
1920 wiersze
69 KiB

// BZip2Compressor.cs
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Copyright (c) 2011 Dino Chiesa.
// All rights reserved.
// This code module is part of DotNetZip, a zipfile class library.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// This code is licensed under the Microsoft Public License.
// See the file License.txt for the license details.
// More info on:
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Last Saved: <2011-July-28 06:17:22>
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// This module defines the BZip2Compressor class, which is a
// BZIP2-compressing encoder. It is used internally in the BZIP2
// library, by the BZip2OutputStream class and its parallel variant,
// ParallelBZip2OutputStream. This code was originally based on Apache
// commons source code, and significantly modified. The license below
// applies to the original Apache code and to this modified variant.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* This package is based on the work done by Keiron Liddle, Aftex Software
* <> to whom the Ant project is very grateful for his
* great code.
// Design notes:
// This class performs BZip2 compression. It is derived from the
// BZip2OutputStream from the Apache commons source code, but is
// significantly modified from that code. While the Apache class is a
// stream that compresses, this particular class simply performs
// compression. It follows a Manager pattern. It manages an internal
// buffer for uncompressed data; callers place data into the buffer
// using the Fill() method. This class then compresses the data and
// writes the compressed form out, via the CompressAndWrite() method.
// Because BZip2 uses byte-shredding, this class relies on a BitWriter,
// and not a .NET Stream, to emit its output. (*Think of the BitWriter
// class as an Adapter that enables Bit-oriented output to a standard
// byte-oriented .NET stream.)
// This class exists to support the two distinct output streams that
// perform BZip2 compression: BZip2OutputStream and
// ParallelBZip2OutputStream. These streams rely on BZip2Compressor to
// provide the encoder/compression logic. This code has been derived
// from the bzip2 output stream in the Apache commons library; it has
// been significantly modified from that form, in order to provide a
// single compressor that could support both types of streams.
// In a bz2 file or stream, there is never any bit padding except for 0..7
// bits in the final byte in the file. Successive compressed blocks in a
// .bz2 file are not byte-aligned.
using System;
using System.IO;
// flymake: csc.exe /t:module BZip2InputStream.cs BZip2OutputStream.cs Rand.cs BCRC32.cs @@FILE@@
namespace Ionic.BZip2
internal class BZip2Compressor
private int blockSize100k; // 0...9
private int currentByte = -1;
private int runLength = 0;
private int last; // index into the block of the last char processed
private int outBlockFillThreshold;
private CompressionState cstate;
private readonly Ionic.Crc.CRC32 crc = new Ionic.Crc.CRC32(true);
BitWriter bw;
int runs;
* The following three vars are used when sorting. If too many long
* comparisons happen, we stop sorting, randomise the block slightly, and
* try again. I think this wrinkle in the implementation was removed from
* a later rev of the C-language bzip, not sure. -DPC 24 Jul 2011
private int workDone;
private int workLimit;
private bool firstAttempt;
private bool blockRandomised;
private int origPtr;
private int nInUse;
private int nMTF;
private static readonly int SETMASK = (1 << 21);
private static readonly int CLEARMASK = (~SETMASK);
private static readonly byte GREATER_ICOST = 15;
private static readonly byte LESSER_ICOST = 0;
private static readonly int SMALL_THRESH = 20;
private static readonly int DEPTH_THRESH = 10;
private static readonly int WORK_FACTOR = 30;
* Knuth's increments seem to work better than Incerpi-Sedgewick here.
* Possibly because the number of elems to sort is usually small, typically
* &lt;= 20.
private static readonly int[] increments = { 1, 4, 13, 40, 121, 364, 1093, 3280,
9841, 29524, 88573, 265720, 797161,
2391484 };
/// <summary>
/// BZip2Compressor writes its compressed data out via a BitWriter. This
/// is necessary because BZip2 does byte shredding.
/// </summary>
public BZip2Compressor(BitWriter writer)
: this(writer, BZip2.MaxBlockSize)
public BZip2Compressor(BitWriter writer, int blockSize)
this.blockSize100k = blockSize; = writer;
// 20 provides a margin of slop (not to say "Safety"). The maximum
// size of an encoded run in the output block is 5 bytes, so really, 5
// bytes ought to do, but this is a margin of slop found in the
// original bzip code. Not sure if important for decoding
// (decompressing). So we'll leave the slop.
this.outBlockFillThreshold = (blockSize * BZip2.BlockSizeMultiple) - 20;
this.cstate = new CompressionState(blockSize);
void Reset()
// initBlock();
this.currentByte = -1;
this.runLength = 0;
this.last = -1;
for (int i = 256; --i >= 0;)
this.cstate.inUse[i] = false;
//bw.Reset(); xxx? want this? no no no
public int BlockSize
get { return this.blockSize100k; }
public uint Crc32
get; private set;
public int AvailableBytesOut
get; private set;
/// <summary>
/// The number of uncompressed bytes being held in the buffer.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// <para>
/// I am thinking this may be useful in a Stream that uses this
/// compressor class. In the Close() method on the stream it could
/// check this value to see if anything has been written at all. You
/// may think the stream could easily track the number of bytes it
/// wrote, which would eliminate the need for this. But, there is the
/// case where the stream writes a complete block, and it is full, and
/// then writes no more. In that case the stream may want to check.
