Submeter color dark theme.
indexCmd for VFO A/B.
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commit 1273184597
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2 zmienionych plików z 40 dodań i 54 usunięć

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@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent)
ui->progressBar_subMeter->setProgressColor(QColor(0x66, 0x8f, 0xb8));

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@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ extern rigCommand rigCmd;
extern rigCommand rigCap;
extern guiCommand guiCmd;
int commandPriority = 0;
int indexCmd = 0;
RigDaemon::RigDaemon(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent)
@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ void RigDaemon::rigUpdate()
guiCmd.bwidthList = 1; //Command update of BW list
guiCmd.tabList = 1; //Command selection of appropriate mode function tab
commandPriority = 0;
indexCmd = 0;
//rig_get_mode(my_rig, RIG_VFO_CURR, &rigGet.mode, &rigGet.bwidth); //Get BW
rigCmd.mode = 0;
@ -223,8 +223,8 @@ void RigDaemon::rigUpdate()
if (retcode == RIG_OK)
if (rigCap.modeSub == 0) rigGet.modeSub = tempMode; //If mode sub VFO not targettable, use buffer
commandPriority = 0;
guiCmd.bwidthList = 1;
indexCmd = 21;
//guiCmd.bwidthList = 1;
@ -237,8 +237,8 @@ void RigDaemon::rigUpdate()
if (rigCap.freqSub == 0) rigGet.freqSub = tempFreq; //If freq sub VFO not targettable, use buffer
if (rigCap.modeSub == 0) rigGet.modeSub = tempMode; //If mode sub VFO not targettable, use buffer
commandPriority = 0;
guiCmd.bwidthList = 1;
indexCmd = 21;
//guiCmd.bwidthList = 1;
rigCmd.vfoXchange = 0;
@ -279,14 +279,7 @@ void RigDaemon::rigUpdate()
if (my_rig->caps->vfo_ops & RIG_OP_BAND_UP)
retcode = rig_vfo_op(my_rig, RIG_VFO_CURR, RIG_OP_BAND_UP);
if (retcode == RIG_OK)
freq_t retfreq;
retcode = rig_get_freq(my_rig, RIG_VFO_CURR, &retfreq); //get VFO Main
if (retcode == RIG_OK) rigGet.freqMain = retfreq;
commandPriority = 1;
if (retcode == RIG_OK) indexCmd = 21;
rigCmd.bandUp = 0;
@ -297,14 +290,7 @@ void RigDaemon::rigUpdate()
if (my_rig->caps->vfo_ops & RIG_OP_BAND_DOWN)
retcode = rig_vfo_op(my_rig, RIG_VFO_CURR, RIG_OP_BAND_DOWN);
if (retcode == RIG_OK)
freq_t retfreq;
retcode = rig_get_freq(my_rig, RIG_VFO_CURR, &retfreq); //get VFO Main
if (retcode == RIG_OK) rigGet.freqMain = retfreq;
commandPriority = 1;
if (retcode == RIG_OK) indexCmd = 21;
rigCmd.bandDown = 0;
@ -320,11 +306,7 @@ void RigDaemon::rigUpdate()
{ =;
freq_t retfreq;
retcode = rig_get_freq(my_rig, RIG_VFO_CURR, &retfreq); //get VFO Main
if (retcode == RIG_OK) rigGet.freqMain = retfreq;
commandPriority = 1;
indexCmd = 21;
rigCmd.bandChange = 0;
@ -629,24 +611,28 @@ void RigDaemon::rigUpdate()
//***** Poll execution *****
//* Mode and BW
if ((commandPriority == 1 && !rigGet.ptt && rigCom.fullPoll) || commandPriority == 0)
if ((indexCmd == 1 && !rigGet.ptt && rigCom.fullPoll) || indexCmd == 0)
rig_get_mode(my_rig, RIG_VFO_CURR, &rigGet.mode, &rigGet.bwidth);
rmode_t tempMode;
if (rigGet.bwidth == rig_passband_narrow(my_rig, rigGet.mode)) rigGet.bwNarrow = 1;
else rigGet.bwNarrow = 0;
rig_get_mode(my_rig, RIG_VFO_CURR, &tempMode, &rigGet.bwidth);
if (rigGet.mode != rigSet.mode)
if (tempMode != rigGet.mode)
guiCmd.bwidthList = 1; //Command update of BW list
