using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Configuration; using System.Data; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Drawing; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Net; using System.Reflection; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; using System.Security.Cryptography; using System.Text; using System.Threading; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.Xml; using System.Xml.Serialization; using ScoutBase.Core; using ScoutBase.CAT; namespace CATCheck { public partial class MainDlg : Form { private bool Loaded = false; private bool Logging = true; private RigParam LastMode = RigParam.pmNone; private RigParam LastTx = RigParam.pmNone; private RigParam LastVfo = RigParam.pmNone; private RigParam LastSplit = RigParam.pmNone; private RigParam LastXit = RigParam.pmNone; private RigParam LastRit = RigParam.pmNone; private long LastRitOffset = 0; Rig Rig1 = null; private Queue MsgQueue = new Queue(); public MainDlg() { InitializeComponent(); this.Text = this.Text.Replace("xxx", Application.ProductVersion); // set OmniRig rig settings directory if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Properties.Settings.Default.RigDefinitionsFolder)) { Properties.Settings.Default.RigDefinitionsFolder = Path.Combine(Application.StartupPath, "Rigs"); } OmniRig.RigDefinitionsDirectory = Properties.Settings.Default.RigDefinitionsFolder; // start timer ti_Main.Start(); // subscribe to events OmniRig.LogNotify += OmniRig_LogNotify; OmniRig.StatusChange += OmniRig_ComNotifyStatus; OmniRig.ParamsChange += OmniRig_ComNotifyParams; } private void MainDlg_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { // load user settings LoadUserSettings(); // set the "Loaded" flag and start rig Loaded = true; Rig1 = new Rig(); RestartRig(); } private void MainDlg_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e) { SaveUserSettings(); } #region User Settings private void LoadUserSettings() { Console.WriteLine("Loading user settings."); // generate empty RigSettings object if null if (Properties.Settings.Default.RigSettings == null) { Console.WriteLine("Creating empty rig settings..."); Properties.Settings.Default.RigSettings = new RigSettings(); } // initially fill dropdowns cb_Rig_DropDown(this, null); cb_PortName_DropDown(this, null); cb_Baudrate_DropDown(this, null); cb_Databits_DropDown(this, null); cb_Parity_DropDown(this, null); cb_Stopbits_DropDown(this, null); cb_RTS_DropDown(this, null); cb_DTR_DropDown(this, null); // try to select settings try { cb_Rig.DataSource = OmniRig.SupportedRigs(); cb_Rig.SelectedItem = Properties.Settings.Default.RigSettings.RigType; } catch (Exception ex) { // do nothing if fails OmniRig_LogNotify(new LogNotifyEventArgs(DateTime.UtcNow, LOGLEVEL.llError, "Error while setting up rig dropdown: " + ex.Message)); } try { cb_PortName.SelectedItem = Properties.Settings.Default.RigSettings.PortName; } catch (Exception ex) { // do nothing if fails OmniRig_LogNotify(new LogNotifyEventArgs(DateTime.UtcNow, LOGLEVEL.llError, "Error while setting up port dropdown: " + ex.Message)); } try { cb_Baudrate.SelectedItem = Properties.Settings.Default.RigSettings.Baudrate.ToString(); } catch (Exception ex) { // do nothing if fails OmniRig_LogNotify(new LogNotifyEventArgs(DateTime.UtcNow, LOGLEVEL.llError, "Error while setting up baudrate dropdown: " + ex.Message)); } try { cb_Databits.SelectedItem = Properties.Settings.Default.RigSettings.DataBits.ToString(); } catch (Exception ex) { // do nothing if fails OmniRig_LogNotify(new LogNotifyEventArgs(DateTime.UtcNow, LOGLEVEL.llError, "Error while setting up databits dropdown: " + ex.Message)); } try { Helpers.BindToEnum(cb_Parity); cb_Parity.SelectedValue = (int)Properties.Settings.Default.RigSettings.Parity; } catch (Exception ex) { // do nothing if fails OmniRig_LogNotify(new LogNotifyEventArgs(DateTime.UtcNow, LOGLEVEL.llError, "Error while setting up parity dropdown: " + ex.Message)); } try { Helpers.BindToEnum(cb_Stopbits); cb_Stopbits.SelectedValue = (int)Properties.Settings.Default.RigSettings.StopBits; } catch (Exception ex) { // do nothing if fails OmniRig_LogNotify(new LogNotifyEventArgs(DateTime.UtcNow, LOGLEVEL.llError, "Error while setting up stopbits dropdown: " + ex.Message)); } try { Helpers.BindToEnum(cb_RTS); cb_RTS.SelectedValue = (int)Properties.Settings.Default.RigSettings.RtsMode; } catch (Exception ex) { // do nothing if fails OmniRig_LogNotify(new LogNotifyEventArgs(DateTime.UtcNow, LOGLEVEL.llError, "Error while setting up rts mode dropdown: " + ex.Message)); } try { Helpers.BindToEnum(cb_DTR); cb_DTR.SelectedValue = (int)Properties.Settings.Default.RigSettings.DtrMode; } catch (Exception ex) { // do nothing if fails OmniRig_LogNotify(new LogNotifyEventArgs(DateTime.UtcNow, LOGLEVEL.llError, "Error while setting up dtr mode dropdown: " + ex.Message)); } try { Helpers.BindToEnum(cb_LogVerbosity); cb_LogVerbosity.SelectedValue = (int)Properties.Settings.Default.LogVerbosity; } catch (Exception ex) { // do nothing if fails OmniRig_LogNotify(new LogNotifyEventArgs(DateTime.UtcNow, LOGLEVEL.llError, "Error while setting up log verbosity dropdown: " + ex.Message)); } try { ud_PollMs.Value = Properties.Settings.Default.RigSettings.PollMs; } catch (Exception ex) { // do nothing if fails OmniRig_LogNotify(new LogNotifyEventArgs(DateTime.UtcNow, LOGLEVEL.llError, "Error while setting up PollMs updown: " + ex.Message)); } try { ud_TimeoutMs.Value = Properties.Settings.Default.RigSettings.TimeoutMs; } catch (Exception ex) { // do nothing if fails OmniRig_LogNotify(new LogNotifyEventArgs(DateTime.UtcNow, LOGLEVEL.llError, "Error while setting up PollMs updown: " + ex.Message)); } Console.WriteLine("Loading user settings finished."); } private string GetUserSettingsPath() { if (!SupportFunctions.IsMono) return ConfigurationManager.OpenExeConfiguration(ConfigurationUserLevel.PerUserRoamingAndLocal).FilePath; // try to build a path to user specific settings under Linux/Mono string usersettingspath = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData); usersettingspath = Path.Combine(usersettingspath, Application.CompanyName, AppDomain.CurrentDomain.FriendlyName); usersettingspath += "_Url_"; Assembly assembly = Assembly.GetEntryAssembly(); if (assembly == null) { assembly = Assembly.GetCallingAssembly(); } byte[] pkt = assembly.GetName().GetPublicKeyToken(); byte[] hash = SHA1.Create().ComputeHash((pkt != null && pkt.Length > 0) ? pkt : Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(assembly.EscapedCodeBase)); StringBuilder evidence_string = new StringBuilder(); byte[] array = hash; for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++) { byte b = array[i]; evidence_string.AppendFormat("{0:x2}", b); } usersettingspath += evidence_string.ToString(); if (!Directory.Exists(usersettingspath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(usersettingspath); } usersettingspath = Path.Combine(usersettingspath, "user.config"); return usersettingspath; } private XmlElement CreateUserSection(XmlDocument doc, SettingsBase settings) { XmlElement usersection = doc.CreateElement(string.Empty, "section", string.Empty); XmlAttribute sectionname = doc.CreateAttribute(string.Empty, "name", string.Empty); sectionname.Value = settings.GetType().FullName; usersection.Attributes.Append(sectionname); XmlAttribute sectiontype = doc.CreateAttribute(string.Empty, "type", string.Empty); Assembly assembly = Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(System.Configuration.ClientSettingsSection)); // sectiontype.Value = "System.Configuration.ClientSettingsSection, System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089"; sectiontype.Value = typeof(System.Configuration.ClientSettingsSection).FullName + ", " + assembly.FullName; usersection.Attributes.Append(sectiontype); XmlAttribute sectionallowexedefinition = doc.CreateAttribute(string.Empty, "allowExeDefinition", string.Empty); sectionallowexedefinition.Value = "MachineToLocalUser"; usersection.Attributes.Append(sectionallowexedefinition); XmlAttribute sectionrequirepermission = doc.CreateAttribute(string.Empty, "requirePermission", string.Empty); sectionrequirepermission.Value = "false"; usersection.Attributes.Append(sectionrequirepermission); return usersection; } private XmlElement SerializeSettings(XmlDocument doc, SettingsBase settings) { XmlElement properties = doc.CreateElement(string.Empty, settings.ToString(), string.Empty); foreach (SettingsPropertyValue p in settings.PropertyValues) { if ((p != null) && (p.Name != null) && (p.PropertyValue != null) && !p.UsingDefaultValue) { // Console.WriteLine("Appending " + p.Name + " = " + p.PropertyValue.ToString()); XmlElement setting = doc.CreateElement(string.Empty, "setting", string.Empty); XmlAttribute name = doc.CreateAttribute(string.Empty, "name", string.Empty); name.Value = p.Name.ToString(); setting.Attributes.Append(name); XmlAttribute serializeas = doc.CreateAttribute(string.Empty, "serializeAs", string.Empty); serializeas.Value = p.Property.SerializeAs.ToString(); setting.Attributes.Append(serializeas); XmlElement value = doc.CreateElement(string.Empty, "value", string.Empty); if (p.PropertyValue != null && p.Property.SerializeAs == SettingsSerializeAs.String) { XmlText text = doc.CreateTextNode(p.SerializedValue.ToString()); value.AppendChild(text); } else { if (p.PropertyValue != null && p.Property.SerializeAs == SettingsSerializeAs.Xml) { MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(); XmlWriter writer = XmlWriter.Create(ms, new XmlWriterSettings { NewLineOnAttributes = true, OmitXmlDeclaration = true }); XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(p.PropertyValue.GetType()); serializer.Serialize(writer, p.PropertyValue); byte[] text2 = new byte[ms.ToArray().Length - 3]; Array.Copy(ms.ToArray(), 3, text2, 0, text2.Length); XmlText xml = doc.CreateTextNode(Encoding.UTF8.GetString(text2.ToArray())); value.AppendChild(xml); value.InnerXml = WebUtility.HtmlDecode(value.InnerXml); } } setting.AppendChild(value); properties.AppendChild(setting); } } return properties; } private void SaveUserSettings() { try { if (!SupportFunctions.IsMono) { Properties.Settings.Default.Save(); return; } // Linux/Mono hack to save all properties in a correct manner Console.WriteLine("Saving user settings..."); Console.WriteLine("Creating XML document..."); XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); XmlDeclaration xmlDeclaration = doc.CreateXmlDeclaration("1.0", "UTF-8", null); XmlElement root = doc.DocumentElement; doc.InsertBefore(xmlDeclaration, root); XmlElement configuration = doc.CreateElement(string.Empty, "configuration", string.Empty); doc.AppendChild(configuration); XmlElement configsections = doc.CreateElement(string.Empty, "configSections", string.Empty); configuration.AppendChild(configsections); XmlElement usersettingsgroup = doc.CreateElement(string.Empty, "sectionGroup", string.Empty); XmlAttribute usersettingsname = doc.CreateAttribute(string.Empty, "name", string.Empty); usersettingsname.Value = "userSettings"; usersettingsgroup.Attributes.Append(usersettingsname); usersettingsgroup.AppendChild(CreateUserSection(doc, ScoutBase.CAT.Properties.Settings.Default)); configsections.AppendChild(usersettingsgroup); XmlElement usersettings = doc.CreateElement(string.Empty, "userSettings", string.Empty); configuration.AppendChild(usersettings); Console.WriteLine("Writing user settings..."); // append AirScout.CAT properties Console.WriteLine("Appending AirScout.CAT.Settings.Default node..."); usersettings.AppendChild(SerializeSettings(doc, ScoutBase.CAT.Properties.Settings.Default)); // append properties Console.WriteLine("Appending Properties.Settings.Default node..."); usersettings.AppendChild(SerializeSettings(doc, Properties.Settings.Default)); doc.Save(GetUserSettingsPath()); Console.WriteLine("Saving user settings finished."); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Unable to save settings: " + ex.ToString()); } } #endregion private void cb_Rig_DropDown(object sender, EventArgs e) { } private void cb_Rig_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { // do nothing while loading if (!Loaded) return; try { Console.WriteLine("RigType changed to : " + (string)cb_Rig.SelectedItem); Properties.Settings.Default.RigSettings.RigType = (string)cb_Rig.SelectedItem; SaveUserSettings(); //restart rig RestartRig(); } catch { // do nothing if fails } } private void cb_PortName_DropDown(object sender, EventArgs e) { cb_PortName.Items.Clear(); foreach (string s in System.IO.Ports.SerialPort.GetPortNames()) { cb_PortName.Items.Add(s); } } private void cb_PortName_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { // do nothing while loading if (!Loaded) return; try { Console.WriteLine("PortName changed to : " + (string)cb_PortName.SelectedItem); Properties.Settings.Default.RigSettings.PortName = (string)cb_PortName.SelectedItem; SaveUserSettings(); //restart rig RestartRig(); } catch { // do nothing if fails } } private void cb_Baudrate_DropDown(object sender, EventArgs e) { cb_Baudrate.Items.Clear(); string[] baudrates = new string[] { "110", "300", "600", "1200", "2400", "4800", "9600", "14400", "19200", "38400", "56000", "57600", "115200", "128000", "256000"}; cb_Baudrate.Items.AddRange(baudrates); } private void cb_Baudrate_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { // do nothing while loading if (!Loaded) return; try { Properties.Settings.Default.RigSettings.Baudrate = System.Convert.ToInt32(cb_Baudrate.SelectedItem); SaveUserSettings(); //restart rig RestartRig(); } catch { // do nothing if fails } } private void cb_Databits_DropDown(object sender, EventArgs e) { cb_Databits.Items.Clear(); string[] databits = new string[] { "5", "6", "7", "8"}; cb_Databits.Items.AddRange(databits); } private void cb_Databits_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { Properties.Settings.Default.RigSettings.DataBits = System.Convert.ToInt32(cb_Databits.SelectedItem); SaveUserSettings(); //restart rig RestartRig(); } catch { // do nothing if fails } } private void cb_Parity_DropDown(object sender, EventArgs e) { } private void cb_Parity_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { // do nothing while loading if (!Loaded) return; try { if (cb_Parity.SelectedValue != null) { Properties.Settings.Default.RigSettings.Parity = (Parity)cb_Parity.SelectedValue; SaveUserSettings(); //restart rig RestartRig(); } } catch { // do nothing if fails } } private void cb_Stopbits_DropDown(object sender, EventArgs e) { } private void cb_Stopbits_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { // do nothing while loading if (!Loaded) return; try { if (cb_Stopbits.SelectedValue != null) { Properties.Settings.Default.RigSettings.StopBits = (StopBits)cb_Stopbits.SelectedValue; SaveUserSettings(); //restart rig RestartRig(); } } catch { // do nothing if fails } } private void cb_RTS_DropDown(object sender, EventArgs e) { } private void cb_RTS_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { // do nothing while loading if (!Loaded) return; try { if (cb_RTS.SelectedValue != null) { Properties.Settings.Default.RigSettings.RtsMode = (FlowControl)cb_RTS.SelectedValue; SaveUserSettings(); //restart rig RestartRig(); } } catch { // do nothing if fails } } private void cb_DTR_DropDown(object sender, EventArgs e) { } private void cb_DTR_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { // do nothing while loading if (!Loaded) return; try { if (cb_DTR.SelectedValue != null) { Properties.Settings.Default.RigSettings.DtrMode = (FlowControl)cb_DTR.SelectedValue; SaveUserSettings(); //restart rig RestartRig(); } } catch { // do nothing if fails } } private void cb_LogVerbosity_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { // do nothing while loading if (!Loaded) return; try { if (cb_LogVerbosity != null) { Properties.Settings.Default.LogVerbosity = (LOGLEVEL)cb_LogVerbosity.SelectedValue; SaveUserSettings(); } } catch { // do nothing if fails } } private void ud_PollMs_ValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!Loaded) return; try { Properties.Settings.Default.RigSettings.PollMs = (int)ud_PollMs.Value; } catch { // do nothing if fails } RestartRig(); } private void ud_TimeoutMs_ValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!Loaded) return; try { Properties.Settings.Default.RigSettings.TimeoutMs = (int)ud_TimeoutMs.Value; } catch { // do nothing if fails } RestartRig(); } private void btn_Configurations_Folder_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { FolderBrowserDialog Dlg = new FolderBrowserDialog(); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Properties.Settings.Default.RigDefinitionsFolder)) { Dlg.SelectedPath = Properties.Settings.Default.RigDefinitionsFolder; } if (Dlg.