/* *************************************************************************** * * Author: Teunis van Beelen * * Copyright (C) 2015 - 2023 Teunis van Beelen * * Email: teuniz@protonmail.com * *************************************************************************** * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * *************************************************************************** */ #include "mainwindow.h" #include "mainwindow_constr.cpp" #include "timer_handlers.cpp" #include "save_data.cpp" #include "interface.cpp" #include "serial_decoder.cpp" void UI_Mainwindow::open_settings_dialog() { UI_settings_window settings(this); } void UI_Mainwindow::open_connection() { int i, j, n, len; char str[4096] = {""}, dev_str[256] = {""}, resp_str[2048] = {""}, *ptr; QSettings settings; QMessageBox msgBox; lan_connect_thread lan_cn_thrd; if(device != NULL) { return; } if(devparms.connected) { return; } strlcpy(str, settings.value("connection/type", "USB").toString().toLatin1().data(), 4096); if(!strcmp(str, "LAN")) { devparms.connectiontype = 1; } else { devparms.connectiontype = 0; } if(devparms.connectiontype == 0) // USB { strlcpy(dev_str, settings.value("connection/device", "/dev/usbtmc0").toString().toLatin1().data(), 256); if(!strcmp(dev_str, "")) { strlcpy(dev_str, "/dev/usbtmc0", 256); settings.setValue("connection/device", QString(dev_str)); } device = tmc_open_usb(dev_str); if(device == NULL) { snprintf(str, 4096, "Can not open device %s", dev_str); goto OC_OUT_ERROR; } } if(devparms.connectiontype == 1) // LAN { strlcpy(devparms.hostname, settings.value("connection/hostname", "").toString().toLatin1().data(), 128); if(strlen(devparms.hostname)) { strlcpy(dev_str, devparms.hostname, 256); } else { strlcpy(dev_str, settings.value("connection/ip", "").toString().toLatin1().data(), 256); if(!strcmp(dev_str, "")) { snprintf(str, 4096, "No IP address or hostname set"); goto OC_OUT_ERROR; } len = strlen(dev_str); if(len < 7) { snprintf(str, 4096, "No IP address set"); goto OC_OUT_ERROR; } int cf = 0; for(i=0; isetText("Trying to connect..."); snprintf(str, 4096, "Trying to connect to %s", dev_str); msgBox.setIcon(QMessageBox::NoIcon); msgBox.setText(str); msgBox.addButton("Abort", QMessageBox::RejectRole); lan_cn_thrd.set_device_address(dev_str); connect(&lan_cn_thrd, SIGNAL(finished()), &msgBox, SLOT(accept())); lan_cn_thrd.start(); if(msgBox.exec() != QDialog::Accepted) { statusLabel->setText("Connection aborted"); lan_cn_thrd.terminate(); lan_cn_thrd.wait(20000); snprintf(str, 4096, "Connection aborted"); disconnect(&lan_cn_thrd, 0, 0, 0); goto OC_OUT_ERROR; } disconnect(&lan_cn_thrd, 0, 0, 0); device = lan_cn_thrd.get_device(); if(device == NULL) { statusLabel->setText("Connection failed"); snprintf(str, 4096, "Can not open connection to %s", dev_str); goto OC_OUT_ERROR; } } if(tmc_write("*IDN?") != 5) // if(tmc_write("*IDN?;:SYST:ERR?") != 16) // This is a fix for the broken *IDN? command in older fw version { snprintf(str, 4096, "Can not write to device %s", dev_str); goto OC_OUT_ERROR; } n = tmc_read(); if(n < 0) { snprintf(str, 4096, "Can not read from device %s", dev_str); goto OC_OUT_ERROR; } devparms.channel_cnt = 0; devparms.bandwidth = 0; devparms.modelname[0] = 0; strlcpy(resp_str, device->buf, 1024); ptr = strtok(resp_str, ","); if(ptr == NULL) { snprintf(str, 1024, "Received an unknown identification string from device:\n\n%s\n ", device->buf); goto OC_OUT_ERROR; } if(strcmp(ptr, "RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES")) { snprintf(str, 1024, "Received an unknown identification string from device:\n\n%s\n ", device->buf); goto OC_OUT_ERROR; } ptr = strtok(NULL, ","); if(ptr == NULL) { snprintf(str, 1024, "Received an unknown identification string from device:\n\n%s\n ", device->buf); goto OC_OUT_ERROR; } get_device_model(ptr); if((!devparms.channel_cnt) || (!devparms.bandwidth)) { snprintf(str, 1024, "Received an unknown identification string from device:\n\n%s\n ", device->buf); goto OC_OUT_ERROR; } ptr = strtok(NULL, ","); if(ptr == NULL) { snprintf(str, 1024, "Received an unknown identification string from device:\n\n%s\n ", device->buf); goto OC_OUT_ERROR; } strlcpy(devparms.serialnr, ptr, 128); ptr = strtok(NULL, ","); if(ptr == NULL) { snprintf(str, 1024, "Received an unknown identification string from device:\n\n%s\n ", device->buf); goto OC_OUT_ERROR; } strlcpy(devparms.softwvers, ptr, 128); for(i=0; ; i++) { if(devparms.softwvers[i] == 0) break; if(devparms.softwvers[i] == ';') { devparms.softwvers[i] = 0; break; } } if((devparms.modelserie != 6) && (devparms.modelserie != 1)) { msgBox.setIcon(QMessageBox::Warning); msgBox.setText("Unsupported device detected."); msgBox.setInformativeText("This software has not been tested with your device.\n" "It has been tested with the DS6000 and DS1000Z series only.\n" "If you continue, it's likely that the program will not work correctly at some points.\n" "\nDo you want to continue?\n"); msgBox.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No); msgBox.setDefaultButton(QMessageBox::Yes); int ret = msgBox.exec(); if(ret == QMessageBox::No) { statusLabel->setText("Disconnected"); devparms.connected = 0; close_connection(); return; } } if(get_device_settings()) { strlcpy(str, "Can not read device settings", 4096); goto OC_OUT_ERROR; } if(devparms.timebasedelayenable) { devparms.current_screen_sf = 100.0 / devparms.timebasedelayscale; } else { devparms.current_screen_sf = 100.0 / devparms.timebasescale; } if((devparms.modelserie == 1) || (devparms.modelserie == 2)) { trig50pctButton->setEnabled(false); } if(devparms.channel_cnt < 4) { ch4Button->setEnabled(false); ch4Button->setVisible(false); } if(devparms.channel_cnt < 3) { ch3Button->setEnabled(false); ch3Button->setVisible(false); } if(devparms.channel_cnt < 2) { ch2Button->setEnabled(false); ch2Button->setVisible(false); } devparms.cmd_cue_idx_in = 0; devparms.cmd_cue_idx_out = 0; devparms.func_has_record = 0; devparms.fftbufsz = devparms.hordivisions * 50; if(devparms.k_cfg != NULL) { free(devparms.k_cfg); } devparms.k_cfg = kiss_fftr_alloc(devparms.fftbufsz * 2, 