/// </para>
/// </remarks>
public int UncompressedBytes
get { return this.last + 1; }
/// <summary>
/// Accept new bytes into the compressor data buffer
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// <para>
/// This method does the first-level (cheap) run-length encoding, and
/// stores the encoded data into the rle block.
/// </para>
/// </remarks>
public int Fill(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count)
if (this.last >= this.outBlockFillThreshold)
return 0; // We're full, I tell you!
int bytesWritten = 0;
int limit = offset + count;
int rc;
// do run-length-encoding until block is full
rc = write0(buffer[offset++]);
if (rc > 0) bytesWritten++;
} while (offset < limit && rc == 1);
return bytesWritten;
/// <summary>
/// Process one input byte into the block.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// <para>
/// To "process" the byte means to do the run-length encoding.
/// There are 3 possible return values:
/// 0 - the byte was not written, in other words, not
/// encoded into the block. This happens when the
/// byte b would require the start of a new run, and
/// the block has no more room for new runs.
/// 1 - the byte was written, and the block is not full.
/// 2 - the byte was written, and the block is full.
/// </para>
/// </remarks>
/// <returns>0 if the byte was not written, non-zero if written.</returns>
private int write0(byte b)
bool rc;
// there is no current run in progress
if (this.currentByte == -1)
this.currentByte = b;
return 1;
// this byte is the same as the current run in progress
if (this.currentByte == b)
if (++this.runLength > 254)
rc = AddRunToOutputBlock(false);
this.currentByte = -1;
this.runLength = 0;
return (rc) ? 2 : 1;
return 1; // not full
// This byte requires a new run.
// Put the prior run into the Run-length-encoded block,
// and try to start a new run.
rc = AddRunToOutputBlock(false);
if (rc)
this.currentByte = -1;
this.runLength = 0;
// returning 0 implies the block is full, and the byte was not written.
return 0;
// start a new run
this.runLength = 1;
this.currentByte = b;
return 1;
/// <summary>
/// Append one run to the output block.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// <para>
/// This compressor does run-length-encoding before BWT and etc. This
/// method simply appends a run to the output block. The append always
/// succeeds. The return value indicates whether the block is full:
/// false (not full) implies that at least one additional run could be
/// processed.
/// </para>
/// </remarks>
/// <returns>true if the block is now full; otherwise false.</returns>
private bool AddRunToOutputBlock(bool final)
/* add_pair_to_block ( EState* s ) */
int previousLast = this.last;
// sanity check only - because of the check done at the
// bottom of this method, and the logic in write0(), this
// should never ever happen.
if (previousLast >= this.outBlockFillThreshold && !final)
var msg = String.Format("block overrun(final={2}): {0} >= threshold ({1})",
previousLast, this.outBlockFillThreshold, final);
throw new Exception(msg);
// NB: the index used here into block is always (last+2). This is
// because last is -1 based - the initial value is -1, a flag value
// used to indicate that nothing has yet been written into the
// block. The endBlock() fn tests for -1 to detect empty blocks. Also,
// the first byte of block is used, during sorting, to hold block[last
// +1], which is the final byte value that had been written into the
// rle block. For those two reasons, the base offset from last is
// always +2.
byte b = (byte) this.currentByte;
byte[] block = this.cstate.block;
this.cstate.inUse[b] = true;
int rl = this.runLength;
this.crc.UpdateCRC(b, rl);
switch (rl)
case 1:
block[previousLast + 2] = b;
this.last = previousLast + 1;
case 2:
block[previousLast + 2] = b;
block[previousLast + 3] = b;
this.last = previousLast + 2;
case 3:
block[previousLast + 2] = b;
block[previousLast + 3] = b;
block[previousLast + 4] = b;
this.last = previousLast + 3;
rl -= 4;
this.cstate.inUse[rl] = true;
block[previousLast + 2] = b;
block[previousLast + 3] = b;
block[previousLast + 4] = b;
block[previousLast + 5] = b;
block[previousLast + 6] = (byte) rl;
this.last = previousLast + 5;
// is full?
return (this.last >= this.outBlockFillThreshold);
/// <summary>
/// Compress the data that has been placed (Run-length-encoded) into the
/// block. The compressed data goes into the CompressedBytes array.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// <para>
/// Side effects: 1. fills the CompressedBytes array. 2. sets the
/// AvailableBytesOut property.
/// </para>
/// </remarks>
public void CompressAndWrite() // endBlock
if (this.runLength > 0)
this.currentByte = -1;
// Console.WriteLine(" BZip2Compressor:CompressAndWrite (r={0} bcrc={1:X8})",
// runs, this.crc.Crc32Result);
// has any data been written?
if (this.last == -1)
return; // no data; nothing to compress
/* sort the block and establish posn of original string */
* A 6-byte block header, the value chosen arbitrarily as 0x314159265359
* :-). A 32 bit value does not really give a strong enough guarantee
* that the value will not appear by chance in the compressed
* datastream. Worst-case probability of this event, for a 900k block,
* is about 2.0e-3 for 32 bits, 1.0e-5 for 40 bits and 4.0e-8 for 48
* bits. For a compressed file of size 100Gb -- about 100000 blocks --
* only a 48-bit marker will do. NB: normal compression/ decompression
* donot rely on these statistical properties. They are only important
* when trying to recover blocks from damaged files.
