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// Test suite for new account alerts within the application
describe("New account alerts", () => {
// Before each test, perform login operation. Assumes cy.login() is a custom command.
beforeEach(() => {
// Alert messages expected to be seen by brand new accounts
const locationsAlertMessage =
"You have no station locations. Go here to create it!";
const logbookAlertMessage =
"You have no station logbook. Go here to create it!";
const activeStationAlertMessage =
"Attention: you need to set an active station location.";
const noQSOAlertMessage =
"You have made no QSOs today; time to turn on the radio!";
// Test to verify the locations alert message and its link
it(`should show a "${locationsAlertMessage}" alert with a valid link to create it`, () => {
// Verify alert visibility and class for urgency
.and("have.class", "alert-danger");
// Validate the hyperlink's destination within the alert
cy.contains(locationsAlertMessage).within(() => {
.should("have.attr", "href")
.and("equal", "http://localhost/index.php/station");
// Test navigation to the station creation page via the alert link
it("should navigate to the station creation page after clicking the link in the alert", () => {
// Trigger click on the link within the alert message
cy.contains(locationsAlertMessage).within(() => {
// Assert the correct page has been loaded by checking the URL
cy.url().should("include", "/station");
// Test to verify the logbook alert message and its link
it(`should show a "${logbookAlertMessage}" alert with a valid link to create it`, () => {
// Verify alert visibility and class for urgency
.and("have.class", "alert-danger");
// Validate the hyperlink's destination within the alert
cy.contains(logbookAlertMessage).within(() => {
.should("have.attr", "href")
.and("equal", "http://localhost/index.php/logbooks");
// Test navigation to the logbook creation page via the alert link
it("should navigate to the logbook creation page after clicking the link in the alert", () => {
// Trigger click on the link within the alert message
cy.contains(logbookAlertMessage).within(() => {
// Assert the correct page has been loaded by checking the URL
cy.url().should("include", "/logbooks");
// Test to verify the active station alert is properly displayed
it(`should display an "${activeStationAlertMessage}" alert`, () => {
// Verify alert visibility and class for urgency
.and("have.class", "alert-danger");
// Test to verify the no QSO alert is properly displayed
it(`should display a "${noQSOAlertMessage}" alert`, () => {
// Verify alert visibility and class for importance
.and("have.class", "alert-warning");