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { if (Directory.Exists(Dlg.SelectedPath)) { Properties.Settings.Default.RigDefinitionsFolder = Dlg.SelectedPath; SaveUserSettings(); OmniRig.RigDefinitionsDirectory = Properties.Settings.Default.RigDefinitionsFolder; } else { MessageBox.Show("Selected path does not exist!", "Select Rig Definitions Folder"); } } } private void btn_Restart_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { RestartRig(); } private void btn_Log_StartStop_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Logging) { btn_Log_StartStop.Text = "Start Log"; Logging = false; } else { btn_Log_StartStop.Text = "Stop Log"; Logging = true; } } private void btn_Log_Clear_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { lv_Messages.Items.Clear(); } private void btn_Log_Show_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // get log directory, set application dir if not specified string dir = Path.GetDirectoryName(OmniRig.LogFileName); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(dir)) { dir = Application.StartupPath; } Process.Start("explorer.exe", dir); } private void lbl_Freq_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // return if param is not writeable if (!Rig1.RigCommands.WriteableParams.Contains(RigParam.pmFreq)) return; SetFrequencyDlg Dlg = new SetFrequencyDlg(); Dlg.ud_Frequency.Value = Rig1.Freq; if (Dlg.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { Rig1.Freq = (int)Dlg.ud_Frequency.Value; } } private void lbl_FreqA_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // return if param is not writeable if (!Rig1.RigCommands.WriteableParams.Contains(RigParam.pmFreqA)) return; SetFrequencyDlg Dlg = new SetFrequencyDlg(); Dlg.ud_Frequency.Value = Rig1.FreqA; if (Dlg.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { Rig1.FreqA = (int)Dlg.ud_Frequency.Value; } } private void lbl_FreqB_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // return if param is not writeable if (!Rig1.RigCommands.WriteableParams.Contains(RigParam.pmFreqB)) return; SetFrequencyDlg Dlg = new SetFrequencyDlg(); Dlg.ud_Frequency.Value = Rig1.FreqB; if (Dlg.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { Rig1.FreqB = (int)Dlg.ud_Frequency.Value; } } private void lbl_CW_U_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Rig1.Mode = RigParam.pmCW_U; } private void lbl_CW_L_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Rig1.Mode = RigParam.pmCW_L; } private void lbl_SSB_U_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Rig1.Mode = RigParam.pmSSB_U; } private void lbl_SSB_L_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Rig1.Mode = RigParam.pmSSB_L; } private void lbl_DIG_U_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Rig1.Mode = RigParam.pmDIG_U; } private void lbl_DIG_L_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Rig1.Mode = RigParam.pmDIG_L; } private void lbl_AM_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Rig1.Mode = RigParam.pmAM; } private void lbl_FM_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Rig1.Mode = RigParam.pmFM; } private void lbl_TX_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Rig1.Tx = RigParam.pmTx; } private void lbl_RX_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Rig1.Tx = RigParam.pmRx; } private void lbl_VFO_AA_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Rig1.Vfo = RigParam.pmVfoAA; } private void lbl_VFO_AB_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Rig1.Vfo = RigParam.pmVfoAB; } private void lbl_VFO_BA_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Rig1.Vfo = RigParam.pmVfoBA; } private void lbl_VFO_BB_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Rig1.Vfo = RigParam.pmVfoBB; } private void lbl_VFO_A_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Rig1.Vfo = RigParam.pmVfoA; } private void lbl_VFO_B_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Rig1.Vfo = RigParam.pmVfoB; } private void lbl_VFO_Equal_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Rig1.Vfo = RigParam.pmVfoEqual; } private void lbl_VFO_Swap_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Rig1.Vfo = RigParam.pmVfoSwap; } private void lbl_SPLIT_ON_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Rig1.Split = RigParam.pmSplitOn; } private void lbl_SPLIT_OFF_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Rig1.Split = RigParam.pmSplitOff; } private void lbl_XIT_ON_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Rig1.Xit = RigParam.pmXitOn; } private void lbl_XIT_OFF_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Rig1.Xit = RigParam.pmXitOff; } private void lbl_RIT_ON_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Rig1.Rit = RigParam.pmRitOn; } private void lbl_RIT_OFF_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Rig1.Rit = RigParam.pmRitOff; } private void lbl_RIT_0_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Rig1.Rit = RigParam.pmRit0; } private void lbl_RTS_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Rig1.PortBits.Rts = !Rig1.PortBits.Rts; } private void lbl_DTR_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Rig1.PortBits.Dtr = !Rig1.PortBits.Dtr; } // special functions private void mni_ClearRIT_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Rig1.ClearRit(); } private void mni_FrequencyOfTone_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { FrequencyOfToneDlg Dlg = new FrequencyOfToneDlg(Rig1); Dlg.Show(); } private void RestartRig() { // suppress restarts until fully loaded if (Loaded) { // stop rig if running if (Rig1.Enabled) { Rig1.Enabled = false; } DateTime timeout = DateTime.Now.AddMilliseconds((int)Properties.Settings.Default.RigSettings.TimeoutMs); do { Application.DoEvents(); if (DateTime.Now > timeout) { OmniRig_LogNotify(new LogNotifyEventArgs(DateTime.UtcNow, LOGLEVEL.llError, "Cannot not stop rig!")); break; } } while (Rig1.Enabled); // clear log if (File.Exists(OmniRig.LogFileName)) { try { File.Delete(OmniRig.LogFileName); } catch { // do nothing } } // refresh settings Rig1.RigNumber = 1; Properties.Settings.Default.RigSettings.ToRig(Rig1); // start rig Rig1.Enabled = true; } } private void OmniRig_LogNotify(LogNotifyEventArgs args) { if (!Logging) return; // queue message MsgQueue.Enqueue(args); } private void OmniRig_ComNotifyParams(int rignumber, int Params) { // set frequencies tb_Freq.Text = Rig1.Freq.ToString(); tb_FreqA.Text = Rig1.FreqA.ToString(); tb_FreqB.Text = Rig1.FreqB.ToString(); // set mode if (LastMode != Rig1.Mode) { SetLabelStyle(lbl_CW_L, RigParam.pmCW_L, false); SetLabelStyle(lbl_CW_U, RigParam.pmCW_U, false); SetLabelStyle(lbl_SSB_L, RigParam.pmSSB_L, false); SetLabelStyle(lbl_SSB_U, RigParam.pmSSB_U, false); SetLabelStyle(lbl_DIG_L, RigParam.pmDIG_L, false); SetLabelStyle(lbl_DIG_U, RigParam.pmDIG_U, false); SetLabelStyle(lbl_AM, RigParam.pmAM, false); SetLabelStyle(lbl_FM, RigParam.pmFM, false); switch (Rig1.Mode) { case RigParam.pmCW_U: SetLabelStyle(lbl_CW_U, RigParam.pmCW_U, true, 1); break; case RigParam.pmCW_L: SetLabelStyle(lbl_CW_L, RigParam.pmCW_L, true, 1); break; case RigParam.pmSSB_U: SetLabelStyle(lbl_SSB_U, RigParam.pmSSB_U, true, 1);break; case RigParam.pmSSB_L: SetLabelStyle(lbl_SSB_L, RigParam.pmSSB_L, true, 1); break; case RigParam.pmDIG_U: SetLabelStyle(lbl_DIG_U, RigParam.pmDIG_U, true, 1); break; case RigParam.pmDIG_L: SetLabelStyle(lbl_DIG_L, RigParam.pmDIG_L, true, 1); break; case RigParam.pmAM: SetLabelStyle(lbl_AM, RigParam.pmAM, true, 1); break; case RigParam.pmFM: SetLabelStyle(lbl_FM, RigParam.pmFM, true, 1); break; } LastMode = Rig1.Mode; } // set TX if (LastTx != Rig1.Tx) { SetLabelStyle(lbl_RX, RigParam.pmRx, false); SetLabelStyle(lbl_TX, RigParam.pmTx, false); switch (Rig1.Tx) { case RigParam.pmRx: SetLabelStyle(lbl_RX, RigParam.pmRx, true, 1); break; case RigParam.pmTx: SetLabelStyle(lbl_TX, RigParam.pmTx, true, 2); break; } LastTx = Rig1.Tx; } // set VFO if (LastVfo != Rig1.Vfo) { SetLabelStyle(lbl_VFO_AA, RigParam.pmVfoAA, false); SetLabelStyle(lbl_VFO_AB, RigParam.pmVfoAB, false); SetLabelStyle(lbl_VFO_BA, RigParam.pmVfoBA, false); SetLabelStyle(lbl_VFO_BB, RigParam.pmVfoBB, false); SetLabelStyle(lbl_VFO_A, RigParam.pmVfoA, false); SetLabelStyle(lbl_VFO_B, RigParam.pmVfoB, false); SetLabelStyle(lbl_VFO_Equal, RigParam.pmVfoEqual, false); SetLabelStyle(lbl_VFO_Swap, RigParam.pmVfoSwap, false); switch (Rig1.Vfo) { case RigParam.pmVfoAA: SetLabelStyle(lbl_VFO_AA, RigParam.pmVfoAA, true, 1); break; case RigParam.pmVfoAB: SetLabelStyle(lbl_VFO_AB, RigParam.pmVfoAB, true, 1); break; case RigParam.pmVfoBA: SetLabelStyle(lbl_VFO_BA, RigParam.pmVfoBA, true, 1); break; case RigParam.pmVfoBB: SetLabelStyle(lbl_VFO_BB, RigParam.pmVfoBB, true, 1); break; case RigParam.pmVfoA: SetLabelStyle(lbl_VFO_A, RigParam.pmVfoA, true, 1); break; case RigParam.pmVfoB: SetLabelStyle(lbl_VFO_B, RigParam.pmVfoB, true, 1); break; case RigParam.pmVfoEqual: SetLabelStyle(lbl_VFO_Equal, RigParam.pmVfoEqual, true, 1); break; case RigParam.pmVfoSwap: SetLabelStyle(lbl_VFO_Swap, RigParam.pmVfoSwap, true, 1); break; } LastVfo = Rig1.Vfo; } // set split if (LastSplit != Rig1.Split) { SetLabelStyle(lbl_SPLIT_ON, RigParam.pmSplitOn, false); SetLabelStyle(lbl_SPLIT_OFF, RigParam.pmSplitOff, false); switch (Rig1.Split) { case RigParam.pmSplitOn: SetLabelStyle(lbl_SPLIT_ON, RigParam.pmSplitOn, true, 1); break; case RigParam.pmSplitOff: SetLabelStyle(lbl_SPLIT_OFF, RigParam.pmSplitOff, true, 1); break; } LastSplit = Rig1.Split; } // set xit if (LastXit != Rig1.Xit) { SetLabelStyle(lbl_XIT_ON, RigParam.pmXitOn, false); SetLabelStyle(lbl_XIT_OFF, RigParam.pmXitOff, false); switch (Rig1.Xit) { case RigParam.pmXitOn: SetLabelStyle(lbl_XIT_ON, RigParam.pmXitOn, true, 1); break; case RigParam.pmXitOff: SetLabelStyle(lbl_XIT_OFF, RigParam.pmXitOff, true, 1); break; } LastXit = Rig1.Xit; } // set rit if (LastRit != Rig1.Rit) { SetLabelStyle(lbl_RIT_ON, RigParam.pmRitOn, false); SetLabelStyle(lbl_RIT_OFF, RigParam.pmRitOff, false); switch (Rig1.Rit) { case RigParam.pmRitOn: SetLabelStyle(lbl_RIT_ON, RigParam.pmRitOn, true, 1); break; case RigParam.pmRitOff: SetLabelStyle(lbl_RIT_OFF, RigParam.pmRitOff, true, 1); break; } LastRit = Rig1.Rit; } // set rit offset if (LastRitOffset != Rig1.RitOffset) { // show RIT offset in kHz lbl_RIT_OFS.Text = (Rig1.RitOffset/1000.0).ToString("0.00"); LastRitOffset = Rig1.RitOffset; } Application.DoEvents(); } private void SetLabelStyle(Label label, RigParam param, bool on, int color = 1) { // calculate color Color c = Color.Transparent; switch (color) { case 1: c = Color.Chartreuse; break; case 2: c = Color.LightSalmon; break; default: c = Color.LightGray; break; } // set colors according to read/write caps if (!Rig1.RigCommands.ReadableParams.Contains(param) && !Rig1.RigCommands.WriteableParams.Contains(param)) { label.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.Fixed3D; label.ForeColor = Color.Gray; label.BackColor = Color.LightGray; tt_Set.SetToolTip(label, "Not writeable!"); } else if (Rig1.RigCommands.ReadableParams.Contains(param) && !Rig1.RigCommands.WriteableParams.Contains(param)) { label.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle; label.ForeColor = Color.Black; label.BackColor = on ? c : Color.FloralWhite; tt_Set.SetToolTip(label, "Not writeable!"); } else if (!Rig1.RigCommands.ReadableParams.Contains(param) && Rig1.RigCommands.WriteableParams.Contains(param)) { label.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle; label.BackColor = Color.LightGray; label.ForeColor = Color.Black; tt_Set.SetToolTip(label, "Click to send command!"); } else if (Rig1.RigCommands.ReadableParams.Contains(param) && Rig1.RigCommands.WriteableParams.Contains(param)) { label.ForeColor = Color.Black; label.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle; label.BackColor = on ? c : Color.White; tt_Set.SetToolTip(label, "Click to send command!"); } } private void SetTextBoxStyle(TextBox textbox, RigParam param, bool on, int color = 1) { // calculate color Color c = Color.Transparent; switch (color) { case 1: c = Color.Chartreuse; break; case 2: c = Color.LightSalmon; break; default: c = Color.LightGray; break; } // set colors according to read/write caps if (!Rig1.RigCommands.ReadableParams.Contains(param)) { textbox.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.Fixed3D; textbox.ForeColor = Color.Gray; textbox.BackColor = Color.LightGray; } else { textbox.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle; textbox.ForeColor = c; textbox.BackColor = Color.Gray; tt_Set.SetToolTip(textbox, "Not writeable!"); } } private void OmniRig_ComNotifyStatus(int rignumber) { RigCtlStatus status = Rig1.Status; // reset all last values to None if offline if (status != RigCtlStatus.stOnLine) { LastMode = RigParam.pmNone; LastTx = RigParam.pmNone; LastVfo = RigParam.pmNone; LastSplit = RigParam.pmNone; LastXit = RigParam.pmNone; LastRit = RigParam.pmNone; LastRitOffset = 0; } // show status text in text box tb_Status.Text = Rig1.StatusStr; // enable/disable elements according to rig capabilities