guiCmd.tabList = 1; //Command selection of appropriate mode function tab
rigGet.mode = tempMode;
if (rigGet.bwidth == rig_passband_narrow(my_rig, rigGet.mode)) rigGet.bwNarrow = 1;
else rigGet.bwNarrow = 0;
if (rigCap.modeSub) rig_get_mode(my_rig, rigGet.vfoSub, &rigGet.modeSub, &rigGet.bwidthSub);
//* VFO and Split
if ((commandPriority == 2 && !rigGet.ptt && rigCom.fullPoll) || commandPriority == 0)
if ((indexCmd == 2 && !rigGet.ptt && rigCom.fullPoll) || indexCmd == 0)
rig_get_split_vfo(my_rig, RIG_VFO_CURR, &rigGet.split, &rigGet.vfoTx);
@ -654,62 +640,62 @@ void RigDaemon::rigUpdate()
//* Tuner
if ((commandPriority == 3 && !rigGet.ptt && rigCom.fullPoll) || commandPriority == 0) rig_get_func(my_rig, RIG_VFO_CURR, RIG_FUNC_TUNER, &rigGet.tuner);
if ((indexCmd == 3 && !rigGet.ptt && rigCom.fullPoll) || indexCmd == 0) rig_get_func(my_rig, RIG_VFO_CURR, RIG_FUNC_TUNER, &rigGet.tuner);
//* Antenna
if ((commandPriority == 4 && !rigGet.ptt && rigCom.fullPoll) || commandPriority == 0) rig_get_ant(my_rig, RIG_VFO_CURR, RIG_ANT_CURR, &retvalue, &rigGet.ant, &rigGet.antTx, &rigGet.antRx);
if ((indexCmd == 4 && !rigGet.ptt && rigCom.fullPoll) || indexCmd == 0) rig_get_ant(my_rig, RIG_VFO_CURR, RIG_ANT_CURR, &retvalue, &rigGet.ant, &rigGet.antTx, &rigGet.antRx);
//* AGC
if ((commandPriority == 5 && !rigGet.ptt && rigCom.fullPoll) || commandPriority == 0)
if ((indexCmd == 5 && !rigGet.ptt && rigCom.fullPoll) || indexCmd == 0)
rig_get_level(my_rig, RIG_VFO_CURR, RIG_LEVEL_AGC, &retvalue);
rigGet.agc = levelagcvalue(retvalue.i);
//* Attenuator
if ((commandPriority == 6 && !rigGet.ptt && rigCom.fullPoll) || commandPriority == 0)
if ((indexCmd == 6 && !rigGet.ptt && rigCom.fullPoll) || indexCmd == 0)
rig_get_level(my_rig, RIG_VFO_CURR, RIG_LEVEL_ATT, &retvalue);
rigGet.att = retvalue.i;
//* Preamp
if ((commandPriority == 7 && !rigGet.ptt && rigCom.fullPoll) || commandPriority == 0)
if ((indexCmd == 7 && !rigGet.ptt && rigCom.fullPoll) || indexCmd == 0)
rig_get_level(my_rig, RIG_VFO_CURR, RIG_LEVEL_PREAMP, &retvalue);
rigGet.pre = retvalue.i;
//* RF power
if ((commandPriority == 8 && !rigGet.ptt && rigCom.fullPoll) || commandPriority == 0)
if ((indexCmd == 8 && !rigGet.ptt && rigCom.fullPoll) || indexCmd == 0)
rig_get_level(my_rig, RIG_VFO_CURR, RIG_LEVEL_RFPOWER, &retvalue);
rigGet.rfPower = retvalue.f;
//* RF gain
if ((commandPriority == 9 && !rigGet.ptt && rigCom.fullPoll) || commandPriority == 0)
if ((indexCmd == 9 && !rigGet.ptt && rigCom.fullPoll) || indexCmd == 0)
rig_get_level(my_rig, RIG_VFO_CURR, RIG_LEVEL_RF, &retvalue);
rigGet.rfGain = retvalue.f;
//* AF gain
if ((commandPriority == 10 && !rigGet.ptt && rigCom.fullPoll) || commandPriority == 0)
if ((indexCmd == 10 && !rigGet.ptt && rigCom.fullPoll) || indexCmd == 0)
rig_get_level(my_rig, RIG_VFO_CURR, RIG_LEVEL_AF, &retvalue);
rigGet.afGain = retvalue.f;
//* Squelch
if ((commandPriority == 11 && !rigGet.ptt && rigCom.fullPoll) || commandPriority == 0)
if ((indexCmd == 11 && !rigGet.ptt && rigCom.fullPoll) || indexCmd == 0)
rig_get_level(my_rig, RIG_VFO_CURR, RIG_LEVEL_SQL, &retvalue);
rigGet.squelch = retvalue.f;
//* MIC
if ((commandPriority == 12 && !rigGet.ptt && rigCom.fullPoll) || commandPriority == 0)
if ((indexCmd == 12 && !rigGet.ptt && rigCom.fullPoll) || indexCmd == 0)
if (rig_has_get_level(my_rig, RIG_LEVEL_MICGAIN))
