMgrWpcss)); delay(1); } //***************************************************************************************************** String ESPxWebFlMgr::CheckFileNameLengthLimit(String fn) { // SPIFFS file name limit. Is there a way to get the max length from SPIFFS/LittleFS? // SPIFFS_OBJ_NAME_LEN is spiffs.... but not very clean. if (fn.length() > 32) { int len = fn.length(); fn.remove(29); fn += String(len); } return fn; } //***************************************************************************************************** String ESPxWebFlMgr::colorline(int i) { if (i % 2 == 0) { return "ccu"; } else { return "ccg"; } } //***************************************************************************************************** boolean ESPxWebFlMgr::allowAccessToThisFile(const String filename) { return ! filename.startsWith(_SysFileStartPattern); } //***************************************************************************************************** // jz kludge for switching folders on the sd card String subdir = "/"; //***************************************************************************************************** //[make FS from esp8266 and esp32 compatible]********************************************************** // this is the way MS DOS 3.x (?) did it with Int21 findfirst/findnext/findclose #ifdef ESP8266 File ESPxWebFlMgr::nextFile(Dir &dir) { dir.next(); return dir.openFile("r"); } File ESPxWebFlMgr::firstFile(Dir &dir) { dir = ESPxWebFlMgr_FileSystem.openDir("/"); return nextFile(dir); } #endif #ifdef ESP32 #define Dir File File ESPxWebFlMgr::nextFile(Dir &dir) { return dir.openNextFile(); } File ESPxWebFlMgr::firstFile(Dir &dir) { dir = ESPxWebFlMgr_FileSystem.open(subdir, "r"); //jz dir = ESPxWebFlMgr_FileSystem.open("/", "r"); return nextFile(dir); } #endif //***************************************************************************************************** void ESPxWebFlMgr::fileManagerFileListInsert(void) { // must get arg with /i to list that folder fileManager->setContentLength(CONTENT_LENGTH_UNKNOWN); fileManager->send(200, F("text/html"), String()); fileManager->sendContent(F("
")); bool gzipperexists = ( (ESPxWebFlMgr_FileSystem.exists("/gzipper.js.gz")) || (ESPxWebFlMgr_FileSystem.exists("/gzipper.js")) ); //Serial.println(fileManager->args()); //Serial.println(fileManager->argName(0)); //Serial.println(fileManager->arg(0)); if ( (fileManager->args() == 1) && (fileManager->argName(0) == "subdir") ) { subdir = fileManager->arg(0); //Serial.print("Arg: "); Serial.println(fileManager->arg(0)); /* if (fileManager->arg(0) == "/"){ subdir = "/"; } else if (subdir == "/") { subdir = fileManager->arg(0); } else { subdir = fileManager->arg(0); } Serial.print("New subdir: "); Serial.println(subdir); */ } else { subdir = "/"; } //Serial.print("Final subdir: "); Serial.println(subdir); // first file is "go to root" String fcd; String direct = "ccd"; //jz bland color for directory String fn = "/"; fcd = "
  " + fn + " - GOTO ROOT DIR -" + "
"; fcd += "
 " + " " + " 
"; fcd += "
 " + dispIntDotted(0) + " 
"; fcd += "
 "; fcd += "  
"; fileManager->sendContent(fcd); // List files int i = 0; Dir dir; File file = firstFile(dir); while (file) { String fn = file.name(); /* Serial.print("FN: >"); Serial.print(fn); Serial.print("<"); Serial.println(); */ if ( (_ViewSysFiles) || (allowAccessToThisFile(fn)) ) { /* String fc = "
  " + fn + "
"; */ String fc; String nsd; if (subdir == "/") { nsd = "/"; } else { nsd = subdir + "/"; } if (file.isDirectory()) { String direct = "ccd"; //jz bland color for directory fc = "
  " + fn + " - DIR -" + "
"; } else { //Serial.println(subdir); //Serial.println(fn); fc = "
  " + fn + "