SetTextBoxStyle(tb_Freq, RigParam.pmFreq,false); SetTextBoxStyle(tb_FreqA, RigParam.pmFreqA, false); SetTextBoxStyle(tb_FreqB, RigParam.pmFreqB, false); SetLabelStyle(lbl_Freq, RigParam.pmFreq, false); SetLabelStyle(lbl_FreqA, RigParam.pmFreqA, false); SetLabelStyle(lbl_FreqB, RigParam.pmFreqB, false); // initially set all buttons SetLabelStyle(lbl_CW_L, RigParam.pmCW_L, false); SetLabelStyle(lbl_CW_U, RigParam.pmCW_U, false); SetLabelStyle(lbl_SSB_L, RigParam.pmSSB_L, false); SetLabelStyle(lbl_SSB_U, RigParam.pmSSB_U, false); SetLabelStyle(lbl_DIG_L, RigParam.pmDIG_L, false); SetLabelStyle(lbl_DIG_U, RigParam.pmDIG_U, false); SetLabelStyle(lbl_AM, RigParam.pmAM, false); SetLabelStyle(lbl_FM, RigParam.pmFM, false); SetLabelStyle(lbl_RX, RigParam.pmRx, false); SetLabelStyle(lbl_TX, RigParam.pmTx, false); SetLabelStyle(lbl_VFO_AA, RigParam.pmVfoAA, false); SetLabelStyle(lbl_VFO_AB, RigParam.pmVfoAB, false); SetLabelStyle(lbl_VFO_BA, RigParam.pmVfoBA, false); SetLabelStyle(lbl_VFO_BB, RigParam.pmVfoBB, false); SetLabelStyle(lbl_VFO_A, RigParam.pmVfoA, false); SetLabelStyle(lbl_VFO_B, RigParam.pmVfoB, false); SetLabelStyle(lbl_VFO_Equal, RigParam.pmVfoEqual, false); SetLabelStyle(lbl_VFO_Swap, RigParam.pmVfoSwap, false); SetLabelStyle(lbl_SPLIT_ON, RigParam.pmSplitOn, false); SetLabelStyle(lbl_SPLIT_OFF, RigParam.pmSplitOff, false); SetLabelStyle(lbl_XIT_ON, RigParam.pmXitOn, false); SetLabelStyle(lbl_XIT_OFF, RigParam.pmXitOff, false); SetLabelStyle(lbl_RIT_ON, RigParam.pmRitOn, false); SetLabelStyle(lbl_RIT_OFF, RigParam.pmRitOff, false); SetLabelStyle(lbl_RIT_OFS, RigParam.pmRitOffset, false); // show status lines if (status != RigCtlStatus.stPortBusy) { lbl_RTS.BackColor = (Rig1.PortBits.Rts) ? Color.Red : Color.Chartreuse; lbl_DTR.BackColor = (Rig1.PortBits.Dtr) ? Color.Red : Color.Chartreuse; lbl_CTS.BackColor = (Rig1.PortBits.Cts) ? Color.Red : Color.Chartreuse; lbl_DSR.BackColor = (Rig1.PortBits.Dsr) ? Color.Red : Color.Chartreuse; tt_Set.SetToolTip(lbl_RTS, "Click to toggle!"); tt_Set.SetToolTip(lbl_DTR, "Click to toggle!"); } else { lbl_RTS.BackColor = Color.LightGray; lbl_DTR.BackColor = Color.LightGray; lbl_CTS.BackColor = Color.LightGray; lbl_DSR.BackColor = Color.LightGray; tt_Set.SetToolTip(lbl_RTS, ""); tt_Set.SetToolTip(lbl_DTR, ""); } } private void mni_Exit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.Close(); } private void mni_About_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { AboutDlg Dlg = new AboutDlg(); Dlg.lbl_Version.Text = Dlg.lbl_Version.Text.Replace("x.x.x", Application.ProductVersion.ToString()); Dlg.ShowDialog(); } private void lv_Messages_DrawColumnHeader(object sender, DrawListViewColumnHeaderEventArgs e) { // Draw the header background e.Graphics.FillRectangle(Brushes.LightCyan, e.Bounds); // Draw the header text Font font = new Font("Courier New", 8, FontStyle.Bold); StringFormat sf = new StringFormat(); sf.Alignment = StringAlignment.Near; sf.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center; e.Graphics.DrawString(e.Header.Text, font, Brushes.Black, e.Bounds, sf); } private void lv_Messages_DrawItem(object sender, DrawListViewItemEventArgs e) { e.DrawDefault = true; } private void lv_Messages_DrawSubItem(object sender, DrawListViewSubItemEventArgs e) { e.DrawDefault = true; } private void ti_Main_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { // stop timer ti_Main.Stop(); try { // show msg queue count lbl_Queue.Text = MsgQueue.Count.ToString(); lbl_Queue.Refresh(); lock (MsgQueue) { while (MsgQueue.Count > 0) { // get message LogNotifyEventArgs args = MsgQueue.Dequeue(); if (args.LogLevel >= Properties.Settings.Default.LogVerbosity) { lv_Messages.BeginUpdate(); // maintain size while (lv_Messages.Items.Count > 100) { lv_Messages.Items.RemoveAt(0); } // add new entry ListViewItem item = new ListViewItem(); item.ImageIndex = ((int)args.LogLevel) - 1; item.SubItems.Add(args.TimeStamp.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,fff")); item.SubItems.Add(args.Message); lv_Messages.Items.Add(item); lv_Messages.EndUpdate(); lv_Messages.Items[lv_Messages.Items.Count - 1].EnsureVisible(); // check for application events Application.DoEvents(); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Error while adding message to list: " + ex.Message); } // restart timer ti_Main.Start(); } } }