this.Crc32 = (uint) this.crc.Crc32Result;;
/* Now a single bit indicating randomisation. */, (this.blockRandomised)?1U:0U);
/* Finally, block's contents proper. */
private void randomiseBlock()
bool[] inUse = this.cstate.inUse;
byte[] block = this.cstate.block;
int lastShadow = this.last;
for (int i = 256; --i >= 0;)
inUse[i] = false;
int rNToGo = 0;
int rTPos = 0;
for (int i = 0, j = 1; i <= lastShadow; i = j, j++)
if (rNToGo == 0)
rNToGo = (char) Rand.Rnums(rTPos);
if (++rTPos == 512)
rTPos = 0;
block[j] ^= (byte) ((rNToGo == 1) ? 1 : 0);
// handle 16 bit signed numbers
inUse[block[j] & 0xff] = true;
this.blockRandomised = true;
private void mainSort()
CompressionState dataShadow = this.cstate;
int[] runningOrder = dataShadow.mainSort_runningOrder;
int[] copy = dataShadow.mainSort_copy;
bool[] bigDone = dataShadow.mainSort_bigDone;
int[] ftab = dataShadow.ftab;
byte[] block = dataShadow.block;
int[] fmap = dataShadow.fmap;
char[] quadrant = dataShadow.quadrant;
int lastShadow = this.last;
int workLimitShadow = this.workLimit;
bool firstAttemptShadow = this.firstAttempt;
// Set up the 2-byte frequency table
for (int i = 65537; --i >= 0;)
ftab[i] = 0;
* In the various block-sized structures, live data runs from 0 to
* last+NUM_OVERSHOOT_BYTES inclusive. First, set up the overshoot area
* for block.
for (int i = 0; i < BZip2.NUM_OVERSHOOT_BYTES; i++)
block[lastShadow + i + 2] = block[(i % (lastShadow + 1)) + 1];
for (int i = lastShadow + BZip2.NUM_OVERSHOOT_BYTES +1; --i >= 0;)
quadrant[i] = '\0';
block[0] = block[lastShadow + 1];
// Complete the initial radix sort:
int c1 = block[0] & 0xff;
for (int i = 0; i <= lastShadow; i++)
int c2 = block[i + 1] & 0xff;
ftab[(c1 << 8) + c2]++;
c1 = c2;
for (int i = 1; i <= 65536; i++)
ftab[i] += ftab[i - 1];
c1 = block[1] & 0xff;
for (int i = 0; i < lastShadow; i++)
int c2 = block[i + 2] & 0xff;
fmap[--ftab[(c1 << 8) + c2]] = i;
c1 = c2;
fmap[--ftab[((block[lastShadow + 1] & 0xff) << 8) + (block[1] & 0xff)]] = lastShadow;
* Now ftab contains the first loc of every small bucket. Calculate the
* running order, from smallest to largest big bucket.
for (int i = 256; --i >= 0;)
bigDone[i] = false;
runningOrder[i] = i;
for (int h = 364; h != 1;)
h /= 3;
for (int i = h; i <= 255; i++)
int vv = runningOrder[i];
int a = ftab[(vv + 1) << 8] - ftab[vv << 8];
int b = h - 1;
int j = i;
for (int ro = runningOrder[j - h]; (ftab[(ro + 1) << 8] - ftab[ro << 8]) > a; ro = runningOrder[j
- h])
runningOrder[j] = ro;
j -= h;
if (j <= b)
runningOrder[j] = vv;
* The main sorting loop.
for (int i = 0; i <= 255; i++)
* Process big buckets, starting with the least full.
int ss = runningOrder[i];
// Step 1:
* Complete the big bucket [ss] by quicksorting any unsorted small
* buckets [ss, j]. Hopefully previous pointer-scanning phases have
* already completed many of the small buckets [ss, j], so we don't
* have to sort them at all.
for (int j = 0; j <= 255; j++)
int sb = (ss << 8) + j;
int ftab_sb = ftab[sb];
if ((ftab_sb & SETMASK) != SETMASK)
int lo = ftab_sb & CLEARMASK;
int hi = (ftab[sb + 1] & CLEARMASK) - 1;
if (hi > lo)
mainQSort3(dataShadow, lo, hi, 2);
if (firstAttemptShadow
&& (this.workDone > workLimitShadow))
ftab[sb] = ftab_sb | SETMASK;
// Step 2:
// Now scan this big bucket so as to synthesise the
// sorted order for small buckets [t, ss] for all t != ss.
for (int j = 0; j <= 255; j++)
copy[j] = ftab[(j << 8) + ss] & CLEARMASK;
for (int j = ftab[ss << 8] & CLEARMASK, hj = (ftab[(ss + 1) << 8] & CLEARMASK); j < hj; j++)
int fmap_j = fmap[j];
c1 = block[fmap_j] & 0xff;
if (!bigDone[c1])
fmap[copy[c1]] = (fmap_j == 0) ? lastShadow : (fmap_j - 1);
for (int j = 256; --j >= 0;)
ftab[(j << 8) + ss] |= SETMASK;
// Step 3:
* The ss big bucket is now done. Record this fact, and update the
* quadrant descriptors. Remember to update quadrants in the
* overshoot area too, if necessary. The "if (i < 255)" test merely
* skips this updating for the last bucket processed, since updating
* for the last bucket is pointless.