0, NULL, NULL); connect(adjDial, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(adjDialChanged(int))); connect(trigAdjustDial, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(trigAdjustDialChanged(int))); connect(horScaleDial, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(horScaleDialChanged(int))); connect(horPosDial, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(horPosDialChanged(int))); connect(vertOffsetDial, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(vertOffsetDialChanged(int))); connect(vertScaleDial, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(vertScaleDialChanged(int))); connect(navDial, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(navDialChanged(int))); connect(ch1Button, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(ch1ButtonClicked())); connect(ch2Button, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(ch2ButtonClicked())); connect(ch3Button, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(ch3ButtonClicked())); connect(ch4Button, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(ch4ButtonClicked())); connect(chanMenuButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(chan_menu())); connect(mathMenuButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(math_menu())); connect(waveForm, SIGNAL(chan1Clicked()), this, SLOT(ch1ButtonClicked())); connect(waveForm, SIGNAL(chan2Clicked()), this, SLOT(ch2ButtonClicked())); connect(waveForm, SIGNAL(chan3Clicked()), this, SLOT(ch3ButtonClicked())); connect(waveForm, SIGNAL(chan4Clicked()), this, SLOT(ch4ButtonClicked())); connect(clearButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(clearButtonClicked())); connect(autoButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(autoButtonClicked())); connect(runButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(runButtonClicked())); connect(singleButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(singleButtonClicked())); connect(horMenuButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(horMenuButtonClicked())); connect(trigModeButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(trigModeButtonClicked())); connect(trigMenuButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(trigMenuButtonClicked())); connect(trigForceButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(trigForceButtonClicked())); connect(trig50pctButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(trig50pctButtonClicked())); connect(acqButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(acqButtonClicked())); connect(cursButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(cursButtonClicked())); connect(saveButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(saveButtonClicked())); connect(dispButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(dispButtonClicked())); connect(utilButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(utilButtonClicked())); connect(helpButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(helpButtonClicked())); connect(measureButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(measureButtonClicked())); connect(select_chan1_act, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(ch1ButtonClicked())); connect(select_chan2_act, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(ch2ButtonClicked())); connect(select_chan3_act, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(ch3ButtonClicked())); connect(select_chan4_act, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(ch4ButtonClicked())); connect(toggle_fft_act, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(toggle_fft())); connect(horPosDial, SIGNAL(customContextMenuRequested(QPoint)), this, SLOT(horPosDialClicked(QPoint))); connect(vertOffsetDial, SIGNAL(customContextMenuRequested(QPoint)), this, SLOT(vertOffsetDialClicked(QPoint))); connect(horScaleDial, SIGNAL(customContextMenuRequested(QPoint)), this, SLOT(horScaleDialClicked(QPoint))); connect(vertScaleDial, SIGNAL(customContextMenuRequested(QPoint)), this, SLOT(vertScaleDialClicked(QPoint))); connect(trigAdjustDial, SIGNAL(customContextMenuRequested(QPoint)), this, SLOT(trigAdjustDialClicked(QPoint))); connect(adjDial, SIGNAL(customContextMenuRequested(QPoint)), this, SLOT(adjustDialClicked(QPoint))); connect(playpauseButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(playpauseButtonClicked())); connect(stopButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(stopButtonClicked())); connect(recordButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(recordButtonClicked())); snprintf(str, 4096, PROGRAM_NAME " " PROGRAM_VERSION " %s %s %s", devparms.serialnr, devparms.softwvers, dev_str); // sprintf(str, PROGRAM_NAME " " PROGRAM_VERSION " %s %s", // devparms.softwvers, dev_str); setWindowTitle(str); statusLabel->setText("Connected"); scrn_thread->set_device(device); devparms.connected = 1; // test_timer->start(2000); DPRwidget->setEnabled(true); devparms.screenupdates_on = 1; scrn_thread->h_busy = 0; scrn_timer->start(devparms.screentimerival); return; OC_OUT_ERROR: statusLabel->setText("Disconnected"); devparms.connected = 0; QMessageBox mesgbox; mesgbox.setIcon(QMessageBox::Critical); mesgbox.setText(str); mesgbox.exec(); close_connection(); } void UI_Mainwindow::close_connection() { DPRwidget->setEnabled(false); test_timer->stop(); scrn_timer->stop(); adjdial_timer->stop(); devparms.connected = 0; if(scrn_thread->wait(5000) == false) { scrn_thread->terminate(); scrn_thread->wait(5000); pthread_mutex_trylock(&devparms.mutexx); pthread_mutex_unlock(&devparms.mutexx); scrn_thread->h_busy = 0; } devparms.screenupdates_on = 0; setWindowTitle(PROGRAM_NAME " " PROGRAM_VERSION); strlcpy(devparms.modelname, "-----", 128); adjDialFunc = ADJ_DIAL_FUNC_NONE; navDialFunc = NAV_DIAL_FUNC_NONE; disconnect(adjDial, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(adjDialChanged(int))); disconnect(trigAdjustDial, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(trigAdjustDialChanged(int))); disconnect(horScaleDial, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(horScaleDialChanged(int))); disconnect(horPosDial, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(horPosDialChanged(int))); disconnect(vertOffsetDial, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(vertOffsetDialChanged(int))); disconnect(vertScaleDial, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(vertScaleDialChanged(int))); disconnect(navDial, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(navDialChanged(int))); disconnect(ch1Button, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(ch1ButtonClicked())); disconnect(ch2Button, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(ch2ButtonClicked())); disconnect(ch3Button, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(ch3ButtonClicked())); disconnect(ch4Button, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(ch4ButtonClicked())); disconnect(chanMenuButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(chan_menu())); disconnect(mathMenuButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(math_menu())); disconnect(waveForm, SIGNAL(chan1Clicked()), this, SLOT(ch1ButtonClicked())); disconnect(waveForm, SIGNAL(chan2Clicked()), this, SLOT(ch2ButtonClicked())); disconnect(waveForm, SIGNAL(chan3Clicked()), this, SLOT(ch3ButtonClicked())); disconnect(waveForm, SIGNAL(chan4Clicked()), this, SLOT(ch4ButtonClicked())); disconnect(clearButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(clearButtonClicked())); disconnect(autoButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(autoButtonClicked())); disconnect(runButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(runButtonClicked())); disconnect(singleButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(singleButtonClicked())); disconnect(horMenuButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(horMenuButtonClicked())); disconnect(trigModeButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(trigModeButtonClicked())); disconnect(trigMenuButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(trigMenuButtonClicked())); disconnect(trigForceButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(trigForceButtonClicked())); disconnect(trig50pctButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(trig50pctButtonClicked())); disconnect(acqButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(acqButtonClicked())); disconnect(cursButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(cursButtonClicked())); disconnect(saveButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(saveButtonClicked())); disconnect(dispButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(dispButtonClicked())); disconnect(utilButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(utilButtonClicked())); disconnect(helpButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(helpButtonClicked())); disconnect(measureButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(measureButtonClicked())); disconnect(select_chan1_act, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(ch1ButtonClicked())); disconnect(select_chan2_act, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(ch2ButtonClicked())); disconnect(select_chan3_act, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(ch3ButtonClicked())); disconnect(select_chan4_act, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(ch4ButtonClicked())); disconnect(toggle_fft_act, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(toggle_fft())); disconnect(horPosDial, SIGNAL(customContextMenuRequested(QPoint)), this, SLOT(horPosDialClicked(QPoint))); disconnect(vertOffsetDial, SIGNAL(customContextMenuRequested(QPoint)), this, SLOT(vertOffsetDialClicked(QPoint))); disconnect(horScaleDial, SIGNAL(customContextMenuRequested(QPoint)), this, SLOT(horScaleDialClicked(QPoint))); disconnect(vertScaleDial, SIGNAL(customContextMenuRequested(QPoint)), this, SLOT(vertScaleDialClicked(QPoint))); disconnect(trigAdjustDial, SIGNAL(customContextMenuRequested(QPoint)), this, SLOT(trigAdjustDialClicked(QPoint))); disconnect(adjDial, SIGNAL(customContextMenuRequested(QPoint)), this, SLOT(adjustDialClicked(QPoint))); disconnect(playpauseButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(playpauseButtonClicked())); disconnect(stopButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(stopButtonClicked())); disconnect(recordButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(recordButtonClicked())); scrn_thread->set_device(NULL); devparms.math_fft = 0; devparms.math_fft_split = 0; waveForm->clear(); tmc_close(); device = NULL; if(devparms.k_cfg != NULL) { free(devparms.k_cfg); devparms.k_cfg = NULL; } statusLabel->setText("Disconnected"); printf("Disconnected from device\n"); } void UI_Mainwindow::closeEvent(QCloseEvent *cl_event) { devparms.connected = 0; test_timer->stop(); scrn_timer->stop(); adjdial_timer->stop(); scrn_thread->wait(5000); scrn_thread->terminate(); scrn_thread->wait(5000); devparms.screenupdates_on = 0; scrn_thread->set_device(NULL); tmc_close(); device = NULL; cl_event->accept(); } int UI_Mainwindow::get_device_settings(int delay) { int chn; char str[4096] = {""}; statusLabel->setText("Reading instrument settings..."); read_settings_thread rd_set_thrd; rd_set_thrd.set_device(device); rd_set_thrd.set_delay(delay); rd_set_thrd.set_devparm_ptr(&devparms); rd_set_thrd.start(); QMessageBox msgBox; msgBox.setIcon(QMessageBox::NoIcon); msgBox.setText("Reading instrument settings..."); msgBox.addButton("Abort", QMessageBox::RejectRole); connect(&rd_set_thrd, SIGNAL(finished()), &msgBox, SLOT(accept())); if(msgBox.exec() != QDialog::Accepted) { statusLabel->setText("Reading settings aborted"); rd_set_thrd.terminate(); rd_set_thrd.wait(20000); snprintf(str, 4096, "Reading settings aborted"); disconnect(&rd_set_thrd, 0, 0, 0); return -1; } disconnect(&rd_set_thrd, 0, 0, 0); if(rd_set_thrd.get_error_num() != 0) { statusLabel->setText("Error while reading settings"); rd_set_thrd.get_error_str(str, 4096); msgBox.setIcon(QMessageBox::Critical); msgBox.setText(str); msgBox.exec(); strlcpy(str, "Can not read settings from device", 4096); return -1; } for(chn=0; chnsetStyleSheet("background: #FFFF33;"); break; case 1: ch2Button->setStyleSheet("background: #33FFFF;"); break; case 2: ch3Button->setStyleSheet("background: #FF33FF;"); break; case 3: ch4Button->setStyleSheet("background: #0080FF;"); break; } } else { switch(chn) { case 0: ch1Button->setStyleSheet(def_stylesh); break; case 1: ch2Button->setStyleSheet(def_stylesh); break; case 2: ch3Button->setStyleSheet(def_stylesh); break; case 3: ch4Button->setStyleSheet(def_stylesh); break; } } } if(devparms.triggersweep == 0) { trigModeAutoLed->setValue(true); trigModeNormLed->setValue(false); trigModeSingLed->setValue(false); } else if(devparms.triggersweep == 1) { trigModeAutoLed->setValue(false); trigModeNormLed->setValue(true); trigModeSingLed->setValue(false); } else if(devparms.triggersweep == 2) { trigModeAutoLed->setValue(false); trigModeNormLed->setValue(false); trigModeSingLed->setValue(true); } updateLabels(); return 0; } int UI_Mainwindow::parse_preamble(char *str, int sz, struct waveform_preamble *wfp, int chn) { char *ptr; if(sz < 19) { return -1; } ptr = strtok(str, ","); if(ptr == NULL) { return -1; } wfp->format = atoi(ptr); ptr = strtok(NULL, ","); if(ptr == NULL) { return -1; } wfp->type = atoi(ptr); ptr = strtok(NULL, ","); if(ptr == NULL) { return -1; } wfp->points = atoi(ptr); ptr = strtok(NULL, ","); if(ptr == NULL) { return -1; } wfp->count = atoi(ptr); ptr = strtok(NULL, ","); if(ptr == NULL) { return -1; } wfp->xincrement[chn] = atof(ptr); ptr = strtok(NULL, ","); if(ptr == NULL) { return -1; } wfp->xorigin[chn] = atof(ptr); ptr = strtok(NULL, ","); if(ptr == NULL) { return -1; } wfp->xreference[chn] = atof(ptr); ptr = strtok(NULL, ","); if(ptr == NULL) { return -1; } wfp->yincrement[chn] = atof(ptr); ptr = strtok(NULL, ","); if(ptr == NULL) { return -1; } wfp->yorigin[chn] = atof(ptr); ptr = strtok(NULL, ","); if(ptr == NULL) { return -1; } wfp->yreference[chn] = atoi(ptr); ptr = strtok(NULL, ","); if(ptr != NULL) { return -1; } return 0; } int UI_Mainwindow::get_metric_factor(double