/** ** This file is part of the CatRadio project. ** Copyright 2022 Gianfranco Sordetti IZ8EWD . ** ** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ** (at your option) any later version. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with this program. If not, see . **/ #include "dialogconfig.h" #include "ui_dialogconfig.h" #include #include #include #include "rigdata.h" #include extern rigConnect rigCom; QString rigListFile = "rig.lst"; //Text file containing the list of rig supported by hamlib QFile file(rigListFile); DialogConfig::DialogConfig(QWidget *parent) : QDialog(parent), ui(new Ui::DialogConfig) { ui->setupUi(this); //* rigModel comboBox if (!file.exists()) //Create file rig.lst if not exists { file.open(QIODevice::ReadWrite); rig_load_all_backends(); //Load all backends information rig_list_foreach(printRigList, NULL); //Create the rig list } else file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly); //Open file rig.lst and populate the combobox file.seek(0); ui->comboBox_rigModel->clear(); while(!file.atEnd()) { QString line = file.readLine(); ui->comboBox_rigModel->addItem(line.trimmed()); } file.close(); //* serialSpeed comboBox ui->comboBox_serialSpeed->clear(); ui->comboBox_serialSpeed->addItem("4800"); ui->comboBox_serialSpeed->addItem("9600"); ui->comboBox_serialSpeed->addItem("19200"); ui->comboBox_serialSpeed->addItem("38400"); ui->comboBox_serialSpeed->addItem("57600"); ui->comboBox_serialSpeed->addItem("115200"); //* Update values in the GUI ui->comboBox_rigModel->setCurrentIndex(ui->comboBox_rigModel->findText(QString::number(rigCom.rigModel),Qt::MatchStartsWith)); ui->lineEdit_RigPath->setText(rigCom.rigPort); ui->comboBox_serialSpeed->setCurrentText(QString::number(rigCom.serialSpeed)); if (rigCom.civAddr) ui->lineEdit_civAddr->setText(QString::number(rigCom.civAddr)); ui->spinBox_RefreshRate->setValue(rigCom.rigRefresh); ui->checkBox_fullPoll->setChecked(rigCom.fullPoll); } DialogConfig::~DialogConfig() { delete ui; } void DialogConfig::on_buttonBox_accepted() { //* Read settings from GUI QString rigModel = ui->comboBox_rigModel->currentText(); QRegularExpression regexp("[0-9]+"); QRegularExpressionMatch rigNumber = regexp.match(rigModel); rigCom.rigModel = rigNumber.captured(0).toInt(); rigCom.rigPort = ui->lineEdit_RigPath->text(); rigCom.serialSpeed = ui->comboBox_serialSpeed->currentText().toInt(); rigCom.civAddr = ui->lineEdit_civAddr->text().toInt(); rigCom.rigRefresh = ui->spinBox_RefreshRate->value(); rigCom.fullPoll = ui->checkBox_fullPoll->isChecked(); //* Save settings in config.ini QSettings configFile(QString("config.ini"), QSettings::IniFormat); configFile.setValue("rigModel", rigCom.rigModel); configFile.setValue("rigPort", ui->lineEdit_RigPath->text()); configFile.setValue("serialSpeed", ui->comboBox_serialSpeed->currentText()); configFile.setValue("civAddress", ui->lineEdit_civAddr->text()); configFile.setValue("rigRefresh", ui->spinBox_RefreshRate->value()); configFile.setValue("fullPolling", ui->checkBox_fullPoll->isChecked()); } int printRigList(const struct rig_caps *rigCaps, void *data) //Load rig list from hamlib and save into file rig.lst { if (data) return 0; QTextStream stream(&file); stream << rigCaps->rig_model << " " << rigCaps->mfg_name << " " << rigCaps->model_name << "\n"; return 1; }