bigDone[ss] = true;
if (i < 255)
int bbStart = ftab[ss << 8] & CLEARMASK;
int bbSize = (ftab[(ss + 1) << 8] & CLEARMASK) - bbStart;
int shifts = 0;
while ((bbSize >> shifts) > 65534)
for (int j = 0; j < bbSize; j++)
int a2update = fmap[bbStart + j];
char qVal = (char) (j >> shifts);
quadrant[a2update] = qVal;
if (a2update < BZip2.NUM_OVERSHOOT_BYTES)
quadrant[a2update + lastShadow + 1] = qVal;
private void blockSort()
this.workLimit = WORK_FACTOR * this.last;
this.workDone = 0;
this.blockRandomised = false;
this.firstAttempt = true;
if (this.firstAttempt && (this.workDone > this.workLimit))
this.workLimit = this.workDone = 0;
this.firstAttempt = false;
int[] fmap = this.cstate.fmap;
this.origPtr = -1;
for (int i = 0, lastShadow = this.last; i <= lastShadow; i++)
if (fmap[i] == 0)
this.origPtr = i;
// assert (this.origPtr != -1) : this.origPtr;
* This is the most hammered method of this class.
* <p>
* This is the version using unrolled loops.
* </p>
private bool mainSimpleSort(CompressionState dataShadow, int lo,
int hi, int d)
int bigN = hi - lo + 1;
if (bigN < 2)
return this.firstAttempt && (this.workDone > this.workLimit);
int hp = 0;
while (increments[hp] < bigN)
int[] fmap = dataShadow.fmap;
char[] quadrant = dataShadow.quadrant;
byte[] block = dataShadow.block;
int lastShadow = this.last;
int lastPlus1 = lastShadow + 1;
bool firstAttemptShadow = this.firstAttempt;
int workLimitShadow = this.workLimit;
int workDoneShadow = this.workDone;
// Following block contains unrolled code which could be shortened by
// coding it in additional loops.
// HP:
while (--hp >= 0)
int h = increments[hp];
int mj = lo + h - 1;
for (int i = lo + h; i <= hi;)
// copy
for (int k = 3; (i <= hi) && (--k >= 0); i++)
int v = fmap[i];
int vd = v + d;
int j = i;
// for (int a;
// (j > mj) && mainGtU((a = fmap[j - h]) + d, vd,
// block, quadrant, lastShadow);
// j -= h) {
// fmap[j] = a;
// }
// unrolled version:
// start inline mainGTU
bool onceRunned = false;
int a = 0;
HAMMER: while (true)
if (onceRunned)
fmap[j] = a;
if ((j -= h) <= mj)
else {
onceRunned = true;
a = fmap[j - h];
int i1 = a + d;
int i2 = vd;
// following could be done in a loop, but
// unrolled it for performance:
if (block[i1 + 1] == block[i2 + 1])
if (block[i1 + 2] == block[i2 + 2])
if (block[i1 + 3] == block[i2 + 3])
if (block[i1 + 4] == block[i2 + 4])
if (block[i1 + 5] == block[i2 + 5])
if (block[(i1 += 6)] == block[(i2 += 6)])
int x = lastShadow;
X: while (x > 0)
x -= 4;
if (block[i1 + 1] == block[i2 + 1])
if (quadrant[i1] == quadrant[i2])
if (block[i1 + 2] == block[i2 + 2])
if (quadrant[i1 + 1] == quadrant[i2 + 1])
if (block[i1 + 3] == block[i2 + 3])
if (quadrant[i1 + 2] == quadrant[i2 + 2])
if (block[i1 + 4] == block[i2 + 4])
if (quadrant[i1 + 3] == quadrant[i2 + 3])
if ((i1 += 4) >= lastPlus1)
i1 -= lastPlus1;
if ((i2 += 4) >= lastPlus1)
i2 -= lastPlus1;
goto X;
else if ((quadrant[i1 + 3] > quadrant[i2 + 3]))
goto HAMMER;
else {
else if ((block[i1 + 4] & 0xff) > (block[i2 + 4] & 0xff))
goto HAMMER;
else {
else if ((quadrant[i1 + 2] > quadrant[i2 + 2]))
goto HAMMER;
else {
else if ((block[i1 + 3] & 0xff) > (block[i2 + 3] & 0xff))
goto HAMMER;
else {
else if ((quadrant[i1 + 1] > quadrant[i2 + 1]))
goto HAMMER;
else {
else if ((block[i1 + 2] & 0xff) > (block[i2 + 2] & 0xff))
goto HAMMER;
else {
else if ((quadrant[i1] > quadrant[i2]))
goto HAMMER;
else {
else if ((block[i1 + 1] & 0xff) > (block[i2 + 1] & 0xff))
goto HAMMER;
else {
} // while x > 0
else {
if ((block[i1] & 0xff) > (block[i2] & 0xff))
goto HAMMER;
else {
else if ((block[i1 + 5] & 0xff) > (block[i2 + 5] & 0xff))
goto HAMMER;
else {
else if ((block[i1 + 4] & 0xff) > (block[i2 + 4] & 0xff))
goto HAMMER;
else {
else if ((block[i1 + 3] & 0xff) > (block[i2 + 3] & 0xff))
goto HAMMER;
else {
else if ((block[i1 + 2] & 0xff) > (block[i2 + 2] & 0xff))
goto HAMMER;
else {
else if ((block[i1 + 1] & 0xff) > (block[i2 + 1] & 0xff))
goto HAMMER;
else {
// end inline mainGTU
fmap[j] = v;
if (firstAttemptShadow && (i <= hi)
&& (workDoneShadow > workLimitShadow))
goto END_HP;
this.workDone = workDoneShadow;