value) { int suffix=0; if(value < 0) { value *= -1; } if(value >= 1e12 && value < 1e15) { suffix = 12; } else if(value >= 1e9 && value < 1e12) { suffix = 9; } else if(value >= 1e6 && value < 1e9) { suffix = 6; } else if(value >= 1e3 && value < 1e6) { suffix = 3; } else if(value >= 1e-3 && value < 1) { suffix = -3; } else if( value >= 1e-6 && value < 1e-3) { suffix = -6; } else if(value >= 1e-9 && value < 1e-6) { suffix = -9; } else if(value >= 1e-12 && value < 1e-9) { suffix = -12; } return suffix; } double UI_Mainwindow::get_stepsize_divide_by_1000(double val) { int exp=0; if(val < 1e-9) { return 1e-9; } while(val < 1) { val *= 10; exp--; } while(val >= 10) { val /= 10; exp++; } val = exp10(exp - 2); if((val < 1e-13) && (val > -1e-13)) { return 0; } return val; } void UI_Mainwindow::get_device_model(const char *str) { devparms.channel_cnt = 0; devparms.bandwidth = 0; devparms.hordivisions = 14; devparms.vertdivisions = 8; if(!strcmp(str, "DS6104")) { devparms.channel_cnt = 4; devparms.bandwidth = 1000; devparms.modelserie = 6; } if(!strcmp(str, "DS6064")) { devparms.channel_cnt = 4; devparms.bandwidth = 600; devparms.modelserie = 6; } if(!strcmp(str, "DS6102")) { devparms.channel_cnt = 2; devparms.bandwidth = 1000; devparms.modelserie = 6; } if(!strcmp(str, "DS6062")) { devparms.channel_cnt = 2; devparms.bandwidth = 600; devparms.modelserie = 6; } if(!strcmp(str, "DS4012")) { devparms.channel_cnt = 2; devparms.bandwidth = 100; devparms.modelserie = 4; } if(!strcmp(str, "DS4014")) { devparms.channel_cnt = 4; devparms.bandwidth = 100; devparms.modelserie = 4; } if(!strcmp(str, "DS4022")) { devparms.channel_cnt = 2; devparms.bandwidth = 200; devparms.modelserie = 4; } if(!strcmp(str, "DS4024")) { devparms.channel_cnt = 4; devparms.bandwidth = 200; devparms.modelserie = 4; } if(!strcmp(str, "DS4032")) { devparms.channel_cnt = 2; devparms.bandwidth = 350; devparms.modelserie = 4; } if(!strcmp(str, "DS4034")) { devparms.channel_cnt = 4; devparms.bandwidth = 350; devparms.modelserie = 4; } if(!strcmp(str, "DS4052")) { devparms.channel_cnt = 2; devparms.bandwidth = 500; devparms.modelserie = 4; } if(!strcmp(str, "DS4054")) { devparms.channel_cnt = 4; devparms.bandwidth = 500; devparms.modelserie = 4; } if(!strcmp(str, "MSO4012")) { devparms.channel_cnt = 2; devparms.bandwidth = 100; devparms.modelserie = 4; } if(!strcmp(str, "MSO4024")) { devparms.channel_cnt = 4; devparms.bandwidth = 200; devparms.modelserie = 4; } if(!strcmp(str, "DS2072A")) { devparms.channel_cnt = 2; devparms.bandwidth = 70; devparms.modelserie = 2; } if(!strcmp(str, "DS2072A-S")) { devparms.channel_cnt = 2; devparms.bandwidth = 70; devparms.modelserie = 2; } if(!strcmp(str, "DS2102")) { devparms.channel_cnt = 2; devparms.bandwidth = 100; devparms.modelserie = 2; } if(!strcmp(str, "DS2102A")) { devparms.channel_cnt = 2; devparms.bandwidth = 100; devparms.modelserie = 2; } if(!strcmp(str, "DS2102A-S")) { devparms.channel_cnt = 2; devparms.bandwidth = 100; devparms.modelserie = 2; } if(!strcmp(str, "DS2202")) { devparms.channel_cnt = 2; devparms.bandwidth = 200; devparms.modelserie = 2; } if(!strcmp(str, "DS2202A")) { devparms.channel_cnt = 2; devparms.bandwidth = 200; devparms.modelserie = 2; } if(!strcmp(str, "DS2202A-S")) { devparms.channel_cnt = 2; devparms.bandwidth = 200; devparms.modelserie = 2; } if(!strcmp(str, "DS2302")) { devparms.channel_cnt = 2; devparms.bandwidth = 300; devparms.modelserie = 2; } if(!strcmp(str, "DS2302A")) { devparms.channel_cnt = 2; devparms.bandwidth = 300; devparms.modelserie = 2; } if(!strcmp(str, "DS2302A-S")) { devparms.channel_cnt = 2; devparms.bandwidth = 300; devparms.modelserie = 2; } if(!strcmp(str, "DS1054Z")) { devparms.channel_cnt = 4; devparms.bandwidth = 50; devparms.modelserie = 1; } if(!strcmp(str, "DS1074Z")) { devparms.channel_cnt = 4; devparms.bandwidth = 70; devparms.modelserie = 1; } if(!strcmp(str, "DS1074Z-S")) { devparms.channel_cnt = 4; devparms.bandwidth = 70; devparms.modelserie = 1; } if(!strcmp(str, "DS1074Z Plus")) { devparms.channel_cnt = 4; devparms.la_channel_cnt = 16; devparms.bandwidth = 70; devparms.modelserie = 1; } if(!strcmp(str, "DS1074Z-S Plus")) { devparms.channel_cnt = 4; devparms.la_channel_cnt = 16; devparms.bandwidth = 70; devparms.modelserie = 1; } if(!strcmp(str, "DS1104Z")) { devparms.channel_cnt = 4; devparms.bandwidth = 100; devparms.modelserie = 1; } if(!strcmp(str, "DS1104Z-S")) { devparms.channel_cnt = 4; devparms.bandwidth = 100; devparms.modelserie = 1; } if(!strcmp(str, "DS1104Z Plus")) { devparms.channel_cnt = 4; devparms.la_channel_cnt = 16; devparms.bandwidth = 100; devparms.modelserie = 1; } if(!strcmp(str, "DS1104Z-S Plus")) { devparms.channel_cnt = 4; devparms.la_channel_cnt = 16; devparms.bandwidth = 100; devparms.modelserie = 1; } if(!strcmp(str, "MSO1074Z")) { devparms.channel_cnt = 4; devparms.bandwidth = 70; devparms.modelserie = 1; } if(!strcmp(str, "MSO1104Z")) { devparms.channel_cnt = 4; devparms.bandwidth = 100; devparms.modelserie = 1; } if(!strcmp(str, "MSO1074Z-S")) { devparms.channel_cnt = 4; devparms.bandwidth = 70; devparms.modelserie = 1; } if(!strcmp(str, "MSO1104Z-S")) { devparms.channel_cnt = 4; devparms.bandwidth = 100; devparms.modelserie = 1; } if(!strcmp(str, "DS1202Z-E")) { devparms.channel_cnt = 2; devparms.bandwidth = 200; devparms.modelserie = 1; } if(!strcmp(str, "DS1102Z-E")) { devparms.channel_cnt = 2; devparms.bandwidth = 100; devparms.modelserie = 1; } if(devparms.modelserie == 1) { if(devparms.use_extra_vertdivisions) devparms.vertdivisions = 10; devparms.hordivisions = 12; } if(devparms.channel_cnt && devparms.bandwidth && devparms.modelserie) { strlcpy(devparms.modelname, str, 128); } } void UI_Mainwindow::former_page() { char str[512]; if(device == NULL) { return; } if(!devparms.connected) { return; } if(devparms.activechannel < 0) { return; } if(devparms.timebasedelayenable) { if(devparms.timebasedelayoffset <= -(((devparms.hordivisions / 2) * devparms.timebasescale) - devparms.timebaseoffset - ((devparms.hordivisions / 2) * devparms.timebasedelayscale))) { return; } devparms.timebasedelayoffset -= devparms.timebasedelayscale * devparms.hordivisions; if(devparms.timebasedelayoffset <= -(((devparms.hordivisions / 2) * devparms.timebasescale) - devparms.timebaseoffset - ((devparms.hordivisions / 2) * devparms.timebasedelayscale))) { devparms.timebasedelayoffset = -(((devparms.hordivisions / 2) * devparms.timebasescale) - devparms.timebaseoffset - ((devparms.hordivisions / 2) * devparms.timebasedelayscale)); } strlcpy(str, "Delayed timebase position: ", 512); convert_to_metric_suffix(str + strlen(str), devparms.timebasedelayoffset, 2, 512 - strlen(str)); strlcat(str, "s", 512); statusLabel->setText(str); horPosDial_timer->start(TMC_DIAL_TIMER_DELAY); } else { devparms.timebaseoffset -= devparms.timebasescale * devparms.hordivisions; if(devparms.acquirememdepth > 10) { if(devparms.timebaseoffset <= -(((double)devparms.acquirememdepth / devparms.samplerate) / 2)) { devparms.timebaseoffset = -(((double)devparms.acquirememdepth / devparms.samplerate) / 2); } } else { if(devparms.timebaseoffset <= -((devparms.hordivisions / 2) * devparms.timebasescale)) { devparms.timebaseoffset = -((devparms.hordivisions / 2) * devparms.timebasescale); } } strlcpy(str, "Horizontal position: ", 512); convert_to_metric_suffix(str + strlen(str), devparms.timebaseoffset, 2, 512 - strlen(str)); strlcat(str, "s", 512); statusLabel->setText(str); horPosDial_timer->start(TMC_DIAL_TIMER_DELAY); } waveForm->update(); } void UI_Mainwindow::next_page() { char str[512]; if(device == NULL) { return; } if(!devparms.connected) { return; } if(devparms.activechannel < 0) { return; } if(devparms.timebasedelayenable) { if(devparms.timebasedelayoffset >= (((devparms.hordivisions / 2) * devparms.timebasescale) + devparms.timebaseoffset - ((devparms.hordivisions / 2) * devparms.timebasedelayscale))) { return; } devparms.timebasedelayoffset += devparms.timebasedelayscale * devparms.hordivisions; if(devparms.timebasedelayoffset >= (((devparms.hordivisions / 2) * devparms.timebasescale) + devparms.timebaseoffset - ((devparms.hordivisions / 2) * devparms.timebasedelayscale))) { devparms.timebasedelayoffset = (((devparms.hordivisions / 2) * devparms.timebasescale) + devparms.timebaseoffset - ((devparms.hordivisions / 2) * devparms.timebasedelayscale)); } strlcpy(str, "Delayed timebase position: ", 512); convert_to_metric_suffix(str + strlen(str), devparms.timebasedelayoffset, 2, 512 - strlen(str)); strlcat(str, "s", 512); statusLabel->setText(str); horPosDial_timer->start(TMC_DIAL_TIMER_DELAY); } else { devparms.timebaseoffset += devparms.timebasescale * devparms.hordivisions; if(devparms.acquirememdepth > 10) { if(devparms.timebaseoffset >= (((double)devparms.acquirememdepth / devparms.samplerate) / 2)) { devparms.timebaseoffset = (((double)devparms.acquirememdepth / devparms.samplerate) / 2); } } else { if(devparms.timebaseoffset >= (devparms.hordivisions / 2) * devparms.timebasescale) { devparms.timebaseoffset = (devparms.hordivisions / 2) * devparms.timebasescale; } } strlcpy(str, "Horizontal position: ", 512); convert_to_metric_suffix(str + strlen(str), devparms.timebaseoffset, 2, 512 - strlen(str)); strlcat(str, "s", 512); statusLabel->setText(str); horPosDial_timer->start(TMC_DIAL_TIMER_DELAY); } waveForm->update(); } void UI_Mainwindow::shift_page_left() { char str[512]; if(device == NULL) { return; } if(!devparms.connected) { return; } if(devparms.math_fft && devparms.math_fft_split) { devparms.math_fft_hcenter -= devparms.math_fft_hscale; if(devparms.math_fft_hcenter <= 0.0) { devparms.math_fft_hcenter = 0.0; } if(devparms.modelserie != 1) { snprintf(str, 512, ":CALC:FFT:HCEN %e", devparms.math_fft_hcenter); } else { snprintf(str, 512, ":MATH:FFT:HCEN %e", devparms.math_fft_hcenter); } set_cue_cmd(str); strlcpy(str, "FFT center: ", 512); convert_to_metric_suffix(str + strlen(str), devparms.math_fft_hcenter, 0, 512 - strlen(str)); strlcat(str, "Hz", 512); statusLabel->setText(str); waveForm->update(); return; } if(devparms.activechannel < 0) { return; } if(devparms.timebasedelayenable) { if(devparms.timebasedelayoffset <= -(((devparms.hordivisions / 2) * devparms.timebasescale) - devparms.timebaseoffset - ((devparms.hordivisions / 2) * devparms.timebasedelayscale))) { return; } devparms.timebasedelayoffset -= devparms.timebasedelayscale; if(devparms.timebasedelayoffset <= -(((devparms.hordivisions / 2) * devparms.timebasescale) - devparms.timebaseoffset - ((devparms.hordivisions / 2) * devparms.timebasedelayscale))) { devparms.timebasedelayoffset = -(((devparms.hordivisions / 2) * devparms.timebasescale) - devparms.timebaseoffset - ((devparms.hordivisions / 2) * devparms.timebasedelayscale)); } strlcpy(str, "Delayed timebase position: ", 512); convert_to_metric_suffix(str + strlen(str), devparms.timebasedelayoffset, 2, 512 - strlen(str)); strlcat(str, "s", 512); statusLabel->setText(str); horPosDial_timer->start(TMC_DIAL_TIMER_DELAY); } else { devparms.timebaseoffset -= devparms.timebasescale; if(devparms.acquirememdepth > 10) { if(devparms.timebaseoffset <= -(((double)devparms.acquirememdepth / devparms.samplerate) / 2)) { devparms.timebaseoffset = -(((double)devparms.acquirememdepth / devparms.samplerate) / 2); } } else { if(devparms.timebaseoffset <= -((devparms.hordivisions / 2) * devparms.timebasescale)) { devparms.timebaseoffset = -((devparms.hordivisions / 2) * devparms.timebasescale); } } strlcpy(str, "Horizontal position: ", 512); convert_to_metric_suffix(str + strlen(str), devparms.timebaseoffset, 2, 512 - strlen(str)); strlcat(str, "s", 512); statusLabel->setText(str); horPosDial_timer->start(TMC_DIAL_TIMER_DELAY); } waveForm->update(); } void UI_Mainwindow::shift_page_right() { char str[512]; if(device == NULL) { return; } if(!devparms.connected) { return; } if(devparms.math_fft && devparms.math_fft_split) { devparms.math_fft_hcenter += devparms.math_fft_hscale; if(devparms.math_fft_hcenter >= (devparms.current_screen_sf * 0.4)) { devparms.math_fft_hcenter = devparms.current_screen_sf * 0.4; } if(devparms.modelserie != 1) { snprintf(str, 512, ":CALC:FFT:HCEN %e", devparms.math_fft_hcenter); } else { snprintf(str, 512, ":MATH:FFT:HCEN %e", devparms.math_fft_hcenter); } set_cue_cmd(str); strlcpy(str, "FFT center: ", 512); convert_to_metric_suffix(str + strlen(str), devparms.math_fft_hcenter, 0, 512 - strlen(str)); strlcat(str, "Hz", 512); statusLabel->setText(str); waveForm->update(); return; } if(devparms.activechannel < 0) { return; } if(devparms.timebasedelayenable) { if(devparms.timebasedelayoffset >= (((devparms.hordivisions / 2) * devparms.timebasescale) + devparms.timebaseoffset - ((devparms.hordivisions / 2) * devparms.timebasedelayscale))) { return; } devparms.timebasedelayoffset += devparms.timebasedelayscale; if(devparms.timebasedelayoffset >= (((devparms.hordivisions / 2) * devparms.timebasescale) + devparms.timebaseoffset - ((devparms.hordivisions / 2) * devparms.timebasedelayscale))) { devparms.timebasedelayoffset = (((devparms.hordivisions / 2) * devparms.timebasescale) + devparms.timebaseoffset - ((devparms.hordivisions / 2) * devparms.timebasedelayscale)); } strlcpy(str, "Delayed timebase position: ", 512); convert_to_metric_suffix(str + strlen(str), devparms.timebasedelayoffset, 2, 512 - strlen(str)); strlcat(str, "s", 512); statusLabel->setText(str); horPosDial_timer->start(TMC_DIAL_TIMER_DELAY); } else { devparms.timebaseoffset += devparms.timebasescale; if(devparms.acquirememdepth > 10) { if(devparms.timebaseoffset >= (((double)devparms.acquirememdepth / devparms.samplerate) / 2)) { devparms.timebaseoffset = (((double)devparms.acquirememdepth / devparms.samplerate) / 2); } } else { if(devparms.timebaseoffset >= (devparms.hordivisions / 2) * devparms.timebasescale) { devparms.timebaseoffset = (devparms.hordivisions / 2) * devparms.timebasescale; } } strlcpy(str, "Horizontal position: ", 512); convert_to_metric_suffix(str + strlen(str), devparms.timebaseoffset, 2, 512 - strlen(str)); strlcat(str, "s", 512); statusLabel->setText(str); horPosDial_timer->start(TMC_DIAL_TIMER_DELAY); } waveForm->update(); } void UI_Mainwindow::center_trigger() { char str[512]; if(device == NULL) { return; } if(!devparms.connected) { return; } if(devparms.math_fft && devparms.math_fft_split) { devparms.math_fft_hcenter = 0; if(devparms.modelserie != 1) { snprintf(str, 512, ":CALC:FFT:HCEN %e", devparms.math_fft_hcenter); } else { snprintf(str, 512, ":MATH:FFT:HCEN %e", devparms.math_fft_hcenter); } set_cue_cmd(str); strlcpy(str, "FFT center: ", 512); convert_to_metric_suffix(str + strlen(str), devparms.math_fft_hcenter, 0, 512 - strlen(str)); strlcat(str, "Hz", 512); statusLabel->setText(str); waveForm->update(); return; } if(devparms.activechannel < 0) { return; } if(devparms.timebasedelayenable) { devparms.timebasedelayoffset = 0; strlcpy(str, "Delayed timebase position: ", 512); convert_to_metric_suffix(str + strlen(str), devparms.timebasedelayoffset, 2, 512 - strlen(str)); strlcat(str, "s", 512); statusLabel->setText(str); horPosDial_timer->start(TMC_DIAL_TIMER_DELAY); } else { devparms.timebaseoffset = 0; strlcpy(str, "Horizontal position: ", 512); convert_to_metric_suffix(str + strlen(str), devparms.timebaseoffset, 2, 512 - strlen(str)); strlcat(str, "s", 512); statusLabel->setText(str); horPosDial_timer->start(TMC_DIAL_TIMER_DELAY); } waveForm->update(); } void UI_Mainwindow::zoom_in() { char str[512]; if(device == NULL) { return; } if(!devparms.connected) { return; } if(devparms.activechannel < 0) { return; } if(devparms.math_fft && devparms.math_fft_split) { if(!dblcmp(devparms.math_fft_hscale, devparms.current_screen_sf / 200.0)) { return; } if(!dblcmp(devparms.math_fft_hscale, devparms.current_screen_sf / 20.0)) { devparms.math_fft_hscale = devparms.current_screen_sf / 40.0; } else if(!dblcmp(devparms.math_fft_hscale, devparms.current_screen_sf / 40.0)) { devparms.math_fft_hscale = devparms.current_screen_sf / 100.0; } else { devparms.math_fft_hscale = devparms.current_screen_sf / 200.0; } if(devparms.modelserie != 1) { snprintf(str, 512, ":CALC:FFT:HSP %e", devparms.math_fft_hscale); } else { snprintf(str, 512, ":MATH:FFT:HSC %e", devparms.math_fft_hscale); } set_cue_cmd(str); strlcpy(str, "FFT scale: ", 512); convert_to_metric_suffix(str + strlen(str), devparms.math_fft_hscale, 0, 512 - strlen(str)); strlcat(str, "Hz/Div", 512); statusLabel->setText(str); waveForm->update(); return; } if(devparms.activechannel < 0) { return; } if(devparms.timebasedelayenable) { if(devparms.modelserie == 1) { if(devparms.timebasescale <= 5.001e-9) { devparms.timebasescale = 5e-9; return; } } else { if(devparms.bandwidth == 1000) { if(devparms.timebasedelayscale <= 5.001e-10) { devparms.timebasedelayscale = 5e-10; return; } } else { if(devparms.timebasedelayscale <= 1.001e-9) { devparms.timebasedelayscale = 1e-9; return; } } } devparms.timebasedelayscale = round_down_step125(devparms.timebasedelayscale, NULL); devparms.current_screen_sf = 100.0 / devparms.timebasedelayscale; strlcpy(str, "Delayed timebase: ", 512); convert_to_metric_suffix(str + strlen(str), devparms.timebasedelayscale, 2, 512 - strlen(str)); strlcat(str, "s", 512); statusLabel->setText(str); snprintf(str, 512, ":TIM:DEL:SCAL %e", devparms.timebasedelayscale); set_cue_cmd(str); } else { if(devparms.modelserie == 1) { if(devparms.timebasescale <= 5.001e-9) { devparms.timebasescale = 5e-9; return; } } else { if(devparms.bandwidth == 1000) { if(devparms.timebasescale <= 5.001e-10) { devparms.timebasescale = 5e-10; return; } } else { if(devparms.timebasescale <= 1.001e-9) { devparms.timebasescale = 1e-9; return; } } } devparms.timebasescale = round_down_step125(devparms.timebasescale, NULL); devparms.current_screen_sf = 100.0 / devparms.timebasescale; strlcpy(str, "Timebase: ", 512); convert_to_metric_suffix(str + strlen(str), devparms.timebasescale, 2, 512 - strlen(str)); strlcat(str, "s", 512); statusLabel->setText(str); snprintf(str, 512, ":TIM:SCAL %e", devparms.timebasescale); set_cue_cmd(str); } waveForm->update(); } void UI_Mainwindow::zoom_out() { char str[512]; if(device == NULL) { return; } if(!devparms.connected) { return; } if(devparms.activechannel < 0) { return; } if(devparms.math_fft && devparms.math_fft_split) { if(!dblcmp(devparms.math_fft_hscale, devparms.current_screen_sf / 20.0)) { return; } if(!dblcmp(devparms.math_fft_hscale, devparms.current_screen_sf / 200.0)) { devparms.math_fft_hscale = devparms.current_screen_sf / 100.0; } else if(!dblcmp(devparms.math_fft_hscale, devparms.current_screen_sf / 100.0)) { devparms.math_fft_hscale = devparms.current_screen_sf / 40.0; } else { devparms.math_fft_hscale = devparms.current_screen_sf / 20.0; } if(devparms.modelserie != 1) { snprintf(str, 512, ":CALC:FFT:HSP %e", devparms.math_fft_hscale); } else { snprintf(str, 512, ":MATH:FFT:HSC %e", devparms.math_fft_hscale); } set_cue_cmd(str); strlcpy(str, "FFT scale: ", 512); convert_to_metric_suffix(str + strlen(str), devparms.math_fft_hscale, 0, 512 - strlen(str)); strlcat(str, "Hz/Div", 512); statusLabel->setText(str); waveForm->update(); return; } if(devparms.timebasedelayenable) { if(devparms.timebasedelayscale >= devparms.timebasescale / 2) { devparms.timebasedelayscale = devparms.timebasescale / 2; return; } if(devparms.timebasedelayscale >= 0.1) { devparms.timebasedelayscale = 0.1; return; } devparms.timebasedelayscale = round_up_step125(devparms.timebasedelayscale, NULL); devparms.current_screen_sf = 100.0 / devparms.timebasedelayscale; strlcpy(str, "Delayed timebase: ", 512); convert_to_metric_suffix(str + strlen(str), devparms.timebasedelayscale, 2, 512 - strlen(str)); strlcat(str, "s", 512); statusLabel->setText(str); snprintf(str, 512, ":TIM:DEL:SCAL %e", devparms.timebasedelayscale); set_cue_cmd(str); if(devparms.timebasedelayscale > 0.1000001) { devparms.func_wrec_enable = 0; } } else { if(devparms.timebasescale >= 10) { devparms.timebasescale = 10; return; } devparms.timebasescale = round_up_step125(devparms.timebasescale, NULL); devparms.current_screen_sf = 100.0 / devparms.timebasescale; strlcpy(str, "Timebase: ", 512); convert_to_metric_suffix(str + strlen(str), devparms.timebasescale, 2, 512 - strlen(str)); strlcat(str, "s", 