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* Copyright 2017, 2018, 2020 John Archbold
EQG2HBX program definitions
#pragma once
#include <FS.h> // Include the SPIFFS library
#include <Preferences.h>
#include "ESP32Ticker.h"
void CheckETXState( unsigned char );
* Common variables
String EQ2HBX_Version = "EQG2HBX V1.11";
Preferences preferences;
unsigned long DelayTime; // Delay timer
unsigned long StatusTime; // H2X interval time
unsigned long StatusTimer; // H2X status delay timer
unsigned long StateTimer; // H2X state delay timer
bool StateSelect;
bool StatusSelect;
int StatusCount;
Ticker AlarmCheckETX;
long P1;
long P2;
float F1;
float F2;
time_t epoch; // UTC seconds
time_t currentTime; // Local value
* EQG protocol communications buffers and pointers
* EQG protocol variables
#define EQGLEN 256 // Communications buffers
#define EQGMASK EQGLEN-1 // Index wraps to 0
unsigned long EQGP1;
unsigned long EQGP2;
float EQGF1;
unsigned char EQGRxBuffer[EQGLEN]; // Hold data from EQG
unsigned char EQGTxBuffer[EQGLEN]; // Hold responses to EQG
unsigned char EQGRxiPtr = 0; // Pointer for input from EQG
unsigned char EQGRxoPtr = 0; // Pointer for output from EQG Rx buffer
unsigned char EQGTxiPtr = 0; // Pointer for input to EQG buffer
unsigned char EQGTxoPtr = 0; // Pointer for output to EQG
unsigned char EQGCmnd = 0; // EQG Command
unsigned char EQGErrorValue; // EQG Returned error value
unsigned char EQGDone = 0; // EQG Complete message
unsigned char EQGRADEC = 0; // EQG Motor Select (ASCII)
unsigned char EQGMOTOR = 0; // EQG Motor Select (binary)
unsigned char EQGRAAutoguide = 0; // EQG Autoguide rate
unsigned char EQGDECAutoguide = 0; // EQG Autoguide rate
unsigned char EQGRxState = 1; // EQG State
unsigned char EQGRxChar; // EQG Rx Character
unsigned char EQGRxCount; // EQG # parameters
float f;
unsigned long v;
* HBX communications buffers and pointers
* HBX variables
unsigned long H2XStart = 0; // Used to count uS ticks
unsigned long H2XTimer = 0; // Used to count uS ticks
unsigned char EQGMotorStatus; // Current State of motor
typedef struct {
unsigned char MotorType; // Current type of motor
unsigned char MotorFlag; // Flag to print motor positions
unsigned long ETXMotorState; // ETX Motor State Nachine
unsigned long ETXMotorStatus; // Current ETX Motor Status
unsigned long EQGMotorStatus; // Current EQG Motor Status
unsigned long MotorControl; // Current HBX Motor Control bits
unsigned char HBXBitCount; // #bits left to process
unsigned char Command; // Current command
unsigned char Flip; // Axis flipped - Alt for negative, Az probably never
unsigned char HBXData; // Data byte from HBX Bus
unsigned char HBXP1; // HBX status/data - MSB
unsigned char HBXP2; // HBX status/data - LSB
unsigned char HBXP3; // HBX status/data - PWM % related
unsigned char HBXP4; // HBX status/data - single flag bit related to battery alarm ( 0 = OK )
unsigned char HBXCount; // HBX valid data count
unsigned char HBXLEDI; // LED current value from Motor
unsigned long DirnSpeed; // Speed, Direction for Motor to move
char HBXGuide; // Guide speed
char HBXSnapPort; // Snap port
char LEDValue; // Polar LED brightness
char ETXSpeedCommand; // Current ETX Speed command
long EQGSpeed; // EQG Move speed
long ETXSpeed; // ETX Move speed
long TargetSpeed; // Target Move speed
uint8_t SpeedState; // Slowdown/speedup state
long Position; // Current position
long Target; // Current target
long Increment; // Change in position for motor speed calcs
long SlowDown; // Point to change to lower speed
long Offset; // Current adjustment
// MeadeRatio = ((Vanes * 4) * GbxRatio * XferRatio * WormTeeth) / 1,296,000