"; } // sd_mmc not recognizing daylight savings time ???? jz may 21 2022 - seemed to work before dst //time_t t= file.getLastWrite(); time_t t= file.getLastWrite() - 3600; struct tm * tmstruct = localtime(&t); //Serial.printf(" LAST WRITE: %d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d\n",(tmstruct->tm_year)+1900,( tmstruct->tm_mon)+1, tmstruct->tm_mday,tmstruct->tm_hour , tmstruct->tm_min, tmstruct->tm_sec); char ccz[100]; sprintf(ccz, " %d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d\n",(tmstruct->tm_year)+1900,( tmstruct->tm_mon)+1, tmstruct->tm_mday,tmstruct->tm_hour , tmstruct->tm_min, tmstruct->tm_sec); fc += "
 " + String(ccz) + " 
"; //jz // File f = dir.openFile("r"); fc += "
 " + dispIntDotted(file.size()) + " 
"; fc += "
 " " " " "; // no gziped version and (zipper or gziped zipper) exists if ( (! (fn.endsWith(".gz")) ) && gzipperexists) { fc += " "; } // for editor #ifndef fileManagerEditEverything String contentTyp = getContentType(fn); if ( (contentTyp.startsWith("text/")) || (contentTyp.startsWith("application/j")) ) // boldly assume: json, javascript and everything else is edible.... #endif { fc += " "; } fc += "  
"; fileManager->sendContent(fc); i++; } file = nextFile(dir); } // fileManager->sendContent(""); String sinfo = "  Size: " + dispFileString(totalBytes()) + ", used: " + dispFileString(usedBytes()); /* fileManager->sendContent(F(" FS blocksize: ")); fileManager->sendContent(String(info.blockSize)); fileManager->sendContent(F(", pageSize: ")); fileManager->sendContent(String(info.pageSize)); */ fileManager->sendContent(F("
")); fileManager->sendContent(F("##")); fileManager->sendContent(sinfo); fileManager->sendContent(""); delay(1); } //***************************************************************************************************** String ESPxWebFlMgr::escapeHTMLcontent(String html) { //html.replace("<","<"); //html.replace(">",">"); html.replace("&", "&"); return html; } // in place editor //***************************************************************************************************** void ESPxWebFlMgr::fileManagerFileEditorInsert(void) { //Serial.println("Edit"); if ( (fileManager->args() == 1) && (fileManager->argName(0) == "edit") ) { String fn = "/" + fileManager->arg(0); if ( (! _ViewSysFiles) && (!allowAccessToThisFile(fn)) ) { fileManager->send(404, F("text/plain"), F("Illegal.")); return; } fileManager->setContentLength(CONTENT_LENGTH_UNKNOWN); fileManager->send(200, F("text/html"), String()); fileManager->sendContent(ESPxWebFlMgrWpFormIntro); if (ESPxWebFlMgr_FileSystem.exists(subdir + "/" + fn)) { File f = ESPxWebFlMgr_FileSystem.open(subdir + "/" + fn, "r"); if (f) { do { String l = f.readStringUntil('\n') + '\n'; l = escapeHTMLcontent(l); fileManager->sendContent(l); } while (f.available()); f.close(); } } fileManager->sendContent(ESPxWebFlMgrWpFormExtro1); fileManager->sendContent(fn); fileManager->sendContent(ESPxWebFlMgrWpFormExtro2); fileManager->sendContent(""); } else { fileManager->send(404, F("text/plain"), F("Illegal.")); } delay(1); } // Drag and Drop // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/HTML_Drag_and_Drop_API/File_drag_and_drop // https://www.ab-heute-programmieren.de/drag-and-drop-upload-mit-html5/#Schritt_3_Eine_Datei_hochladen //***************************************************************************************************** void ESPxWebFlMgr::fileManagerReceiverOK(void) { // Serial.println("fileManagerReceiverOK"); fileManager->send(200); delay(1); } //***************************************************************************************************** void ESPxWebFlMgr::fileManagerReceiver(void) { // Serial.println("fileManagerReceiver"); HTTPUpload& upload = fileManager->upload(); // Serial.println("Server