512); statusLabel->setText(str); snprintf(str, 512, ":TIM:SCAL %e", devparms.timebasescale); set_cue_cmd(str); if(devparms.timebasescale > 0.1000001) { devparms.func_wrec_enable = 0; } } waveForm->update(); } void UI_Mainwindow::chan_scale_plus() { int chn; double val, ltmp; char str[512]; if(device == NULL) { return; } if(!devparms.connected) { return; } if(devparms.activechannel < 0) { return; } if(devparms.math_fft && devparms.math_fft_split) { devparms.fft_vscale = round_up_step125(devparms.fft_vscale, NULL); if(devparms.math_fft_unit == 0) { if(devparms.fft_vscale > 50.0) { devparms.fft_vscale = 50.0; } } else { if(devparms.fft_vscale > 20.0) { devparms.fft_vscale = 20.0; } } if(devparms.fft_voffset > (devparms.fft_vscale * 4.0)) { devparms.fft_voffset = (devparms.fft_vscale * 4.0); } if(devparms.fft_voffset < (devparms.fft_vscale * -4.0)) { devparms.fft_voffset = (devparms.fft_vscale * -4.0); } if(devparms.modelserie != 1) { if(devparms.math_fft_unit == 1) { snprintf(str, 512, ":CALC:FFT:VSC %e", devparms.fft_vscale); set_cue_cmd(str); } else { snprintf(str, 512, ":CALC:FFT:VSC %e", devparms.fft_vscale / devparms.chanscale[devparms.math_fft_src]); set_cue_cmd(str); } } else { snprintf(str, 512, ":MATH:SCAL %e", devparms.fft_vscale); set_cue_cmd(str); } if(devparms.math_fft_unit == 0) { strlcpy(str, "FFT scale: ", 512); convert_to_metric_suffix(str + strlen(str), devparms.fft_vscale, 1, 512 - strlen(str)); strlcat(str, "V/Div", 512); } else { snprintf(str, 512, "FFT scale: %.1fdB/Div", devparms.fft_vscale); } statusLabel->setText(str); waveForm->update(); return; } chn = devparms.activechannel; if(devparms.chanscale[chn] >= 20) { devparms.chanscale[chn] = 20; return; } ltmp = devparms.chanscale[chn]; val = round_up_step125(devparms.chanscale[chn], NULL); if(devparms.chanvernier[chn]) { val /= 100; devparms.chanscale[chn] += val; } else { devparms.chanscale[chn] = val; } ltmp /= val; devparms.chanoffset[chn] /= ltmp; snprintf(str, 512, "Channel %i scale: ", chn + 1); convert_to_metric_suffix(str + strlen(str), devparms.chanscale[chn], 2, 512 - strlen(str)); strlcat(str, "V", 512); statusLabel->setText(str); snprintf(str, 512, ":CHAN%i:SCAL %e", chn + 1, devparms.chanscale[chn]); set_cue_cmd(str); waveForm->update(); } void UI_Mainwindow::chan_scale_plus_all() { int chn; double val, ltmp; char str[512]; if(device == NULL) { return; } if(!devparms.connected) { return; } if(devparms.activechannel < 0) { return; } if(devparms.math_fft && devparms.math_fft_split) { return; } for(chn=0; chn= 20) { devparms.chanscale[chn] = 20; return; } ltmp = devparms.chanscale[chn]; val = round_up_step125(devparms.chanscale[chn], NULL); if(devparms.chanvernier[chn]) { val /= 100; devparms.chanscale[chn] += val; } else { devparms.chanscale[chn] = val; } ltmp /= val; devparms.chanoffset[chn] /= ltmp; snprintf(str, 512, "Channel %i scale: ", chn + 1); convert_to_metric_suffix(str + strlen(str), devparms.chanscale[chn], 2, 512 - strlen(str)); strlcat(str, "V", 512); statusLabel->setText(str); snprintf(str, 512, ":CHAN%i:SCAL %e", chn + 1, devparms.chanscale[chn]); set_cue_cmd(str); } waveForm->update(); } void UI_Mainwindow::chan_scale_minus() { int chn; double val, ltmp; char str[512]; if(device == NULL) { return; } if(!devparms.connected) { return; } if(devparms.activechannel < 0) { return; } if(devparms.math_fft && devparms.math_fft_split) { devparms.fft_vscale = round_down_step125(devparms.fft_vscale, NULL); if(devparms.math_fft_unit == 0) { if(devparms.fft_vscale < 1.0) { devparms.fft_vscale = 1.0; } } else { if(devparms.fft_vscale < 1.0) { devparms.fft_vscale = 1.0; } } if(devparms.fft_voffset > (devparms.fft_vscale * 4.0)) { devparms.fft_voffset = (devparms.fft_vscale * 4.0); } if(devparms.fft_voffset < (devparms.fft_vscale * -4.0)) { devparms.fft_voffset = (devparms.fft_vscale * -4.0); } if(devparms.modelserie != 1) { if(devparms.math_fft_unit == 1) { snprintf(str, 512, ":CALC:FFT:VSC %e", devparms.fft_vscale); set_cue_cmd(str); } else { snprintf(str, 512, ":CALC:FFT:VSC %e", devparms.fft_vscale / devparms.chanscale[devparms.math_fft_src]); set_cue_cmd(str); } } else { snprintf(str, 512, ":MATH:SCAL %e", devparms.fft_vscale); set_cue_cmd(str); } if(devparms.math_fft_unit == 0) { strlcpy(str, "FFT scale: ", 512); convert_to_metric_suffix(str + strlen(str), devparms.fft_vscale, 1, 512 - strlen(str)); strlcat(str, "V/Div", 512); } else { snprintf(str, 512, "FFT scale: %.1fdB/Div", devparms.fft_vscale); } statusLabel->setText(str); waveForm->update(); return; } chn = devparms.activechannel; if(devparms.chanscale[chn] <= 1e-2) { devparms.chanscale[chn] = 1e-2; return; } ltmp = devparms.chanscale[chn]; if(devparms.chanvernier[chn]) { val = round_up_step125(devparms.chanscale[chn], NULL); } else { val = round_down_step125(devparms.chanscale[chn], NULL); } if(devparms.chanvernier[chn]) { val /= 100; devparms.chanscale[chn] -= val; } else { devparms.chanscale[chn] = val; } ltmp /= val; devparms.chanoffset[chn] /= ltmp; snprintf(str, 512, "Channel %i scale: ", chn + 1); convert_to_metric_suffix(str + strlen(str), devparms.chanscale[chn], 2, 512 - strlen(str)); strlcat(str, "V", 512); statusLabel->setText(str); snprintf(str, 512, ":CHAN%i:SCAL %e", chn + 1, devparms.chanscale[chn]); set_cue_cmd(str); waveForm->update(); } void UI_Mainwindow::chan_scale_minus_all() { int chn; double val, ltmp; char str[512]; if(device == NULL) { return; } if(!devparms.connected) { return; } if(devparms.activechannel < 0) { return; } if(devparms.math_fft && devparms.math_fft_split) { return; } for(chn=0; chnsetText(str); snprintf(str, 512, ":CHAN%i:SCAL %e", chn + 1, devparms.chanscale[chn]); set_cue_cmd(str); } waveForm->update(); } void UI_Mainwindow::shift_trace_up() { int chn; char str[512]; if(device == NULL) { return; } if(!devparms.connected) { return; } if(devparms.activechannel < 0) { return; } if(devparms.math_fft && devparms.math_fft_split) { devparms.fft_voffset += devparms.fft_vscale; if(devparms.fft_voffset > (devparms.fft_vscale * 4.0)) { devparms.fft_voffset = (devparms.fft_vscale * 4.0); } if(devparms.math_fft_unit && (devparms.fft_vscale > 9.9)) { devparms.fft_voffset = nearbyint(devparms.fft_voffset); } if(devparms.modelserie != 1) { snprintf(str, 512, ":CALC:FFT:VOFF %e", devparms.fft_voffset); set_cue_cmd(str); } else { snprintf(str, 512, ":MATH:OFFS %e", devparms.fft_voffset); set_cue_cmd(str); } if(devparms.math_fft_unit == 0) { strlcpy(str, "FFT position: ", 512); convert_to_metric_suffix(str + strlen(str), devparms.fft_voffset, 1, 512 - strlen(str)); strlcat(str, "V", 512); } else { snprintf(str, 512, "FFT position: %+.0fdB", devparms.fft_voffset); } statusLabel->setText(str); waveForm->label_active = LABEL_ACTIVE_FFT; label_timer->start(LABEL_TIMER_IVAL); waveForm->update(); return; } chn = devparms.activechannel; if(devparms.chanoffset[chn] >= 20) { devparms.chanoffset[chn] = 20; return; } devparms.chanoffset[chn] += devparms.chanscale[chn]; snprintf(str, 512, "Channel %i offset: ", chn + 1); convert_to_metric_suffix(str + strlen(str), devparms.chanoffset[chn], 2, 512 - strlen(str)); strlcat(str, devparms.chanunitstr[devparms.chanunit[chn]], 512); statusLabel->setText(str); waveForm->label_active = chn + 1; label_timer->start(LABEL_TIMER_IVAL); vertOffsDial_timer->start(TMC_DIAL_TIMER_DELAY); waveForm->update(); } void UI_Mainwindow::shift_trace_down() { int chn; char str[512]; if(device == NULL) { return; } if(!devparms.connected) { return; } if(devparms.activechannel < 0) { return; } if(devparms.math_fft && devparms.math_fft_split) { devparms.fft_voffset -= devparms.fft_vscale; if(devparms.fft_voffset < (devparms.fft_vscale * -4.0)) { devparms.fft_voffset = (devparms.fft_vscale * -4.0); } if(devparms.math_fft_unit) { if(devparms.fft_vscale > 9.0) { devparms.fft_voffset = nearbyint(devparms.fft_voffset); } else { devparms.fft_voffset = nearbyint(devparms.fft_voffset * 10.0) / 10.0; } } if(devparms.modelserie != 1) { snprintf(str, 512, ":CALC:FFT:VOFF %e", devparms.fft_voffset); set_cue_cmd(str); } else { snprintf(str, 512, ":MATH:OFFS %e", devparms.fft_voffset); set_cue_cmd(str); } if(devparms.math_fft_unit == 0) { strlcpy(str, "FFT position: ", 512); convert_to_metric_suffix(str + strlen(str), devparms.fft_voffset, 1, 512 - strlen(str)); strlcat(str, "V", 512); } else { snprintf(str, 512, "FFT position: %+.0fdB", devparms.fft_voffset); } statusLabel->setText(str); waveForm->label_active = LABEL_ACTIVE_FFT; label_timer->start(LABEL_TIMER_IVAL); waveForm->update(); return; } chn = devparms.activechannel; if(devparms.chanoffset[chn] <= -20) { devparms.chanoffset[chn] = -20; return; } devparms.chanoffset[chn] -= devparms.chanscale[chn]; snprintf(str, 512, "Channel %i offset: ", chn + 1); convert_to_metric_suffix(str + strlen(str), devparms.chanoffset[chn], 2, 512 - strlen(str)); strlcat(str, devparms.chanunitstr[devparms.chanunit[chn]], 512); statusLabel->setText(str); waveForm->label_active = chn + 1; label_timer->start(LABEL_TIMER_IVAL); vertOffsDial_timer->start(TMC_DIAL_TIMER_DELAY); waveForm->update(); } void UI_Mainwindow::set_to_factory() { int i; char str[512]; if((device == NULL) || (!devparms.connected)) { return; } QMessageBox msgBox2; msgBox2.setText("Do you want to reset the instrument to the factory settings?"); msgBox2.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox::No | QMessageBox::Yes); msgBox2.setDefaultButton(QMessageBox::No); if(msgBox2.exec() != QMessageBox::Yes) return; scrn_timer->stop(); scrn_thread->wait(); tmc_write("*RST"); devparms.timebasescale = 1e-6; devparms.timebaseoffset = 0; devparms.timebasedelayenable = 0; devparms.timebasedelayoffset = 0; for(i=0; isetText("Reset to factory settings"); waveForm->update(); QMessageBox msgBox; msgBox.setText("Resetting the instrument to the factory settings.\n" "Please wait..."); QTimer t_rst_1; t_rst_1.setSingleShot(true); #if QT_VERSION >= 0x050000 t_rst_1.setTimerType(Qt::PreciseTimer); #endif connect(&t_rst_1, SIGNAL(timeout()), &msgBox, SLOT(accept())); t_rst_1.start(9000); msgBox.exec(); if(devparms.modelserie == 6) { for(i=0; istart(devparms.screentimerival); } // this function is called when screen_thread has finished void UI_Mainwindow::screenUpdate() { int i, chns=0; char str[512]; if(device == NULL) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&devparms.mutexx); return; } if(!devparms.connected) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&devparms.mutexx); return; } if(!devparms.screenupdates_on) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&devparms.mutexx); return; } scrn_thread->get_params(&devparms); if(devparms.thread_error_stat) { scrn_timer->stop(); snprintf(str, 512, "An error occurred while reading screen data from device.\n" "File screen_thread.cpp line %i", devparms.thread_error_line); QMessageBox msgBox; msgBox.setIcon(QMessageBox::Critical); msgBox.setText(str); msgBox.exec(); pthread_mutex_unlock(&devparms.mutexx); close_connection(); return; } if(devparms.thread_result == TMC_THRD_RESULT_NONE) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&devparms.mutexx); return; } if(devparms.thread_result == TMC_THRD_RESULT_CMD) { if(devparms.thread_job == TMC_THRD_JOB_TRIGEDGELEV) { devparms.triggeredgelevel[devparms.triggeredgesource] = devparms.thread_value; // waveForm->setTrigLineVisible(); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&devparms.mutexx); return; } if(scrn_timer->isActive() == false) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&devparms.mutexx); return; } runButton->setStyleSheet(def_stylesh); singleButton->setStyleSheet(def_stylesh); if(devparms.triggerstatus == 0) { runButton->setStyleSheet("background: #66FF99;"); } else if(devparms.triggerstatus == 1) { singleButton->setStyleSheet("background: #FF9966;"); } else if(devparms.triggerstatus == 2) { runButton->setStyleSheet("background: #66FF99;"); } else if(devparms.triggerstatus == 3) { runButton->setStyleSheet("background: #66FF99;"); } else if(devparms.triggerstatus == 5) { runButton->setStyleSheet("background: #FF0066;"); } if(devparms.triggersweep == 0) { trigModeAutoLed->setValue(true); trigModeNormLed->setValue(false); trigModeSingLed->setValue(false); } else if(devparms.triggersweep == 1) { trigModeAutoLed->setValue(false); trigModeNormLed->setValue(true); trigModeSingLed->setValue(false); } else if(devparms.triggersweep == 2) { trigModeAutoLed->setValue(false); trigModeNormLed->setValue(false); trigModeSingLed->setValue(true); } if(waveForm->hasMoveEvent() == true) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&devparms.mutexx); return; } for(i=0; iclear(); pthread_mutex_unlock(&devparms.mutexx); return; } // if(devparms.triggerstatus != 1) // Don't plot waveform data when triggerstatus is "wait" if(1) { if(devparms.math_decode_display) { serial_decoder(&devparms); } waveForm->drawCurve(&devparms, device); } else // trigger status is "wait" { waveForm->update(); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&devparms.mutexx); } void UI_Mainwindow::set_cue_cmd(const char *str) { strlcpy(devparms.cmd_cue[devparms.cmd_cue_idx_in], str, 128); devparms.cmd_cue_resp[devparms.cmd_cue_idx_in] = NULL; devparms.cmd_cue_idx_in++; devparms.cmd_cue_idx_in %= TMC_CMD_CUE_SZ; scrn_timer_handler(); } void UI_Mainwindow::set_cue_cmd(const char *str, char *ptr) { strlcpy(devparms.cmd_cue[devparms.cmd_cue_idx_in], str, 128); ptr[0] = 0; devparms.cmd_cue_resp[devparms.cmd_cue_idx_in] = ptr; devparms.cmd_cue_idx_in++; devparms.cmd_cue_idx_in %= TMC_CMD_CUE_SZ; scrn_timer_handler(); }