return firstAttemptShadow && (workDoneShadow > workLimitShadow);
private static void vswap(int[] fmap, int p1, int p2, int n)
n += p1;
while (p1 < n)
int t = fmap[p1];
fmap[p1++] = fmap[p2];
fmap[p2++] = t;
private static byte med3(byte a, byte b, byte c)
return (a < b) ? (b < c ? b : a < c ? c : a) : (b > c ? b : a > c ? c
: a);
* Method "mainQSort3", file "blocksort.c", BZip2 1.0.2
private void mainQSort3(CompressionState dataShadow, int loSt,
int hiSt, int dSt)
int[] stack_ll = dataShadow.stack_ll;
int[] stack_hh = dataShadow.stack_hh;
int[] stack_dd = dataShadow.stack_dd;
int[] fmap = dataShadow.fmap;
byte[] block = dataShadow.block;
stack_ll[0] = loSt;
stack_hh[0] = hiSt;
stack_dd[0] = dSt;
for (int sp = 1; --sp >= 0;)
int lo = stack_ll[sp];
int hi = stack_hh[sp];
int d = stack_dd[sp];
if ((hi - lo < SMALL_THRESH) || (d > DEPTH_THRESH))
if (mainSimpleSort(dataShadow, lo, hi, d))
else {
int d1 = d + 1;
int med = med3(block[fmap[lo] + d1],
block[fmap[hi] + d1], block[fmap[(lo + hi) >> 1] + d1]) & 0xff;
int unLo = lo;
int unHi = hi;
int ltLo = lo;
int gtHi = hi;
while (true)
while (unLo <= unHi)
int n = (block[fmap[unLo] + d1] & 0xff)
- med;
if (n == 0)
int temp = fmap[unLo];
fmap[unLo++] = fmap[ltLo];
fmap[ltLo++] = temp;
else if (n < 0)
else {
while (unLo <= unHi)
int n = (block[fmap[unHi] + d1] & 0xff)
- med;
if (n == 0)
int temp = fmap[unHi];
fmap[unHi--] = fmap[gtHi];
fmap[gtHi--] = temp;
else if (n > 0)
else {
if (unLo <= unHi)
int temp = fmap[unLo];
fmap[unLo++] = fmap[unHi];
fmap[unHi--] = temp;
else {
if (gtHi < ltLo)
stack_ll[sp] = lo;
stack_hh[sp] = hi;
stack_dd[sp] = d1;
else {
int n = ((ltLo - lo) < (unLo - ltLo)) ? (ltLo - lo)
: (unLo - ltLo);
vswap(fmap, lo, unLo - n, n);
int m = ((hi - gtHi) < (gtHi - unHi)) ? (hi - gtHi)
: (gtHi - unHi);
vswap(fmap, unLo, hi - m + 1, m);
n = lo + unLo - ltLo - 1;
m = hi - (gtHi - unHi) + 1;
stack_ll[sp] = lo;
stack_hh[sp] = n;
stack_dd[sp] = d;
stack_ll[sp] = n + 1;
stack_hh[sp] = m - 1;
stack_dd[sp] = d1;
stack_ll[sp] = m;
stack_hh[sp] = hi;
stack_dd[sp] = d;
private void generateMTFValues()
int lastShadow = this.last;
CompressionState dataShadow = this.cstate;
bool[] inUse = dataShadow.inUse;
byte[] block = dataShadow.block;
int[] fmap = dataShadow.fmap;
char[] sfmap = dataShadow.sfmap;
int[] mtfFreq = dataShadow.mtfFreq;
byte[] unseqToSeq = dataShadow.unseqToSeq;
byte[] yy = dataShadow.generateMTFValues_yy;
// make maps
int nInUseShadow = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++)
if (inUse[i])
unseqToSeq[i] = (byte) nInUseShadow;
this.nInUse = nInUseShadow;
int eob = nInUseShadow + 1;
for (int i = eob; i >= 0; i--)
mtfFreq[i] = 0;
for (int i = nInUseShadow; --i >= 0;)
yy[i] = (byte) i;
int wr = 0;
int zPend = 0;
for (int i = 0; i <= lastShadow; i++)
byte ll_i = unseqToSeq[block[fmap[i]] & 0xff];
byte tmp = yy[0];
int j = 0;
while (ll_i != tmp)
byte tmp2 = tmp;
tmp = yy[j];
yy[j] = tmp2;
yy[0] = tmp;
if (j == 0)
if (zPend > 0)
while (true)
if ((zPend & 1) == 0)
sfmap[wr] = BZip2.RUNA;
sfmap[wr] = BZip2.RUNB;
if (zPend >= 2)
zPend = (zPend - 2) >> 1;
zPend = 0;
sfmap[wr] = (char) (j + 1);
mtfFreq[j + 1]++;
if (zPend > 0)
while (true)
if ((zPend & 1) == 0)
sfmap[wr] = BZip2.RUNA;
sfmap[wr] = BZip2.RUNB;
if (zPend >= 2)
zPend = (zPend - 2) >> 1;
sfmap[wr] = (char) eob;
this.nMTF = wr + 1;
private static void hbAssignCodes(int[] code, byte[] length,
int minLen, int maxLen,
int alphaSize)
int vec = 0;
for (int n = minLen; n <= maxLen; n++)
for (int i = 0; i < alphaSize; i++)
if ((length[i] & 0xff) == n)
code[i] = vec;
vec <<= 1;
private void sendMTFValues()
byte[][] len = this.cstate.sendMTFValues_len;
int alphaSize = this.nInUse + 2;
for (int t = BZip2.NGroups; --t >= 0;)
byte[] len_t = len[t];
for (int v = alphaSize; --v >= 0;)
len_t[v] = GREATER_ICOST;
/* Decide how many coding tables to use */
// assert (this.nMTF > 0) : this.nMTF;
int nGroups = (this.nMTF < 200) ? 2 : (this.nMTF < 600) ? 3
: (this.nMTF < 1200) ? 4 : (this.nMTF < 2400) ? 5 : 6;
/* Generate an initial set of coding tables */
sendMTFValues0(nGroups, alphaSize);
* Iterate up to N_ITERS times to improve the tables.