@ -725,7 +711,7 @@ void RigDaemon::rigUpdate()
//* Monitor
if ((commandPriority == 13 && !rigGet.ptt && rigCom.fullPoll) || commandPriority == 0)
if ((indexCmd == 13 && !rigGet.ptt && rigCom.fullPoll) || indexCmd == 0)
if (rig_has_get_func(my_rig, RIG_FUNC_MON)) rig_get_func(my_rig, RIG_VFO_CURR, RIG_FUNC_MON, &rigGet.micMon);
if (rig_has_get_level(my_rig, RIG_LEVEL_MONITOR_GAIN))
@ -736,14 +722,14 @@ void RigDaemon::rigUpdate()
//* NB noise blanker
if ((commandPriority == 14 && !rigGet.ptt && rigCom.fullPoll) || commandPriority == 0)
if ((indexCmd == 14 && !rigGet.ptt && rigCom.fullPoll) || indexCmd == 0)
if (rig_has_get_func(my_rig, RIG_FUNC_NB)) rig_get_func(my_rig, RIG_VFO_CURR, RIG_FUNC_NB, &rigGet.noiseBlanker);
if (rig_has_get_func(my_rig, RIG_FUNC_NB2)) rig_get_func(my_rig, RIG_VFO_CURR, RIG_FUNC_NB2, &rigGet.noiseBlanker2);
//* NR noise reduction
if ((commandPriority == 15 && !rigGet.ptt && rigCom.fullPoll) || commandPriority == 0)
if ((indexCmd == 15 && !rigGet.ptt && rigCom.fullPoll) || indexCmd == 0)
if (rig_has_get_func(my_rig, RIG_FUNC_NR)) rig_get_func(my_rig, RIG_VFO_CURR, RIG_FUNC_NR, &rigGet.noiseReduction);
if (rig_has_get_level(my_rig, RIG_LEVEL_NR))
@ -754,13 +740,13 @@ void RigDaemon::rigUpdate()
//* NF notch filter
if ((commandPriority == 16 && !rigGet.ptt && rigCom.fullPoll) || commandPriority == 0)
if ((indexCmd == 16 && !rigGet.ptt && rigCom.fullPoll) || indexCmd == 0)
if (rig_has_get_func(my_rig, RIG_FUNC_ANF)) rig_get_func(my_rig, RIG_VFO_CURR, RIG_FUNC_ANF, &rigGet.notchFilter);
//* IF Shift
if ((commandPriority == 17 && !rigGet.ptt && rigCom.fullPoll) || commandPriority == 0)
if ((indexCmd == 17 && !rigGet.ptt && rigCom.fullPoll) || indexCmd == 0)
if (rig_has_get_level(my_rig, RIG_LEVEL_NR))
@ -770,7 +756,7 @@ void RigDaemon::rigUpdate()
//* Clarifier
if ((commandPriority == 18 && !rigGet.ptt && rigCom.fullPoll) || commandPriority == 0)
if ((indexCmd == 18 && !rigGet.ptt && rigCom.fullPoll) || indexCmd == 0)
if (rig_has_get_func(my_rig, RIG_FUNC_RIT)) rig_get_func(my_rig, RIG_VFO_CURR, RIG_FUNC_RIT, &rigGet.rit); //RIT
if (rig_has_get_func(my_rig, RIG_FUNC_XIT)) rig_get_func(my_rig, RIG_VFO_CURR, RIG_FUNC_XIT, &rigGet.xit); //XIT
@ -782,7 +768,7 @@ void RigDaemon::rigUpdate()
//* CW
if ((commandPriority == 19 && !rigGet.ptt && rigCom.fullPoll) || commandPriority == 0) //&& mode=CW
if ((indexCmd == 19 && !rigGet.ptt && rigCom.fullPoll) || indexCmd == 0) //&& mode=CW
if (rig_has_get_func(my_rig, RIG_FUNC_FBKIN)) rig_get_func(my_rig, RIG_VFO_CURR, RIG_FUNC_FBKIN, &rigGet.bkin); //Break-in
if (rig_has_get_func(my_rig, RIG_FUNC_APF)) rig_get_func(my_rig, RIG_VFO_CURR, RIG_FUNC_APF, &rigGet.apf); //Audio Peak Filter
@ -791,7 +777,7 @@ void RigDaemon::rigUpdate()
//* FM
if ((commandPriority == 20 && !rigGet.ptt && rigCom.fullPoll) || commandPriority == 0) //&& mode=FM
if ((indexCmd == 20 && !rigGet.ptt && rigCom.fullPoll) || indexCmd == 0) //&& mode=FM
rig_get_rptr_shift(my_rig, RIG_VFO_CURR, &rigGet.rptShift); //Repeater Shift
rig_get_rptr_offs(my_rig, RIG_VFO_CURR, &rigGet.rptOffset); //Repeater Offset
@ -832,8 +818,8 @@ void RigDaemon::rigUpdate()
if (rigGet.toneType != rigSet.toneType) guiCmd.toneList = 1; //update tone list
commandPriority ++;
if (commandPriority == 21) commandPriority = 1;
indexCmd ++;
if (indexCmd >= 21) indexCmd = 1;
emit resultReady();