float MeadeRatio; // Meade Ratio
float GbxRatio; // GearBox Ratio
unsigned long Vanes; // Number of photocoupler vanes
float XferRatio; // Gearbox Transfer Ratio (usually 1)
unsigned long WormTeeth; // Number of Worm teeth
// a-Value = (Vanes * 4) * GbxRatio * XferRatio * WormTeeth
// b-Value = (6460.09 * MeadeRatio * a-Value * 15.041069) / 1,296,000
unsigned long aVALUE; // For rate calculations
unsigned long bVALUE; // For rate calculations
unsigned long OneDegree; // For slew comparisons
// SIDEREALRATE = 6460.09 * MeadeRatio
// BASERATE = (b * arcsec360) / a
unsigned long SIDEREALRATE; // Constants
unsigned long SOLARRATE;
unsigned long LUNARRATE;
unsigned long BASERATE;
unsigned long DEGREERATE1;
// PEC = a-VALUE / WormTeeth;
unsigned long PEC; // PEC period (period of worm tooth)
unsigned char PrintStatus0; // Force print of no status change
unsigned long TimeDelta; // Used in HBX Monitor
} axis_type;
axis_type axis[4]; // Az, Alt
// Support other scopes with Meade interface
typedef struct {
unsigned long Vanes; // Number of photocoupler vanes
float GbxRatio; // GearBox Ratio
float XferRatio; // Gearbox Transfer Ratio (usually 1)
unsigned long WormTeeth; // Number of Worm teeth
char Telescope[16]; // name of scope
} axis_values;
axis_values ratio[16][2] = // 16 scopes, Az, Alt
{{36, 91.1458333, 1, 94, "ETX60"}, {36, 157.5, 1, 58, "ETX60"}}, // ETX60/70/80
{{36, 91.1458333, 1, 94, "ETX70"}, {36, 157.5, 1, 58, "ETX70"}}, // ETX60/70/80
{{36, 91.1458333, 1, 94, "ETX80"}, {36, 157.5, 1, 58, "ETX80"}}, // ETX60/70/80
{{108, 50, 1, 144, "LXD55"}, {108, 50, 1, 144, "LXD55"}}, // LXD55/75, LX70-GTS
{{108, 50, 1, 144, "LXD75"}, {108, 50, 1, 144, "LXD75"}}, // LXD55/75, LX70-GTS
{{108, 50, 1, 144, "LXD70"}, {108, 50, 1, 144, "LXD70"}}, // LXD55/75, LX70-GTS
{{108, 53.5859375, 1, 154, "LX90"}, {108, 53.5859375, 1, 154, "LX90"}}, // LX90, LT, LX80AltAz
{{108, 53.5859375, 1, 154, "LT"}, {108, 53.5859375, 1, 154, "LT"}}, // LX90, LT, LX80AltAz
{{108, 53.5859375, 1, 154, "LX80"}, {108, 53.5859375, 1, 154, "LX80"}}, // LX90, LT, LX80AltAz
{{256, 50, 1, 350, "LX200"}, {256, 50, 1, 350, "LX200"}}, // LX200
{{500, 36, 1, 225, "LX850"}, {500, 36, 1, 225, "LX850"}}, // LX850
{{256, 50, 1, 180, "LX400"}, {256, 50, 1, 180, "LX400"}}, // LX400/500
{{36, 205.3330000, 1, 144, "DSEXT"}, {36, 205.3330000, 1, 144, "DSEXT"}}, // DS external
{{36, 410.6660000, 1, 100, "DHEXT"}, {36, 157.5, 1, 58, "DHEXT"}}, // DH external/114EQs/4504s
{{36, 205.3330000, 1, 60, "ETXnn"}, {36, 205.3330000, 1, 60, "ETXnn"}}, // ETX-xxx, DS-xxx
{{36, 91.1458333, 1, 83, "ETX??"}, {36, 144.7362076, 1, 66, "ETX??"}} // ??
unsigned char telescope = 0; // Default telescope (ETX60)
unsigned char protocol = 0; // Default protocol (UDP)
unsigned char station = 0; // Default station (AP)
char scope[16] = "ETX60";
char* an0 = (char*)"Bad";
char* an1 = (char*)"Az ";
char* an2 = (char*)"Alt";
char * axis_name[3] = { an0, an1, an2 };
char SpeedStateDesc[4][16] = {"ChangeToStep", "Slowing1", "Slowing2", "Stopped"};
// Testing only
Ticker AlarmDebugPrint;
#define dbgLEN 256 // Communications buffers
#define dbgMASK dbgLEN-1 // Index wraps to 0
unsigned char dbgRxBuffer[dbgLEN]; // Hold data from EQG
char dbgCommand[dbgLEN]; // Hold data from EQG
unsigned char dbgRxiPtr = 0; // Pointer for input from EQG
unsigned char dbgRxoPtr = 0; // Pointer for output from EQG Rx buffer
unsigned char dbgFlag = 0; // Received a command
unsigned char dbgIndex = 0; // Index into command
unsigned char TestCount;
unsigned long TestLoopTime;
unsigned long PreviousTime; // Used in HBX Monitor, Testing