int nSelectors = sendMTFValues1(nGroups, alphaSize);
/* Compute MTF values for the selectors. */
sendMTFValues2(nGroups, nSelectors);
/* Assign actual codes for the tables. */
sendMTFValues3(nGroups, alphaSize);
/* Transmit the mapping table. */
/* Now the selectors. */
sendMTFValues5(nGroups, nSelectors);
/* Now the coding tables. */
sendMTFValues6(nGroups, alphaSize);
/* And finally, the block data proper */
private void sendMTFValues0(int nGroups, int alphaSize)
byte[][] len = this.cstate.sendMTFValues_len;
int[] mtfFreq = this.cstate.mtfFreq;
int remF = this.nMTF;
int gs = 0;
for (int nPart = nGroups; nPart > 0; nPart--)
int tFreq = remF / nPart;
int ge = gs - 1;
int aFreq = 0;
for (int a = alphaSize - 1; (aFreq < tFreq) && (ge < a);)
aFreq += mtfFreq[++ge];
if ((ge > gs) && (nPart != nGroups) && (nPart != 1)
&& (((nGroups - nPart) & 1) != 0))
aFreq -= mtfFreq[ge--];
byte[] len_np = len[nPart - 1];
for (int v = alphaSize; --v >= 0;)
if ((v >= gs) && (v <= ge))
len_np[v] = LESSER_ICOST;
else {
len_np[v] = GREATER_ICOST;
gs = ge + 1;
remF -= aFreq;
private static void hbMakeCodeLengths(byte[] len, int[] freq,
CompressionState state1, int alphaSize,
int maxLen)
* Nodes and heap entries run from 1. Entry 0 for both the heap and
* nodes is a sentinel.
int[] heap = state1.heap;
int[] weight = state1.weight;
int[] parent = state1.parent;
for (int i = alphaSize; --i >= 0;)
weight[i + 1] = (freq[i] == 0 ? 1 : freq[i]) << 8;
for (bool tooLong = true; tooLong;)
tooLong = false;
int nNodes = alphaSize;
int nHeap = 0;
heap[0] = 0;
weight[0] = 0;
parent[0] = -2;
for (int i = 1; i <= alphaSize; i++)
parent[i] = -1;
heap[nHeap] = i;
int zz = nHeap;
int tmp = heap[zz];
while (weight[tmp] < weight[heap[zz >> 1]])
heap[zz] = heap[zz >> 1];
zz >>= 1;
heap[zz] = tmp;
while (nHeap > 1)
int n1 = heap[1];
heap[1] = heap[nHeap];
int yy = 0;
int zz = 1;
int tmp = heap[1];
while (true)
yy = zz << 1;
if (yy > nHeap)
if ((yy < nHeap)
&& (weight[heap[yy + 1]] < weight[heap[yy]]))
if (weight[tmp] < weight[heap[yy]])
heap[zz] = heap[yy];
zz = yy;
heap[zz] = tmp;
int n2 = heap[1];
heap[1] = heap[nHeap];
yy = 0;
zz = 1;
tmp = heap[1];
while (true)
yy = zz << 1;
if (yy > nHeap)
if ((yy < nHeap)
&& (weight[heap[yy + 1]] < weight[heap[yy]]))
if (weight[tmp] < weight[heap[yy]])
heap[zz] = heap[yy];
zz = yy;
heap[zz] = tmp;
parent[n1] = parent[n2] = nNodes;
int weight_n1 = weight[n1];
int weight_n2 = weight[n2];
weight[nNodes] = (int) (((uint)weight_n1 & 0xffffff00U)
+ ((uint)weight_n2 & 0xffffff00U))
| (1 + (((weight_n1 & 0x000000ff)
> (weight_n2 & 0x000000ff))
? (weight_n1 & 0x000000ff)
: (weight_n2 & 0x000000ff)));
parent[nNodes] = -1;
heap[nHeap] = nNodes;
tmp = 0;
zz = nHeap;
tmp = heap[zz];
int weight_tmp = weight[tmp];
while (weight_tmp < weight[heap[zz >> 1]])
heap[zz] = heap[zz >> 1];
zz >>= 1;
heap[zz] = tmp;
for (int i = 1; i <= alphaSize; i++)
int j = 0;
int k = i;
for (int parent_k; (parent_k = parent[k]) >= 0;)
k = parent_k;
len[i - 1] = (byte) j;
if (j > maxLen)
tooLong = true;
if (tooLong)
for (int i = 1; i < alphaSize; i++)
int j = weight[i] >> 8;
j = 1 + (j >> 1);
weight[i] = j << 8;
private int sendMTFValues1(int nGroups, int alphaSize)
CompressionState dataShadow = this.cstate;
int[][] rfreq = dataShadow.sendMTFValues_rfreq;
int[] fave = dataShadow.sendMTFValues_fave;
short[] cost = dataShadow.sendMTFValues_cost;
char[] sfmap = dataShadow.sfmap;
byte[] selector = dataShadow.selector;
byte[][] len = dataShadow.sendMTFValues_len;
byte[] len_0 = len[0];
