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13 KiB

2019-03-19 21:09:03 +00:00
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.ComponentModel;
namespace LibADSB
// contains all relevant ADSB-Info
public class ADSBInfo
public DateTime Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
public string ICAO24 = "";
public string Call = "";
public double Lat = double.NaN;
public double Lon = double.NaN;
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public int BaroAlt = int.MinValue;
public int GeoMinusBaro = int.MinValue;
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public int Heading = int.MinValue;
public int Speed = int.MinValue;
public AirbornePositionMsg LastEvenAirborne = null;
public AirbornePositionMsg LastOddAirborne = null;
public DateTime LastEvenTimestamp = DateTime.MinValue;
public DateTime LastOddTimestamp = DateTime.MinValue;
public bool NICSupplementA = false;
public class ADSBDecoder : Object
[DescriptionAttribute("Count of objects currently in list")]
public int Count
return adsbinfos.Count;
// time to live --> remove object after TTL is over
private int ttl;
private DateTime lastsend = DateTime.UtcNow;
private Dictionary<string, ADSBInfo> adsbinfos;
public ADSBDecoder()
: this(5)
public ADSBDecoder(int TTL)
ttl = TTL;
adsbinfos = new Dictionary<string, ADSBInfo>();
private string DecodeIdentificationMsg(ModeSReply msg, DateTime timestamp)
IdentificationMsg ident = (IdentificationMsg)msg;
if (msg.ICAO24 == null)
return "IdentifyMsg: No ICAO24 found.";
string icao24 = BitConverter.ToString(msg.ICAO24).Replace("-", String.Empty);
// check if ICAO is already stored in lookup table
ADSBInfo info = null;
if (!adsbinfos.TryGetValue(icao24, out info))
// no --> add new entry
info = new ADSBInfo();
info.ICAO24 = icao24;
adsbinfos.Add(icao24, info);
// add call sign
info.Call = ident.getIdentity();
return "[" + info.ICAO24 + "] IdentificationMsg: Call=" + info.Call;
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private string DecodeAirbornePositionMsg(ModeSReply msg, DateTime timestamp, bool usegeometricaltonly)
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// Airborne position message --> we need subsequent messages to decode
AirbornePositionMsg pos = (AirbornePositionMsg)msg;
if (msg.ICAO24 == null)
return "AirbornePositionMsg: No ICAO24 found.";
string icao24 = BitConverter.ToString(msg.ICAO24).Replace("-", String.Empty);
// check if ICAO is already stored in lookup table
ADSBInfo info = null;
if (!adsbinfos.TryGetValue(icao24, out info))
// no --> add new entry
info = new ADSBInfo();
info.ICAO24 = icao24;
adsbinfos.Add(icao24, info);
// adsbinfo found --> update information and calculate position
// contains valid position?
if (!pos.HasValidPosition)
// no --> return error meesage
return "[" + info.ICAO24 + "] AirbornePositionMsg: No valid position found.";
info.ICAO24 = icao24;
info.NICSupplementA = pos.NICSupplementA;
// position calculated before
if (!double.IsNaN(info.Lat) & !double.IsNaN(info.Lon))
// use local CPR
double[] localpos = pos.getLocalPosition(info.Lat, info.Lon);
// we have a pos --> store in info and update timestamp
info.Lat = localpos[0];
info.Lon = localpos[1];
if (pos.HasValidAltitude)
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info.BaroAlt = pos.Altitude;
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info.Timestamp = timestamp;
2023-01-30 06:00:58 +00:00
return "[" + info.ICAO24 + "] AirbornePositionMsg[TC" + pos.FormatTypeCode.ToString() + "]: Lat= " + info.Lat.ToString("F8") + ", Lon=" + info.Lon.ToString("F8") + ", Alt= " + info.BaroAlt.ToString() + ", Time= " + info.Timestamp.ToString("HH:mm:ss.fff");
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catch (Exception ex)
// no position calculated before
if (pos.IsOddFormat)
// odd message
info.LastOddAirborne = pos;
info.LastOddTimestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
// check if even message was received before and not older than 10secs--> calculate global CPR
if ((info.LastEvenAirborne != null) && ((info.LastOddTimestamp - info.LastOddTimestamp).TotalSeconds <= 10))
double[] globalpos = pos.getGlobalPosition(info.LastEvenAirborne);
// we have a position --> store in info and update timestamp
info.Lat = globalpos[0];
info.Lon = globalpos[1];
if (pos.HasValidAltitude)
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info.BaroAlt = pos.Altitude;
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// info.Timestamp = timestamp;
2023-01-30 06:00:58 +00:00
return "[" + info.ICAO24 + "] AirbornePositionMsg[TC" + pos.FormatTypeCode.ToString() + "]: Lat= " + info.Lat.ToString("F8") + ", Lon=" + info.Lon.ToString("F8") + ", Alt= " + info.BaroAlt.ToString() + ", Time= " + info.Timestamp.ToString("HH:mm:ss.fff");
2019-03-19 21:09:03 +00:00
return "[" + info.ICAO24 + "] AirbornePositionMsg: Error while decoding position";
return "[" + info.ICAO24 + "] AirbornePositionMsg: No decoding possible yet";
catch (Exception ex)
// even message
info.LastEvenAirborne = pos;
info.LastEvenTimestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
// check if odd message was received before and not older than 10secs --> calculate global CPR
if ((info.LastOddAirborne != null) && ((info.LastEvenTimestamp-info.LastOddTimestamp).TotalSeconds <= 10))
double[] globalpos = pos.getGlobalPosition(info.LastOddAirborne);
