update config.txt Jul 25, 2022

new config.txt has 9 lines plus comments
old config.txt is at the bottom of the file
jameszah 2022-07-25 14:21:22 -06:00 zatwierdzone przez GitHub
rodzic b1169bb7ae
commit 8a596241c7
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ID klucza GPG: 4AEE18F83AFDEB23
1 zmienionych plików z 54 dodań i 0 usunięć

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@ -1,3 +1,57 @@
desklens // camera name
11 // framesize 11=hd
1800 // length of video in seconds
0 // interval - ms between recording frames
1 // speedup - multiply framerate
0 // streamdelay - ms between streaming frames
GMT // timezone
ssid1234 // ssid wifi name
mrpeanut // ssid password
Above lines - 1 item per line followed by 2 spaces
desklens - camera name for files, mdns, etc
11 - framesize 11 is hd 720p 1280x720
- for ov2640 camera 8=vga, 9=svga, 10=xga, 11=hd, 12=sxga, 13=uxga
- for ov5640 camera add 14=fhd, 17=qxga, 18=qhd, 21=qsxga
1800 - length of video in seconds
0 - interval - millisecond between frames for recording
- 0 is as fast as possible bound by camera speed or sd writing speed
- 500 is 2 frames per second (subject to bounds)
- 10000 is 0.1 frames per second or 10 seconds per frame
- vga is max 25 fps, hd is max 12.5 fps, uxga at 12.5 fps etc
1 - speedup - multiply framerate to speed up playback
- 1 is realtime
- 24 will play a 1 fps recording at 24 fps on your computer
- 300 will play 10 sec per frame at 30 fps on your computer
0 - streamdelay - milliseconds of delay between streaming frames
- this allows you to slow down streaming to save battery power
and network usage
- also allows a fixed rate if you are recording the stream at your computer
- vga will stream about 30-33 fps depending on wifi and brightness colors
in the jpeg
- hd will stream about 10-12 fps
- uxga will only stream at 3 fps
GMT - timezone for dates and times on your files
- mountain: MST7MDT,M3.2.0/2:00:00,M11.1.0/2:00:00
- eastern: EST5EDT,M3.2.0,M11.1.0
- central europe: CET-1CEST-2,M3.5.0/02:00:00,M10.5.0/03:00:00
- Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia: ULAT-8ULAST,M3.5.0/2,M9.5.0/2
- find timezone here:
ssid1234 - your wifi ssid username
- enter the keyword "wifiman" to launch the WiFiManager to configure
your ssid/password at the web portal or ESP32-CAM
- enter keyword "ssid1234" for no wifi
mrpeanut - your wifi ssid password
SourceCode: https://github.com/jameszah/ESP32-CAM-Video-Recorder-junior
One-Click Installer: https://jameszah.github.io/ESP32-CAM-VideoCam/
James Zahary - Jan 11, 2022
desklens // camera name for files, mdns, etc
11 // framesize 8=vga, 9=svga, 10=xga, 11=hd, 12=sxga, 13=uxga, 14=fhd, 17=qxga, 18=qhd, 21=qsxga
15 // quality 0-63, lower the better, 10 good start, must be higher than "quality config"