byte[] len_1 = len[1];
byte[] len_2 = len[2];
byte[] len_3 = len[3];
byte[] len_4 = len[4];
byte[] len_5 = len[5];
int nMTFShadow = this.nMTF;
int nSelectors = 0;
for (int iter = 0; iter < BZip2.N_ITERS; iter++)
for (int t = nGroups; --t >= 0;)
fave[t] = 0;
int[] rfreqt = rfreq[t];
for (int i = alphaSize; --i >= 0;)
rfreqt[i] = 0;
nSelectors = 0;
for (int gs = 0; gs < this.nMTF;)
/* Set group start & end marks. */
* Calculate the cost of this group as coded by each of the
* coding tables.
int ge = Math.Min(gs + BZip2.G_SIZE - 1, nMTFShadow - 1);
if (nGroups == BZip2.NGroups)
// unrolled version of the else-block
int[] c = new int[6];
for (int i = gs; i <= ge; i++)
int icv = sfmap[i];
c[0] += len_0[icv] & 0xff;
c[1] += len_1[icv] & 0xff;
c[2] += len_2[icv] & 0xff;
c[3] += len_3[icv] & 0xff;
c[4] += len_4[icv] & 0xff;
c[5] += len_5[icv] & 0xff;
cost[0] = (short) c[0];
cost[1] = (short) c[1];
cost[2] = (short) c[2];
cost[3] = (short) c[3];
cost[4] = (short) c[4];
cost[5] = (short) c[5];
for (int t = nGroups; --t >= 0;)
cost[t] = 0;
for (int i = gs; i <= ge; i++)
int icv = sfmap[i];
for (int t = nGroups; --t >= 0;)
cost[t] += (short) (len[t][icv] & 0xff);
* Find the coding table which is best for this group, and
* record its identity in the selector table.
int bt = -1;
for (int t = nGroups, bc = 999999999; --t >= 0;)
int cost_t = cost[t];
if (cost_t < bc)
bc = cost_t;
bt = t;
selector[nSelectors] = (byte) bt;
* Increment the symbol frequencies for the selected table.
int[] rfreq_bt = rfreq[bt];
for (int i = gs; i <= ge; i++)
gs = ge + 1;
* Recompute the tables based on the accumulated frequencies.
for (int t = 0; t < nGroups; t++)
hbMakeCodeLengths(len[t], rfreq[t], this.cstate, alphaSize, 20);
return nSelectors;
private void sendMTFValues2(int nGroups, int nSelectors)
// assert (nGroups < 8) : nGroups;
CompressionState dataShadow = this.cstate;
byte[] pos = dataShadow.sendMTFValues2_pos;
for (int i = nGroups; --i >= 0;)
pos[i] = (byte) i;
for (int i = 0; i < nSelectors; i++)
byte ll_i = dataShadow.selector[i];
byte tmp = pos[0];
int j = 0;
while (ll_i != tmp)
byte tmp2 = tmp;
tmp = pos[j];
pos[j] = tmp2;
pos[0] = tmp;
dataShadow.selectorMtf[i] = (byte) j;
private void sendMTFValues3(int nGroups, int alphaSize)
int[][] code = this.cstate.sendMTFValues_code;
byte[][] len = this.cstate.sendMTFValues_len;
for (int t = 0; t < nGroups; t++)
int minLen = 32;
int maxLen = 0;
byte[] len_t = len[t];
for (int i = alphaSize; --i >= 0;)
int l = len_t[i] & 0xff;
if (l > maxLen)
maxLen = l;
if (l < minLen)
minLen = l;
// assert (maxLen <= 20) : maxLen;
// assert (minLen >= 1) : minLen;
hbAssignCodes(code[t], len[t], minLen, maxLen, alphaSize);
private void sendMTFValues4()
bool[] inUse = this.cstate.inUse;
bool[] inUse16 = this.cstate.sentMTFValues4_inUse16;
for (int i = 16; --i >= 0;)
inUse16[i] = false;
int i16 = i * 16;
for (int j = 16; --j >= 0;)
if (inUse[i16 + j])
inUse16[i] = true;
uint u = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
if (inUse16[i])
u |= 1U << (16 - i - 1);
}, u);
for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
if (inUse16[i])
int i16 = i * 16;
u = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < 16; j++)
if (inUse[i16 + j])
u |= 1U << (16 - j - 1);
}, u);
private void sendMTFValues5(int nGroups, int nSelectors)
{, (uint) nGroups);, (uint) nSelectors);
byte[] selectorMtf = this.cstate.selectorMtf;
for (int i = 0; i < nSelectors; i++)
for (int j = 0, hj = selectorMtf[i] & 0xff; j < hj; j++)
{, 1);