// we have a position --> store in info and update timestamp
info.Lat = globalpos[0];
info.Lon = globalpos[1];
if (pos.HasValidAltitude)
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info.BaroAlt = pos.Altitude;
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// info.Timestamp = timestamp;
2023-01-30 06:00:58 +00:00
return "[" + info.ICAO24 + "] AirbornePositionMsg[TC" + pos.FormatTypeCode.ToString() + "]: Lat= " + info.Lat.ToString("F8") + ", Lon=" + info.Lon.ToString("F8") + ", Alt= " + info.BaroAlt.ToString() + ", Time= " +info.Timestamp.ToString("HH:mm:ss.fff");
2019-03-19 21:09:03 +00:00
return "[" + info.ICAO24 + "] AirbornePositionMsg: Error while decoding position";
return "[" + info.ICAO24 + "] AirbornePositionMsg:No decoding possible yet";
private string DecodeAirspeedHeadingMsg(ModeSReply msg, DateTime timestamp)
AirspeedHeadingMsg heading = (AirspeedHeadingMsg)msg;
if (msg.ICAO24 == null)
return "AirspeedHeadingMsg: No ICAO24 found.";
string icao24 = BitConverter.ToString(msg.ICAO24).Replace("-", String.Empty);
// check if ICAO is already stored in lookup table
ADSBInfo info = null;
if (!adsbinfos.TryGetValue(icao24, out info))
// no --> add new entry
info = new ADSBInfo();
info.ICAO24 = icao24;
adsbinfos.Add(icao24, info);
// add information
if (heading.HasValidAirspeed)
info.Speed = heading.Airspeed;
if (heading.HasValidHeading)
info.Heading = heading.Heading;
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if (heading.HasGeoMinusBaro)
info.GeoMinusBaro = heading.GeoMinusBaro;
info.GeoMinusBaro = int.MinValue;
return "[" + info.ICAO24 + "] AirspeedHeadingMsg: Speed=" + info.Speed.ToString() + ", Heading= " + info.Heading.ToString() + ", GeoMinusBaro=" + info.GeoMinusBaro.ToString();
2019-03-19 21:09:03 +00:00
private string DecodeVelocityOverGroundMsg(ModeSReply msg, DateTime timestamp)
VelocityOverGroundMsg velocity = (VelocityOverGroundMsg)msg;
if (msg.ICAO24 == null)
return "VelocityOverGroundMsg: No ICAO24 found.";
string icao24 = BitConverter.ToString(msg.ICAO24).Replace("-", String.Empty);
// check if ICAO is already stored in lookup table
ADSBInfo info = null;
if (!adsbinfos.TryGetValue(icao24, out info))
// no --> add new entry
info = new ADSBInfo();
info.ICAO24 = icao24;
adsbinfos.Add(icao24, info);
// add information
if (velocity.HasValidVelocity)
info.Speed = velocity.Velocity;
if (velocity.HasValidHeading)
info.Heading = velocity.Heading;
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if (velocity.HasGeoMinusBaro)
info.GeoMinusBaro = velocity.GeoMinusBaro;
info.GeoMinusBaro = int.MinValue;
return "[" + info.ICAO24 + "] VelocityOverGroundMsg: Speed=" + info.Speed.ToString() + ", Heading= " + info.Heading.ToString() + ", GeoMinusBaro=" + info.GeoMinusBaro.ToString(); ;
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public string DecodeMessage(string raw_msg, DateTime timestamp, bool usegeometricaltonly)
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// decode an ADS-B message and add information to list
// cut off first and last character
raw_msg = raw_msg.Substring(1, raw_msg.Length - 2);
// do generic decoding first
ModeSReply msg = LibADSB.Decoder.GenericDecoder(raw_msg);
if (!msg.CheckParity)
return ("Parity error, no decode.");
// parity is OK, let's start to sort the messages and calculate
2020-02-12 10:45:19 +00:00
// Console.WriteLine(msg.ToString());
// lock adsbinfolist
lock (adsbinfos)
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2019-03-19 21:09:03 +00:00
2023-01-30 06:00:58 +00:00
if (raw_msg.Contains("461E21"))
int k = 0;
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2020-02-12 10:45:19 +00:00
if (msg.GetType() == typeof(IdentificationMsg))
// Identification message;
return DecodeIdentificationMsg(msg, timestamp);
else if (msg.GetType() == typeof(AirbornePositionMsg))
// Airborne position message
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return DecodeAirbornePositionMsg(msg, timestamp, usegeometricaltonly);
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else if (msg.GetType() == typeof(VelocityOverGroundMsg))
// Velocity over ground message
return DecodeVelocityOverGroundMsg(msg, timestamp);
else if (msg.GetType() == typeof(AirspeedHeadingMsg))
// Airspeed heading message
return DecodeAirspeedHeadingMsg(msg, timestamp);
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2020-02-12 10:45:19 +00:00
catch (Exception ex)
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2020-02-12 10:45:19 +00:00
string s = msg.GetType().ToString();
return "Error while decoding " + s + ": " + ex.Message;
2019-03-19 21:09:03 +00:00
return ("Unknown message.");
public ArrayList GetPlanes()
ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
// return a list of ADSBInfos
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, ADSBInfo> info in adsbinfos)
// check for old entries
if (info.Value.Timestamp > lastsend)
// check if entry is complete
if ((!String.IsNullOrEmpty(info.Value.ICAO24)) &&
(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(info.Value.Call)) &&
(info.Value.Lat != double.NaN) &&
(info.Value.Lon != double.NaN) &&
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(info.Value.BaroAlt != int.MinValue) &&
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(info.Value.Speed != int.MinValue) &&
(info.Value.Heading != int.MinValue)
lastsend = DateTime.UtcNow;
return list;