upload Status: " + String(upload.status)); if (upload.status == UPLOAD_FILE_START) { String filename = upload.filename; if (!filename.startsWith("/")) { filename = "/" + filename; } // Serial.print("handleFileUpload Name: "); // Serial.println(filename); if (! ( (_ViewSysFiles) || (allowAccessToThisFile(filename)) ) ) { filename = "/illegalfilename"; } // cut length filename = CheckFileNameLengthLimit(filename); fsUploadFile = ESPxWebFlMgr_FileSystem.open(subdir + filename, "w"); } else if (upload.status == UPLOAD_FILE_WRITE) { // Serial.print("handleFileUpload Data: "); // Serial.println(upload.currentSize); if (fsUploadFile) fsUploadFile.write(upload.buf, upload.currentSize); } else if (upload.status == UPLOAD_FILE_END) { if (fsUploadFile) { fsUploadFile.close(); // fsUploadFile = NULL; } // Serial.print("handleFileUpload Size: "); // Serial.println(upload.totalSize); } delay(1); } struct __attribute__ ((__packed__)) zipFileHeader { uint32_t signature; // 0x04034b50; uint16_t versionneeded; uint16_t bitflags; uint16_t comp_method; uint16_t lastModFileTime; uint16_t lastModFileDate; uint32_t crc_32; uint32_t comp_size; uint32_t uncompr_size; uint16_t fname_len; uint16_t extra_field_len; }; struct __attribute__ ((__packed__)) zipDataDescriptor { uint32_t signature; // 0x08074b50 uint32_t crc32; uint32_t comp_size; uint32_t uncompr_size; }; struct __attribute__ ((__packed__)) zipEndOfDirectory { uint32_t signature; // 0x06054b50; uint16_t nrofdisks; uint16_t diskwherecentraldirectorystarts; uint16_t nrofcentraldirectoriesonthisdisk; uint16_t totalnrofcentraldirectories; uint32_t sizeofcentraldirectory; uint32_t ofsetofcentraldirectoryrelativetostartofarchiv; uint16_t commentlength; }; struct __attribute__ ((__packed__)) zipCentralDirectoryFileHeader { uint32_t signature; // 0x02014b50 uint16_t versionmadeby; uint16_t versionneededtoextract; uint16_t flag; uint16_t compressionmethode; uint16_t lastModFileTime; uint16_t lastModFileDate; uint32_t crc_32; uint32_t comp_size; uint32_t uncompr_size; uint16_t fname_len; uint16_t extra_len; uint16_t comment_len; uint16_t diskstart; uint16_t internalfileattr; uint32_t externalfileattr; uint32_t relofsoflocalfileheader; // nun filename, extra field, comment }; //***************************************************************************************************** int ESPxWebFlMgr::WriteChunk(const char* b, size_t l) { // Serial.print(" Chunk: " + String(l) + " "); const char * footer = "\r\n"; char chunkSize[11]; sprintf(chunkSize, "%zx\r\n", l); fileManager->client().write(chunkSize, strlen(chunkSize)); fileManager->client().write(b, l); fileManager->client().write(footer, 2); return strlen(chunkSize) + l + 2; } //***************************************************************************************************** /* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zip_(file_format) https://www.fileformat.info/tool/hexdump.htm https://hexed.it/?hl=de HxD https://mh-nexus.de/de/ This code needs some memory: 4 * + copybuffersize Uses no compression, because, well, code size. Should be good for 4mb. */ void ESPxWebFlMgr::getAllFilesInOneZIP(void) { const byte copybuffersize = 100; fileManager->setContentLength(CONTENT_LENGTH_UNKNOWN); // fileManager->sendHeader(F("Content-Type"), F("text/text")); // fileManager->sendHeader(F("Transfer-Encoding"), F("chunked")); // fileManager->sendHeader(F("Connection"), F("close")); fileManager->sendHeader(F("Content-Disposition"), F("attachment; filename=alles.zip")); fileManager->sendHeader(F("Content-Transfer-Encoding"), F("binary")); fileManager->send(200, F("application/octet-stream"), ""); // Pass 0: count files int files = 0; { Dir dir; File file = firstFile(dir); while (file) { String fn = file.name(); if (!file.isDirectory() && (file.size() != 0)) { //jz if ( (_ViewSysFiles) || (allowAccessToThisFile(fn)) ) { files++; } } file = nextFile(dir); } //Serial.println("Files: " + String(files)); } // Store the crcs uint32_t crc_32s[files]; // Pass 1: local headers + file { zipFileHeader zip; zip.signature = 0x04034b50; zip.versionneeded = 0; zip.bitflags = 1 << 3; zip.comp_method = 0; // stored zip.lastModFileTime = 0x4fa5; zip.lastModFileDate = 0xe44e; zip.extra_field_len = 0; int i = 0; Dir dir; File file = firstFile(dir); while (file) { String fn = file.name(); if (!file.isDirectory() && (file.size() != 0) ) { //jz if ( (_ViewSysFiles) || (allowAccessToThisFile(fn)) ) { if (fn.indexOf("/") == 0) { fn.remove(0, 1); // "/" filenames beginning with "/" dont work for Windows.... } zip.comp_size = 0; zip.uncompr_size = 0; zip.crc_32 = 0; zip.fname_len = fn.length(); WriteChunk((char*)&zip, sizeof(zip)); WriteChunk(fn.c_str(), zip.fname_len); //Serial.print("Send: " + fn); // File f = dir.open("r",FILE_READ); int len = file.size(); //Serial.print("\nsending "); Serial.print(fn); //Serial.print(" len is "); Serial.println(len); // send crc+len later... zipDataDescriptor datadiscr; datadiscr.signature = 0x08074b50; datadiscr.comp_size = len; datadiscr.uncompr_size = len; const char * footer = "\r\n"; char chunkSize[11]; sprintf(chunkSize, "%zx\r\n", len); fileManager->client().write(chunkSize, strlen(chunkSize)); { // pff. CRC32 crc; byte b[copybuffersize]; int lenr = len; while (lenr > 0) { byte r = (lenr > copybuffersize) ? copybuffersize : lenr; file.read(b, r); crc.update(b, r); fileManager->client().write(b, r); lenr -= r; // Serial.print(lenr);Serial.print(","); //jz } //Serial.println(" done"); datadiscr.crc32 = crc.finalize(); crc_32s[i] = datadiscr.crc32; } fileManager->client().write(footer, 2); WriteChunk((char*)&datadiscr, sizeof(datadiscr)); // f.close(); i++; /** / Serial.print(" "); Serial.print(l); Serial.println(); /**/ } } file = nextFile(dir); } } // Pass 2: Central directory Structur { zipEndOfDirectory eod; eod.signature = 0x06054b50; eod.nrofdisks = 0; eod.diskwherecentraldirectorystarts = 0; eod.nrofcentraldirectoriesonthisdisk = 0; eod.totalnrofcentraldirectories = 0; eod.sizeofcentraldirectory = 0; eod.ofsetofcentraldirectoryrelativetostartofarchiv = 0; eod.commentlength = 0; zipCentralDirectoryFileHeader CDFH; CDFH.signature = 0x02014b50; CDFH.versionmadeby = 0; CDFH.versionneededtoextract = 0; CDFH.flag = 0; CDFH.compressionmethode = 0; // Stored CDFH.lastModFileTime = 0x4fa5; CDFH.lastModFileDate = 0xe44e; CDFH.extra_len = 0; CDFH.comment_len = 0; CDFH.diskstart = 0; CDFH.internalfileattr = 0x01; CDFH.externalfileattr = 0x20; CDFH.relofsoflocalfileheader = 0; int i = 0; Dir dir; File file = firstFile(dir); while (file) { String fn = file.name(); if (!file.isDirectory() && (file.size() != 0)) { //jz if ( (_ViewSysFiles) || (allowAccessToThisFile(fn)) ) { if (fn.indexOf("/") == 0) { fn.remove(0, 1); // "/" filenames beginning with "/" dont work for Windows.... } // Serial.print("CDFH: " + fn); // File f = dir.open("r",FILE_READ); int len = file.size(); //Serial.print("\nsending "); Serial.print(fn); //jz //Serial.print(" len is "); Serial.println(len); CDFH.comp_size = len; CDFH.uncompr_size = len; CDFH.fname_len = fn.length(); CDFH.crc_32 = crc_32s[i]; // f.close(); WriteChunk((char*)&CDFH, sizeof(CDFH)); WriteChunk(fn.c_str(), CDFH.fname_len); int ofs = sizeof(zipFileHeader) + len + CDFH.fname_len + sizeof(zipDataDescriptor); // next position CDFH.relofsoflocalfileheader += ofs; // book keeping eod.nrofcentraldirectoriesonthisdisk++; eod.totalnrofcentraldirectories++; eod.ofsetofcentraldirectoryrelativetostartofarchiv += ofs; eod.sizeofcentraldirectory += sizeof(CDFH) + CDFH.fname_len; i++; } } file = nextFile(dir); } // Serial.print("EOD: "); WriteChunk((char*)&eod, sizeof(eod)); // Serial.println(); } const char * endchunk = "0\r\n\r\n"; fileManager->client().write(endchunk, 5); fileManager->sendContent(""); delay(1); } //***************************************************************************************************** void ESPxWebFlMgr::fileManagerCommandExecutor(void) { // https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KSxTxynXiBs /* for (uint8_t i = 0; i < fileManager->args(); i++) { Serial.print(i); Serial.print(" "); Serial.print(fileManager->argName(i)); Serial.print(": "); Serial.print(fileManager->arg(i)); Serial.println(); } */ // no Args: DIE! if (fileManager->args() == 0) { return; } // +--++--++--++--++--++--++--++--++--++--++--++--++--++--++--+ // one arg, "za", zip all and download if ( (fileManager->args() == 1) && (fileManager->argName(0) == "za") ) { getAllFilesInOneZIP(); // does it all return; } // +--++--++--++--++--++--++--++--++--++--++--++--++--++--++--+ // one arg, "dwn", download // must happen in the context of the webpage... thus via "window.location.href="/c?dwn="+filename;" if ( (fileManager->args() == 1) && (fileManager->argName(0) == "dwn") ) { String fn = fileManager->arg(0); Serial.println(fn); if ( (_ViewSysFiles) || (allowAccessToThisFile(fn)) ) { //Serial.println("allowed"); File f = ESPxWebFlMgr_FileSystem.open("/" + fn, "r"); // add slash for esp32_arduino 2.0 if (f) { //Serial.println("got it open"); fileManager->sendHeader(F("Content-Type"), F("text/text")); fileManager->sendHeader(F("Connection"), F("close")); //Serial.print(">");Serial.print(fn);Serial.println("<"); //Serial.println(fn.indexOf("/")); if (fn.indexOf("/") == 0) { fileManager->sendHeader(F("Content-Disposition"), "attachment; filename=" + fn.substring(1)); } else { fileManager->sendHeader(F("Content-Disposition"), "attachment; filename=" + fn); } fileManager->sendHeader(F("Content-Transfer-Encoding"), F("binary")); if (fileManager->streamFile(f, "application/octet-stream") != f.size()) { Serial.println(F("Sent less data than expected!")); } f.close(); return; } else { Serial.print("Could not open file "); Serial.println(fn); } } } // +--++--++--++--++--++--++--++--++--++--++--++--++--++--++--+ // one arg, "opd", opendirectory if ( (fileManager->args() == 1) && (fileManager->argName(0) == "opd") ) { String fn = fileManager->arg(0); if ( (_ViewSysFiles) || (allowAccessToThisFile(fn)) ) { delay(1); } } // +--++--++--++--++--++--++--++--++--++--++--++--++--++--++--+ // one arg, "del", delete if ( (fileManager->args() == 1) && (fileManager->argName(0) == "del") ) { String fn = fileManager->arg(0); if ( (_ViewSysFiles) || (allowAccessToThisFile(fn)) ) { int x = ESPxWebFlMgr_FileSystem.remove( subdir + "/" + fn); // Add slash //delay(1000); if (!x) { Serial.print("remove failed, try rmdir "); Serial.print( subdir + "/" + fn ); int y = ESPxWebFlMgr_FileSystem.rmdir( "/" + fn); // Add slash //delay(1000); if (!y) { Serial.print("rmdir failed, directory must be empty! "); } } } } // +--++--++--++--++--++--++--++--++--++--++--++--++--++--++--+ // one arg, "ren", rename if ( (fileManager->args() == 2) && (fileManager->argName(0) == "ren") ) { String fn = fileManager->arg(0); if ( (_ViewSysFiles) || (allowAccessToThisFile(fn)) ) { String fn2 = CheckFileNameLengthLimit(fileManager->arg(1)); if ( (_ViewSysFiles) || (allowAccessToThisFile(fn2)) ) { Serial.println(subdir); Serial.println(fn); Serial.println(fn2); ESPxWebFlMgr_FileSystem.rename( subdir + "/" + fn, subdir + "/" + fn2); } } } // dummy answer fileManager->send(200, "text/plain", ""); delay(1); }