}, 0);
private void sendMTFValues6(int nGroups, int alphaSize)
byte[][] len = this.cstate.sendMTFValues_len;
for (int t = 0; t < nGroups; t++)
byte[] len_t = len[t];
uint curr = (uint) (len_t[0] & 0xff);, curr);
for (int i = 0; i < alphaSize; i++)
int lti = len_t[i] & 0xff;
while (curr < lti)
{, 2U);
curr++; /* 10 */
while (curr > lti)
{, 3U);
curr--; /* 11 */
}, 0U);
private void sendMTFValues7(int nSelectors)
byte[][] len = this.cstate.sendMTFValues_len;
int[][] code = this.cstate.sendMTFValues_code;
byte[] selector = this.cstate.selector;
char[] sfmap = this.cstate.sfmap;
int nMTFShadow = this.nMTF;
int selCtr = 0;
for (int gs = 0; gs < nMTFShadow;)
int ge = Math.Min(gs + BZip2.G_SIZE - 1, nMTFShadow - 1);
int ix = selector[selCtr] & 0xff;
int[] code_selCtr = code[ix];
byte[] len_selCtr = len[ix];
while (gs <= ge)
int sfmap_i = sfmap[gs];
int n = len_selCtr[sfmap_i] & 0xFF;, (uint) code_selCtr[sfmap_i]);
gs = ge + 1;
private void moveToFrontCodeAndSend()
{, (uint) this.origPtr);
private class CompressionState
// with blockSize 900k
public readonly bool[] inUse = new bool[256]; // 256 byte
public readonly byte[] unseqToSeq = new byte[256]; // 256 byte
public readonly int[] mtfFreq = new int[BZip2.MaxAlphaSize]; // 1032 byte
public readonly byte[] selector = new byte[BZip2.MaxSelectors]; // 18002 byte
public readonly byte[] selectorMtf = new byte[BZip2.MaxSelectors]; // 18002 byte
public readonly byte[] generateMTFValues_yy = new byte[256]; // 256 byte
public byte[][] sendMTFValues_len;
// byte
public int[][] sendMTFValues_rfreq;
// byte
public readonly int[] sendMTFValues_fave = new int[BZip2.NGroups]; // 24 byte
public readonly short[] sendMTFValues_cost = new short[BZip2.NGroups]; // 12 byte
public int[][] sendMTFValues_code;
// byte
public readonly byte[] sendMTFValues2_pos = new byte[BZip2.NGroups]; // 6 byte
public readonly bool[] sentMTFValues4_inUse16 = new bool[16]; // 16 byte
public readonly int[] stack_ll = new int[BZip2.QSORT_STACK_SIZE]; // 4000 byte
public readonly int[] stack_hh = new int[BZip2.QSORT_STACK_SIZE]; // 4000 byte
public readonly int[] stack_dd = new int[BZip2.QSORT_STACK_SIZE]; // 4000 byte
public readonly int[] mainSort_runningOrder = new int[256]; // 1024 byte
public readonly int[] mainSort_copy = new int[256]; // 1024 byte
public readonly bool[] mainSort_bigDone = new bool[256]; // 256 byte
public int[] heap = new int[BZip2.MaxAlphaSize + 2]; // 1040 byte
public int[] weight = new int[BZip2.MaxAlphaSize * 2]; // 2064 byte
public int[] parent = new int[BZip2.MaxAlphaSize * 2]; // 2064 byte
public readonly int[] ftab = new int[65537]; // 262148 byte
// ------------
// 333408 byte
public byte[] block; // 900021 byte
public int[] fmap; // 3600000 byte
public char[] sfmap; // 3600000 byte
// ------------
// 8433529 byte
// ============
* Array instance identical to sfmap, both are used only
* temporarily and independently, so we do not need to allocate
* additional memory.
public char[] quadrant;
public CompressionState(int blockSize100k)
int n = blockSize100k * BZip2.BlockSizeMultiple;
this.block = new byte[(n + 1 + BZip2.NUM_OVERSHOOT_BYTES)];
this.fmap = new int[n];
this.sfmap = new char[2 * n];
this.quadrant = this.sfmap;
this.sendMTFValues_len = BZip2.InitRectangularArray<byte>(BZip2.NGroups,BZip2.MaxAlphaSize);
this.sendMTFValues_rfreq = BZip2.InitRectangularArray<int>(BZip2.NGroups,BZip2.MaxAlphaSize);
this.sendMTFValues_code = BZip2.InitRectangularArray<int>(BZip2.NGroups,BZip2.MaxAlphaSize);